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MASSIVE VOTEER FRAUD!! - .... and no investigation.


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated

What kind of a "President" asserts 3-5 million illegal votes, and yet doesn't order an investigation?
He should be canned right now for dereliction of duty if he believes what he tells us. Or for being a smarmy low-life liar if he doesn't.

What kind of a "President" asserts 3-5 million illegal votes, and yet doesn't order an investigation?
He should be canned right now for dereliction of duty if he believes what he tells us. Or for being a smarmy low-life liar if he doesn't.

Looks like it's on

Trump To Launch "Major Investigation Into Voter Fraud"

Yup! This should be good... anyone want to venture a guess about how many "illegal votes" they are able to come up with?
In Trump's defense, the Republicans already did an exhaustive search and the incidents of voter fraud were negligible.

What kind of a "President" asserts 3-5 million illegal votes, and yet doesn't order an investigation?
He should be canned right now for dereliction of duty if he believes what he tells us. Or for being a smarmy low-life liar if he doesn't.

Looks like it's on

Trump To Launch "Major Investigation Into Voter Fraud"
Wait a sec... Trump announced this on his personal Twitter feed? He remembers he is the President right? But at least he decided to do something... i.e. repeat what Republicans already did. People registered in two states? Mostly people that moved. I was probably registered in two states for a while when I moved from one state to another. Never voted in both states though.

The funny thing about this is that he is ordering an investigation now. Yet, he claims 3 to 5 million people voted illegally, which is typically an observation that is made after there was an investigation, not before.

The good news is that AG Sessions will be able to find the 3 to 5 million easily by noting that black votes should have been reduced to 60% of turnout.
Well, that's good. Now, whenever they're asked about all these illegal votes, they can just say "the investigation is ongoing and we cannot comment at the moment because of this". Then the investigation just stays in an ongoing status. However, that does mean that they'll need to find someway to implement this while working around the honesty and integrity of the FBI ... I'm sorry, I couldn't even finish that statement.
I'm not saying that he is an illegitimate president since he won the election, but since it bothers him so much: he is an illegitimate president.
I'm not saying that he is an illegitimate president since he won the election, but since it bothers him so much: he is an illegitimate president.
If 3 to 5 million people voted illegally, I think this seriously puts into doubt that Trump was the legal winner.
This investigation into voter fraud is going to be more of a cover for the repubs to purge a lot of minority voter from the rolls.

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Five years of Birtherism land the dart of CON MAN on BOTT (The Beast of Trump Tower.) A con man doesn't change. He just shifts the con. When Birtherism became a nuisance to him last fall, he simply told reporters, "I'm not talking about that now." Somehow none of this -- NONE -- penetrates the consciousness of his forgotten man constituents. Sorry for all the caps, but this is a real-life freak show, and we're gonna need a lot of bolding and all-caps, for a long time.
I posted this on another thread here, but I think this might be appropriate here...


I take it Il Douchebag is not use to this type of criticism (or any criticism)?

What's the line on a complete and total "melt down"?

When he starts talking about "missing strawberries" and rolling ball bearings around in his hand, that's when to head to the bunker.

I posted this on another thread here, but I think this might be appropriate here...


I take it Il Douchebag is not use to this type of criticism (or any criticism)?

What's the line on a complete and total "melt down"?

When he starts talking about "missing strawberries" and rolling ball bearings around in his hand, that's when to head to the bunker.


Again - how would you be able to distinguish "total melt down" from what's already happening? (Other than "missing strawberries" and rolling ball bearings around in his hand")
When a young guy who came from Turkey with his parents shot people in Arlington, Washington there were reports that he was not a citizen. Then later it was reported that he was naturalized. The retraction made less news than the assertion.

However, there is a fairly good Snopes article about this topic because of it:


On election day my union called me and asked if I was going to vote (I live in Seattle) because some website indicated my absentee ballot was not accounted for yet. This means that the Feds can also look at this database and cross check with citizenship status.

My guess is that there are probably at least a few hundred (but not much more) non-citizens of varying residency statuses who vote in Washington State and more in California. And this is without any dispensations for local elections if non-citizens are explicitly allowed to only vote for locals. What happens for them -- do they get an only local candidate ballots?

I would imagine that the feds would maybe make an example of a non-citizen of a SanFran type city who was allowed to vote and who voted for president or on a ballot that included presidential choices. A ballot lacking Presidential choice would leave the Feds with less room to prosecute.

But what I think the effect will be is for naturalized citizens to have the fear of the government having a paperwork snafu that loses citizenship proof and makes them reticent to vote.

President Trump plans to ask for a “major investigation” into allegations of widespread voter fraud as he continues to claim, without providing evidence, that he lost the popular vote in November's election because millions of illegal votes were cast, according to tweets posted Wednesday.

The White House has yet to provide details, but Trump said in back-to-back tweets that the investigation into “VOTER FRAUD” — Trump used all capitals for emphasis — would cover “those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal” and “those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time).”

“Depending on results,” Trump tweeted, “we will strengthen up voting procedures!”

Be careful what you ask for. Some people think this voter fraud nonsense is just a way of deferring attention away from some of the really terrible things he's doing or trying to do.
Trump learned from the election and the FBI's impact on Clinton's candidacy that an investigation need not turn up anything to be a useful political tool. Expect this to lead to a national voter ID law or other such measure(s) that lead to restrictions in voting. I am willing to donate money to any organization that will take it upon themselves to go out there and help the masses who would be impacted by such a law to obtain IDs. The Republicans will want to try to get this done before 2018, lest they lose power in Congress.
I was about to be the first to post a prediction that Trump or one of his inner circle would be identified as running afoul of his criteria for voter fraud.

Too late....
I was about to be the first to post a prediction that Trump or one of his inner circle would be identified as running afoul of his criteria for voter fraud.

Too late....

Holy shit, dude. At what point did Trump even try to imply that his criteria applied to white people? There's enough wrong with what the Trump administration is actually doing that you don't need to make stuff up.
I was about to be the first to post a prediction that Trump or one of his inner circle would be identified as running afoul of his criteria for voter fraud.

Too late....
I think many of us have been registered in two states, because you don't unregister before you move. Which makes the whole thing of that many people registered in multiple states a bit of a red herring.
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