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Merged Mar-a-Largo raided by FBI?

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About fucking time.
Well, yes, but this seems to be about stolen official (classified?) documents he has no right to be in possession of. So while yes, it is great that 18 months after taking stuff he shouldn't have, the Government is working on getting it back... the scope of the search isn't too broad.
About fucking time.
Well, yes, but this seems to be about stolen official (classified?) documents he has no right to be in possession of. So while yes, it is great that 18 months after taking stuff he shouldn't have, the Government is working on getting it back... the scope of the search isn't too broad.
The national archives have been after him for a long time to return all of these documents that he took when he left. The documents belong to the American people not to trump. About fucking time.
"Lock and Load" is trending among the idiots who wanted Hillary locked up because of possible classified documents on her server...
I kinda hope there's a wee bit of a massacre where a few thousand of the Country's worst Magats are exterminated.
I'll just say my governor is a moron and leave it at that.

I wish he were.
I see Desantis as a smarter and more politically savvy TeaPartier. That scares me.

ETA ~I'm not even much worried about Trump 2024. Because this time he'll be up against real players like Cruz and DeSantis. And he won't be taking them by surprise the way he did in 2016. ~
Most of the country needs a shower after listening to Cruz. DeSantis hasn't worn out his welcome yet; he's the biggest threat to F-head.
I'll just say my governor is a moron and leave it at that.

I wish he were.
I see Desantis as a smarter and more politically savvy TeaPartier. That scares me.

ETA ~I'm not even much worried about Trump 2024. Because this time he'll be up against real players like Cruz and DeSantis. And he won't be taking them by surprise the way he did in 2016. ~

I wasn't talking about politically. I could see through the tweet from a beach on HIP 13044 b in Andromeda. He's Trying to get more Suckers to vote for him while pretending not to want the investigation to succeed in removing competition. What I was talking about is it takes a moron to treat America the way that he does. Which is to tread on it for the sake of himself and his party without maybe considering that when the social fabric is broken (and it will if we keep this up) he and all our leaders (Republican and Democrats ) will be the first targets and it will be hard as fuck if not impossible to go back to the 1990's, 1980's ,1970's 1960's, 1950's, hell SOMETEENANYTHING America.

This is already a tight situation given the magnitude of it (a former president's home being raided by the FBI). You have to be a complete utter idiot to not see how dangerous the situation is and then choose to throw gasoline on the fire when you yourself aren't safe from that fire. If he thinks he is, that's another reason to consider him a moron. Nobody is safe.
If the FBI didn't find the documents during the raid, this will be milked to death by GOP and the trumpists until end of time.
If the FBI didn't find the documents during the raid, this will be milked to death by GOP and the trumpists until end of time.
Quite true.
Which is why I'm confident that they had good reasons to go in.

Whether the documents will contain what was expected is a different question.

Finding one that explains how Trump promised to hand over Ukraine provided Putin helped get him reelected would be a lot to hope for, I suppose. But I can dream, can't I?
So there were actual papers? Or electronic docs? I thought he flushed all the papers - the plumbers might have them though.

Please do not flush:

Paper towels
baby wipes
classified documents
I'll just say my governor is a moron and leave it at that.
He isn't a moron, he is a capable fascist... a Trump like mindset, but with political savvy.

Seems you and I have different usages for the word moron. A person who is smart enough to do the wrong thing in a way that they get away with or succeed at it is no less doing the wrong thing than someone dumb doing it and getting caught. And doing the wrong thing in and of itself is a stupid and moronic thing to do. Kapeesh?
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