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Impact of RGB’s death on election?


I think it helps Biden.

Well, it should help Biden. I think that it will wake up a lot of people on the left that we need to unite to beat the republicans. But we're going to lose a generation to a very conservative supreme court that will last for a long time.
Thanks, guys, for suggesting something positive here. I sure hope there's some power in it. Certainly it will be easy to play Mitch's sententious sound bites from 2016 explaining why Merrick Garland couldn't be considered because, somehow, the American voter was about to decide the nation's course. Then compare it to the completely different number Mitch will perform tomorrow. (Sort of like the 2015/2016 Lindsey Graham Makeover.)
Mitch will probably make the excuse that because Trump is an incumbent it is different.
Probably helps Biden and the Democrats in the election because another conservative judge will hand ultimate power over to Trump/Barr. That is as long as the Trump's nominee gets approved by the Senate. But how long could that take? The Republicans never miss an opportunity to demonstrate what hypocrites they are.
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Except with the way SCOTUS is, the election could be in doubt, for whatever fucking reason they want to imagine. 2000 they justified ending it because of a magic date.

McConnell is up for re-election and does this give McGrath a shot in the arm?
Aside from the prez race, this has already hugely energized the Dem base to support Dem Senate candidates in swing races. In just a matter of hours since RBG's passing, almost $5 million has been raised (and that was an hour ago from the time of this writing) to the "Get Mitch or Die Trying" campaign.

I guess the worst case scenario is if Trump and GOP appoint a new justice, then contest the election in a way that involves the supreme court, and the court decides in Trump's favor 5-4. Cue riots.
I guess the worst case scenario is if Trump and GOP appoint a new justice, then contest the election in a way that involves the supreme court, and the court decides in Trump's favor 5-4. Cue riots.

That's what I mean by helping Biden. It would be the perfect storm. Hopefully that realization scares enough Dems to go vote and Republicans to cross over.

Food for thought.
Mitch will probably make the excuse that because Trump is an incumbent it is different.

Mitch and the other Republican lowlifes will make the excuse "FUCK YOU" just like they did when Obama nominated Merrick Garland.
Why would anyone expect anything different?

IMHO this country is screwed unless someone or something takes out the bad actors, and really soon.
1869 was the last time the number of seats on the Court was changed by an act of Congress - wish I knew what kind of majorities in which Houses are required for that, since it looks like the only hope for avoiding a totalitarian situation with a puppet court.
The notion that some Rethuglicans who are up for re-election are going to lose because of their hypocrisy is very probably a pipe dream. That is how it should be, if honesty and integrity were still factors in candidates' viability. But that day has passed. Windsock Graham said "Save the tape" when he announced that he would not vote to confirm any justice in the last year of a President's term. All the tape in the world won't make an honest man of him. Susan "Mealymouth" Collins will express her deep concern before voting to confirm the Devil himself if nominated by Cheato. Likewise all the others paying lipservice to doing the right thing.

Donald Fucking Trump is the God Damned PRESIDENT, and we are about to witness the USA becoming the poster child for Shithole Countries..
Whoever the nominee will be will get their life inspected to the micron so they’d better be ready for the most intense scrutiny ever if they choose to accept it.

This process will make Kavanaugh’s look like a walk in the park.
Whoever the nominee will be will get their life inspected to the micron

Aren't you assuming Mitch won't disallow discussion and just force it to a vote, like, next week?

I don’t think he can. I think each senator has to be given the opportunity to question the candidate. Don’t know how much time but...
This as per NPR in the car.
Whoever the nominee will be will get their life inspected to the micron

Aren't you assuming Mitch won't disallow discussion and just force it to a vote, like, next week?

I don’t think he can. I think each senator has to be given the opportunity to question the candidate. Don’t know how much time but...
This as per NPR in the car.

One minute per? So dispense with all 47 Dems in less than an hour... maybe two days including procedural interruptions. If they get some mobster seated by the end of next week, the dumbass voters of American will have forgotten all about it by 11/3.
Except with the way SCOTUS is, the election could be in doubt, for whatever fucking reason they want to imagine. 2000 they justified ending it because of a magic date.

McConnell is up for re-election and does this give McGrath a shot in the arm?

Exactly. Fuck up the election badly, get the Supremes to rule for him.
I don't think RBG's passing helps Biden very much. I think it helps those Democratic senatorial nominees in close races such as Maine.
I don't think RBG's passing helps Biden very much. I think it helps those Democratic senatorial nominees in close races such as Maine.

If the potential generational change in the supreme court to the far right doesn't motivate the left to vote and come together then we deserve to lose.
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