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Jeff Sessions Derails Hearing - No word on casualties

And he has not read DOJ policy on investigations during elections. Really, if this had been a test in school, he would have flunked.
Mr. Sessions appears to have a terrible memory because most of his responses are "I don't recall".

If his short term memory is so bad, he is not competent to hold his job--more grounds of Trump to fire him, except for the dread that firing him would jolt his flickering memory into full incandescence.
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WTF? What's with the Democrats? Brain-dead?

The ratfaced little weasel says "i'm protecting the President's right to assert executive privilege" and they let him get away with it. Why didn't Wymer (or whoever it was) jump down his throat -
"The President's right to assert executive privilege is not under threat, Mr Ratface, and you are not protecting it! He can assert it any time he wants - but YOU CAN'T! You are trying to invoke ILLEGALLY it on your own behalf and I demand that you answer my question!"

Instead he just whined about stonewalling, bringing some predictable response about innuendo... no wonder they're in the minority.
And he has not read DOJ policy on investigations during elections. Really, if this had been a test in school, he would have flunked.

This was predictable. "I don't recall" has worked for the Republicans since Iran-Contra. "That's privileged information" may be true; it may not be true.

I supposed it was necessary to question Sessions, but no one should've expected much from him.

What I find hilarious/sickening is that none of Trump's people ever have any talks with him about anything. Spicer's favorite go-to, no matter the subject, "I haven't spoken with the President about that." Sessions did the same thing today. On matters you would expect they would've spoken, Sessions says they didn't. So they're either lying or Trump is shambling around the White House by his lonesome after watching TV for the first 6 of his waking hours.
No other member of the armed service committee had any meetings with Russian diplomats. Sessions "forgot" to mention 2 or 3 that he had, later claiming he had them in the service of said committee. Now he remembers NO details of those meetings.

Ask other members of congress about details concerning their meetings with foreign diplomats and they can recall many details.
What real attack took place before he said this?

I think he means the polio epidemic closing down public swimming pools and the contemporary hysteria about ice-cream

I believe that FDR said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" about the Great Depression. I think that unter thought that FDR said that about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

That is two assumptions, I have fulfilled my WAG quota for the day in a single post.
I think he means the polio epidemic closing down public swimming pools and the contemporary hysteria about ice-cream

I believe that FDR said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" about the Great Depression. I think that unter thought that FDR said that about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

That is two assumptions, I have fulfilled my WAG quota for the day in a single post.
I don't think that first one's much of an assumption. His speech included talking about people who got scared and pulled all their money out of the bank, which weakened the bank, which scared more people, who pulled more money...

It takes fear to make a Depression into a Great Depression.
As to what unter thought the quote referred to, or when it was stated, that's anyone's guess.
WTF? What's with the Democrats? Brain-dead?

The ratfaced little weasel says "i'm protecting the President's right to assert executive privilege" and they let him get away with it. Why didn't Wymer (or whoever it was) jump down his throat -
"The President's right to assert executive privilege is not under threat, Mr Ratface, and you are not protecting it! He can assert it any time he wants - but YOU CAN'T! You are trying to invoke ILLEGALLY it on your own behalf and I demand that you answer my question!"

Instead he just whined about stonewalling, bringing some predictable response about innuendo... no wonder they're in the minority.

As if he hadn't expected anyone to ask those questions, and couldn't have checked with Twitler in advance about whether he should answer them. What a missed opportunity. Fucking morons.
WTF? What's with the Democrats? Brain-dead?

The ratfaced little weasel says "i'm protecting the President's right to assert executive privilege" and they let him get away with it. Why didn't Wymer (or whoever it was) jump down his throat -
"The President's right to assert executive privilege is not under threat, Mr Ratface, and you are not protecting it! He can assert it any time he wants - but YOU CAN'T! You are trying to invoke ILLEGALLY it on your own behalf and I demand that you answer my question!"

Instead he just whined about stonewalling, bringing some predictable response about innuendo... no wonder they're in the minority.

As if he hadn't expected anyone to ask those questions, and couldn't have checked with Twitler in advance about whether he should answer them. What a missed opportunity. Fucking morons.
What else could they say? He refused to answer, they called him on it, and he still refused to answer.
As if he hadn't expected anyone to ask those questions, and couldn't have checked with Twitler in advance about whether he should answer them. What a missed opportunity. Fucking morons.
What else could they say? He refused to answer, they called him on it, and he still refused to answer.

They called him on it VERY weakly IMHO. Saying "you're stonewalling" is a far cry from citing chapter and verse and explaining (to the American public) how he was acting illegally with his refusal to answer.
Not one person dem or repub ever asked Sessions why he offered Trump his resignation a few weeks ago. I thought that might be the first question.
Not one person dem or repub ever asked Sessions why he offered Trump his resignation a few weeks ago. I thought that might be the first question.
AG Sessions: I'm sorry, but I can't say if I did or didn't.
Sen. Demobucks: So you are invoking Executive Privilege.
AG Sessions: No, that is for the President to do.
Sen. Demobucks: And he hasn't so answer the question.
AG Sessions: I am protecting the President's right to invoke Executive Privilege in the future.
Sen. Demobucks: *Drops safe on AG Sessions*
Not one person dem or repub ever asked Sessions why he offered Trump his resignation a few weeks ago. I thought that might be the first question.
AG Sessions: I'm sorry, but I can't say if I did or didn't.
Sen. Demobucks: So you are invoking Executive Privilege.
AG Sessions: No, that is for the President to do.
Sen. Demobucks: And he hasn't so answer the question.
AG Sessions: I am protecting the President's right to invoke Executive Privilege in the future.
Sen. Demobucks: *Drops safe on AG Sessions*

That was in response to the question?
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