Philosophical gods are a key element of a rather pathetic argument that boils down to “OK, you can prove my God impossible; But you can’t prove this hypothetical entity that I invented for this discussion impossible, and I am declaring it to be a god, therefore gods are possible, therefore my God is possible after all”. They have no other purpose, nobody believes in them, and nobody thinks that they even exist.
This seems to be the fundamental issue of the thread.
I am still waiting for someone to come up with a definition of their god that isn't included in my list of 'gods which cannot exist'...
How about adding to your list, a God that is
beyond the
comprehension of the mere mortal brain. The type of entity that doesn't neccessarily need to do things on the
scale, scaling down to where humans can
only try to observe from - a scale 'made easier just to
fathom, conceptually
You are proposing a god that is "outside the universe" and affects nothing inside the universe that can be detected by humans? In other words a god that is completely irrelevant to humanity?
should be those god type propositions brought to the table. The gods
within the universe, who are limited to the physics and physicality, often suggested by atheists, that gods should be defined by, You might as well call these gods advanced aliens from distant civilisations then,
WTF does that even mean? A philosophical concept of some god that is not detectable and that does nothing is no different to humanity than no god.
It means you're
proffessing to be wise, (using a biblcal term, generally anyone with the notion). I find this quite remarkable. There are a lot of things that is said not to be detectable but they're believed to be there i.e,. dark matter etc.,.But you can somehow detect if there is such a thing as god guided as it seems to me, by a desired personal definition (a somewhat limited entity) that is fathomable.
Such things as dark matter are detected by indirect methods, their effect. It isn't yet understood exactly what it is thus the label 'dark matter'. And yes, there are things that we don't yet understand fully but we admit "we don't know... yet". Religious cling to the age old explanation for anything not understood of "god did it". As more is learned about the phenomena, the "god did it" is replaced with understanding.
You still haven't offered a description of what you believe your god is so it can be discussed. The continual mis-statement strawmen you offer of other's positions is not helpful.
if you have listen to any pro God intellectual in the last bazillion years, it is not God of the Gaps - that is old school (centeries old) atheist rubbish. it is what we do know that is proclaimed by pro God scholars
All scientific discoveries of the last 50 years all point to a creator.
Big Bang, where all time, space, matter, and energy CREATED instantly out of nothing and not related to space, time, matter, energy. Chance of universe capable of sustaining life through randomness is 1 with 1240 zeros after it. (Dr. Donald Page).
Anthropic Principle: seemingly arbitrary and unrelated constants (well over 30 of them) in the physics of the universe, have precisely the exact values you would need if you to have life in the universe.
Cambrian Explosion, where advanced animal life suddenly appeared without any precursors – putting evolution into the grave.
Origin of lIfe
Intelligence in DNA design and structure of information (command, meaning, code, communication) and instructions. Only intelligent beings are known to CREATE information and instructions (like a software programmer