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If Russia caused Trump to win does that mean Americans are easily led?

Clinton removed the immunity to hacking by not using a proper government website, hence contributing the possibility of a security breach in this respect..

No one hacked Hillary's personal email server, which is the "website" to which you refer here, and continuously refer to as having been hacked.

So whether Trump and the Russians were together and the Russians specifically hacked Clinton is still non conclusive.

Wrong. It has been concluded that Hillary was not hacked. The DNC, and John Podesta were hacked (actually Podesta was phished, not hacked), but Hillary was not. I know this has been pointed out to you before, so I am not sure why you continue to repeat the discredited claim that Hillary's personal server was hacked.

What we do know is through Hillary's ineptitude the personal site was laid bare for just about any hacker anyplace to do this.

What we also know is that it was not hacked.

Hacking has been ongoing for a number of years. Clinton left her site open (as it was not a secured government one) for attacks from any 14 year old hacker and above.

Hillary Clinton's email server was not hacked. Continuing to repeat this falsehood does not improve your credibility in this forum. Please stop for your own good.
It did seem there was a lot in the press trying to undermine Clinton's campaign. Was Russia behind all of it ? I doubt it, maybe some of it. But counter that against what Trump was up against. He was fighting (and still is) the full weight of the liberal establishment media but somehow, the incompetent buffoon still managed to be elected President.
Trump beared no greater weight from the press than any other politician. It is that Trump continued to say lots of stupid shit the entire time and was called on it. No politician had been that mindless stupid and aloof for that long... forget have gone on to win the race. Most politicians who would have done one of Trump's things would have seen their polling die off. Ask Herman Cain, Gary Hart, George Allen, Todd Akin, John Edwards (though a bit after the fact). Howard Dean "screamed" and that helped end his race. So enough of this 'poor ole Trump BS'.

Trump was the first person since George Wallace to actually feed off of support for committing such acts or statements.
Hillary Clinton's email server was not hacked. Continuing to repeat this falsehood does not improve your credibility in this forum. Please stop for your own good.
Boy, these russian hackers suck! could not even hack Clinton email server, Trump must be furious about that, he specifically asked them to hack it.
Hillary Clinton's email server was not hacked. Continuing to repeat this falsehood does not improve your credibility in this forum. Please stop for your own good.
Boy, these russian hackers suck! could not even hack Clinton email server, Trump must be furious about that, he specifically asked them to hack it.

Unfortunately for Trump, by the time he got around to asking Russia to hack her server, it had been gone for years. Of course you can't really expect someone with the intelligence (or lack thereof) of Trump to understand that no-longer-existing servers are unhackable.
Boy, these russian hackers suck! could not even hack Clinton email server, Trump must be furious about that, he specifically asked them to hack it.

Unfortunately for Trump, by the time he got around to asking Russia to hack her server, it had been gone for years. Of course you can't really expect someone with the intelligence (or lack thereof) of Trump to understand that no-longer-existing servers are unhackable.
Or barbos apparently.
Boy, these russian hackers suck! could not even hack Clinton email server, Trump must be furious about that, he specifically asked them to hack it.

Unfortunately for Trump, by the time he got around to asking Russia to hack her server, it had been gone for years. Of course you can't really expect someone with the intelligence (or lack thereof) of Trump to understand that no-longer-existing servers are unhackable.
So, what is the theory here? These scary smart governmental hackers from Russia failed to hack unprotected server? Is that it?
Putin must be furious too.
Unfortunately for Trump, by the time he got around to asking Russia to hack her server, it had been gone for years. Of course you can't really expect someone with the intelligence (or lack thereof) of Trump to understand that no-longer-existing servers are unhackable.
So, what is the theory here? These scary smart governmental hackers from Russia failed to hack unprotected server? Is that it?
Putin must be furious too.
Unprotected, unplugged in server.
Unfortunately for Trump, by the time he got around to asking Russia to hack her server, it had been gone for years. Of course you can't really expect someone with the intelligence (or lack thereof) of Trump to understand that no-longer-existing servers are unhackable.
So, what is the theory here? These scary smart governmental hackers from Russia failed to hack unprotected server? Is that it?
Putin must be furious too.

It is not a theory, it is a fact, and it goes like this: WP has no credibility when he discusses this issue because he keeps insisting that Hillary's email server was hacked when, in fact, it was not.
So, what is the theory here? These scary smart governmental hackers from Russia failed to hack unprotected server? Is that it?
Putin must be furious too.

It is not a theory, it is a fact, and it goes like this: WP has no credibility when he discusses this issue because he keeps insisting that Hillary's email server was hacked when, in fact, it was not.
No, it's not a fact. You have not proven that these retarded hackers were actually russians. So. it's still a theory.
No, it's not a fact. You have not proven that these retarded hackers were actually russians. So. it's still a theory.

17 different intelligence agencies have "proven" it to their satisfaction. That's good enough for me. But I know that you, WP an any other Russian shills we have around here are still going to question it, since none of you are privy - and you know that none of us are privy - to the actual evidence that led 17 different intelligence agencies to independently come to a unanimous conclusion. What else can you do? Nothing. Sometimes you're simply relegated to either changing your tune, or looking stupid. Nobody is blaming you for choosing the latter, since that seems to be your mandate.
No, it's not a fact. You have not proven that these retarded hackers were actually russians. So. it's still a theory.

17 different intelligence agencies have "proven" it to their satisfaction. That's good enough for me.
Nope, they were convinced to their satisfaction by a single (!!!) known liar hired by ...... Hilllary Clinton.
But I know that you, WP an any other Russian shills we have around here are still going to question it, since none of you are privy - and you know that none of us are privy - to the actual evidence that led 17 different intelligence agencies to independently come to a unanimous conclusion. What else can you do? Nothing.
Again, not 17, just one, and the one who was caught lying at least on one occasion.

- - - Updated - - -

OK, I am retarded.
Then why are you wasting our time?
You tell me, you are the smart one.
17 different intelligence agencies have "proven" it to their satisfaction. That's good enough for me.

Nope, they were convinced to their satisfaction by a single (!!!) known liar hired by ...... Hilllary Clinton.

Bullshit. Please provide one shred of evidence for that idiotic assertion.

Elixir said:
I know that you, WP an any other Russian shills we have around here are still going to question it, since none of you are privy - and you know that none of us are privy - to the actual evidence that led 17 different intelligence agencies to independently come to a unanimous conclusion. What else can you do? Nothing.
Again, not 17, just one, and the one who was caught lying at least on one occasion.

More bullshit, and zero evidence to support it.

OK, I am retarded.

Another lie. That makes THREE, in one short post. And you complain of Hillary being caught out ONCE in THIRTY YEARS of rethuglican dogging - that's rich!

You are quite obviously not retarded - you even have a fair sense of humor. But making shit up doesn't exactly paint you in a flattering light.


"We have 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”

But Clinton is correct. On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities." "​
Elixir, FBI was not allowed to investigate these hacking attempts. And this whole "17 agencies" thing is so obviously desperate that even you should see that. CrowdStrike run by a russian (!!!) expat was hired by Clinton to investigate it. The same biased guy who made up shit against Russia before (that is actually an established and admitted by the perpetrator fact). I am sorry but fuck that piece of shit. It all smells Saddam&WMD.
It is not a theory, it is a fact, and it goes like this: WP has no credibility when he discusses this issue because he keeps insisting that Hillary's email server was hacked when, in fact, it was not.
No, it's not a fact. You have not proven that these retarded hackers were actually russians. So. it's still a theory.

Reading comprehension fail. Here's a hint as to where you failed: the fact I presented has nothing to do with the identity of anyone who hacked Hillary's email, because her email was never hacked. In fact, the fact I presented has everything to do with the fact that Hillary's email was not hacked, yet WP keeps trying to tell us that it was.
No, it's not a fact. You have not proven that these retarded hackers were actually russians. So. it's still a theory.

17 different intelligence agencies have "proven" it to their satisfaction. That's good enough for me. But I know that you, WP an any other Russian shills we have around here are still going to question it, since none of you are privy - and you know that none of us are privy - to the actual evidence that led 17 different intelligence agencies to independently come to a unanimous conclusion. What else can you do? Nothing. Sometimes you're simply relegated to either changing your tune, or looking stupid. Nobody is blaming you for choosing the latter, since that seems to be your mandate.

Clinton would appear to be wrong because the figure I had and recently is still 3 with nothing to support any conclusions. It would be a waste of time going into an Impeachment Trial on the basis of such a limp sausage case.

QUOTE Friday night, during her last show on Fox News, Megyn Kelly asked former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra whether he accepted the conclusion by 17 intelligence agencies in a recently released declassified report that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election and that this interference came at the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Hoekstra gave an answer many viewers of "The Kelly File" did not anticipate. He noted that the declassified report represents the views of only three intelligence agencies, not seventeen. Hoekstra also questioned why the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) did not co-author or clear the report and why it lacked dissenting views.

The declassified report issued on January 6 is an abridged version of a longer report ordered by President Obama that concluded Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to undermine the 2016 president election, hurt Hillary’s candidacy and promote Donald Trump through cyber warfare, social media and the state-owned Russia cable channel RT. Although the report’s authors said they have high confidence in most of these conclusions, they were unable to include any evidence for classification reasons.

As someone who worked in the intelligence field for 25 years, I share Congressman Hoekstra’s concerns about Friday’s declassified Russia report and a similar Joint DHS and ODNI Election Security Statement released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and DHS on October 7, 2016.

Here is one article from Reuters


The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.

While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA's analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, said the officials, who declined to be named.

The position of the ODNI, which oversees the 17 agency-strong U.S. intelligence community, could give Trump fresh ammunition to dispute the CIA assessment, which he rejected as "ridiculous" in weekend remarks, and press his assertion that no evidence implicates Russia in the cyber attacks.

Trump's rejection of the CIA's judgment marks the latest in a string of disputes over Russia's international conduct that have erupted between the president-elect and the intelligence community he will soon command.

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