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Kim Davis - Kentucky's theocratic ruler

And why isn't she just fired for refusing to do her job? Should the onus be on her here for a wrongful dismissal suit (which would be dismissed) instead of what we are seeing with this?

She was elected under state law. That means the only way to fire her is to impeach her. Or for the state to take some other action but given that this is Kentucky, it doesn't look like the state is doing anything.

The Feds can't fire her. They can only throw her in jail or fine her.
Isn't Kentuky's knowingly and purposefully not taking any action against her and not telling her to do her job, a violation of something or other in your constitution? Can individual states merely say to the rest of the country that no, they won't follow the laws of the USA. Isn't that a form of rebellion or something?
No fines, so no one else can help her escape the consequences of her behavior.

Wonder if the clerk who'd rather 'die' than issue still stands by that statement? Or was it enough for him that Davis fell on her sword?

Isn't this whole incident silly? A little bit of the silliness extends to both sides of the line. When this first occurred we had people saying there was no way to get her out of there. It looked like contempt of court worked pretty well getting her ass in the pokey where these religious clowns belong. We have always known that marriage is a social convention and has absolutely nothing to do with God, unless of course we are fanatical believers like Davis. When all is said and done, she will hardly make a good martyr for the cause of heterosexual marriage.
See, if Obama's death panels hadn't been nixed, he could just order her killed for defying his imperial will.

Thanks, GOP leadership :mad:
Also, why do governments grant marriage licenses in the first place? Why not let marriage be something private? I think all these perks we give to married couples is discrimination against single people.
When this first occurred we had people saying there was no way to get her out of there. It looked like contempt of court worked pretty well getting her ass in the pokey where these religious clowns belong.
But she still holds the office. If she's let out of jail, she can go right back to what she's been doing.

She could 'promise' to do her job, but i'm sure her legal council will come up with some argument to justify her continuing 'the good fight.'

The only way to get her out of the office would be for her to be impeached, which will have to wait for the legislature to be in session again, and would require that the politicians involved feel like forcing her to obey the law
Isn't Kentuky's knowingly and purposefully not taking any action against her and not telling her to do her job, a violation of something or other in your constitution? Can individual states merely say to the rest of the country that no, they won't follow the laws of the USA. Isn't that a form of rebellion or something?

Legally they can not defy the feds on this stuff. But it takes the Federal courts to become involved and if the states still refuse they can call out the national guard and carry away the offenders.
She was found in contempt and is off to jail now. Or, she can do her job.

What the hell is up with your country where you are allowed to escape a contempt of court order by merely doing your job?
That's the whole point of jailing people for contempt of court. As the saying goes, you have the keys to your cell in your own pocket. It's coercion, not punishment. Judges aren't supposed to punish people until they've been convicted of crimes. I'm pretty sure it's the same in your country.

(And if they tried to prosecute Davis for this, it'd be a cold day in hell before she'd agree to a non-jury trial.)
She was found in contempt and is off to jail now. Or, she can do her job.

What the hell is up with your country where you are allowed to escape a contempt of court order by merely doing your job?
That's the whole point of jailing people for contempt of court. As the saying goes, you have the keys to your cell in your own pocket. It's coercion, not punishment. Judges aren't supposed to punish people until they've been convicted of crimes. I'm pretty sure it's the same in your country.

If you tell a judge to go fuck himself, I am pretty sure you will be spending a few nights in jail for contempt of court. Saying you wanna do your job won't fix that.
If you tell a judge to go fuck himself, I am pretty sure you will be spending a few nights in jail for contempt of court. Saying you wanna do your job won't fix that.
And that's coercion to stop telling the judge to fuck off. Without actually charging him with disrespect or anything or having a trial to find them guilty of disrespect or public profane behavior or inciting riot....

If you come back to the courtroom and tell him to fuck off again, you go to jail again.

The key is still in your pocket. Don't dis the man with the gavel, you don't spend a night in jail.
If you tell a judge to go fuck himself, I am pretty sure you will be spending a few nights in jail for contempt of court. Saying you wanna do your job won't fix that.
And that's coercion to stop telling the judge to fuck off. Without actually charging him with disrespect or anything or having a trial to find them guilty of disrespect or public profane behavior or inciting riot....

If you come back to the courtroom and tell him to fuck off again, you go to jail again.

The key is still in your pocket. Don't dis the man with the gavel, you don't spend a night in jail.

Ah ... freedom. This is what you fought a revolution for. :)
Kim Davis’ son Nathan refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses in Kentucky after mother is jailed


And this little tidbit

From Wikipedia: "Davis spent twenty-seven years as deputy clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, under long-time incumbent Jean Bailey, her mother. In 2014, Bailey chose not to run for re-election, and Davis ran for the clerk office as a Democrat. She defeated Republican John Cox in the November 2014 election, becoming the Rowan county clerk.


Keeping it all in the family.
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