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Images that make you laugh

spiky plant bugs bunny

Some things you just have to learn the hard way. When this inquisitive young rabbit came across a prickly thistle growing in the Suffolk countryside, it seemed to think it had stumbled on a tempting snack.
Until it took the first bite, that is.
After nibbling one of the sharp leaves, the rabbit stuck out its tongue, threw its paws into the air and contorted its face in obvious disgust.

Inquisitive young rabbit comes across a prickly thistle growing in the Suffolk countryside before he starts to feed on the plant


The bunny maybe senses something isn't right after tasting a thistle plant. The moment is captured by photographer Kevin Sawford


Oooh that's awful: It quickly realises its mistake, poking its tongue out, and throwing back its head


Ouch: The wild rabbit throws its paws in the air and contorts its face in disgust. Mr Sawford said: 'Its reaction was priceless'

Photographer Kevin Sawford, who captured the hilarious images near Ipswich, said: ‘I had been photographing a family of wild rabbits at their warren over a few days in the summer.
‘On this particular evening, this youngster started to feed on the thistle plant. At first it seemed content after giving it a quick sniff, but it quickly realised the mistake when it bit into the leaves.
‘Its reaction was priceless. The young rabbit soon recovered and was OK but it learnt its lesson on what to feed on.’
It just goes to show that not all greens are good for you…

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3267919/A-Hungry-rabbit-gets-nasty-surprise-tries-nibble-spiky-plant.html#ixzz3oIJ0L1Vj
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