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MASSIVE VOTEER FRAUD!! - .... and no investigation.

I was about to be the first to post a prediction that Trump or one of his inner circle would be identified as running afoul of his criteria for voter fraud.

Too late....
I think many of us have been registered in two states, because you don't unregister before you move. Which makes the whole thing of that many people registered in multiple states a bit of a red herring.

This whole thing smells like herring too. Rotten herring.

What kind of a "President" asserts 3-5 million illegal votes, and yet doesn't order an investigation?
He should be canned right now for dereliction of duty if he believes what he tells us. Or for being a smarmy low-life liar if he doesn't.

As I mentioned before the burden of proof is on the accuser. However I think he has ordered one but whether this is as dead ended as the CIA investigations, will be take a matter of time to determine.

What kind of a "President" asserts 3-5 million illegal votes, and yet doesn't order an investigation?
He should be canned right now for dereliction of duty if he believes what he tells us. Or for being a smarmy low-life liar if he doesn't.

As I mentioned before the burden of proof is on the accuser. However I think he has ordered one but whether this is as dead ended as the CIA investigations, will be take a matter of time to determine.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread. I'm sure you are the only person here who realized any of that!
Don't you wonder why Twitler hasn't offered any investigation into Russia's efforts to influence the election?
Even FOX is coming down hard on Trump for this.

Shep Smith: "There is no evidence that this occurred. His own lawyers previously said it didn't happen when fighting against the recount. How much is this going to cost the taxpayers?"
I'm not saying that he is an illegitimate president since he won the election, but since it bothers him so much: he is an illegitimate president.
If 3 to 5 million people voted illegally, I think this seriously puts into doubt that Trump was the legal winner.

I agree. If the voter fraud was that massive, the entire election should be voided and done over. Barack Obama can come back for a few more months in the meantime.

- - - Updated - - -

This investigation into voter fraud is going to be more of a cover for the repubs to purge a lot of minority voter from the rolls.

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As I mentioned before the burden of proof is on the accuser. However I think he has ordered one but whether this is as dead ended as the CIA investigations, will be take a matter of time to determine.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread. I'm sure you are the only person here who realized any of that!
Don't you wonder why Twitler hasn't offered any investigation into Russia's efforts to influence the election?

The CIA is doing that :) sort of.
Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread. I'm sure you are the only person here who realized any of that!
Don't you wonder why Twitler hasn't offered any investigation into Russia's efforts to influence the election?

The CIA is doing that :) sort of.

How do you know? Uncle Vlad fill you in? Surely you didn't get that from the m-m-m-m-m-mEDIA!
But thanks for sharing your uninformed opinion ... again.

BTW, you never answered - is English your first language? Your lack of response is starting to become telling. :D

President Trump plans to ask for a “major investigation” into allegations of widespread voter fraud as he continues to claim, without providing evidence, that he lost the popular vote in November's election because millions of illegal votes were cast, according to tweets posted Wednesday.

The White House has yet to provide details, but Trump said in back-to-back tweets that the investigation into “VOTER FRAUD” — Trump used all capitals for emphasis — would cover “those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal” and “those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time).”

“Depending on results,” Trump tweeted, “we will strengthen up voting procedures!”

Be careful what you ask for. Some people think this voter fraud nonsense is just a way of deferring attention away from some of the really terrible things he's doing or trying to do.

Uh, Donald? Investigating those three things are not going to show that voter fraud caused you to lose the popular vote by a landslide.

You have to investigate the people who actually VOTED, not just who REGISTERED to vote. You can fake a thousand registrations. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans unless someone shows up to vote.
The CIA is doing that :) sort of.

How do you know? Uncle Vlad fill you in? Surely you didn't get that from the m-m-m-m-m-mEDIA!
But thanks for sharing your uninformed opinion ... again.

BTW, you never answered - is English your first language? Your lack of response is starting to become telling. :D

The CIA came up with nothing to support its claims. This is an observation but what I expected. English is my first language
How do you know? Uncle Vlad fill you in? Surely you didn't get that from the m-m-m-m-m-mEDIA!
But thanks for sharing your uninformed opinion ... again.

BTW, you never answered - is English your first language? Your lack of response is starting to become telling. :D

The CIA came up with nothing to support its claims. This is an observation but what I expected. English is my first language

Wow. I'm surprised you're not better at it then.

Perhaps you could participate in a class action against your teachers and/or parents?

You can get financial assistance to sue in some circumstances, if you are unable to afford it. https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid/overview
The CIA came up with nothing to support its claims. This is an observation but what I expected. English is my first language

Wow. I'm surprised you're not better at it then.

Perhaps you could participate in a class action against your teachers and/or parents?

You can get financial assistance to sue in some circumstances, if you are unable to afford it. https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid/overview

Observing that the CIA came up nothing to support it's (miserable, feeble nonsensical and otherwise baseless claims doesn't imply a need to express this any clearer in English since this is even obvious to the brain dead.
You have to investigate the people who actually VOTED, not just who REGISTERED to vote. You can fake a thousand registrations. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans unless someone shows up to vote.

You are assuming he actually knows the difference between registration and voting. It's not clear to me that he does. Especially when he refers to the number of dead people registered.
In Trump's defense, the Republicans already did an exhaustive search and the incidents of voter fraud were negligible.
Wait a sec... Trump announced this on his personal Twitter feed? He remembers he is the President right? But at least he decided to do something... i.e. repeat what Republicans already did. People registered in two states? Mostly people that moved. I was probably registered in two states for a while when I moved from one state to another. Never voted in both states though.

The funny thing about this is that he is ordering an investigation now. Yet, he claims 3 to 5 million people voted illegally, which is typically an observation that is made after there was an investigation, not before.

The good news is that AG Sessions will be able to find the 3 to 5 million easily by noting that black votes should have been reduced to 60% of turnout.

He is using a page from the "Dictators on Fascism" book. He is shunning the press and creating his own communication channel that gets "alt-facts" out to the public before the media can do their jobs and fact check.

So, what people see is "Trump has largest approval rating ever" rather than the more accurate, "Trump falsely claims he is more popular than he is, by a landslide. Remind you of anyone else in history?"

Trump's MO has always been a proactive "I know you are, but what am I" strategy where he knows what his opponent will call out on him, and quickly accuses the other side of that wrongdoing so "he said it first".

IF there was any voter fraud, THEN it was more likely his side committing the fraud, because that is what he accuses the other side of. He is getting very predictable.
You have to investigate the people who actually VOTED, not just who REGISTERED to vote. You can fake a thousand registrations. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans unless someone shows up to vote.

You are assuming he actually knows the difference between registration and voting. It's not clear to me that he does. Especially when he refers to the number of dead people registered.

You never saw the zombies shuffling towards the polling place?
You are assuming he actually knows the difference between registration and voting. It's not clear to me that he does. Especially when he refers to the number of dead people registered.

You never saw the zombies shuffling towards the polling place?

According to Republican sources deceased people tend to vote Democrat.
There is a possibility of some fraud since it can take a long time to remove the deceased from the electoral register.I can't see this as being very much unless the list is huge
I hope he does launch an investigation. A real, unbiased investigation could only highlight the hundreds of thousands of Democratic voters purged from the voter rolls by Interstate Crosscheck, Caging, &c. It might also bring to light the hi-tech, computerized gerrymandering that guaranteed Republican district majorities in majority Democratic regions.
You never saw the zombies shuffling towards the polling place?

According to Republican sources deceased people tend to vote Democrat.
There is a possibility of some fraud since it can take a long time to remove the deceased from the electoral register.I can't see this as being very much unless the list is huge

The thing is zombies want brains--which implies they don't have them. Thus they vote Republican.

Anyway, the source of this nonsense has been found:


A fraudster.
I hope he does launch an investigation. A real, unbiased investigation could only highlight the hundreds of thousands of Democratic voters purged from the voter rolls by Interstate Crosscheck, Caging, &c. It might also bring to light the hi-tech, computerized gerrymandering that guaranteed Republican district majorities in majority Democratic regions.

We have this in the UK to some degree. I recently returned and it took 2 months to get on the register. Staying at a friends, not paying bills signifies the person is non existent.
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