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Is the country governable?


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
Federally I do not think so.

Congress appears past a point of no return.

I heard it said usually presidents run campaigns on one side or the other but govern from the center. All that is gone.

That republicans are not calling out Trump's insanity and incitement to violence says a lot. He has a good chance of getting a second term.

What we used to cl 4rd world politics. Constant upheaval and no political stability. Angry eeople in the streets.

The American experiment in self rule by the people has failed. No system can work with diversity that leads to constant political turmoil.

That a few who refuse to compromise can shut down the governmt says it all.
Keep the base spun up about various boogermen so they elect Boeberts, MTGs, Geatzs, Trumps, Burchetts, Jordans, etc... and the multinational corps get just what they want. They have the money to run things their way and dump every conceivable negative externality on the commons if they can get the government to be completely fucking useless.
Federally I do not think so.

Congress appears past a point of no return.
It wasn't exactly the greatest in the mid 19th century.
I heard it said usually presidents run campaigns on one side or the other but govern from the center. All that is gone.
Except Obama, Clinton, and Biden were/are moderates! W was strong conservative and Trump was ... oi.
The American experiment in self rule by the people has failed. No system can work with diversity that leads to constant political turmoil.
It hasn't failed. It is at a precipice at the moment of potentially going beyond a point of return, but that still requires a great deal of other failures, like the military becoming a political wing of the White House. It isn't humming along well. But the problem at the moment isn't anything that has anything to do with principals. The whacky radicals fired a radical from the job because... well Gaetz is running for Governor of Florida. There are no actual issues for compromise as the factions at war don't particularly disagree on anything.

Our Government isn't broken. The Republican Party is. And the Republican Party wouldn't be the first major party in US History to go the way of the Dodo. Sadly, I don't see the Dodofication of the GOP in the near future, but 30 to 40 years of AM Radio / Cable news indoctrination and 50 years of the Southern Strategy and the Democrats shift to center has swept the GOP from politics to theater.
That a few who refuse to compromise can shut down the governmt says it all.
Well, that speaks to McCarthy's ambition mattering more to him than governing.
No system can work with diversity that leads to constant political turmoil.

That a few who refuse to compromise can shut down the governmt says it all.
Wait, are you seeking to imply that the attempt to destroy your nation by the insane wing of the Republican Party has its roots in too much diversity??

The political turmoil in your country comes almost entirely from a tiny minority, who are just about the least diverse group of individuals it would be possible to assemble in such a diverse country.

Diversity is, quite literally, the least of your country's problems. To accuse it of leading to the current state of constant political turmoil is utterly ridiculous and bizarre. The turmoil comes from a minuscule number of people whose insanity stems in part from irrational terror of diversity.

You could have just as reasonably have said:
No system can work with diversity lizard people who abduct children for food that leads to constant political turmoil.

The fictional problems identified by lunatics as the root of their insanity, aren't real problems that need to be addressed.
Of course the country is governable. It is being governed right now. The dysfunction that exists is being amplified by a 24/7 news cycle that is driven by ratings/clicks/re-tweets/posts, etc.

Every form of government has dysfunction. For years, uncertainty was being amplified regarding whether Prince Charles would succeed his mother. The only doubt was if Charles died before Elizabeth. All that nonsense over whether or not Queen Elizabeth would bypass her son for her grandson—which, barring disabling illness or death of Charles was never going to happen. Not that the royal family actually governs. I actually had to look up the name of the current PM —which is how it should be. Not my personal ignorance ( lots of family stuff going on right now—I’m barely keeping up with US stuff) but the fact that things appear to this American to be moving along so swimmingly that I don’t have to hear about whatever stupid faux pas, mistresses, racist remarks, bad hair the PM is indulging in these days. He’s non-tabloid worthy—and that’s quite a good thing. At least not tabloid worthy in the crowded news atmosphere here.

I fail to see how the loss of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker equates to ‘we’re not being governed.’ Or even a bad thing. It’s time the GOP feels the pain of its dysfunction. The Democrats are holding the fort.
No system can work with diversity that leads to constant political turmoil.

That a few who refuse to compromise can shut down the governmt says it all.
Wait, are you seeking to imply that the attempt to destroy your nation by the insane wing of the Republican Party has its roots in too much diversity??

The political turmoil in your country comes almost entirely from a tiny minority, who are just about the least diverse group of individuals it would be possible to assemble in such a diverse country.

Diversity is, quite literally, the least of your country's problems. To accuse it of leading to the current state of constant political turmoil is utterly ridiculous and bizarre. The turmoil comes from a minuscule number of people whose insanity stems in part from irrational terror of diversity.

You could have just as reasonably have said:
No system can work with diversity lizard people who abduct children for food that leads to constant political turmoil.

The fictional problems identified by lunatics as the root of their insanity, aren't real problems that need to be addressed.
Diversity is our strength. Ginned up conflict over living up to the ideal of our country: that all are created equal and are treated equally under the law is a foible, to be sure. Change is hard.
The real question is: can the GOP govern?

Apparently not this group of representatives. Let’s not forget we still have the Senate and the executive branches which are fully functioning, not to mention the various governmental agencies, etc. they’re doing ok.

This group of GOP Congress critters were ekected to burn things down. They have no idea how to build anything but rage abd discord.
Of course it's governable. All the job of President takes is knowing you are right all the time and then tweeting about it. Our most successful President of all time in the Universe did that. People are saying.
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