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‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
(CNN) — Mark Robinson, the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, made a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website’s message board more than a decade ago, in which he referred to himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery, a CNN KFile investigation found.

Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography, a review of archived messages found in which he also referred to himself as a “perv.”

Is this what Blacks for Trump is all about?
(CNN) — Mark Robinson, the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, made a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website’s message board more than a decade ago, in which he referred to himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery, a CNN KFile investigation found.

Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography, a review of archived messages found in which he also referred to himself as a “perv.”

Is this what Blacks for Trump is all about?
More to the point, can we stop just referring to him as "controversial" at this point? CNN should be leading with "self-avowed Black Nazi Mark Robinson" and drop the pretense that he's merely just outside of the mainstream.
Of course he’s denying everything, because it makes sense that some diabolical democrat anticipated his run for governor more than 10 years in advance, and set up an account with his name and a bucketful of very accurate personal details.

If democrats could actually do this stuff, no republican would ever win an election anywhere.
Bizarre. I wonder if it will impact the presidential race in N.C.?
Robinson has been polling in the thirties for weeks now and the GOP powers-that-be in this state have been pushing for Robinson to either change up his strategy or step aside for some time now. The fear isn't just losing the Governor's Mansion but GOP seats in the General Assembly and the congressional delegation. And yes, this could lose the state for Trump.
A black Nazi, you say?
How bad do the other GOP gubernatorial hopefuls have to feel losing to this whackjob?
Tim Miller has an excellent analysis on Mark Robinson and how much Trump loves this guy (he called him MLK Jr. on steroids):

I suppose if I ever had political ambitions, I would have taken precautions to remain a little more mysterious on the internet. Although I understand why some people have need to keep their face to face world and their online world separate, it's never been an issue for me.
My online user name will be celebrating its 20th anniversary next year. If anyone runs across Bronzeage, or Bron Zeage, it's very likely to be me. When I needed a pen name, it was easy enough to insert a space and fortuitously, the surname Zeage does not exist in any language which uses the Roman alphabet. The picture is me, also. I've had this alternative identity for so long, I get calls from phone scammers who ask to speak to Bron Zeage, but they never pronounce it correctly.

That said, I've seen more than a few people who invited trouble into their lives because they didn't realize the internet is forever. There's really only one defense against accusations of being a black online Nazi, and that's "It ain't me, you got the wrong guy." If this happens to be true, it's a very short lived scandal, a case of a little smoke and no fire.

Even if the fire has long since burned out, there's always something in the ashes. Robinson is valiantly trying the It ain't me strategy, which is pretty silly, since he forgot the first rule of internet anonymity, a separate email account for every online account, and never show your face. There's just too many dots and they all connect.

Of course, it doesn't really matter. He's not going to lose any Republican votes because he once proclaimed himself to be a Nazi, any more than lose votes for lying about it when caught. It's just another symptom of GOP disease. Mark Twain said, "Never tell a lie when the truth will do." He may or may not have said this, but the lesson is lost on the GOP. They've gotten so used to dishonesty, falsehoods, and denial of the obvious, they lost the ability to see when it's better to tell it straight.
Mike Johnson needs to recommend a “porn buddy” to Mr . Robinson.
Dems need to make hay out of this, and not those small bales, but big 1200lb rounds. This could be THE thing that breaks NC. If Harris takes NC, it’s about over. And IMO it might be her best chance, because I think she will lose PA.
The fact that he uses the same username for his porn life and his personal & professional life kinda tells me he doesn't have even the minimal brains to be in charge of a state. I'm a little less sure of his use of the word Nazi to describe himself. I think its more tongue-in-cheek in the vain of a Grammar Nazi or Soup Nazi, rather than a Hitler Nazi, so I'm not super bothered by that.
N.C. GOP sticking behind him. They deny it.

The fact that he uses the same username for his porn life and his personal & professional life kinda tells me he doesn't have even the minimal brains to be in charge of a state. I'm a little less sure of his use of the word Nazi to describe himself. I think its more tongue-in-cheek in the vain of a Grammar Nazi or Soup Nazi, rather than a Hitler Nazi, so I'm not super bothered by that.
We don't have to guess, his other comments made it clear he means actual Nazi.
The fact that he uses the same username for his porn life and his personal & professional life kinda tells me he doesn't have even the minimal brains to be in charge of a state. I'm a little less sure of his use of the word Nazi to describe himself. I think its more tongue-in-cheek in the vain of a Grammar Nazi or Soup Nazi, rather than a Hitler Nazi, so I'm not super bothered by that.
"I'm fine with Nazis, but..." is a hell of a way to start any proposition, my friend.
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