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January 6 Hearings Live

Using C-SPAN's archives, I looked at the next floor sessions - no followup on subsequent days.

I did find where Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY-22) took the oath of office. She beat the incumbent, Anthony Brindisi, by a hair. There are now 432 Reps in the House, including provisionally seated Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-IA-02. It's not 435 because of the resigned and recently-deceased members.

AOC won't apologize for tweet accusing Ted Cruz of nearly having her killed: Report | Fox News - "Ocasio Cortez has indicated she believes Cruz still remains a present danger"

She seemed to be implying that it was deliberate murder, but it was more like negligent homicide.

GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene 'cheated on husband with men at gym' | Daily Mail Online
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene had affairs with tantric sex guru Craig Ivey and fitness gym manager Justin Tway, DailyMail.com has learned
  • The embattled Georgia congresswoman, 46, has been married to husband Perry Greene since 1995 and shares three kids with him
  • Neither man denied the affairs when approached by DailyMail.com, but both refused to comment on their past relationships with Taylor Greene
  • 'I have no interest in talking about anything to do with that woman. Everything with her comes to no good,' Tway, 42, said
  • Taylor Greene had met her two lovers while working at a gym in Alpharetta, Georgia in 2012
  • Insiders say she was so brazen about her affairs they believed her marriage was on the rocks, but it appears the couple has put her infidelity behind them
  • Congress voted last week to remove Taylor Greene from her committee assignments due to her outrageous beliefs and controversial social media posts
  • In response to DailyMail.com's request for comment, Taylor Greene said it was another attempt to smear my name because I’m the biggest threat to the Democrats’ Socialist agenda'
Kyle Griffin on Twitter: "Rep. Ayanna Pressley to CNN on the Capitol riot: "One of the images that I'm haunted by is Black custodial staff cleaning up the mess left by the violent white supremacist mob. That's a metaphor for America."" / Twitter
First Kimberly Guilfoyle and now her.
I like this. It was on the day of the attacks.
Varshini Prakash 🌅 on Twitter: "Everything Donald Trump said he was going to do, ..." / Twitter
Everything Donald Trump said he was going to do, that he has been bragging about and shouting for years - that many in the media and his friends in Congress and so many others ignored or played down - is coming to fruition. It’s ugly, and it’s painful and it’s not at all surprising. Nor is it surprising that it’s coming off an epic, hard-fought victory by Black folks in the South who have been actively disenfranchised by white supremacy and voter suppression for centuries.

I’m furious that on a day when people should be resting and celebrating and loving up on one another for their work on this election, we are instead watching a violent coup attempt and fearing for the lives of those we care about and the future of this nation. We’re at a crossroads - that part feels clear. Both paths forward were on full display today, the ugly reality of white supremacy, hate, and nationalism vs. a multiracial coalition of everyday people working to restore the soul of America. That’s the choice in front of us and the fight we'll need to fight every day.

To my DC community, I love you and am praying you are as safe as possible. Take care of each other and check-in. Let us know whatever you need.

Varshini Prakash 🌅 on Twitter: "It grieves me to no end to know the severe trauma @AOC and so many others faced on Jan 6th.

I'm sorry Rep. Your strength and love for this country and its people is only deepening my and so many others' resolve to keep fighting.

I hope you know you're not alone." / Twitter

Justice Democrats on Twitter: "AOC recounting her horrifying experience hiding in her office during the insurrection.

“I thought I was going to die...I have never been quieter in my entire life.” (vid link)" / Twitter

She said that she is a spiritual person and if the plan for her was to die on that day, then her listeners can take it from there. If this was what was to happen to her, then she had fulfilled her purpose. She was so scared that she was the most silent that she had ever been.

Her staffer G showed up and AOC found out that it was a Capitol Police officer who was yelling "Where is she?" But he was alone, without a fellow officer, and he did not identify himself as from Capitol Police. So it didn't feel right to AOC. He was looking at AOC with a lot of anger and hostility. She talked to G afterwards, and G confirmed his hostility. G said that he wasn't sure about whether or not he ought to fight that officer.

The officer told her to run over to some other building, and she and G did so. The officer stayed behind, however. He didn't give a place to go to in that building, only a level in it.
Esti (They/Them) 🏳️*⚧🏳️*🌈 on Twitter: "Thank you @AOC for sharing your story with us.💙 ..." / Twitter
Thank you @AOC for sharing your story with us.💙

As a combat veteran I felt every single word you said here. I don’t want anyone to experience the fears, uncertainty & trauma of terrorism.
Every @GOP official that took part in the insurrection must be investigated & prosecuted

I am also spiritual and used it accept possible death overseas at war every single day.
We’re still here, we’re still fighting, we have more work to do @AOC 💚💙 and we are not doing it alone

That fear & uncertainty when @AOC was hiding in between doors, peering through the hinges, waiting....it’s like sitting in the mountains in Afghanistan with rockets & SAF all around you. You can’t move or they may see you, so you just hope it doesn’t hit you, and you wait...

When @AOC talked about fulfilling her purpose, and it was her time...
That’s what I felt every single day overseas, I was spiritually accepting death if it came because I knew the mission would continue on, and I did my part.

We put the mission first, as GREAT leaders often do
Was "Antifa" involved? It's a loose collection of self-styled anti-fascists who have been turned into a great villain by the right wing. Looking at these stories, it is evident that fact checkers caught up with this false notion very quickly. It still has no support, with a couple hundred participants now tracked down and arrested.

Jan 6:
Were Pro-Trump Mobs Storming the Capitol on Jan. 6 Actually Antifa? - "There was no evidence anyone but a mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol grounds."

There’s No Evidence Antifa Was Involved In The Attempted Coup At The Capitol - "Right-wing figures have spread baseless claims that antifa was behind Wednesday’s violent insurrection at the Capitol."

PolitiFact | A day of crisis at the US Capitol, fact-checked
  • President Donald Trump falsely said that Vice President Mike Pence could send the results back to the states and recertify and then he would become president again. Pence did not.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz inflated the number of people who believe the election was “rigged.”
  • As the Capitol went into lockdown, a GOP congressman suggested without evidence that the people who stormed the Capitol were antifa activists in disguise.
  • Multiple commentators called the actions by Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol “sedition,” a characterization supported by many legal experts

Jan 7:
Facial Recognition Firm: Washington Times Antifa Story False - "Matt Gaetz had cited the story in Congress as supposed evidence that antifa was involved in the Capitol assault. But the company says it’s “outright false.”"

There’s No Evidence Antifa Was Involved In The Attempted Coup At The Capitol - "Right-wing figures have spread baseless claims that antifa was behind Wednesday’s violent insurrection at the Capitol."

Fact Check: There Is NO Evidence Protesters Were Antifa Activists Dressing Up As Trump Supporters In The Capitol | Lead Stories

The Capitol Hill Building Rioters Included White Supremacists and Conspiracy Theorists - The New York Times - "The mob that rampaged the halls of Congress included infamous white supremacists and conspiracy theorists."

Bogus Antifa Claims Follow Capitol Riot - FactCheck.org - "Viral social media posts and a Republican House member have amplified claims wrongly identifying some right-wing figures at the U.S. Capitol riot as part of “antifa.” The claims feed into an unfounded conspiracy theory that anti-fascist activists in disguise orchestrated the event."

Fact check: Trump's false claims, fuel on a day of chaos | MPR News

No, there’s no substantive evidence that the Capitol riot was spurred by antifa - The Washington Post

Tracking Viral Misinformation: Latest Updates - The New York Times - including the alleged presence of Antifa activists

PolitiFact | There’s no proof antifa stormed the Capitol. The rumor spread quickly anyway
  • A crowd of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6, wearing and waving Trump-branded paraphernalia and flags as they sought to overturn the election.
  • There is no credible evidence that the crowd was infiltrated or led by antifa activists in disguise. Specific individuals held up online as antifa activists turned out to be Trump supporters.
  • Trump had encouraged his supporters to come to Washington to protest the election. He spoke at a rally hours before the violence erupted and urged those in attendance to march to Congress.
This was such a big event that it would have been difficult for left-wing false-flaggers to set it up and practice it. But there were plenty of right-wing activists who discussed what to do that day in their online forums.

Capitol Insurrection: More Than 230 People Charged And What We Know About Them : NPR
A group this large defies generalization. The defendants are predominantly white and male, though there were exceptions. Federal prosecutors say a former member of the Latin Kings gang joined the mob, as did two Virginia police officers. A man in a "Camp Auschwitz" sweatshirt took part, as did a Messianic Rabbi. Far-right militia members decked out in tactical gear rioted next to a county commissioner, a New York City sanitation worker, and a two-time Olympic gold medalist.

There were those with connections to extremist groups or fringe ideas. At least 13 defendants appear to have expressed support for QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory.

At least 15 of the defendants appear to have links to the Proud Boys, a far-right gang. The group was recently declared a terrorist group in Canada. Their values have been widely described as racist, misogynist, anti-immigrant and hateful against other minority groups.

At least four of the defendants have alleged ties to the Oath Keepers, which the Anti-Defamation League calls an "anti-government right-wing fringe organization."

The group is known to target and recruit current and former law enforcement officers and military veterans. At least three of the defendants are allegedly affiliated with the Three Percenters, another anti-government extremist organization.

The presence of current and former law enforcement officers, as well as military service members and veterans, has especially alarmed government officials. NPR found at least 14% of those charged had possible ties to the military or to law enforcement.
If I was a right-winger, I'd blush with shame at who participated.
Impeachment video shows Pence had 'nuclear football' as he moved away from Capitol riot | TheHill

Fact check: Quotes from Democratic leaders about riots out of context
I think that right-wingers are engaged in projection here.

Marie Newman on Twitter: "I’m with Joe" / Twitter
Rep. Joe Neguse on Twitter: "The evidence is clear, and it is overwhelming.
He assembled the mob, summoned the mob, and incited the mob.
He must be held accountable. (link)" / Twitter

Rep. Katie Porter on impeachment and the consequences of Jan. 6 - YouTube
Nice little interview, with KP confirming that AOC was with her, and that AOC seemed very rattled.

Rep. Katie Porter on Twitter: "This impeachment trial is about accountability. A violent mob, incited by the former president, attacked the Capitol and law enforcement to overturn a free and fair election. If we don't hold him accountable, future leaders are emboldened to do the same. https://t.co/t0Ds9VdUPZ" / Twitter

Greg Sargent on Twitter: "The evidence is extensive and it is damning.

Many of those who preplanned Jan. 6th did so because they correctly understood that Trump had told them to do exactly that: (links)" / Twitter

Opinion | Trump lawyer David Schoen’s crazy theory on ‘Hannity’ unmasks the GOP’s ugly core - The Washington Post
Schoen appeared to suggest law enforcement might refrain from further investigations into the rioters who stormed the Capitol, because they are showing that the assault was preplanned, supposedly exonerating Trump.

“Right now, you really are finding out about the preplanning,” Schoen told Hannity. “And I’m afraid they’re going to back off that investigation, because maybe — you know — so many people want to tie it to Donald Trump.”

Schoen added that in Monday’s Senate trial presentation, the House impeachment managers showed “nothing” that “ties” the assault to Trump.
But being preplanned and being Trump-approved are not mutually exclusive. In fact, Trump could well have known about these attackers' intentions well before that day.
Jennifer Rodgers on Twitter: "This is critical point: Trump rally was timed so that rioters would March to Capitol just as Congressional session beginning. No accident, no mistake: it was all planned so crowd would be fired up and sent to the Capitol to stop what was happening there." / Twitter

Jennifer Rodgers on Twitter: "@RepSwalwell drives this point home again — Trump’s Stop the Steal ads were bought to run up through Jan 5, and he hammered it repeatedly on Twitter. It was all pointed directly at the certification on Jan 6." / Twitter

SWP on Twitter: "@JenGRodgers @RepSwalwell This was evident in real time on the day. Trump's motorcade pulled up and then the stage was empty for about 20 minutes, including when Gloria was playing to the crowds and in the footage of the white tent. He was delaying until the session began." / Twitter

Marco Rubio on Twitter: "The 6 Jan attack on the Capitol was far more dangerous than most realize

And we have a criminal justice system in place to address it" / Twitter

Soledad O'Brien on Twitter: "American coward, in so many ways." / Twitter
Ronald Brownstein on Twitter: "Who publicly praised the attack on a bus of Biden supporters in TX that the House managers convincingly established today was a stepping stone toward the assault on the Capitol. @marcorubio" / Twitter
Marty on Twitter: "@RonBrownstein @marcorubio Proud Boy Marco thinks inciting road rage is a stepping stone to higher office. Let’s make sure we #RetireRubio so he can find his soul & the 6th commandment." / Twitter

Ivanka Trump may be challenging him, so that could be fun.
Amee Vanderpool on Twitter: "Rep. Neguse (D-CO) presents a chilling argument ad evidence that MAGA rioters would have killed Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi if they had the chance. (vid link)" / Twitter

John Latimer on Twitter: "@girlsreallyrule I know it would circumstantial evidence, but Bill Barr’s behavior in his last two months in office, including his failure to go along with Trump’s narrative and his resignation on 12/23 indicate he knew what Trump was planning for Jan. 6. I would love to see him as a witness." / Twitter
I'm not willing to bet on that, but I agree that it suggests that he recognized that Trump was acting like a very sore loser.

Scott MacFarlane on Twitter: "NEW: Security video just released at Impeachment trial shows man with Confederate flag was at the frontline of breach (vid link)" / Twitter

Scott Dworkin on Twitter: "Marjorie Taylor Greene says "get ready to fight for America tomorrow," the day before the attack, while in front of the US Capitol. Greene also says "Trump was re-elected," and that the Electoral College vote was "stolen." Expel immediately. (vid link)" / Twitter
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says "Get ready to fight for America" on 1/5/21

Marjorie Taylor Greene says "get ready to fight for America tomorrow," the day before the attack on the US Capitol. Greene also says "Trump was re-elected" and the Electoral College vote was "stolen."
What connection did she have to the Capitol attackers? That suggests that she may have had at least some familiarity with them.
#StopTheSteal: Timeline of Social Media and Extremist Activities Leading to 1/6 Insurrection
The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab constructed a timeline of key events, both online and offline, centered on the coordination of “Stop the Steal” efforts that escalated to violence and threatened the transition of power core to American democracy. Most of the material found in this report was posted in plain sight on social media platforms and online forums, designed to convince more Americans of falsehoods about the 2020 elections. The Stop the Steal movement was far from monolithic, though, and included groups across a spectrum of radicalization: hyperpartisan pro-Trump activists and media outlets; the neo-fascist Proud Boys, a group with chapters committed to racism and the promotion of street violence; unlawful militias from around the country with a high degree of command and control, including the so-called Three Percenters movement; adherents to the collective delusion of QAnon; individuals identifying with the Boogaloo Bois, a loosely organized anti-government group that has called for a second civil war; and ideological fellow travelers of the far-right, who wanted to witness something they believed would be spectacular.

Each group overlapped but maintained distinct engagement — and coordination — online.
"Stop the Steal" showed up online not only in 2020, but also in 2018 and 2016.

On 2020 Sep 29,
“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,” Trump says. “But I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem.”
Which was great advertisement for this group.
Notably, Trump’s mention of “Antifa” was neither his first nor his last. The president and his allies spent years painting opponents of far-right groups as violent threats to the nation, and specifically mounted a sustained effort throughout the racial justice protests over the summer to characterize Antifa as a highly organized and violent “terrorist” group.
Oct 7
Many unlawful militia groups involved in anti-COVID lockdown and pro-gun rallies that included shows of force at various state capitols participated in the Jan. 6 attack. The kidnapping attempt against Whitmer was an early warning of the potential consequences of misinformation campaigns on a national level.
On Oct 15, he said in a debate, "I know nothing about QAnon … What I do hear about it, they are very strongly against pedophilia, and I agree with that."

Oct 19:
Prominent conservatives circulate misleading information suggesting that Trump voters are being targeted for violence, animating extremist groups. The DFRLab found that the sourcing for the claims, which were spread by leading Republican figureheads like Matt Schlapp, failed to withstand basic scrutiny and that QAnon conspiracy-theory-adjacent accounts were the first to post the material on social media.
Portraying themselves as victims. Seems like it's a good way of getting ready to do those sorts of things.

Around Election Day,
A subsequent DFRLab analysis of tweets using the hashtag #StopTheSteal between approximately 9 p.m. ET Nov. 2 through 5 a.m. ET Nov. 4, finds that among its top promoters were accounts used by the Philadelphia GOP, Human Events publisher Will Chamberlain, Trump-supporting actor James Woods, Islamophobic activist Pamela Geller, conservative writer Carmine Sabia, and online influencers Posobiec and Mark Dice.
That's Jack Posobiec.
everal prominent right-wing social media influencers begin promoting the Stop the Steal effort, including newly elected Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, and far-right media personalities Mark Dice and Michelle Malkin. Greene leverages the effort to fundraise for her congressional campaign fund.
The "Stop the Steal" activists don't stop. Among their activities, they demand stopping vote counting when it seems like Trump is ahead.

Nov 13
Trump campaign allies host a bewildering press conference at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping company in Philadelphia, where they air grievances over the counting of votes. Almost every single Trump campaign challenge against the results of the election will be tossed out of court, and the small number of legal challenges won will do nothing to change the result of the vote.
Likely intended for a Four Seasons Hotel.

Nov 14: "Just after 8 p.m., the Proud Boys and other Trump supporters receive praise from the president for brawling with counter-demonstrators."

Lots of protests in Georgia and Pennsylvania, and on Dec 5,
Armed protesters surround Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s home, chanting “Stop the Steal” and spouting conspiracy theories about the election popularized by Trump and his allies. Activist Genevieve Peters live-streams the event, including the caption, “Michiganders head to Secretary of States Jocelyn Benson’s HOUSE in dead of night to let her know: WE AIN ‘T TAKING THIS CORRUPT ELECTION!! FORENSIC AUDIT PERIOD!”

Dec 13,
An online “enemies list” of politicians, cyber experts, and election officials who do not support efforts to sow doubt in the integrity of the 2020 election begins to circulate, and it catches the attention of federal law enforcement. The FBI eventually attributes the list to an Iranian information operation. The Iranian disinformation campaign sought to capitalize on the Stop the Steal movement, likely intended to spark domestic violence and push the results of the election deeper into question.
The sort of thing that Russian professional trolls have been known to do. Like some years back, trying to get both Muslims and their opponents to demonstrate at the same place and time.
Dec 17
Ron Watkins, former administrator for the extremist bulletin board 8chan, urges Trump to “cross the Rubicon.” The phrase refers to Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon River with an army to install himself as sovereign, which precipitated starting a bloody Roman civil war. The phrase is echoed by Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward days later.
That event was part of some decades of civil war in the Roman Republic, the predecessor of the Roman Empire. The Republic became the Empire.

Do some of Trump's admirers consider him a latter-day Julius Caesar? Someone who ought to just plain take over, as the original had done.

More and more and more activism, like a "March for Trump".

Dec 25
Ali Alexander posts a since-deleted video to YouTube on Christmas Day, urging people to come to D.C. on Jan. 6, the day that Congress will finalize Biden’s election as president. With a triumphant soundtrack, the video features Trump at a rally declaring, “We will never give in. We will never give up, and we will never back down. We will never ever surrender.”

The video urges people to register to attend on a website, WildProtest.com — a direct homage to Trump’s tweet from Dec. 19 about the event, directing them to arrive at the U.S. Capitol building by 1 p.m. on the day of the event. The website even offers to help people find rides to get there. The website lists multiple Republican members of Congress as featured speakers, including Reps. Mo Brooks (R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and Paul Gosar (R-AZ).
Meaning that they endorsed that event.

2021 Jan 1
Trump promotes “Stop The Steal” on Twitter, encouraging his supporters to attend the “BIG Protest Rally in Washington D.C.”

The same day, he responds to Kylie Jane Kremer’s Dec. 19 tweet that read “The calvary (sic) is coming, Mr. President!” with the reply, “A great honor!”

Meanwhile, pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood tweets that Vice President Mike Pence should be “executed by firing squad.” Days prior to Wood’s tweet, Pence’s legal team had asked that a federal judge reject a lawsuit filed by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) that would have sought to use Pence to throw out election results.
Presumably "cavalry".
We now see lots and lots of preparation and invitation for that great event.

2020 Jan 4
On TheDonald.win, a popular pro-Trump forum board, more than 50 percent of top posts that day contain calls for violence in the top five responses, according to Advance Democracy. Users on the forum openly fantasize about storming congressional offices. One user replies to a post on the forum with the comment, “Stop the steal and execute the ‘stealers,’” according to The Daily Beast. Similar violent rhetoric is present on the platform Parler.

Violent posts litter pro-Trump online communities. Users in a thread on TheDonald.win discuss violating weapons laws and overwhelming Washington, D.C. metropolitan police, receiving hundreds of upvotes — signaling community approval of the comments.
Their defenders call them "peaceful protesters", but being heavily armed is not being very peaceful.

"On Twitter, Charlie Kirk of conservative youth organizing group Turning Point USA claims he is sending more than 80 buses of students to D.C. for protests on Jan. 6."

Jan 5
Trump supporters descend on D.C., hosting a roughly eight-hour event at Freedom Plaza. That evening, Trump tweets and posts to Facebook, “I hope the Democrats, and even more importantly, the weak and ineffective RINO section of the Republican Party, are looking at the thousands of people pouring into D.C. They won’t stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen.” His message is addressed to Republican Senators Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, and John Thune.
I don't know what MMC thinks about Trump now. Could he be thinking "I enabled him for the last for years, and this is how he repays me"?
Jan 6
The day of the attacks
During the event held at the White House Ellipse on Jan. 6, organizers play a propaganda video, which asserts that the United States is descending into chaos due to the corruption and greed of government and corporate elites, and that the only way to preserve the American way of life is to restore Trump as president.

Speaking at the event, Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama tells attendees that Jan. 6 is “the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.” He asks the crowd, “Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America? Louder! Will you fight for America?”

During his remarks, Donald Trump Jr. tells the crowd, “The people who did nothing to stop the steal. This gathering should send a message to them: This isn’t their Republican party any more. This is Donald Trump’s.” He adds, “If you’re gonna be the zero and not the hero, we’re coming for you and we’re going to have a good time doing it!”

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani also addresses the crowd. “If we’re wrong, we will be made fools of,” he says. “But if we’re right, a lot of them will go to jail. So let’s have trial by combat.”
Then Trump urging his rallygoers to march on the Capitol building and confront any non-Trumpie Congresspeople.
Capitol insurrection: Most of the people charged, like Jenna Ryan, showed signs of prior money troubles - The Washington Post - "Trail of bankruptcies, tax problems and bad debts raises questions for researchers trying to understand motivations for attack"
Jenna Ryan seemed like an unlikely participant in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. She was a real estate agent from Texas. She flew into Washington on a private jet. And she was dressed that day in clothes better suited for a winter tailgate than a war

Despite her outward signs of success, Ryan had struggled financially for years. She was still paying off a $37,000 lien for unpaid federal taxes when she was arrested. She’d nearly lost her home to foreclosure before that. She filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and faced another IRS tax lien in 2010.

Nearly 60 percent of the people facing charges related to the Capitol riot showed signs of prior money troubles, including bankruptcies, notices of eviction or foreclosure, bad debts, or unpaid taxes over the past two decades, according to a Washington Post analysis of public records for 125 defendants with sufficient information to detail their financial histories.

The group’s bankruptcy rate — 18 percent — was nearly twice as high as that of the American public, The Post found. A quarter of them had been sued for money owed to a creditor. And 1 in 5 of them faced losing their home at one point, according to court filings.
Though many of the attackers were middle-class and upper-middle-class, they were financially precarious. This is an economic problem that has not gotten as much attention as it ought to, because it is not as apparent as some other economic problems. But it is a real problem. What can be done? Look for ways of providing more economic security? Like long-term employment. If people tried to get around that problem by saving instead of spending, then that will produce the  Paradox of thrift, a form of the  Tragedy of the commons. Not buying anything will ruin every business dependent on having customers, causing an economic collapse.
“I think what you’re finding is more than just economic insecurity but a deep-seated feeling of precarity about their personal situation,” said Cynthia Miller-Idriss, a political science professor who helps run the Polarization and Extremism Research Innovation Lab at American University, reacting to The Post’s findings. “And that precarity — combined with a sense of betrayal or anger that someone is taking something away — mobilized a lot of people that day.”

The financial missteps by defendants in the insurrection ranged from small debts of a few thousand dollars more than a decade ago to unpaid tax bills of $400,000 and homes facing foreclosure in recent years. Some of these people seemed to have regained their financial footing. But many of them once stood close to the edge.
At Least 9 Far-Right Insurrectionists Have A History Of Violence Against Women | HuffPost - "A HuffPost investigation found that multiple men arrested for the U.S. Capitol insurrection have restraining orders against them over domestic violence accusations. Others have faced charges and served prison time for sexual assault."
Experts have linked extremism to violent misogyny in recent years, especially in the wake of mass shootings in which the perpetrators had a history of violence against women. These violent behaviors exist on a spectrum ― and, of course, not all abusive men turn into killers ― but violence against women often begets more violence, sometimes deadly. Three people died as a direct result of the violence at the Capitol, and more than 140 law enforcement officers were injured during the riot. Two U.S. Capitol Police officers have died by suicide in the aftermath.
The key factor is a tendency to use violence.

Missouri Newspaper Slams GOP Sens. Josh Hawley, Roy Blunt | HuffPost
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board ripped the Republican senators for “bringing additional embarrassment to the state.”

Missouri GOP Sens. Josh Hawley and Roy Blunt were taken to task in a stinging column published by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board this week.

The newspaper’s board suggested the pair should have used ex-President Donald Trump’s Senate impeachment trial for inciting the deadly U.S. Capitol riot to distance themselves from Trump and “to redeem themselves for blindly supporting a man whose conduct was indefensible.”

But instead, the editorial said, Hawley and Blunt were now just “bringing additional embarrassment to the state after having flirted with the abolition of democracy in favor of keeping a dictator wannabe in the White House.”
Editorial: Hawley and Blunt deepen Missouri's embarrassment by refusing to see Trump's guilt | Editorial | stltoday.com
Capitol insurrection: Most of the people charged, like Jenna Ryan, showed signs of prior money troubles - The Washington Post - "Trail of bankruptcies, tax problems and bad debts raises questions for researchers trying to understand motivations for attack"
Jenna Ryan seemed like an unlikely participant in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. She was a real estate agent from Texas. She flew into Washington on a private jet. And she was dressed that day in clothes better suited for a winter tailgate than a war

Despite her outward signs of success, Ryan had struggled financially for years. She was still paying off a $37,000 lien for unpaid federal taxes when she was arrested. She’d nearly lost her home to foreclosure before that. She filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and faced another IRS tax lien in 2010.

Nearly 60 percent of the people facing charges related to the Capitol riot showed signs of prior money troubles, including bankruptcies, notices of eviction or foreclosure, bad debts, or unpaid taxes over the past two decades, according to a Washington Post analysis of public records for 125 defendants with sufficient information to detail their financial histories.

The group’s bankruptcy rate — 18 percent — was nearly twice as high as that of the American public, The Post found. A quarter of them had been sued for money owed to a creditor. And 1 in 5 of them faced losing their home at one point, according to court filings.
Though many of the attackers were middle-class and upper-middle-class, they were financially precarious. This is an economic problem that has not gotten as much attention as it ought to, because it is not as apparent as some other economic problems. But it is a real problem. What can be done? Look for ways of providing more economic security? Like long-term employment. If people tried to get around that problem by saving instead of spending, then that will produce the  Paradox of thrift, a form of the  Tragedy of the commons. Not buying anything will ruin every business dependent on having customers, causing an economic collapse.
“I think what you’re finding is more than just economic insecurity but a deep-seated feeling of precarity about their personal situation,” said Cynthia Miller-Idriss, a political science professor who helps run the Polarization and Extremism Research Innovation Lab at American University, reacting to The Post’s findings. “And that precarity — combined with a sense of betrayal or anger that someone is taking something away — mobilized a lot of people that day.”

The financial missteps by defendants in the insurrection ranged from small debts of a few thousand dollars more than a decade ago to unpaid tax bills of $400,000 and homes facing foreclosure in recent years. Some of these people seemed to have regained their financial footing. But many of them once stood close to the edge.

Very interesting analysis. Financial insecurity has been growing due to increasing income inequality that has risen sharply since the election of Ronald Reagan. I really think Reagan’s presidency is the root cause of a lot of our issues. Reagan was the first corporate president. Since his election, corporate power has eroded the will of the people. There’s too large a disconnect between our representatives and the people as a result. Congressmen are expected to spend the vast majority of their day on fundraising. They don’t care about their constituents, but the corporate lobbyists who really pay them. This has created a loss of economic and political power for ordinary Americans. That is a recipe for political violence.
Capitol insurrection: Most of the people charged, like Jenna Ryan, showed signs of prior money troubles - The Washington Post - "Trail of bankruptcies, tax problems and bad debts raises questions for researchers trying to understand motivations for attack" ...
Very interesting analysis. Financial insecurity has been growing due to increasing income inequality that has risen sharply since the election of Ronald Reagan. I really think Reagan’s presidency is the root cause of a lot of our issues. Reagan was the first corporate president. Since his election, corporate power has eroded the will of the people. There’s too large a disconnect between our representatives and the people as a result. Congressmen are expected to spend the vast majority of their day on fundraising. They don’t care about their constituents, but the corporate lobbyists who really pay them. This has created a loss of economic and political power for ordinary Americans. That is a recipe for political violence.
Yes, we are in Gilded Age II.

Oath Keepers leader waited for Trump's direction before Capitol attack, DOJ says - CNNPolitics
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