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Kim Davis - Kentucky's theocratic ruler

Don't worry about her. One day she'll be rich.

She'll stand firm in her religious beliefs (well, some of them, anyway.)

Eventually she'll be fined or jailed for dereliction of duty.

She'll announce that she's being persecuted for her faith.

Once she launches a GoFundMe campaign, she'll rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

She'll collect speaking fees from churches.

If she cleans up her hair and teeth, FoxNews just might make her a guest commentator.

Article I read today indicates that the judges aren't stupid. They know any fine harsh enough to be a burden could easily be paid for by wealthy supporters/churches/social media campaigns. So the judges could conceivably require she turn over any monies earned as well, seeing as lawbreakers cannot financially benefit from their crimes.

The Repuglican candidate for governor says he supports the clerk's "fist Amendment rights" not to provide marriage licenses to gay couples.

Is this guy an idiot or a liar? There is no 1st Amendment right for a government official to refuse do her job and follow the law on account of religious beliefs.

In fact, the 1st Amendment together with the 14th Amendment are the reverse. Government and government employees can't use religion as a reason for their actions.

I wish the press would call this guy on his obvious lying or idiocy.
To stop from being charged with discrimination, she had her office stop issuing marriage licenses at all

I'm not sure this adds up.

It doesn't. She has said on camera multiple times that it's all about not issuing marriage licenses to gays because her religion tells her so. If he had kept her mouth shut it might have added up but she has sabotaged her only possible defense.
I'm more curious about the people who work for her. The judge gave a ruling, so she's giving them orders which are contrary to the law. Are they not free to ignore her? If she takes action against them for not obeying her illegeal orders, do they not then have a suit against her?
If you live in a tyranny, but you agree with the tyrant, you'd consider yourself a free man.
I'm not sure this adds up.

It doesn't. She has said on camera multiple times that it's all about not issuing marriage licenses to gays because her religion tells her so. If he had kept her mouth shut it might have added up but she has sabotaged her only possible defense.

Actually I'm not so sure about that. When it comes to defense they can argue that her religious views were expressed as a matter of her protected 1st amendment rights, but that her actions were that she did not discriminate because she treated everyone the same. It would be hard to prove discrimination.
I'm pretty sure her support would dry up in a second if she were a catholic refusing to issue marriage licenses to divorced people.

The Repuglican candidate for governor says he supports the clerk's "fist Amendment rights" not to provide marriage licenses to gay couples.

Is this guy an idiot or a liar? There is no 1st Amendment right for a government official to refuse do her job and follow the law on account of religious beliefs.

In fact, the 1st Amendment together with the 14th Amendment are the reverse. Government and government employees can't use religion as a reason for their actions.

I wish the press would call this guy on his obvious lying or idiocy.

:) He's a politician, therefore he's a liar. Politicians of all stripes regularly ignore constitutional law in their efforts to push forth with their agendas. Rhetoric that assuages large populations who don't know it's bullshit is the sort of thing that wins elections. Nothing new here.
It would be hard to prove discrimination.
Except that she's made it quite clear that she has nothing against marriage itself. her only motivation to deny licenses to straights is so that she can discriminate against gays. For God. Because her religion. I think SHE would be hard pressed to defend her actions as anything but discrimination.
Don't county clerks take an oath of office?
That typically says they promise to support and defend the Constitution? The actual Constitution, as written by the founders, amended by the legislature, and interpreted by the courts, not the Constitution they think their God would have written, if he'd only ever have shown up to committee meetings?
Don't county clerks take an oath of office?
That typically says they promise to support and defend the Constitution? The actual Constitution, as written by the founders, amended by the legislature, and interpreted by the courts, not the Constitution they think their God would have written, if he'd only ever have shown up to committee meetings?

I'm no expert on US history, but I'm about 80% sure that the Constitution was was given to Ronald Reagan (PBUH) by Jesus in order to dedicate the country to conservative Christian values - except in cases where conservative Christians would be somewhat put out by those values, of course.
She's due in court today for contempt. I think an exponentially rising fine for every day she continues to not do her job would be good. Let her start a GoFundMe or something and we can bleed the right dry, sending all their excess cash into a big pit in bumfuck Kentucky.
She's due in court today for contempt. I think an exponentially rising fine for every day she continues to not do her job would be good. Let her start a GoFundMe or something and we can bleed the right dry, sending all their excess cash into a big pit in bumfuck Kentucky.
I can see the headline.
Kim Davis re-elected. in other news: Rowan County Kentucky today said that it would be eliminating all taxes for the next 20 years as they suddenly find themselves in a windfall of billions of dollars from idiots.
No fines, so no one else can help her escape the consequences of her behavior.

Wonder if the clerk who'd rather 'die' than issue still stands by that statement? Or was it enough for him that Davis fell on her sword?
And the right-wing Christionists will scream she's being persecuted for exercising her first amendment right to use her government authority to deny the constitutional rights to some people on account of her religious beliefs.

She was found in contempt and is off to jail now. Or, she can do her job.

What the hell is up with your country where you are allowed to escape a contempt of court order by merely doing your job?

And why isn't she just fired for refusing to do her job? Should the onus be on her here for a wrongful dismissal suit (which would be dismissed) instead of what we are seeing with this?
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