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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

The difference here is that he was arrested, cuffed, and taken to the police station. How many times has that happened in other zero-tolerance cases?
I don't know, but having police involved in trivial bullshit does take place occasionally.


#1 At one public school down in Texas, a 12-year-old girl named Sarah Bustamantes was arrested for spraying herself with perfume.

#8 One student down in Texas was reportedly arrested by police for throwing paper airplanes in class.

#9 A 17-year-old honor student in North Carolina named Ashley Smithwick accidentally took her father’s lunch with her to school. It contained a small paring knife which he would use to slice up apples. So what happened to this standout student when the school discovered this? The school suspended her for the rest of the year and the police charged her with a misdemeanor.

#11 Down in Florida, an 11-year-old student was arrested, thrown in jail and charged with a third-degree felony for bringing a plastic butter knife to school.

#20 A 13-year-old boy was arrested for kissing his classmate on a dare. Now, he faces second-degree assault charges.
and my favourite:
#12 An 8-year-old boy in Massachusetts was sent home from school and was forced to undergo a psychological evaluation because he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross.

Anyway, in Ahmed's case, there was no permanent damage done. He got an exciting trip to police station (he said himself in an interview that it was pretty cool), lots of swag from tech companies and the like, and 15 minutes of fame. If there was a civil rights violation, it was a rather minor one.

Careful. Case #20 appears to have been an actual crime that warrants punishment. He was dared to kiss a girl that wasn't willing--that's assault.
I don't know, but having police involved in trivial bullshit does take place occasionally.


#1 At one public school down in Texas, a 12-year-old girl named Sarah Bustamantes was arrested for spraying herself with perfume.

#8 One student down in Texas was reportedly arrested by police for throwing paper airplanes in class.

#9 A 17-year-old honor student in North Carolina named Ashley Smithwick accidentally took her father’s lunch with her to school. It contained a small paring knife which he would use to slice up apples. So what happened to this standout student when the school discovered this? The school suspended her for the rest of the year and the police charged her with a misdemeanor.

#11 Down in Florida, an 11-year-old student was arrested, thrown in jail and charged with a third-degree felony for bringing a plastic butter knife to school.

#20 A 13-year-old boy was arrested for kissing his classmate on a dare. Now, he faces second-degree assault charges.
and my favourite:
#12 An 8-year-old boy in Massachusetts was sent home from school and was forced to undergo a psychological evaluation because he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross.

Anyway, in Ahmed's case, there was no permanent damage done. He got an exciting trip to police station (he said himself in an interview that it was pretty cool), lots of swag from tech companies and the like, and 15 minutes of fame. If there was a civil rights violation, it was a rather minor one.

Careful. Case #20 appears to have been an actual crime that warrants punishment. He was dared to kiss a girl that wasn't willing--that's assault.
Yeah, even students in our elementary schools are sexual abusers that need the police to control according to our school officials.

A sheriff’s deputy was dispatched last week to a Florida elementary school after a girl kissed a boy during a physical education class.

School brass actually reported the impromptu buss as a possible sex crime, according to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.

The assistant principal of Orange River Elementary School called in the cops after a teacher spotted the smooch Wednesday at the Fort Myers school. In fact, Margaret Ann Haring, 56, initially called child welfare officials, who directed her to contact the sheriff, according to a report.

The kiss apparently occurred after two girls debated over whom the boy liked more. That’s when one of the girls “went over and kissed” the boy. The redacted sheriff’s report notes that Haring “stated there were no new allegations of sexual abuse as far as she knew.”
BTW, you have less reason to think Ahmed Mohamed is an attention whore than I have to think you're one, so give it a rest.
Now you're not even trying to make sense. What have I done to alarm authorities or speak to the media that makes me more of an attention whore than clock boy?

This is just an example of your cis-white privilege. Why be bigoted against the teenager's great obvious genius achievement? We'll assuredly soon celebrate other great Muslim achievements, like the first Muslim teenager to create a webpage or parallel park. If you fail to fete these impressive accomplishments, you'll be marked a stinky islamophobe.
So you believe Obama should have weighed in on Zero Tolerance policies sooner. I agree. I think every government official from the President of the United States of America to the president of the local school board should have said "these rules are stupid, harmful, and senseless", and done away with them.

But I'm happy that the President has finally taken a stand.

BTW, you have less reason to think Ahmed Mohamed is an attention whore than I have to think you're one, so give it a rest.
Did I miss something? Did the President take a stand against ZT policies?

No. He voiced support for a kid taken out of school in handcuffs for bringing a case modded clock to school:

"Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great".

It was enough to make certain heads explode..

The little I have heard is that he was pretty much going along with the media feeding frenzy, treating this as a specific, isolated case of abuse of Ahmed. Certainly he has access to the thousands of such cases showing that this wasn't special but was fairly normal practice of schools under ZT programs. It would have offered him a great opportunity to take a stand against abusive official programs in our schools. I haven't heard either the mass media or Obama even criticize ZT programs as the reason this happened.

Apparently, there is no Zero Tolerance policy in Ahmed's school regarding clocks in pencil cases, so his arrest was even less justifiable than the ZT inspired stupidity we've seen elsewhere. At least with the kissing kindergartners and the pop tart nibbled into the shape of a gun, there's a policy that requires school officials to act like witless nincompoops. But how Ahmed's Principal and the local cops reacted to his clock was their decision. They didn't have to bring out the handcuffs.

Obama's support for the kid is being condemned by his critics, even those who agree the arrest was wrong, because it's coming from Obama. And the criticism doesn't make much sense. There's nothing wrong with a leader acknowledging when an injustice has been done, or saying we should encourage kids to like science. But a cartoon doesn't have to make sense, and so we see cartoons that criticize Obama for speaking in support of a kid who was not a victim of a Zero Tolerance policy by complaining he didn't speak out against Zero Tolerance policies when other kids were affected. It's a complete non sequitur, but his critics don't care. They get to bash him for turning his back on the poor little kid with the half eaten pop tart, and scare monger his support for a Muslim kid who made 'something that could be used as a hoax device'.

If the President has railed against ZT programs then good for him. But I don't listen to network news programming so I didn't hear it.

If he'd done that, there would have been so much screaming about Obama interfering with a local school board issue aka cramming his extreme leftist policies down the throats of God-loving patriotic Americans, you could have heard it in Antarctica.
BTW, you have less reason to think Ahmed Mohamed is an attention whore than I have to think you're one, so give it a rest.
Now you're not even trying to make sense. What have I done to alarm authorities or speak to the media that makes me more of an attention whore than clock boy?

I didn't say you had done something to alarm authorities or spoken to the media. I said I had more evidence of you being an attention whore than you have of Ahmed being one.

Being an attention whore is not the same thing as receiving attention. Some people are ignored despite going to great lengths to attract attention while others get attention even though they've gone to great lengths to avoid it. Merely establishing the fact someone is getting a lot of attention does not establish, or even indicate, he or she is whoring for it. Being an attention whore requires an active seeking of attention.

The only thing Ahmed did that might be considered attention seeking behavior was his bringing his case modded clock to school so he could show it to his teacher. Everything else he did that brought about his fame was a reaction. His sister took a picture of him reacting to being placed in handcuffs and posted it online. The picture generated a public response, which led to reporters contacting Ahmed and getting his reaction to the public reaction to his photographed reaction. The story grew, and more and more people became interested in his reactions. They sought him out, not the other way around.

If Ahmed had been the one to post the picture online, or if he'd been the one contacting reporters and offering his story to them, then you might have evidence he's whoring for attention. But that's not what happened. He's merely reacting to the attention he's received, not actively hustling for it.

So give it a rest. All the calumny you heap on his head won't change the fact the people responsible for this kerfuffle are the school Principal and the cops.
Arctish, read the damn article with "15 minutes of fame" conversation in it. Ahmed is a fucking attention whore, period

Post a link, barbos. And then present your case that Ahmed actively sought his "15 minutes of fame" and took steps to generate it. All I see you and Nexus doing is bitching that he got famous and trying to insult your way out of caring why.
Did I miss something? Did the President take a stand against ZT policies?

No. He voiced support for a kid taken out of school in handcuffs for bringing a case modded clock to school:

"Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great".

It was enough to make certain heads explode..

The little I have heard is that he was pretty much going along with the media feeding frenzy, treating this as a specific, isolated case of abuse of Ahmed. Certainly he has access to the thousands of such cases showing that this wasn't special but was fairly normal practice of schools under ZT programs. It would have offered him a great opportunity to take a stand against abusive official programs in our schools. I haven't heard either the mass media or Obama even criticize ZT programs as the reason this happened.

Apparently, there is no Zero Tolerance policy in Ahmed's school regarding clocks in pencil cases, so his arrest was even less justifiable than the ZT inspired stupidity we've seen elsewhere. At least with the kissing kindergartners and the pop tart nibbled into the shape of a gun, there's a policy that requires school officials to act like witless nincompoops. But how Ahmed's Principal and the local cops reacted to his clock was their decision. They didn't have to bring out the handcuffs.

Obama's support for the kid is being condemned by his critics, even those who agree the arrest was wrong, because it's coming from Obama. And the criticism doesn't make much sense. There's nothing wrong with a leader acknowledging when an injustice has been done, or saying we should encourage kids to like science. But a cartoon doesn't have to make sense, and so we see cartoons that criticize Obama for speaking in support of a kid who was not a victim of a Zero Tolerance policy by complaining he didn't speak out against Zero Tolerance policies when other kids were affected. It's a complete non sequitur, but his critics don't care. They get to bash him for turning his back on the poor little kid with the half eaten pop tart, and scare monger his support for a Muslim kid who made 'something that could be used as a hoax device'.

If the President has railed against ZT programs then good for him. But I don't listen to network news programming so I didn't hear it.

If he'd done that, there would have been so much screaming about Obama interfering with a local school board issue aka cramming his extreme leftist policies down the throats of God-loving patriotic Americans, you could have heard it in Antarctica.

You seem to be stuck on trying to make this a case of "islamophobia" by over reacting rednecks in Texas. It was not. It was just one of hundreds or maybe thousands of absurd cases (from all over the US) of kids being hauled out of school by police in hand cuffs for minor infractions of school rules - the kind of infractions that would, at worse, have only resulted in a lecture from the principal when I was in school.
Arctish, read the damn article with "15 minutes of fame" conversation in it. Ahmed is a fucking attention whore, period

Post a link, barbos. And then present your case that Ahmed actively sought his "15 minutes of fame" and took steps to generate it. All I see you and Nexus doing is bitching that he got famous and trying to insult your way out of caring why.
All the necessary proof have been provided to you. The whole family starting with asshole father are attention whores and opportunists.
You seem to be stuck on trying to make this a case of "islamophobia" by over reacting rednecks in Texas. It was not. It was just one of thousands of absurd cases (from all over the US) of kids being hauled out of school by police in hand cuffs for minor infractions of school rules - the kind of infractions that would, at worse, have only resulted in a lecture from the principle when I was in school.

I don't think it was a simple case of Islamophobia, although I do think Ahmed's name and religion were factors in how he was treated by the authorities. It's certainly been a factor in the reaction from some members of the general public. But the bigger factor IMO is the rise in authoritarianism over the last 20 years. Harsh penalties for minor infractions have become all too common.

I completely agree we are seeing police involvement for things that deserve nothing more than a stern talking to, if that.
Post a link, barbos. And then present your case that Ahmed actively sought his "15 minutes of fame" and took steps to generate it. All I see you and Nexus doing is bitching that he got famous and trying to insult your way out of caring why.
All the necessary proof have been provided to you. The whole family starting with asshole father are attention whores and opportunists.

So your evidence consists of a link to an article in which Ahmed is portrayed as being awed and excited to learn his story is trending on Twitter. He takes no action without his parent's permission, makes no demands, and in every way acts like an ordinary 14 year old who suddenly got famous, but that's enough for you to condemn him.

Good to know I don't need to take your arguments seriously, since you have no real argument.
All the necessary proof have been provided to you. The whole family starting with asshole father are attention whores and opportunists.

So your evidence consists of a link to an article in which Ahmed is portrayed as being awed and excited to learn his story is trending on Twitter. He takes no action without his parent's permission, makes no demands, and in every way acts like an ordinary 14 year old who suddenly got famous, but that's enough for you to condemn him.

Good to know I don't need to take your arguments seriously, since you have none.
Are you accusing that journalist in lying?
What's next? Accusing TV journalists in manufacturing fake interviews with Ahmed using doubles?
The guy is a fucking attention whore and fucking liar.
And what is your evidence that Police acted improperly or illegally?
So your evidence consists of a link to an article in which Ahmed is portrayed as being awed and excited to learn his story is trending on Twitter. He takes no action without his parent's permission, makes no demands, and in every way acts like an ordinary 14 year old who suddenly got famous, but that's enough for you to condemn him.

Good to know I don't need to take your arguments seriously, since you have none.
Are you accusing that journalist in lying?
What's next? Accusing in TV journalists in manufacturing fake interviews with Ahmed using doubles?
The guy is a fucking attention whore and fucking liar.
And what is your evidence that Police acted improperly or illegally?

No, I think the journalist was telling the truth. I think the 14 year old who saw his story trending on Twitter was awed and excited to see his story trending on Twitter. I think the kid who asks his parents for permission to do things asked his parents for permission to do things. I think the kid who put together gadgets at his desk really did show the reporter his desk when the reporter asked to see it. I think everything in that story was true, and it amounts to nothing more than a normal 14 year old reacting to sudden fame and astounding offers. There is nothing, I repeat nothing, in that article that suggests Ahmed actively sought the attention he has been receiving. The charge that he's an attention whore is unsupported, and at this point I'm going to conclude you can't support it, just as you can't support your claim he's a liar.

All you're doing is spouting hatred and nonsense as a means to justify your lack of concern that a 14 year old was taken away in handcuffs because he brought a clock to school, and bitching that the kid got famous because his sister posted a picture of it.
Are you accusing that journalist in lying?
What's next? Accusing in TV journalists in manufacturing fake interviews with Ahmed using doubles?
The guy is a fucking attention whore and fucking liar.
And what is your evidence that Police acted improperly or illegally?

No, I think the journalist was telling the truth. I think the 14 year old who saw his story trending on Twitter was awed and excited to see his story trending on Twitter. I think the kid who asks his parents for permission to do things asked his parents for permission to do things. I think the kid who put together gadgets at his desk really did show the reporter his desk when the reporter asked to see it.
Except it did not look like a desk where one can put together gadgets.
I think everything in that story was true,
What does this even mean?
and it amounts to nothing more than a normal 14 year old reacting to sudden fame and astounding offers.
No, that kid is not normal, there is definitely something wrong with that kid.
There is nothing, I repeat nothing, in that article that suggests Ahmed actively sought the attention he has been receiving.
Kardashian did not plan to release that sex tape either, your point?
The charge that he's an attention whore is unsupported,
supported, it is supported and that journalist does make such a conclusion.
and at this point I'm going to conclude you can't support it, just as you can't support your claim he's a liar.
I supported it just fine. Problem is you, you flat out deny the facts.
All you're doing is spouting hatred and nonsense as a means to justify your lack of concern that a 14 year old was taken away in handcuffs because he brought a clock to school, and bitching that the kid got famous because his sister posted a picture of it.
Nonsense and hatred (toward police) is all yours.
No, I think the journalist was telling the truth. I think the 14 year old who saw his story trending on Twitter was awed and excited to see his story trending on Twitter. I think the kid who asks his parents for permission to do things asked his parents for permission to do things. I think the kid who put together gadgets at his desk really did show the reporter his desk when the reporter asked to see it.
Except it did not look like a desk where one can put together gadgets.


I think everything in that story was true,
What does this even mean?

It means I accepted your source as a reliable account of actual events.

and it amounts to nothing more than a normal 14 year old reacting to sudden fame and astounding offers.
No, that kid is not normal, there is definitely something wrong with that kid.


There is nothing, I repeat nothing, in that article that suggests Ahmed actively sought the attention he has been receiving.
Kardashian did not plan to release that sex tape either, your point?

Non sequitur, but bonus points for bringing the Kardashians into the discussion.

The charge that he's an attention whore is unsupported,
supported, it is supported and that journalist does make such a conclusion.

Provide a quote from the article you think supports your claim.

and at this point I'm going to conclude you can't support it, just as you can't support your claim he's a liar.
I supported it just fine. Problem is you, you flat out deny the facts.

You presented no facts that support your claim. All you offered was an article that showed Ahmed reacting to the attention he has received. There was no evidence of him whoring for it.

All you're doing is spouting hatred and nonsense as a means to justify your lack of concern that a 14 year old was taken away in handcuffs because he brought a clock to school, and bitching that the kid got famous because his sister posted a picture of it.
Nonsense and hatred (toward police) is all yours.

I would ask you to support this claim, too, but there's already a backlog.

I don't think anything is going to be accomplished by quibbling and posting insults. We can discuss facts and sources, or we can call it a day.
I would ask you to support this claim, too, but there's already a backlog.
And there is backlog of proof too.
Problem is you.
I don't think anything is going to be accomplished by quibbling and posting insults. We can discuss facts and sources, or we can call it a day.
I don't see you discussing facts at all.
And there is backlog of proof too.
Problem is you.
I don't think anything is going to be accomplished by quibbling and posting insults. We can discuss facts and sources, or we can call it a day.
I don't see you discussing facts at all.

Provide a fact and we'll discuss it.

How about the fact the police violated Ahmed's civil rights when they questioned him without either of his parents being present, and would not allow him to contact them?
And there is backlog of proof too.
Problem is you.

I don't see you discussing facts at all.

Provide a fact and we'll discuss it.
Here is one: Ahmed interview with Good Morning America (I think) where he shows guts of DVD player and says "This is not going to be last thing I invented" And he has "I can't believe this shit my dad taught me works" smirk on his face too :)

How about the fact the police violated Ahmed's civil rights when they questioned him without either of his parents being present, and would not allow him to contact them?
That comes from a punk who tried to first amendment his principal. So am sorry if I am a bit skeptical of his claims. If his understanding of laws and constitution as good as his engineering skills then his opinion is not worth a bucket of warm pee.
Kids are questioned by police without parent present all the time. It was just that - a talk, he behaved like an ass and that was what made police suspicious.
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