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Is Biden playing with a full deck?


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
He lost it awhile ago; but it's verbotten to notice. I mean, Trump was always taking questions from reporters. Biden? His handlers would never let that happen.
Trump is still taking questions from "reporters" and publicly "speaking". That doesn't mean that Trump is not in fact a barely literate dementia patient who shits themselves and only speaks "buzzword-salad".

Compared to an illiterate criminal non-recreational pants-shitter, I'll gladly pick the mostly sane, effective executive who at least has the capacity to change his own underwear when he shits in it.
Trump is still taking questions from "reporters" and publicly "speaking". That doesn't mean that Trump is not in fact a barely literate dementia patient who shits themselves and only speaks "buzzword-salad".

Compared to an illiterate criminal non-recreational pants-shitter, I'll gladly pick the mostly sane, effective executive who at least has the capacity to change his own underwear when he shits in it.
Trump's handlers didn't shield him from reporters - though at times they probably should have. Biden is given essentially no volition, which you'd expect for a dementia patient.
lol. TDS patients see a president with media discipline and they think there is something wrong.

Show me some evidence. Any evidence! So far this thread has zero.

Biden talks to the media. Biden answers surprise questions. Biden got Covid again last month, and he isn't a young buck, I don't know what you guys are imagining should be different about his behavior.
lol. TDS patients see a president with media discipline and they think there is something wrong.

Show me some evidence. Any evidence! So far this thread has zero.

Biden talks to the media. Biden answers surprise questions. Biden got Covid again last month, and he isn't a young buck, I don't know what you guys are imagining should be different about his behavior.
A big part of it is projection.

They say Biden is suffering from some form of dementia.

They say Biden is creepy towards young girls.

They say Biden has weaponized the DOJ.

Sound familiar?

The one Trump thing they can't turn around and accuse Biden of is thinking he's still President. Biden actually IS President, yet just today Trump again insisted that he was the "rightful winner" of the 2020 election.
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.

Having watched a number of his speeches, no. He is quite mentally alert and competent. Trump lost it long ago. Yet millions don't care. The GOP is packed with loonies. Boebert, MTG, Lindsey Graham and others.
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.

Steve, you need to provide a link to what you are seeing. There are a lot of fake videos out there and an entire right wing propaganda machine devoted to convincing people that Biden is suffering from dementia. AFAICT, he isn't, but I have no idea what you have seen.
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
A lot of his gaffes aren't gaffes. Steve: you started a thread awhile ago that Biden made a terrible gaffe that was mean to China regarding Taiwan. Then I pointed out that it was very deliberate. Biden made a policy decision to be aggressive towards China. I think that it's fair to not like his agenda. But then don't confuse agenda with a gaffe. Biden is getting a lot of shit done that Trump couldn't do. And he's doing with the tiniest of margins in the house and senate.
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
He lost it awhile ago; but it's verbotten to notice. I mean, Trump was always taking questions from reporters. Biden? His handlers would never let that happen.
But what did Trump accomplish?
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
He lost it awhile ago; but it's verbotten to notice. I mean, Trump was always taking questions from reporters. Biden? His handlers would never let that happen.
But what did Trump accomplish?
Well, he made America the laughingstock of the rest of the world, so that's not nothing...
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
He lost it awhile ago; but it's verbotten to notice. I mean, Trump was always taking questions from reporters. Biden? His handlers would never let that happen.
But what did Trump accomplish?
Well, he made America the laughingstock of the rest of the world, so that's not nothing...
That's like saying you got somewhere because you rode the merry-go-round. We had been going in that loop for a while already.
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
He lost it awhile ago; but it's verbotten to notice. I mean, Trump was always taking questions from reporters. Biden? His handlers would never let that happen.
But what did Trump accomplish?
Well, he made America the laughingstock of the rest of the world, so that's not nothing...
That's like saying you got somewhere because you rode the merry-go-round. We had been going in that loop for a while already.
Trump kinda made it a done deal though.

But yeah, I stopped believing in Superman decades ago. So even if Biden is a pants-shitting-drooling idiot, who gives a flying penguin testicle fuck? The team he brings with him is fuckloads better than what was before.

And I don't think he brought in the fucking Avengers. All Biden had to do was say, "I'm gonna employ grown ups" and its already an improvement. Why do people think this is a difficult question?
He lost it awhile ago; but it's verbotten to notice. I mean, Trump was always taking questions from reporters. Biden? His handlers would never let that happen.
Predictably, the first response to Steve's OP is from a Trumpist who is able to bend his brain enough to find the semi-literate criminal sociopath to be a "stabler genius" than Biden. What do I win?
He lost it awhile ago; but it's verbotten to notice. I mean, Trump was always taking questions from reporters. Biden? His handlers would never let that happen.
Predictably, the first response to Steve's OP is from a Trumpist who is able to bend his brain enough to find the semi-literate criminal sociopath to be a "stabler genius" than Biden. What do I win?
I just love that the people who are so eager in calling Biden senile are the same people who believe, "Person. Man. Woman, Camera. TV" is a sign of genius. That's some Cirque du Soleil level mental gymnastics right there.
lol. TDS patients see a president with media discipline and they think there is something wrong.

Show me some evidence. Any evidence! So far this thread has zero.

Biden talks to the media. Biden answers surprise questions. Biden got Covid again last month, and he isn't a young buck, I don't know what you guys are imagining should be different about his behavior.
And he's a grown up who doesn't need to constantly prove something. That's the mentality of Trump and his cult, constant chest puffing and trying to prove some infantile point, always reacting reflexively to taunts like puppets with no self control. If Biden's not doing that, there must be something wrong with him.
Is anyone concerned about Biden's mental health?

I have noticed things beyond his gaffes.. The way he walks, turns, and his general body language. At times on camera he does not seem to be fully aware of where he is.

He looks like people i know who are looting it.
Losing it... or he is old?
lol. TDS patients see a president with media discipline and they think there is something wrong.

Show me some evidence. Any evidence! So far this thread has zero.

Biden talks to the media. Biden answers surprise questions. Biden got Covid again last month, and he isn't a young buck, I don't know what you guys are imagining should be different about his behavior.
And he's a grown up who doesn't need to constantly prove something. That's the mentality of Trump and his cult, constant chest puffing and trying to prove some infantile point, always reacting reflexively to taunts like puppets with no self control. If Biden's not doing that, there must be something wrong with him.
The problem for the right is that a lot of Biden's policies (infrastructure, college more affordable, re-shoring supply chain, foreign policy) and etc are popular. A lot of the right's agenda (election was stolen, pro-life, conspiracies) are losers. So, they attack what they can, rather than focus on issues.
So even if Biden is a pants-shitting-drooling idiot, who gives a flying penguin testicle fuck?
You don't care if the chief executive is incompetent?
The team he brings with him is fuckloads better than what was before.
Biden was elected as a moderate, not as a transformative figure. Unfortunately, the team he brought with him is far more left, resulting in idiotic proposals like B3 which was luckily torpedoed by Manchin, at least in its full form.
I liken it to Biden being like King Theoden with AOC as his Grima Wormtongue.
So even if Biden is a pants-shitting-drooling idiot, who gives a flying penguin testicle fuck?
You don't care if the chief executive is incompetent?
The team he brings with him is fuckloads better than what was before.
Biden was elected as a moderate, not as a transformative figure. Unfortunately, the team he brought with him is far more left, resulting in idiotic proposals like B3 which was luckily torpedoed by Manchin, at least in its full form.
I liken it to Biden being like King Theoden with AOC as his Grima Wormtongue.

You are SO obsessed with AOC. Ask her for a date already, and when she says No, get on with your life.
Pramila Jayapal chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus, not AOC. Kate Porter and a certain Representative from Minnesota round out the CPC troika; none of them is Alexandria. And Nancy Pelosi and Joe Manchin have far more power in Congress than the entire CPC. Yet all we hear from FauxNews and its fans is AOC, AOC, AOC! Funny funny joke maybe, but this wilful ignorance gets tiresome.

As for Biden's alleged incompetence:

(1) In less than two years he has done much good and undone much of the damage inflicted by your sociopathic brat. To complain about Biden while the memory of Trump's 4 years is still vivid shows phenomenal lack of perspective. It's like ordering a steak in a restaurant, finding it smothered in dog poo, and then complaining that you're served the wrong brand of mustard!

(2) Would most of us prefer to have a President who was younger than 79 years, and with a much higher IQ than Bush-43, Trump or such cretins? You betcha! But welcome to America! American voters are demonstrably the stupidest in the world: Righteous people must elect those who can be elected. Apparently you would have preferred the D's to have nominated a smarter younger person in 2020, so Donald Trump would have waltzed back in for another 4 years. You might have preferred that outcome, but most of us love America and, despite their lamentable stupidity, love the American people.
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