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Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib banned from entering Israel.

I responded to post #7 which contained nothing about Tlaib backtracking, so what anyone could see was limited.
Do you see it now, or are you still feigning blindness?
If the National Review has them in their sights, Tlaib and Omar must be doing something right.
Nope. They are complete wastes of oxygen, just like that corporal of theirs and that fourth one whom nobody can remember.

It's reassuring that we are going back to the tired old argument that any criticism of Israel instantly means anti-semitism.
Except nobody has made that argument ever. Have you even read the article? The organization that was sponsoring them is supporting suicide terrorists who murdered Israeli civilians.
National Review said:
The group celebrates terrorists, including an evil woman who helped murder 13 Israeli children. In an article titled “Let Us Honor Our Own,” a Miftah contributor describes Dalal Al Mughrabi as “a Palestinian fighter who was killed during a military operation against Israel in 1978” and as one of the Palestinian people’s “national heroes.”

The so-called “military operation” is more widely known as the “Coastal Road Massacre,” a bus hijacking that resulted in the deaths of 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children.

Al Mughrabi is hardly the only terrorist Miftah celebrates. It described female suicide bomber Wafa Idrees as the “the beginning of a string of Palestinian women dedicated to sacrificing their lives for the cause.” It singles out for recognition Hanadi Jaradat, a woman who blew herself up in a restaurant, killing 21 people (including four children).

But I guess to you that's just "criticism of Israel", right?
I responded to post #7 which contained nothing about Tlaib backtracking, so what anyone could see was limited.
Do you see it now, or are you still feigning blindness?

I think representatives of Congress should not be treat differently than any other visitor to a country. I think countries should only require visitors to obey the laws of their country as a condition of entry. I think countries should resist the petty demands of petulant jackasses to reverse their permission for entry to visitors. I think politicians should be above engaging cheap political stunts.

So, unlike the bigots and kneejerk ideologues, I see that Tlaib, Trump, and the gov't of Israel come out of this looking like asses.
It takes a mentally sick individual to say, "I'm gonna tell Israel my grandma is sick and show you how they wont allow me to go there!" Then Israel says "OK, you can go" and she says "No no no I'm not going!"

Derangement and sickness is what it is.
It takes a mentally sick individual to say, "I'm gonna tell Israel my grandma is sick and show you how they wont allow me to go there!" Then Israel says "OK, you can go" and she says "No no no I'm not going!"
That is not what happened. She asked, Israel said yes, then they said no, then they said yes and she said no.
Derangement and sickness is what it is.
Ms. Tlaib was no worse than the gov't of Israel and Mr. Trump in that regard. Yet for some reason, some people only focus on the woman of color's behavior.
It takes a mentally sick individual to say, "I'm gonna tell Israel my grandma is sick and show you how they wont allow me to go there!" Then Israel says "OK, you can go" and she says "No no no I'm not going!"
That is not what happened. She asked, Israel said yes, then they said no, then they said yes and she said no.

A think a more accurate chronology of events would be "She asked, Israel said yes, then Trump said you shouldn't, so Israel said no, then they said yes with conditions and she said this is getting ridiculous, fuckit nevermind."
It takes a mentally sick individual to say, "I'm gonna tell Israel my grandma is sick and show you how they wont allow me to go there!" Then Israel says "OK, you can go" and she says "No no no I'm not going!"

It looks more like Israel is trying to please both sides.
Tell Trump they won't let his political rivals into the country, but show the rest of the world that they will be humanitarians in some cases.

I can see not wanting to cooperate with this two-faced approach. Either she should be allowed to travel as someone who has nit broken any laws in Israel or the US, or Israel should be held accountable for playing Trump's petty shenanigans.

Derangement and sickness is what it is
i have to think, if
1) Hillary was president
2) she pulled strings so Trump could not travel to, say, Scotland
3) Scotland announced tgat Trump could come but
A) could only go to his golf course
B) could not make any business deals on this visit
4) Trump refused to go

....then you would be lauding him for taking a moral stance against the wicked witch's childish one-up-statesmanship
It takes a mentally sick individual to say, "I'm gonna tell Israel my grandma is sick and show you how they wont allow me to go there!" Then Israel says "OK, you can go" and she says "No no no I'm not going!"

It looks more like Israel is trying to please both sides.
Tell Trump they won't let his political rivals into the country, but show the rest of the world that they will be humanitarians in some cases.

I can see not wanting to cooperate with this two-faced approach. Either she should be allowed to travel as someone who has nit broken any laws in Israel or the US, or Israel should be held accountable for playing Trump's petty shenanigans.

Derangement and sickness is what it is
i have to think, if
1) Hillary was president
2) she pulled strings so Trump could not travel to, say, Scotland
3) Scotland announced tgat Trump could come but
A) could only go to his golf course
B) could not make any business deals on this visit
4) Trump refused to go

....then you would be lauding him for taking a moral stance against the wicked witch's childish one-up-statesmanship

Sorry for derail, but it also goes to show how awful an ally that Trump is. Trump put Israel in a difficult position. It's no-win for them. I'm not defending Israel but more stating that Trump is by far the worst president that we've ever had.
It looks more like Israel is trying to please both sides.
Tell Trump they won't let his political rivals into the country, but show the rest of the world that they will be humanitarians in some cases.

I can see not wanting to cooperate with this two-faced approach. Either she should be allowed to travel as someone who has nit broken any laws in Israel or the US, or Israel should be held accountable for playing Trump's petty shenanigans.

i have to think, if
1) Hillary was president
2) she pulled strings so Trump could not travel to, say, Scotland
3) Scotland announced tgat Trump could come but
A) could only go to his golf course
B) could not make any business deals on this visit
4) Trump refused to go

....then you would be lauding him for taking a moral stance against the wicked witch's childish one-up-statesmanship

Sorry for derail, but it also goes to show how awful an ally that Trump is. Trump put Israel in a difficult position. It's no-win for them. I'm not defending Israel but more stating that Trump is by far the worst president that we've ever had.
The gov't of Israel did ignore Trump's wishes when they were privately expressed which shows its initial instincts were right on. They knew they were being trolled by Omar and Tlaib, but they knew that openess was the proper move from a PR point of view. When the gov't of Israel cravenly acceded to the political wish of Mr. Trump, they lost the high ground. And while their subsequent reversal did help the optics of attempting to regain it, it also highlighted their cravenness.
...while their subsequent reversal did help the optics of attempting to regain it, it also highlighted their cravenness.

It certainly opened themselves up to a nice poke in the eye from Tlaib, and then a little kick in the shins from her grandma.
What makes you think those are Ms. Tlaib's cousins?
What makes you think Tlaib's settee literally kicked somebody's shin?

They may or may not be her literal cousins, I have no idea. I have not even seen the names of the attackers released, although they did say they were minors.
What makes you think those are Ms. Tlaib's cousins?
What makes you think Tlaib's settee literally kicked somebody's shin?
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I never said anyone kicked anyone's shin
They may or may not be her literal cousins, I have no idea. I have not even seen the names of the attackers released, although they did say they were minors.
In other words, your response was either a poor attempt at humor or just another example of smear via bigoted association.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I never said anyone kicked anyone's shin
I didn't say you did. Elixir did, in the post I was replying to when I made the "cousins" comment.

In other words, your response was either a poor attempt at humor or just another example of smear via bigoted association.
The cousins reference was somewhat tongue in cheek (and certainly no worse than Elixir's shin comment) but there is nothing "bigoted" about that. You just love throwing that word about.

Now, Tlaib and Omar never tire of pointing out every perceived Israeli transgression, but are silent on things like the two Palestinian yutes stabbing Israeli policemen.

Or four Palestinians from Gaza trying to infiltrate into Israel and three of them getting killed.
Israeli troops kill 3 Palestinians near Gaza fence
It would be heartwarming to see these different Palestinian factions laying down their sectarian differences and working together, if not for the fact that they were working toward the goal of murdering Jews. :(

Tlaib and Omar are not even commenting on PA banning LGBT activities. That's the supposedly "moderate" Fatah, not Hamas or Islamic Jihad. SMH.
PA police ban Palestinian LGBT group from holding activities in West Bank
Times of Israel said:
Palestinian Authority police have banned a Palestinian LGBT rights group from organizing any activities in the West Bank and threatened to arrest them, saying such activities are contrary to the “values of Palestinian society.”

Tlaib and Omar need to take care of the beam in the Palestinian eye before they worry about the speck in Israel's.
I didn't say you did. Elixir did, in the post I was replying to when I made the "cousins" comment.
Thank you for the clarification, because when you reply to a poster with "What makes you think Tlaib's settee literally kicked somebody's shin?", it is reasonable to infer you are asking that poster the question.
The cousins reference was somewhat tongue in cheek (and certainly no worse than Elixir's shin comment) but there is nothing "bigoted" about that. You just love throwing that word about.
Riiight, that tongue in cheek comment implicitly assumes that arabic people are cousins - something that is not bigoted or racist at all.:rolleyes:
Thank you for the clarification, because when you reply to a poster with "What makes you think Tlaib's settee literally kicked somebody's shin?", it is reasonable to infer you are asking that poster the question.
Elixir made that statement in a response to you and thus it is reasonable to assume that you knew what I was referring to even if you did not write it.

Riiight, that tongue in cheek comment implicitly assumes that arabic people are cousins - something that is not bigoted or racist at all.:rolleyes:
Why is it bigoted or racist? People from the same region and belonging to the same ethnic group are more closely related to each other than to outsiders.
Elixir made that statement in a response to you and thus it is reasonable to assume that you knew what I was referring to even if you did not write it.
Sorry, anyone even remotely familiar with English would understand how silly your justification is.
Why is it bigoted or racist? People from the same region and belonging to the same ethnic group are more closely related to each other than to outsiders.
Ms. Tlaib was born in Michigan, not the Middle East. In a region with millions of people, why would anyone assume that any two random people were cousins of Ms. Tlaib?

Do you assume that Ole Gunner Solskjaer is a cousin of Anders Breivik? They are both Norwegian. Or how about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton - they are both natural born US citizens?
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