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Joe Biden's platform is more progressive than you think


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs
I'm just repeating the title of the article, but considering what some of the posters here claim, it's probably true.


There is plenty more liberal meat on the bones of Biden’s program. He is proposing more generous subsidies and medicaid funding along with a public option in order to achieve universal health care; a combination of $1.7 trillion in clean energy investment and a suite of tighter regulation to bring emissions to zero by 2050; a combined $2 trillion in new spending on early education, post-secondary education, and housing, a $1.3 trillion infrastructure plan, and a $15 minimum wage.

There is more Biden could be proposing to advance the liberal agenda. I’ve argued he should adopt some of Elizabeth Warren’s anti-corruption and financial regulation plans, including a financial transaction tax. Eric Levitz has some ideas of his own, including marijuana legalization. If he can carry a Democratic majority into the Senate, a lot of possibilities will open. Campaign proposals only go so far, though. The limits of his legislation will be set by the 50th Senator, and the limits of his executive action will be set by the fifth Supreme Court justice. That would have been true under a Sanders or Warren administration, too.

Here's the thing that people seem to forget. We are still a center right country so even if Sanders was our president, it's highly doubtful that he'd be able to accomplish any of the things that excited his supporters. I fully support UHC. I just don't think it's feasible to get it through M4A. Medicare is now becoming more and more of a private health insurance program. Part D is all through private insurance. Supplements and Advantage Plans are all provided through private insurance. Basic Medicare isn't free, and it only covers 80% of approved out patient services, and there are many drugs which aren't covered at all in any of the Medicare programs or the Medicaid programs, the other government program for the lowest income folks. So, until I hear a reasonable way as to how M4A could be put into law in a way that would be affordable, I'm not a supporter of M4A. I think we are better off following one of the European models that use private insurance to provide UHC. And, that is similar to what Biden is proposing. Biden thinks that health care is a human right. How is that different from the most progressive candidate?

Biden made the comment that the wealthy won't have to change their lifestyle, as discussed and criticized in my linked article, but he didn't mean that the wealthy wouldn't have to pay higher taxes under his plan. He simply meant that they would still have their homes and savings, etc. They would just be paying more taxes. If you have 25 million dollars and you have to pay half of it in taxes, you're still going to be able to live a very high lifestyle. As long as the average wage is a living wage, why should we care if a small percentage of people are very wealthy? Those things don't impact me or you.

Biden wants to put a lot more money into public education and I'm sure I've read that he wants all two year colleges to be free. These colleges not only offer the first two years of a four year degree, they often provide degrees in technical fields, nursing etc. There is no reason that one can't get a decent job if one chooses a two year degree in a much needed field, which can include things like mechanics, fire fighting, computer repair, professional landscaping etc. etc. My own son started out with a two year degree in computer engineering, aka repairing computers. He later went on to get a 4 year degree in programming. There are plenty of options available in technical colleges that offer the potential to make a decent living. But, I digress.

While his energy plans may not be as progressive as the one supported by people like AOC, it's more likely that a program like the one that Biden supports will actually be passed into law. It's more reasonable to believe that the goal of such a plan will actually be accomplished.

Plus, Biden isn't rigid in his thinking. Over the years, he's grown and changed his mind about many things. For example, he supported gay marriage before a lot of other Democrats did, and while he has recently said that he doesn't support the full legalization of cannabis, I'm pretty sure he will be open to changing that opinion, especially if the Congress were to vote to legalize cannabis.

The only way that any progress will be made is if the Congress goes Democrat by a fairly wide margin. Even at that, not all Democrats in Congress are even as progressive as Biden. So, I always find it unrealistic when those who are much further to the left whine and complain that things aren't moving far enough in the direction that they want. We will always be a capitalist country but with the right regulations and controls in place, that's probably better than the other options. European countries aren't socialist. They are capitalist with good social programs. That should be our goal. I don't think Biden would disagree.

Biden has always worked well with minorities, despite the attack on some of the policies that he supported decades ago, which were often also supported by the Congressional Black Caucus. WE all make mistakes. Congress makes mistakes. It's easy to criticize what might have looked good in the past but didn't work out as well as was expected.

Trump is a threat to our democracy and a 2nd term could bring irreparable damage. Is that what people want? I'll take something less than pure and perfect to something that would hurt the entire country and bring an end to what freedoms we have left.

Don't get me wrong. I'm far more progressive than I might appear, but I'm far more realistic than I am progressive. I know damn well that to make progress, one must compromise with those who don't share my ideals.

People criticized Obama for not being progressive enough, but it wasn't Obama who didn't have progressive goals. It was Congress that obstructed most of the things he wanted to do. For fuck's sake, he could barely get enough support for the ACA from Democrats, as some seemed to think it was a radical socialist idea. Despite Trump's autocratic view of the presidency, Obama knew that he had to work with the other side. Obama didn't just want to please his base. He knew that he was supposed to be the president of all the people. I think in that respect, Biden is similar. Biden won't abuse his power. He will listen to his advisors and not be led by his ego, while he works toward progressive goals.

He may not be as progressive as some of you want, but he's a lot more progressive than what some of you think. Considering the alternative, I am sickened by anyone who whines and says they won't vote for the man who was chosen by the people to be the Democratic candidate. I just read the results of the Georgia primary. Biden got over 85% of the vote and our election was started back in March, despite not being finished until recently. I want a candidate who has a chance of winning in my state and Biden was probably always the only one who had that chance. You don't have to be thrilled about Biden, but considering the alternative, we should all be very pleased to have him as our next president. And, it really doesn't matter which woman he chooses to run with him. We all have our favorites, but any one of them would be far superior to Trump and would be capable of taking over for Biden if that was ever needed.

We are a country with a very diverse number of ideals and ideologies and none of us will always get exactly what we want, but as the old Stones song line goes, "if we try real. hard, we just might get what we need". :D
I'm so sick of this bullshit narrative that Sanders (or any of the new group) are "more progressive" than anyone else. It simply has never been true. There is literally nothing that Sanders proposed that was in any way significantly more to the left than anything any other Democrat has proposed since FDR.

"Medicare for All," for example, wasn't even coined by a Democrat! It was first used in 1970 by the NYT to describe Republican Sen. Jacob Javits' bill ffs.
I'm so sick of this bullshit narrative that Sanders (or any of the new group) are "more progressive" than anyone else. It simply has never been true. There is literally nothing that Sanders proposed that was in any way significantly more to the left than anything any other Democrat has proposed since FDR.

"Medicare for All," for example, wasn't even coined by a Democrat! It was first used in 1970 by the NYT to describe Republican Sen. Jacob Javits' bill ffs.

I pretty much agree. Plus when Sanders proposed something like M4A, all free with no premiums or copays, he never explained in a realistic way how he would accomplish such a program.

The thing that I most disliked about Sanders is that he always seemed very narrow minded and unwilling to consider that there might be better ways to accomplish some of his goals.

Anyway, I didn't mean to discuss the faults and weaknesses of Sanders. He's over. I'm just trying to point out that Biden is far more progressive and open minded than a lot of people seem to think. And, unless the Dems can take back the Senate by a good margin and keep the majority in the House, not much will change, other than ending the most dangerous, incompetent presidency in our lifetimes. That in itself is enough to make me feel excited to support Biden.

Sure, it would be nice if we had a much younger candidate who had no baggage, but we don't. Instead we have a man with lots of experience, who has always been trusted by most minorities and liberals and who is flexible in his thinking. I feel as if he has far more positives than negatives.

The only problem that I see is that Biden, like anyone else who follows Trump, will be inheriting some extremely difficult problems to try and solve. Obama inherited a huge mess and he did fairly well at improving things, despite the constant obstruction from the other side during his last 6 years as president. Nobody is going to be able to easily turn things around. It's going to be a long uphill battle to get past the damage done by Trump and his toadies.
Technically, all Biden would need to do on day one is issue a blanket Executive Order that states: "All Executive Orders implemented by Donald Trump are hereby rescinded." That would take care of 99% of the bullshit. Then it's just a matter of filling posts that Trump still never filled and firing the ones he did.
Technically, all Biden would need to do on day one is issue a blanket Executive Order that states: "All Executive Orders implemented by Donald Trump are hereby rescinded." That would take care of 99% of the bullshit. Then it's just a matter of filling posts that Trump still never filled and firing the ones he did.
Add in "and re-instate all the cancelled Obama orders" just for the icing on the cake. :D

The biggest thing I like about Biden (and he was still far from my first pick) is that he does seem capable of learning and changing. You can be cynical and call it shifting political opinion just to be popular (and a lot of people will do that), but then again, isn't that what a politician is supposed to do? ;)
He's not doing a very good job of campaigning for president if his "real" policy positions are relatively unknown by the public. Where is he, exactly?
Technically, all Biden would need to do on day one is issue a blanket Executive Order that states: "All Executive Orders implemented by Donald Trump are hereby rescinded." That would take care of 99% of the bullshit. Then it's just a matter of filling posts that Trump still never filled and firing the ones he did.

Add in "and re-instate all the cancelled Obama orders" just for the icing on the cake. :D

And the next Republican president just reverses everything back the same way, which would be reversed again by the next Democrat. (Who cares about stability or reasonable continuity?)

How would we avoid that kind of slap-fight?
Technically, all Biden would need to do on day one is issue a blanket Executive Order that states: "All Executive Orders implemented by Donald Trump are hereby rescinded." That would take care of 99% of the bullshit. Then it's just a matter of filling posts that Trump still never filled and firing the ones he did.

No he can not. That would violate the administrative procedures act, part of which says an executive order can't be recinded for no reason. This is why the supreme court ruled against Trump's attempt to recind DACA, he didn't do it in accordance with the APA.
Technically, all Biden would need to do on day one is issue a blanket Executive Order that states: "All Executive Orders implemented by Donald Trump are hereby rescinded." That would take care of 99% of the bullshit. Then it's just a matter of filling posts that Trump still never filled and firing the ones he did.

No he can not. That would violate the administrative procedures act, part of which says an executive order can't be recinded for no reason. This is why the supreme court ruled against Trump's attempt to recind DACA, he didn't do it in accordance with the APA.
It would not take much effort on the part of any competent lawyer to come up with a reasonable reason to rescind any of Trump's executive orders. If I were the presumptive POTUS candidate, I'd already have those executive orders ready to go.
He's not doing a very good job of campaigning for president if his "real" policy positions are relatively unknown by the public. Where is he, exactly?

I have seen events on the news that he attended as well as speeches that he's given. But, t beo honest, considering the downfall of Trump and how even Republicans are starting to despise him, Biden can stay in the basement throughout the campaign.

I know Biden. I'm not worried. Nobody is going to be able to undue the damage done by Trump and his sycophants, but at least Biden will choose qualified advisors and follow their advice. Still, there is no living being, regardless of experience or intelligence that can solve the problems that we currently face. I'm not expecting miracles.

It it were not for the pandemic, we might see more of Biden, but unlike Trump, he doesn't want to put people at risk. This isn't an ordinary election or an ordianry time that we are living in. I'm sure there is plenty of information online about Biden's platform in addition to what I've posted here.

One more thing. Americans spend way too much time campaigning. The election is over 4 months away. There is no need for Biden to act like Trump. Biden isn't ruled by his ego. I'm fine with him in the basement. It's not like he's a newcomer. Either you like him or you don't. You don't have to like him to vote for him. But, we only have two choices. The choices are between an egotistical maniac who is corrupt and incompetent, or a decent, compassionate man with a life time of experience. That should be an easy decision.:D
He's not doing a very good job of campaigning for president if his "real" policy positions are relatively unknown by the public. Where is he, exactly?

He's in a difficult position. Any sane and respectful person would eschew public events in order to help prevent the transmission of Covid 19. Even traveling with a small retinue, as is de rigueur for campaigns these days, is fraught with danger, of spreading infection and also of being called out as a hypocrite. I truly feel sorry for anyone running for public office (except Trump) these days because of this. Be responsible and be called a coward. Be irresponsible and be called a hypocrite. So lotsa Biden's hiding in his basement by the surrogates of the actual person who hides in a bunker in his house.

I'd much rather a younger person be running for the Dems but I do hope that you will overcome your concerns about Biden and vote for him despite those doubts. Trump is the worst thing that has happened to America. Period. Full stop. We need to get rid of him. I'm not convinced that Pence would be better. And I'm concerned about Nikki Haley. And frankly I think we're looking at Pence/Haley if Trump goes toes up. Despite Mother's objections.
He's not doing a very good job of campaigning for president if his "real" policy positions are relatively unknown by the public. Where is he, exactly?

I have seen events on the news that he attended as well as speeches that he's given. But, t beo honest, considering the downfall of Trump and how even Republicans are starting to despise him, Biden can stay in the basement throughout the campaign.

I know Biden. I'm not worried. Nobody is going to be able to undue the damage done by Trump and his sycophants, but at least Biden will choose qualified advisors and follow their advice. Still, there is no living being, regardless of experience or intelligence that can solve the problems that we currently face. I'm not expecting miracles.

It it were not for the pandemic, we might see more of Biden, but unlike Trump, he doesn't want to put people at risk. This isn't an ordinary election or an ordianry time that we are living in. I'm sure there is plenty of information online about Biden's platform in addition to what I've posted here.

One more thing. Americans spend way too much time campaigning. The election is over 4 months away. There is no need for Biden to act like Trump. Biden isn't ruled by his ego. I'm fine with him in the basement. It's not like he's a newcomer. Either you like him or you don't. You don't have to like him to vote for him. But, we only have two choices. The choices are between an egotistical maniac who is corrupt and incompetent, or a decent, compassionate man with a life time of experience. That should be an easy decision.:D

I don't know why moderate Democrats are convinced that more radical liberals are plotting to vote for Trump, I'm certain that doesn't describe a huge portion of likely voters. I didn't and still don't think it was a good idea to nominate Biden, but of course I'm going to vote for him, and I will be incredibly relieved on November 3 if he wins and Trump buggers off to Mar-a-Lago without a fight.

But I don't believe in treating politicians with kid gloves just because they belong to the political party you most often vote for. Biden has no one to blame but himself if no one knows what he stands for and why.
He's not doing a very good job of campaigning for president if his "real" policy positions are relatively unknown by the public. Where is he, exactly?

He's in a difficult position. Any sane and respectful person would eschew public events in order to help prevent the transmission of Covid 19. Even traveling with a small retinue, as is de rigueur for campaigns these days, is fraught with danger, of spreading infection and also of being called out as a hypocrite. I truly feel sorry for anyone running for public office (except Trump) these days because of this. Be responsible and be called a coward. Be irresponsible and be called a hypocrite. So lotsa Biden's hiding in his basement by the surrogates of the actual person who hides in a bunker in his house.

I'd much rather a younger person be running for the Dems but I do hope that you will overcome your concerns about Biden and vote for him despite those doubts. Trump is the worst thing that has happened to America. Period. Full stop. We need to get rid of him. I'm not convinced that Pence would be better. And I'm concerned about Nikki Haley. And frankly I think we're looking at Pence/Haley if Trump goes toes up. Despite Mother's objections.

Pretty sure John Oliver hasn't left his mansion since this started, but I have a pretty good idea what his policy positions are. What century are we in, here?
I will settle for Biden replacing the entire Trump Cabinet. De Vos, Pompeo clean the entire cabinet out. Fire Barr. get rid of the Trump economic advisers. No more Paula White and that group of toxic Christian creeps. An end to appointing unqualified, activist right wing judges. Fire all the far right dead wood that has infested the U.S. government bureaus. Reinstate that many scientific and health organizations Trump has gutted. Start a total war on voter suppression, discouragement and gerrymandering. Promise America a government not run by far right ideologues, but by technocrats, the very best experts that can be assembled to help Biden and the Congress create the best government America can have. Declare trickle down and supply side economics dead and no longer welcome as an economic ideology in America. Protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Fix DACA. Begin to take climate change as a serious problem that needs immediate attention.

If I was Biden, I would set up a small studio somewhere, where he could have a weekly fireside chat with America. I would talk policy, and lay out a sane presidency for the future.
He's not doing a very good job of campaigning for president if his "real" policy positions are relatively unknown by the public. Where is he, exactly?

He's in a difficult position. Any sane and respectful person would eschew public events in order to help prevent the transmission of Covid 19. Even traveling with a small retinue, as is de rigueur for campaigns these days, is fraught with danger, of spreading infection and also of being called out as a hypocrite. I truly feel sorry for anyone running for public office (except Trump) these days because of this. Be responsible and be called a coward. Be irresponsible and be called a hypocrite. So lotsa Biden's hiding in his basement by the surrogates of the actual person who hides in a bunker in his house.

I'd much rather a younger person be running for the Dems but I do hope that you will overcome your concerns about Biden and vote for him despite those doubts. Trump is the worst thing that has happened to America. Period. Full stop. We need to get rid of him. I'm not convinced that Pence would be better. And I'm concerned about Nikki Haley. And frankly I think we're looking at Pence/Haley if Trump goes toes up. Despite Mother's objections.

Pretty sure John Oliver hasn't left his mansion since this started, but I have a pretty good idea what his policy positions are. What century are we in, here?

I didn't think you were one of the people who won't vote for Biden. I posted a link to Biden's platform, but I believe we will see even more details once the virtual convention happens in August. Biden isn't a close minded jerk who won't listen to people. Sure, it would be nice if we had some 50 year old candidate with just the right experience and charisma, but we don't. And, while you might have had a favorite from the list of former candidates, I thought Biden was the best of the bunch and the most likely to be able to beat Trump. I do hope that his VP running mate with make up for any weaknesses. he might be perceived has having.

From the beginning, it was very obvious that Trump was most fearful of running against Biden because Biden is likable and well known. So far, it looks as if Trump's fears were justified. And, yes. I know that not everyone likes Biden, but regardless of Hillary's excellent experience, she wasn't liked by a large percentage of people. Unfortunately liability seems to be important in presidential elections.

I'm not sure exactly what you expect when the convention hasn't even happened yet. When a candidacy is formalized, the details of a platform are usually developed. So hang in there.....
I'm posting a link to a Biden/Demcoratic plan that I saw today. It's supposed to be about 100 pages long, so I will let those who are interested, scan it or read it for themselves. It's quite progressive, more progressive than most anything I've seen in my lifetime. It should satisfy those who don't think that Biden is liberal enough. The best thing. imo, is that Biden didn't just do this alone, he did it with other people. That is one of the things that I most like about Biden. He listens to other people, and doesn't pretend that he has all the answers. He will do this when he becomes president. He will inherit the biggest mess that any president has ever had to deal with in my lifetime, but considering his experience, his flexibility, and his willingness to listen and include others in any big plans, I feel confident that he has the potential to lead the country.


Here's a tiny taste of what the plan contains. And yes. The goals are very idealistic, and it's going to be an uphill battle to get all or most of this done, but the Biden administration will at least get us moving in the right direction.

Democrats will make investments to create millions of family-supporting and union jobs in clean energy generation, energy efficiency, clean transportation, advanced manufacturing, and sustainable agriculture across America. We believe that federal investments in infrastructure should help cut carbon pollution, build resilience and protect communities from the impacts of climate change, promote racial equity and sustainable economic development, and come with livable wages and robust labor protections that empower workers.
All jobs in the clean energy economy should provide an opportunity to join a union. Democrats will restore and protect workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively. We will build a diverse pipeline of talent in the clean energy economy by increasing access to industry-based credentialing programs and registered apprenticeships.
The clean energy economy must represent the diversity of America. We will invest in the
education and training of underrepresented groups, including people of color, low-income
Americans, women, veterans, people with disabilities, and unemployed energy workers for jobs
in clean energy-related industries.
Technically, all Biden would need to do on day one is issue a blanket Executive Order that states: "All Executive Orders implemented by Donald Trump are hereby rescinded." That would take care of 99% of the bullshit. Then it's just a matter of filling posts that Trump still never filled and firing the ones he did.

No he can not. That would violate the administrative procedures act, part of which says an executive order can't be recinded for no reason. This is why the supreme court ruled against Trump's attempt to recind DACA, he didn't do it in accordance with the APA.

As Trump has demonstrated in spades, it's pretty easy to order or rescind whateverthehell you want to if you're President. Sure, some of your stuff MIGHT get challenged, and you MIGHT lose at the SCOTUS level and get your rescinding order sent back to a lower court. But I can't see that happening for ANY of Trump's orders. The moral of the story is, once again, that it's easier to seek forgiveness than permission. It is a nice thought that things are supposed to work as you describe. But in general, they don't.
At best, a new administration would have to provide a list of all the Trump orders to be rescinded and let the Moscow Mitches of the world figure out which rescindings they'd like to contest for a few years as they work their way through the courts.
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