Weird motive. Looks like he staged the hoax because he was unsatisfied with his salary on Empire. I'm not seeing the connection there. Maybe by being a victim of bigotry he thought he would get sympathy points and they would give him more money because they felt sorry for him?
It wouldn't be because they felt sorry for him, it would be because he'd improve his name recognition due to the assault and then try to parlay that into making himself a spokesman for victims of hate crimes in America. Being more famous because of this puts him in a much stronger negotiating position when his contract gets renewed and when he's signing onto other projects. There's also all the various speaking fees he could command as he goes around places and lets people congratulate him on how strong he is for being able to move past this horrific incident and use what happened to him as an opportunity to educate others about the racism and hatred some have to endure - I mean, just bless that man's heart.
Yeah, IOW it was simple greed, the source of all fraud and most crimes (just ask Wall Street).