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Man in wheelchair is handi-capable of sweet, sweet racism

This is beyond dumpster diving for confirmation bias rewards. This is just petty gawking, nothing more.
Why pander to intolerant Neanderthals? It's just enabling. Remove the rock and watch them squirm. Expose them for what they are.
It's a public service.
Why pander to intolerant Neanderthals? It's just enabling. Remove the rock and watch them squirm. Expose them for what they are.
It's a public service.

Apparently this one in particular also needed to be exposed for being in a wheelchair.

A text based link as well


This guy is totally crazed, somewhere in back of his head in the lizard brain he thinks he poses a dominant physical threat.

I think his anger wasn't spawned by the race but rather the language of the filmer who intentionally escalated matters by continuously antagonizing the man he already upset. Too much freedom?

Yes! He was antagonized by the use of a language other than English, which is clearly a form of white genocide!!!!!!!!!11!!!11!!1!1!111111 [/conservolibertarian]
The first two minutes is just the guy with the camera goading and basically harassing the disabled guy. I didn't watch beyond that, but I presume the disabled guy goes on to snap under the constant goading and reacts with racist epitaphs?
The first two minutes is just the guy with the camera goading and basically harassing the disabled guy. I didn't watch beyond that, but I presume the disabled guy goes on to snap under the constant goading and reacts with racist epitaphs?

Do you use racist epitaphs when someone annoys you?
Can someone please explain what is the actual point of the OP?

People in wheelchairs are a protected group and so therefore belong to liberals, but here's one spouting racism so therefore liberal ideology is hypocritical. Something like that.
The first two minutes is just the guy with the camera goading and basically harassing the disabled guy. I didn't watch beyond that, but I presume the disabled guy goes on to snap under the constant goading and reacts with racist epitaphs?

Do you use racist epitaphs when someone annoys you?

No but I do use them in good faith as a form of camaraderie with people I know and love.

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Can someone please explain what is the actual point of the OP?

People in wheelchairs are a protected group and so therefore belong to liberals, but here's one spouting racism so therefore liberal ideology is hypocritical. Something like that.

I think it's pretty uplifting. It shows how we really are all equal. It doesn't matter if you're black or white, muslim or christian, young or old, rich or poor, in good health or not so. We're all equally capable of being horrible people! There's an uplifting silver lining to that.
I think his anger wasn't spawned by the race but rather the language of the filmer who intentionally escalated matters by continuously antagonizing the man he already upset. Too much freedom?

Yes! He was antagonized by the use of a language other than English, which is clearly a form of white genocide!!!!!!!!!11!!!11!!1!1!111111 [/conservolibertarian]
That wasn't the antagonism. The antagonism came later.

If I throw a fit because your hair is blue, I'm not being racist, and if my calling you out on your hair color offends you (as it just might), then you talking to me about what upsets you isn't antagonism, but being relentless about it is.

If I throw a fit because the person I'm having to stand behind is black (and am disgusted by the blacks not letting me go first like white people should), then I am being racist, and if that upsets a black man and decides to call me out on my problem, then that is not being antagonistic unless he keeps on and on and on about it.

If I do not like people speaking another language around me, then personally, I'm not going to say anything because I consider it a failure of mine if I don't comprehend the language, but if someone else like the wheel chair person speaks only about the language and not the race, then it's a stretch to say racism is at the heart of the problem.

It's a convenience to the claim of racism that there's a connection between race and language. Such a convenience isn't present in the blue hair example. If I hate a hair style that so happens to be prevelant among blacks, I find the claim of racism just something to latch onto to garner more support against my intolerant ways.
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Can someone please explain what is the actual point of the OP?

People in wheelchairs are a protected group and so therefore belong to liberals, but here's one spouting racism so therefore liberal ideology is hypocritical. Something like that.
It is hard to believe anyone would post such a moronic OP.
The first two minutes is just the guy with the camera goading and basically harassing the disabled guy. I didn't watch beyond that, but I presume the disabled guy goes on to snap under the constant goading and reacts with racist epitaphs?

Do you use racist epitaphs when someone annoys you?

No. But I don't find it surprising that somebody may, especially if the harasser is making it obvious that race is their sore spot. It kind of becomes like a fighter targeting an opponent's injury at that point.
Do you use racist epitaphs when someone annoys you?

No. But I don't find it surprising that somebody may, ...

You've been annoyed with people thousands of times in your life. The fact that you've never, ever used a racist word at one of those annoyers is a statistical fact which is hugely significantly different than someone who once in a while does against persons of color when they are around and annoying them.

...especially if the harasser is making it obvious that race is their sore spot. It kind of becomes like a fighter targeting an opponent's injury at that point.

So if Derec were annoying you, you may write "Shut up you white trash cracker" and you'd do it in a serious way without joking or parody?
So if Derec were annoying you, you may write "Shut up you white trash cracker" and you'd do it in a serious way without joking or parody?

No, I wouldn't. But it doesn't surprise me when people on here get annoyed at Derec and mock him for seeing prostitutes, for example. They probably imagine it to be a sore spot for him so they kick him where they think it hurts. Since we're speaking of Derec, I'd also like to say that I admire Derec for how polite he remains in the face of so many here that sling mud at him.

In a similar way, it doesn't surprise me when I see somebody berating somebody over and over and making it obvious that race is a sore spot for them, that the person they are berating may shoot back something about race. They may not even view race as important to themselves or believe what they say. They say it because they know it hurts.
The first two minutes is just the guy with the camera goading and basically harassing the disabled guy. I didn't watch beyond that, but I presume the disabled guy goes on to snap under the constant goading and reacts with racist epitaphs?

Do you use racist epitaphs when someone annoys you?

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