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Jussie Smollet - Horrible Hate Crime or Horrible Case of TDS?

Kim Foxx is a CPD hater. If she had any evidence CPD fucked up in this case, she would relish the opportunity to expose it.
I think she it is much more likely she did this as an FU to CPD. Or was possibly bribed by Smollett's team. Chicago is a rather corrupt place!.

The Chicago Police Department said it was not notified of the prosecution's decision to drop charges and found out about the news during a graduation ceremony for recruits. "It’s a punch in the gut. Is absolutely a punch in the gut," said Commander Ed Wodnicki. "We worked closely throughout our three-week investigation to get to the point where we arrested the offender. For the state's attorney at this point to dismiss charges without discussing this with us at all is just shocking." Police said they were "prepared for trial" and have a "rock solid case." "We have overwhelming evidence," Wodnicki said, calling the move a "slap in our face."


Yeah, something very fishy going on here.
So, since he was a suspect but will not be convicted, we can expect Derec and the usual suspects to treat him exactly the same as non-black suspects with no convictions.

One of Smollett's attorneys, Mark Geragos, is reported to be an unindicted co-conspirator in the Avenatti extortion case.

What next? The prosecutor is involved in the college bribe scandal?
So, since he was a suspect but will not be convicted, we can expect Derec and the usual suspects to treat him exactly the same as non-black suspects with no convictions.


Unlike you, I am able to examine actual evidence and form my own conclusion.
The evidence against Jussie Smollett is overwhelming. There is definitely something rotten in the State of Illinois!
So, since he was a suspect but will not be convicted, we can expect Derec and the usual suspects to treat him exactly the same as non-black suspects with no convictions.


Unlike you, I am able to examine actual evidence and form my own conclusion.
The evidence against Jussie Smollett is overwhelming. There is definitely something rotten in the State of Illinois!

Either that or he knew something which allowed him to flip on someone more important and so he cut a deal.
It's getting weirder and weirder. The prosecutors office and the police are both saying there was nothing wrong with the case.

Aren't those the only people involved? If not them, then who let him off? Was it his defense attorney? Because if they can do that, it would seem to be a bit of a flaw in the system
It's getting weirder and weirder. The prosecutors office and the police are both saying there was nothing wrong with the case.

Aren't those the only people involved? If not them, then who let him off? Was it his defense attorney? Because if they can do that, it would seem to be a bit of a flaw in the system

The prosecutors office let him off. They are just saying it wasn't because there was something wrong with the case. The guy said something about their focus being on violent crime.

I don't know what checks and balances there are to this, but it does not appear the police and mayor were on board at all.
It's getting weirder and weirder. The prosecutors office and the police are both saying there was nothing wrong with the case.

Aren't those the only people involved? If not them, then who let him off? Was it his defense attorney? Because if they can do that, it would seem to be a bit of a flaw in the system

The prosecutors office let him off. They are just saying it wasn't because there was something wrong with the case. The guy said something about their focus being on violent crime.

I don't know what checks and balances there are to this, but it does not appear the police and mayor were on board at all.

So, it's kind of like it was a fake, staged prosecution where nobody was actually going to trial. Kind of a fitting conclusion, I guess.
It may have not been a violent crime, but it was terroristic in its effect.
It's getting weirder and weirder. The prosecutors office and the police are both saying there was nothing wrong with the case. Mayor Rahm is saying it is a miscarriage of justice and something is fishy.

It sounds like he did a back room deal that simply made the charges go away and the politicians won't have this albatross hanging around their necks in the next election cycle comes around. Politics as usual.
It's getting weirder and weirder. The prosecutors office and the police are both saying there was nothing wrong with the case. Mayor Rahm is saying it is a miscarriage of justice and something is fishy.

It sounds like he did a back room deal that simply made the charges go away and the politicians won't have this albatross hanging around their necks in the next election cycle comes around. Politics as usual.

So, if he did a "backroom deal" to make the charges go away, he must have held some pretty powerful cards to play. What could they have been? They must have been some pretty powerful cards. After all, it's not like he's a multibillionaire owner of an NFL franchise trying to make a minor prostitution misdemeanor go away. He's a D-list actor of a TV series who's already lost his job. What kind of gun was being held to the prosecutor's head to make this go away? It sounds to me whatever kind of gun it was, it was being held by someone else.
Fox might be behind it. They produce Empire and evidently it's shot in Chicago, so maybe they threatened to pull the production and move it to Canada or Atlanta or something.
Fox might be behind it. They produce Empire and evidently it's shot in Chicago, so maybe they threatened to pull the production and move it to Canada or Atlanta or something.

Are you saying that Fox wanted all charges dropped against Smollett, an employee that they fired because of his hoax/attempts to get a pay rise ? That seems a bit ass backward.

And I don't know what Smollett's motives were but I don't think getting more money from Fox was one of them.
Fox might be behind it. They produce Empire and evidently it's shot in Chicago, so maybe they threatened to pull the production and move it to Canada or Atlanta or something.

Are you saying that Fox wanted all charges dropped against Smollett, an employee that they fired because of his hoax/attempts to get a pay rise ? That seems a bit ass backward.

This whole thing has been a bit ass backward. And I said "might" not was. I can see someone at Fox thinking this would be an actual good publicity stunt, particularly if their role in it is sealed.

As others have pointed out, prosecutors don't do shit like this. Not without orders from somebody else, like the Governor. But in this case, the Governor is a multi-billionaire, so it's difficult to imagine why he would do any favors for Fox.

But Fox is the only logical stakeholder, so if they aren't somehow behind anything, then that leaves some sort of police or investigative procedural fuck up that is major enough to hide under seal and with this unexplained sudden complete exoneration (to use the term of the day).
So, since he was a suspect but will not be convicted, we can expect Derec and the usual suspects to treat him exactly the same as non-black suspects with no convictions.


Unlike you, I am able to examine actual evidence and form my own conclusion.
The evidence against Jussie Smollett is overwhelming. There is definitely something rotten in the State of Illinois!

Going through private police evidence is illegal. I not only haven't done that, I also haven't gone through private defense evidence and have no idea what they have.
At least I admit I can speculate. So, maybe these guys did it because they didn't like him or as a bad prank. While I think he's probably guilty, I can't say it beyond a reasonable doubt. And people have been more likely guilty, like police and George Zimmerman, that you've excused. Black guy suspects have not been proven guilty and you've called them guilty but you always say you apply equal standards across the board. You are not doing it now and should be called on it. If you don't like it, it's not my fault. Would you like me to quote you?
So, since he was a suspect but will not be convicted, we can expect Derec and the usual suspects to treat him exactly the same as non-black suspects with no convictions.


Unlike you, I am able to examine actual evidence and form my own conclusion.
The evidence against Jussie Smollett is overwhelming. There is definitely something rotten in the State of Illinois!

Going through private police evidence is illegal. I not only haven't done that, I also haven't gone through private defense evidence and have no idea what they have.
At least I admit I can speculate. So, maybe these guys did it because they didn't like him or as a bad prank. While I think he's probably guilty, I can't say it beyond a reasonable doubt. And people have been more likely guilty, like police and George Zimmerman, that you've excused. Black guy suspects have not been proven guilty and you've called them guilty but you always say you apply equal standards across the board. You are not doing it now and should be called on it. If you don't like it, it's not my fault. Would you like me to quote you?

Didn't you come in here like 10 posts ago with an "I can't believe you're still talking about this" schtick?

If you don't care so much, why are you still here talking about this?
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