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Impact of RGB’s death on election?

The interesting thing is Murkowski was first to speak out on delay and she isn’t up for reelection.

It is hard to tell how this will change things. I can’t imagine the vetting that needs to be done for this nominee. Does Amy McGrath get legs in Kentucky? Does it bury Ernst in Iowa? How does early voting get impacted with potential scandal?
The interesting thing is Murkowski was first to speak out on delay and she isn’t up for reelection.

It is hard to tell how this will change things. I can’t imagine the vetting that needs to be done for this nominee. Does Amy McGrath get legs in Kentucky? Does it bury Ernst in Iowa? How does early voting get impacted with potential scandal?

And McConnell shot her down with a warning to not make promises to do something she won't be able to keep.

Sounds rather threatening to me.
Whoever the nominee will be will get their life inspected to the micron

Aren't you assuming Mitch won't disallow discussion and just force it to a vote, like, next week?

No because I’m not talking about the Congress. This person will have their records and relationships going back to preschool examined looking for every possible skeleton that can be shaken loose from the closet.
Trump has been appointing judges who the bar has said are unqualified to be judges. As long as they are very right winged and will probably be activist judges is all that matters. A less than stellar nominee may lose because of that. It could be that outrage may cause a few GOP Senators who must fave re-election two years from now to measure their support carefully.
Except with the way SCOTUS is, the election could be in doubt, for whatever fucking reason they want to imagine. 2000 they justified ending it because of a magic date.

McConnell is up for re-election and does this give McGrath a shot in the arm?

Exactly. Fuck up the election badly, get the Supremes to rule for him.

Yup. Even a 4-4 tie is a win, and that's the best any Dem can hope for.
But ... what about the downballot races? Are the Supremes going to decide all the Senate races too, if it looks like it might go blue?
Helps Trump. Republicans are motivated by judicial appointments. Voters left of center don't seem to be willing to fall in line for the Court.
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