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Impeaching President Trump?

pure cynicism is my source of doubt. granted, i didn't start seeing that clip until yesterday evening. but once it started it was like every 15 minutes.
pure cynicism is my source of doubt. granted, i didn't start seeing that clip until yesterday evening. but once it started it was like every 15 minutes.

If it was a setup, don't you think it would have been aired sooner?
Barr said yesterday that Mueller could have made it clear if he thought that Trump was guilty of obstruction, so regardless of whether he could charge him or not, he could have made it perfectly clear that Trump was guilty of obstruction.
Barr said yesterday that Mueller could have made it clear if he thought that Trump was guilty of obstruction, so regardless of whether he could charge him or not, he could have made it perfectly clear that Trump was guilty of obstruction.
I really hope Mueller comes out in a few days and says, "Ok then, Trump is clearly guilty and should be tried."

It's a sad commentary on the state of our banana republic that the consummate professionalism of Meuller could be the thing that really sinks us. :/
Barr said yesterday that Mueller could have made it clear if he thought that Trump was guilty of obstruction, so regardless of whether he could charge him or not, he could have made it perfectly clear that Trump was guilty of obstruction.

Yeah, now that the investigation is over and what Mueller says no longer has any official status.
Man, it seems even DC is having the same Trump issue that Americans had in 2016, when we found out people we thought we respected were actually out of their mind crazy. Now Mueller is finding out Barr is a fucking cunt.
Man, it seems even DC is having the same Trump issue that Americans had in 2016, when we found out people we thought we respected were actually out of their mind crazy. Now Mueller is finding out Barr is a fucking cunt.

I’m pretty sure he always knew that. That’s why he did what he did with the report.
Barr said yesterday that Mueller could have made it clear if he thought that Trump was guilty of obstruction, so regardless of whether he could charge him or not, he could have made it perfectly clear that Trump was guilty of obstruction.

And that just exemplifies the reason why Mueller took the course that he did; precisely because he knew Barr would do or say anything at all to discredit anything negative against Trump.

Barr knows full well that Mueller did, in fact, make it clear Trump was guilty, just in the negative. And the reason he did it is because he knew that if he said Trump was guilty, then he’d have to push for indictment, which would have had to have been approved by Barr, who of course would not have approved, which would then give Barr a reason to shut down Mueller and bury the report (because Mueller would have been in breach of DOJ guidelines).

Iow, it was a Catch-22 situation and the only way out of it that would still result in preserving the report and not render everything he did wasted was to prove that there was no other explanation but obstruction for any of the numerous examples he presented in the report.
This should go here as well as the Mueller investigation thread. Tom Coleman Calls For Trump Impeachment (May 24, 2019):

A former longtime Republican congressman called Friday for the impeachment of President Donald Trump, who he said is an "illegitimate president."

"I'm calling for impeachment now because the Mueller report is out, and in it (special counsel Robert Mueller) describes 10 obstruction of justice charges that he could not bring because of a Department of Justice rule and regulation that says you can't indict a sitting president -- that's (reason) number one," former Rep. Tom Coleman, who represented Missouri for nearly two decades, told CNN's Erin Burnett on "OutFront."

"Number two, I believe this is an illegitimate President because he welcomed help and influence from the Russians in his campaign," he said. "For example, his (campaign) chairman Paul Manafort met with a Russian intelligence asset in New York and shared with him their polling information and a strategy on how to win the Midwestern states."

Coleman continued: "It's wrong and it needs to be handled and looked at by the Congress because I believe it's an impeachable offense."

The former congressman, who also made the impeachment case Wednesday in a Kansas City Star op-ed, told Burnett he believes Trump is "dismantling our democracy every day brick-by-brick (through) his actions, his lies, his abuse of power."
Pelosi told Dems she'd like Trump 'in prison': report
"I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison," Pelosi said, according to Politico which cited multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting.

Pelosi prefers to see Trump lose the 2020 election and then face prosecution for his alleged crimes, the sources told the US media outlet.
What will he do if that ever happens? Brag about how he is a model prisoner? :D
Pelosi told Dems she'd like Trump 'in prison': report
"I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison," Pelosi said, according to Politico which cited multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting.

Pelosi prefers to see Trump lose the 2020 election and then face prosecution for his alleged crimes, the sources told the US media outlet.
What will he do if that ever happens? Brag about how he is a model prisoner? :D

The more likely scenario is he gets beaten in 2020, and 10 years later is rehabilitated by Democrats as a charming, well-intentioned guy who passes candies to President Kamala Harris at Bernie Sanders' funeral
Pelosi told Dems she'd like Trump 'in prison': report
"I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison," Pelosi said, according to Politico which cited multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting.

Pelosi prefers to see Trump lose the 2020 election and then face prosecution for his alleged crimes, the sources told the US media outlet.
What will he do if that ever happens? Brag about how he is a model prisoner? :D

The more likely scenario is he gets beaten in 2020, and 10 years later is rehabilitated by Democrats as a charming, well-intentioned guy who passes candies to President Kamala Harris at Bernie Sanders' funeral

Meh. More likely, he loses the election and declares martial (Christian Sharia) law so he can lock up everyone who threatens to lock him up.
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