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Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib banned from entering Israel.

Sorry, anyone even remotely familiar with English would understand how silly your justification is.
So, definitely not you. :)
Sorry, but what I wrote makes perfect sense in English. Unlike your babbling.

Ms. Tlaib was born in Michigan, not the Middle East.
It's ancestry that matters, not place of birth. Both her parents are from the West Bank.

In a region with millions of people, why would anyone assume that any two random people were cousins of Ms. Tlaib?
Again, it was partly tongue in cheek. I did not seriously assume they were 1st or even 2nd cousins, but they could easily be 4th or 5th cousins.

Do you assume that Ole Gunner Solskjaer is a cousin of Anders Breivik? They are both Norwegian.
I do not know who these people are, but if they are ethnic Norwegians, they are more closely related to each other than to a random Spaniard for example.

Or how about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton - they are both natural born US citizens?
Again, "natural born" is not the criterion here, but ancestry.
Turns out, Trump and Hillary are not very closely related. Only 19th cousins. :)
Still, that's probably much more closely related than either is to Tlaib or Omar, which is my point.
You REALLY don't do well with metaphors...

Not crappy ones. I mean, I understood it was obviously not meant to be taken literally, but what is the shin thing even supposed to be a metaphor for?

That said, the giggling hound has a problem with figurative language too, i.e. using "cousin" for fellow West Bank Arab.
It takes a mentally sick individual to say, "I'm gonna tell Israel my grandma is sick and show you how they wont allow me to go there!" Then Israel says "OK, you can go" and she says "No no no I'm not going!"
That is not what happened. She asked, Israel said yes, then they said no, then they said yes and she said no.
Derangement and sickness is what it is.
Ms. Tlaib was no worse than the gov't of Israel and Mr. Trump in that regard. Yet for some reason, some people only focus on the woman of color's behavior.

They said yes to her requested purpose. Then her itinerary leaked and it showed her actual intent had nothing to do with the stated reasons in the application. Most countries would deny you entry for that.
Ms. Tlaib was born in Michigan, not the Middle East. In a region with millions of people, why would anyone assume that any two random people were cousins of Ms. Tlaib?

I think he meant it in a figurative sense. She's one of the millions of Palestinian "Refugees" you think should be allowed to conquer Israel.
Sorry, but what I wrote makes perfect sense in English.
It does - you asked me a question.

It's ancestry that matters, not place of birth. Both her parents are from the West Bank.
Shift that goalpost.

Again, it was partly tongue in cheek. I did not seriously assume they were 1st or even 2nd cousins, but they could easily be 4th or 5th cousins.
Wow, when in a hole, you keep digging deeper.

I do not know who these people are, but if they are ethnic Norwegians, they are more closely related to each other than to a random Spaniard for example.
That did not answer the question, as anyone familiar with English understands.

Ms. Tlaib was born in Michigan, not the Middle East. In a region with millions of people, why would anyone assume that any two random people were cousins of Ms. Tlaib?

I think he meant it in a figurative sense. She's one of the millions of Palestinian "Refugees" you think should be allowed to conquer Israel.
That is almost as true as she is one of millions of Palestinian "Refugees" you think should be summarily executed for being alive.
Ms. Tlaib was born in Michigan, not the Middle East. In a region with millions of people, why would anyone assume that any two random people were cousins of Ms. Tlaib?

I think he meant it in a figurative sense. She's one of the millions of Palestinian "Refugees" you think should be allowed to conquer Israel.
That is almost as true as she is one of millions of Palestinian "Refugees" you think should be summarily executed for being alive.

I see no reason to execute them for being alive. If they choose to attack and die, too bad. And if they're acting as human shields for those who choose to attack, too bad.

I note that you didn't address the fact that according to the UN she's a "Palestinian Refugee", though. One of those people living in utter poverty because of Israel's actions. I didn't realize Congress paid that little.
That is almost as true as she is one of millions of Palestinian "Refugees" you think should be summarily executed for being alive.

I see no reason to execute them for being alive.
Then you are tacitly admitting that I do not think Palestinian refugees should be allowed to conquer Israel.
I note that you didn't address the fact that according to the UN she's a "Palestinian Refugee", though. One of those people living in utter poverty because of Israel's actions. I didn't realize Congress paid that little.
No poster is under any obligation to address derailing points.
as anyone familiar with English understands.

So definitely not you.

And this hyperfocus on "cousins" is just a way for you to avoid dealing with the issue of Omar and Tlaib ignoring Palestinians stabbing policemen, or Palestinians sending commando squads to attack Israel. Even groups usually supported by "progressives" like LGBT don't get much attention when it's Palestinians who are discriminating against them.
Israeli ‘Jewish Terror’ Incidents Targeting Palestinians Tripled in 2018

Last year saw a steep rise in “nationalist crimes,” violence and property damage by Jews against Palestinians in the West Bank. As of mid-December, 482 such incidents had been reported, compared to 140 for 2017.

Violence by settlers and right-wing activists included beating up and throwing stones at Palestinians. More frequently, the offenses consisted of painting nationalist and anti-Arab or anti-Muslim slogans, damaging homes and cars and cutting down trees belonging to Palestinian farmers.

Such incidents decreased sharply in 2016 and 2017 from previous years. The decline has been attributed to the response of the authorities following the firebombing of a home in the West Bank village of Duma, which took the lives of three members of the Dawabshe family. Amiram Ben-Uliel, a young settler, was indicted on three counts of murder in that case. After the attack the Shin Bet security service arrested several extremist right-wing activists living in the northern West Bank who were suspected of involvement in violence and incitement to violence against Arabs.


The horrid story of this young Gentile Palestinian boy’s end at the hands of psychotic revenge-obsessed Jews gets worse and worse as more information comes to light. According to Richard Silverstein of Tikkun Olam, certain details have only been published in Jewish media in Hebrew, and in Le Monde (in French only) as they scamper to keep the truth away from the Gentile world and ‘contain’ the damage already caused by fellow violent Jews’ pogrom, multiple on-going attempts at kidnapping Palestinians (including children) – here, here, here and here (obviously to revenge-murder them also), beatings, stabbings, hatchet almost revenge-murder, assault of a Christian bishop and priest as well as a governor and on and on it goes. And that isn’t even the beginning of the public relations problem for the Jews: they beat a Palestinian-American teen within an inch of his life whilst he was in his relatives’ yard watching protests against the violations of Jews and the murder of his cousin, Mohamed. Now the news has leaked out to the West and Americans are becoming acquainted with how Jews typically treat Palestinians. That information is not lost on Europeans but Americans, whose media is owned and controlled by Jews, are more insulated and ignorant. The image below is very graphic and upsetting (at the very bottom, so you can avoid it if you wish, and there will be a heading to alert you beforehand), but the information is really important for Gentiles to know: this is how sick, twisted, psychotic and vengeful Jews really are when they have the opportunity. And this is not an anomaly – historically they have behaved in such a frighteningly barbaric manner (see: Cassius Dio’s “Rome, Volume V., Book 68, paragraph 32“). There is now the “Jewish state” all of their own (never mind the 20% population of Gentiles) and the government is complicit and even incites the vengeful nature of Jews and allows them to attack Gentiles with impunity, both inside Israel and outside Israel, in al-Quds/Jersualem, the ‘West Bank’ as well as in Syria’s Golan. No one stops them, so of course they will become more and more what they really are, the mask of civilisation slips further and further every day. They are not like us.

Hidden for those of weak stomach

As much as some here would like us to believe, Jews are nowhere near the totally innocent party.
as anyone familiar with English understands.

So definitely not you.
A pointless adhom. Keeping it classy and on topic.
And this hyperfocus on "cousins" is just a way for you to avoid dealing with the issue of Omar and Tlaib ignoring Palestinians stabbing policemen, or Palestinians sending commando squads to attack Israel. Even groups usually supported by "progressives" like LGBT don't get much attention when it's Palestinians who are discriminating against them.
As usual you are wrong about my motives. "Whataboutisms" are irrelevant to irrelevant to any topic, so why would any rational poster wish to encourage and enable such illogical behaviors? Notice I did not speculate as to why you wish to avoid the topic by injecting such a stupid "whatabout ____".

Ms. Omar and Ms Tlaib trolled the gov't of Israel. At first, the gov't of Israel acted honorably and effectively. Then it let itself become a pawn of Mr. Trump which played right into Ms. Omar's and Ms. Tlaib's trolling. And, then, it proved its cravenness by contradicting itself.
No one comes out of this looking any better to any rational and humane person. No rational and humane person would defend anyone in this farce.
A pointless adhom. Keeping it classy and on topic.
You started it.

As usual you are wrong about my motives.
I really don't think I am.

"Whataboutisms" are irrelevant to irrelevant to any topic, so why would any rational poster wish to encourage and enable such illogical behaviors? Notice I did not speculate as to why you wish to avoid the topic by injecting such a stupid "whatabout ____".
Pointing out the hypocrisy of the two Schar (aka "squad") members Omar and Tlaib is not whataboutism.
Asking why these two attack Israel over slightest perceived transgression, but are silent on atrocities Palestinians commit is legitimate criticism.

Ms. Omar and Ms Tlaib trolled the gov't of Israel.
And in the end, they got exposed as the trolls they are.
As much as some here would like us to believe, Jews are nowhere near the totally innocent party.
Nobody is claiming they are. But there is a definite difference between Israel and the Palestinians. Take the case of Momammed abu Khdeir. Israel arrested, tried, and convicted those responsible for the boy's murder. Those guilty were sentenced to either life or else long prison sentences.

Compare that to Palestinians who murder Jews. PA celebrates those murderers, pays them a lot of money in the "Pay for Slay" scheme and names things for them.

Norway demands PA return funds for women’s center named after terrorist

Then you have Palestinian NGOs like the one who was to sponsor Tlaib and Omar's canceled trip, who likewise celebrate those murderers.

So, there is definitely a qualitative difference between the two sides.
Islamonazis from Gaza back at it today.
While they were throwing explosives over the fence and shooting rockets at Israeli towns and cities.

Meanwhile, a teenage girl was murdered by Palestinian terrorists.
Teen Israeli girl killed as family hit by bomb at West Bank spring

Where are Unterscharführerin Cortez and her squad mates? For that matter, where are Antifas to condemn some real fascists instead of just assaulting conservative bloggers?
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Now that I look closer they’re calling you guys Nazis, that’s why your flags are side-by-side and the blue flag matches Israeli military unit flags lol
This Mike Prysner is blind or else willfully deceiving. If you look carefully, Netanyahu and the Israeli officer's photos are crossed out, but Adolf Hitler is not. And the Nazi flag is depicted as burning away the Israeli flag. Make no mistake, these guys are Islamonazis.

They have been flying Nazi flags before, and they even have a clothing store in Gaza City named after Hitler.

Gazans are fully aware that Hilter was anti-Jewish.

Edited to add: Michael Prysner is definitely being willfully deceptive. He is a left-wing extremist and works for Abby Martin on so-called "Empire Files", a propaganda show funded by the Maduro regime. She is a notorious anti-semite and supporter of anti-Israel terrorism.
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