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Londonistan, Eurabia


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
Due to Islamist pressure, many Subway stores across UK and Ireland are banning porn products and are only carrying meat from animals slaughtered according to Islamic religious precepts (aka "halal").
Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims

I think this is bullshit. This is directly restricting choices for non-Muslims just so Muslims are not offended by having to sit next to someone with bacon on their sandwich. Giving them choices they like (although halal slaughtering is very problematic in itself) is one thing, restricting choices of others is quite another.
The really terrible thing is that this will be used as a way for more divide and conquer to inflict on the squabbling lower classes.

They should be concerned with privatization and the growing wealth gap and lend to buy schemes. But this Iron Age bullshit will take up useful and LIMITED headspace. Humans may be smart, but we can only hold a surprisingly small amount of things in our head at once. It is even worse when it comes to motivations and passions.

I really don't get why people on this board disregard this stone cold fact. Just going to the grocery store and with 6 things in mind to buy, you better bring a list unless you have practiced a memory technique. What bizarrely weak creatures we are.
Fuck them for giving the customers what they want in the free market!
Next thing, Sybway will allow their Islamic workers to wear plastic gloves in the US!

Sharia LAW!!!!!
It is a restaurant. So long as the food is safe and sanitary, they can sell what they want. If they want to become a Halal oriented store, so be it. Who are you or I to say otherwise?

One of my favourite fast food places is a Schwarma shop. Everything there is Halal. It never even occurred to me that I should complain. The stuff is tasty. There is a Mr. Sub around the corner I could get pork at. It isn't like pork is hard to find.

Myself, I'm not a big fan of pork anyway. Not too long ago Subway took Carrot off the list of toppings. That disappointed me more than this would.

'...According to the 2011 Irish census,there are 49,204 Muslims living in the Republic of Ireland..'

Somehow I do not se the predominatelyCatholic Ireland bending over for such a small demographic.

The Mail(groan) is a tabloid rag. The only other places I see the story are blogs like racist Stormfront. Alarmist BS in this case.

'...'We put a programme into place in2007 to ensure that the population demographic is taken into accountwhen new store openings are considered in order that we meet consumerdemand in each location....'

In any case, they are in business tomake money. If specific stores stores cater to local needs resultingin higher profits, that is the way it works. Market driven economics.


'...Subway, one of the leading sandwichchains worldwide, has announced that it plans to open nearly 3,000stores across Ireland and the U.K. by the end of 2020. Theseexpansion plans are likely to create as many as 13,000 new jobs inthe region. According to the company, it was encouraged to considerplans for expansion as it realized a growing demand among consumersfor ‘affordable, healthier’ food choices.

Currently, the company runs as many as1,734 Subway outlets in Ireland and the UK. By opening 3,000 newstores, it would more than double its total store account. Thecompany added that in 2013 alone, it had started 150 new Subwaystores in the regions. These stores had been set up in partnershipwith Applegreen and Welcome Break...'
This cannot be allowed to stand. I am outraged at Subway, I tell you! Just look at the following excerpt from the article linked in the OP:

In the halal-only branches ham and bacon has been substituted for turkey ham and rashers.

Can you believe that shit?

Look people, for the last time, if it comes from a turkey you are not allowed to call it ham or bacon! I'm not sure what a 'rasher' is, but if I knew, I am sure I would be outraged by that as well.
Look people, for the last time, if it comes from a turkey you are not allowed to call it ham or bacon!

That would be my only objection. It seems misleading. If you tell me the meat is turkey ham, I am thinking I'm eating a chimera, a rare and magical experience, and I will be mighty upset to learn otherwise.
Due to Islamist pressure, many Subway stores across UK and Ireland are banning porn products and are only carrying meat from animals slaughtered according to Islamic religious precepts (aka "halal").
Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims

I think this is bullshit. This is directly restricting choices for non-Muslims just so Muslims are not offended by having to sit next to someone with bacon on their sandwich. Giving them choices they like (although halal slaughtering is very problematic in itself) is one thing, restricting choices of others is quite another.
Out of 1,734 Subway outlets in Ireland and the UK, 200 will only serve halal products while excluding pork. If they did not exclude pork from their menu, it would necessitate special training for their employees to avoid contact between pork products and halal products. Separate utensils, separate counters to prepare the food, separate refrigeration sections etc... That decision to dedicate 200 stores to halal only appears to be based not on "Islamist pressure" rather the customer demand based on demographics per location. It makes sense that Subway would provide a service compatible with the predominant cultural profile directing the consumer demand in each location.

As to objections to the halal slaughtering, Subway communicated that all their halal meat comes from halal slaughtering houses who use stunning prior to slaughter. As to "restricting choices of others", considering that there are still over 1200 Subways serving non halal products, how much "restriction" are you assuming will affect non Muslim consumers in the UK and the Republic of Ireland?
This is the worse thing since McDonalds started selling all beef patties.
This is the worse thing since McDonalds started selling all beef patties.
Actually it would be like McD's banning beef patties and switching to tofu patties to appease the Hindu/Jainist/PETA population.

Yeah, it would be fucking crazy if MickyDee's did anything like that with their stores! Good old MickyDee's, you can trust them not to compromise on their core western values:

McDonald's worldwide is well known for the high degree of respect for the local culture of each market it operates in. In line with this respect for local culture, India is the first country in the world where McDonald's does not offer any beef or pork items. McDonald's has developed a menu especially for India with vegetarian selections to suit the Indian palate, and has also re-engineered its operations to address the special requirements of vegetarians. Special care is taken to ensure that all vegetable products are prepared separately, using dedicated equipment and utensils.


Yeah, it would be fucking crazy if MickyDee's did anything like that with their stores! Good old MickyDee's, you can trust them not to compromise on their core western values:
That's in India. Which would be comparable to say a Subway in an Islamic country. What I was alluding to would be McD banning beef in the UK because a small minority of religious fanatics complained.
Yeah, it would be fucking crazy if MickyDee's did anything like that with their stores! Good old MickyDee's, you can trust them not to compromise on their core western values:
That's in India. Which would be comparable to say a Subway in an Islamic country. What I was alluding to would be McD banning beef in the UK because a small minority of religious fanatics complained.
I'm certain Subway wouldn't keep stores open if they knew making this change because of a small minority of religious fanatics complaining would lead to them losing money. So if they kept the stores open with the adjusted menu, they must think it is in their economic best interest to offer the adapted menu and expand their consumer base.
It's not like KFC sold different products in the 1970s and 1980s in Black and White neighborhoods.
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