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Inauguration day violence

Did you think the threats to kidnap and assassinate the Michigan governor were made up by the media?

Did you think the 01/06/2021 insurrection attempt was made up by the media?

Do you just reflexively blame the media without thought, because that is part of the conservative playbook that keeps their base in line?
Simply put, nothing happened in DC because the security was set up in such a way that aircraft and/or tanks would have been needed to allow protesters in. Had they allowed people to protest in DC, who knows what stupidity would have occurred and what tough choices officers would have been forced into making.

It really sucks that that was necessary, but it is like airliner security and taking off your shoes. The fringes (or Trump base) fuck it up for everyone.

Exactly. This time they weren't ignoring security, the seditionists knew they didn't have a chance. His Flatulence only had one shot at this and his troops weren't nearly good enough to pull it off, nor did he have enough people in the various parts of government to pull it off.
Yeah, nice to know that the militias have all learned their lesson and will be golden citizens from now on. I think they're now busy escorting elderly ladies to coffee shops.

All it took was a few arrests, and all of a sudden reclaiming an election stolen by Iranian, communist, satanic, Venezuelan, pedophile lizard people was no longer a priority.

That was the freakiest thing about the attack on Jan 6.

The perps were so confident that they had the backing of the people, the cops, and the government that they posted mountains of incriminating evidence on the internet.

Talk about naively believing in their echo chambers!

Well, apparently, that was then and this is now. Even Trump dumped them when it became politically expedient.

Coming from someone who sees Antifa everywhere, this is pretty ironic.

Local FBI leader says there's no 'credible information' about threat to State House

There were no credible threats of organized state house violence. Yet the media played it up and you and Brian sucked it down. Well done.

Keyword: "Local". There are 50 state houses.

Yabut right wing media only reports stuff that makes other media look bad. Trausti sucks it down.

Actual FBI statement from FBI Director (under Trump) Chris Wray:

FBI.GOV said:
When we talk about potential threats—maybe I’ll just say a word or two about that—we are seeing an extensive amount of concerning online chatter—that’s the best way I would describe it—about a number of events surrounding the inauguration. Together with our partners, we evaluate those threats and what kind of resources to deploy against them. Right now, we‘re tracking calls for potential armed protests and activity leading up to the inauguration.

The reason I use the word “potential” is because one of the real challenges in this space is trying to distinguish what’s aspirational versus what’s intentional. We’re concerned about the potential for violence at multiple protests and rallies planned here in D.C. and at state Capitol buildings around the country in the days to come that could bring armed individuals within close proximity to government buildings and officials.

Of course, since fbi.gov doesn't parrot right wing racist lies it's just more of that terrible left wing biased reporting.
At the presidential level, there has been none as of this point. Has there been any violence in any of the state capitols and such around the country? I was expecting at least some, and would be very surprised if there was none at all. Still, I have not heard of any (via the interweb) thus far.

22 Pictures Of The Absolutely Massive Crowds Protesting Joe Biden's Inauguration

It was pretty ugly out there.
At the presidential level, there has been none as of this point. Has there been any violence in any of the state capitols and such around the country? I was expecting at least some, and would be very surprised if there was none at all. Still, I have not heard of any (via the interweb) thus far.

22 Pictures Of The Absolutely Massive Crowds Protesting Joe Biden's Inauguration

It was pretty ugly out there.


Resistance is futile!
Do you just reflexively blame the media without thought, because that is part of the conservative playbook that keeps their base in line?

Yes. That is exactly what they have been programmed to do. It's a feature, not a bug.
This is what "de-programming" means... to stop the flow of constant lies that brainwashes people who would normally make good decisions based on good information make terrible decisions based on completely false information designed specifically to manipulate those bad decisions (such as voting against one's own personal interests).

All de-programming needs is for the false, negative input to stop and let people go back to running their lives based on reality instead of one single asshole's self-fulfilling lies that are squaked like a parrot by fellow cult members.
At the presidential level, there has been none as of this point. Has there been any violence in any of the state capitols and such around the country? I was expecting at least some, and would be very surprised if there was none at all. Still, I have not heard of any (via the interweb) thus far.

antifa appears to have been out in Portland, and not peacefully.
At the presidential level, there has been none as of this point. Has there been any violence in any of the state capitols and such around the country? I was expecting at least some, and would be very surprised if there was none at all. Still, I have not heard of any (via the interweb) thus far.

antifa appears to have been out in Portland, and not peacefully.

Ya, how can we be talking about presidentially incited insurrection when there are people out there driving without wearing their seatbelts!!11!??

Forget that I murdered that guy in NY.. someone stole a candy bar! GET UM!
At the presidential level, there has been none as of this point. Has there been any violence in any of the state capitols and such around the country? I was expecting at least some, and would be very surprised if there was none at all. Still, I have not heard of any (via the interweb) thus far.

antifa appears to have been out in Portland, and not peacefully.
Actually, that is Antifa pretending to be #BLM pretending to be Proud Boys pretending to be Antifa.

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