Veteran Member
Everything you've said has been in direct contradiction to what I've found on the Dutch government sites
Except that it hasn't. You just ascribe your own interpretation to what you've found and seem unwilling to accept that the information on those sites is condensed information meant to give general information rather than a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of the actual law.
and you haven't backed them up with anything but vague assertions because you think that finding support for your positions would be too hard, so either you don't know what the laws and regulations are there or the Dutch government doesn't. If you don't, then it's pointless to continue and if the Dutch government doesn't then it's pointless to continue. Either way, we can end our exchange.
So you're telling me you didn't actually read government sources at all. If you had you would know about the opting-in option. You would also know that even if they're registered with the CoC they are not automatically considered to be legally self-employed. You say you think that I haven't backed them up because I think that finding support for my positions would be too hard. That simply isn't the case. The reason I haven't backed them up with more links to government material is because the truly comprehensive material is all in DUTCH; which I assume you don't speak. Anything you find in English is just going to be public awareness information and will not be comprehensive enough for our purposes.
Take the following government-PDF for instance: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCQQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rijksoverheid.nl%2Fbestanden%2Fdocumenten-en-publicaties%2Frapporten%2F2011%2F12%2F20%2Fwerken-in-de-prostitutie-in-nederland-wie-mag-wat-wanneer%2Fbijlage-bij-verzamelbrief-factsheet-prostitutie.pdf&ei=-16sU8T9OIub1AWm6IDgDQ&usg=AFQjCNGjKgitqqMBe40lZX438FY3ZSutXA&sig2=9oEm69eiZLzPgpVwxnYwXA&bvm=bv.69837884,d.bGQ
This PDF addresses (among other things) the status of self-employment within the prostitution industry in a way I very much doubt your english-language sources do (since they're just for general public awareness purposes).
Take the following excerpt for instance:
"De Inspectie SZW beoordeelt of er sprake is van zelfstandigheid of schijnzelfstandigheid op grond van de feiten en omstandigheden waaronder wordt gewerkt. Daarbij kijkt de Inspectie onder meer naar de gezagsverhouding, het ondernemersrisico en de loonbetaling. Dit betekent dat inschrijving bij de Kamer van Koophandel, het hebben van een VAR-verklaring, inschrijving in het GBA en het al dan niet voldoen aan het voorwaardenpakket, op zichzelf of in combinatie nog geen redenen zijn om iemand als zelfstandige te beschouwen."
You've been consistently arguing that someone who makes money on their own is legally considered a business (ie; zelfstandige or self-employed under Dutch legal terminology) even without being registered with the chamber of commerce. However, this paragraph right here establishes that when it comes to prostitution, even a prostitute who has been registered with the coc DOES NOT automatically qualify as a zelfstandige.
Then there's this paragraph in regards to Opting In:
"Wordt echter volledig aan het voorwaardenpakket voldaan, dan is er wat de fiscale en sociale zekerheidsaspecten betreft, geen sprake van loondienst. Bij het voorwaardenpakket werkt een prostituee voor een exploitant maar is de prostituee niet in loondienst van deze exploitant. Dat wil niet zeggen dat de prostituee zich kan presenteren als zelfstandige. Het voorwaardenpakket is een fictieve dienstbetrekking en geldt als een derde mogelijkheid naast loondienst (echte dienstbetrekking) en het zelfstandig ondernemerschap."
The bolded part is the only thing I'll bother translating for you since it's the most relevant.
"The conditional package (of the Opting In arrangement -dystopian) is a fictitious form of employment and serves as a third possibility beside wage labor (real employment) and self-employed entrepeneurship."
Any questions? Or do you still want to maintain you know Dutch government policy better than someone who can actually *read* said policy in its proper form instead of the condensed public information for expats?
Or do you expect me to translate everything for you?