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Members of Congress Caught Profiting Off Ukraine War


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

For some odd reason, this really disgusts me in a profound way. If I had my choice, they would all be removed from the Capital building by pitch forks and then brought out to the front lawn to be tarred and feathered in public.

Shame on all of them!
If any trades were made on the prospect of war, it's called reading the news, not insider trading.
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Signing off on secret legislation to provide $15 billion in Lockheed weapons to Ukraine after buying $250,000 in shares of Lockheed before the announcement is profiting off of their position.

Seeing as this is YouTube diarrhea and the OP didn't respect enough to actually provide any details, I have no idea what has occurred.

For some odd reason, this really disgusts me in a profound way. If I had my choice, they would all be removed from the Capital building by pitch forks and then brought out to the front lawn to be tarred and feathered in public.

Shame on all of them!

How shocking. :rolleyes:

War is waged solely to generate profit for politicians. There is no other reason to have one.
Signing off on secret legislation to provide $15 billion in Lockheed weapons to Ukraine after buying $250,000 in shares of Lockheed before the announcement is profiting off of their position.

Seeing as this is YouTube diarrhea and the OP didn't respect enough to actually provide any details, I have no idea what has occurred.

You don't want to watch the video, fair enough. Nancy Pelosi was caught doing this last year and there was enough pressure to pass the stock act: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STOCK_Act

But they have since gutted it. About a year after it was passed.

The first time it happened, shame on them. This time, shame on us (for letting it happen again).
You don't want to watch the video, fair enough. Nancy Pelosi was caught doing this last year and there was enough pressure to pass the stock act: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STOCK_Act

But they have since gutted it. About a year after it was passed.
Huh? I watched the video. I was asking why he has a sidekick? Is it supposed to be comedy, like that is his Andy Richter?

I saw they mentioned that Pelosi. Also they showed members of Congress who do better than average S&P or something like that. There really were not a lot in consideration of hundreds of members. You expect a distribution and so some will do quite a bit better on the tail of the distribution.

Still, I would support the stock Act and would think some of these things might warrant an investigation further, possibly. Some might not. For example, if Pelosi has someone else invest her money in stock and they are just good at it, then it's explained. Is MTG really investing this herself or does she have a broker doing it for her without insider knowledge? The top performer in the list should be investigated first because his numbers are outside everyone else's.
If any trades were made on the prospect of war, it's called reading the news, not insider trading.
As President Truman once said "There are 2 kinds of politicians who make money while in office.......crooks and crooks."
You don't want to watch the video, fair enough. Nancy Pelosi was caught doing this last year and there was enough pressure to pass the stock act: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STOCK_Act

But they have since gutted it. About a year after it was passed.
Huh? I watched the video. I was asking why he has a sidekick? Is it supposed to be comedy, like that is his Andy Richter?

I saw they mentioned that Pelosi. Also they showed members of Congress who do better than average S&P or something like that. There really were not a lot in consideration of hundreds of members. You expect a distribution and so some will do quite a bit better on the tail of the distribution.

Still, I would support the stock Act and would think some of these things might warrant an investigation further, possibly. Some might not. For example, if Pelosi has someone else invest her money in stock and they are just good at it, then it's explained. Is MTG really investing this herself or does she have a broker doing it for her without insider knowledge? The top performer in the list should be investigated first because his numbers are outside everyone else's.
They should all be barred from trading stocks, period. Either be a stock trader or run for office, but not both because it is a conflict of interest. The SEC mandates corporate CEO's can not do the same thing, yet we allow congress. Why, because they are above the law like supreme royalty? Out of 300 million in our country, we can surely find individuals who are interested in running for congress and NOT trading stocks.

And as far as someone doing better than the S&P, do you realize how hard that is if you are not cheating? Even Warren Buffet can not do this consistently and he is pretty good at picking profitable firms.
You don't want to watch the video, fair enough. Nancy Pelosi was caught doing this last year and there was enough pressure to pass the stock act: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STOCK_Act

But they have since gutted it. About a year after it was passed.
Oh my gawd! Not "this".
So you are fine with congress being corrupt? Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
You haven't even said what they've done.
If any trades were made on the prospect of war, it's called reading the news, not insider trading.
As President Truman once said "There are 2 kinds of politicians who make money while in office.......crooks and crooks."

I did watch the video, well the first few minutes, and that was the argument. Dore appeared to think nobody outside congress could have known the invasion was going to happen or that oil prices would go up. Dore is a waste of time.
Oh look! They're stuffing their pockets again!*
Let's go after them and make it's THE issue so voters aren't focused so much on right wing terrorists trying to destroy democracy and install a dictator!

* I know it's been said, but - yes, that's what politicians do and why we have wars.
You don't want to watch the video, fair enough. Nancy Pelosi was caught doing this last year and there was enough pressure to pass the stock act: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STOCK_Act

But they have since gutted it. About a year after it was passed.
Huh? I watched the video. I was asking why he has a sidekick? Is it supposed to be comedy, like that is his Andy Richter?

I saw they mentioned that Pelosi. Also they showed members of Congress who do better than average S&P or something like that. There really were not a lot in consideration of hundreds of members. You expect a distribution and so some will do quite a bit better on the tail of the distribution.

Still, I would support the stock Act and would think some of these things might warrant an investigation further, possibly. Some might not. For example, if Pelosi has someone else invest her money in stock and they are just good at it, then it's explained. Is MTG really investing this herself or does she have a broker doing it for her without insider knowledge? The top performer in the list should be investigated first because his numbers are outside everyone else's.
They should all be barred from trading stocks, period. Either be a stock trader or run for office, but not both because it is a conflict of interest. The SEC mandates corporate CEO's can not do the same thing, yet we allow congress. Why, because they are above the law like supreme royalty? Out of 300 million in our country, we can surely find individuals who are interested in running for congress and NOT trading stocks.

And as far as someone doing better than the S&P, do you realize how hard that is if you are not cheating? Even Warren Buffet can not do this consistently and he is pretty good at picking profitable firms.
A lot of people invest in Berkshire Hathaway or follow Buffet's lead. If Buffet is doing well one year, then so are they. That's what we're looking at, right, just a snapshot in time?

As far as MTG, there's a link to what she invested in. It includes Walgreen's, Clorox, and some other more than 10 things. The focus is on Lockheed and energy sector. What is the very specific significance of Lockheed and Nextera energy? Do they have contracts through insider knowledge to anything going on? For example, a lot of people invest in Lockheed but do they have a contract with money we are funding to Ukraine? Nextera energy seems to be a green energy American company. How are they expected to make more money due to Russian oil ban? And what would be the insider knowledge? Seems only tangentally related, doesn't it?

That said, MTG and Trump are part of the swamp. Drain the swamp!
If any trades were made on the prospect of war, it's called reading the news, not insider trading.
As President Truman once said "There are 2 kinds of politicians who make money while in office.......crooks and crooks."

Dore appeared to think nobody outside congress could have known the invasion was going to happen or that oil prices would go up.
Nobody outside of congress would know what kind of sanctions (if any) the US would impose on Russia. Nobody outside of congress would even know for sure an invasion would take place because congress does not depend on our fake media propoganda. For example, there were many main stream articles I read predicting that Russia would probably not invade. Congress has insider knowledge not to guess about what will take place throughout the world. So yes, that most certainly is insider knowledge on the future price of oil and energy stocks.
Oh look! They're stuffing their pockets again!*
Let's go after them and make it's THE issue so voters aren't focused so much on right wing terrorists trying to destroy democracy and install a dictator!

* I know it's been said, but - yes, that's what politicians do and why we have wars.
To be sure its not the only issue. But it is the only issue I can think of where the public overwhelmingly favored a stock act that they have now since gutted so they can continue with their greed.

If they can not do their jobs without corruption than they should be removed first for honest individuals who the public can trust.
If any trades were made on the prospect of war, it's called reading the news, not insider trading.
As President Truman once said "There are 2 kinds of politicians who make money while in office.......crooks and crooks."

Dore appeared to think nobody outside congress could have known the invasion was going to happen or that oil prices would go up.
Nobody outside of congress would know what kind of sanctions (if any) the US would impose on Russia. Nobody outside of congress would even know for sure an invasion would take place because congress does not depend on our fake media propoganda. For example, there were many main stream articles I read predicting that Russia would probably not invade. Congress has insider knowledge not to guess about what will take place throughout the world. So yes, that most certainly is insider knowledge on the future price of oil and energy stocks.
Actually, in this case MSM shared the best US intelligence, even if FOX didn't.
The US gov did that order to get out in front of Pootey's false flag operations and inure the world against his lies in advance. The best informed members of the intelligence community were expressing certainty that Russia would invade. Only right wingers hooked on Fox/OAN/Newsmax propaganda (they were parroting Pootey at the time) were left in the dark.

"there were many main stream articles I read predicting that Russia would probably not invade."

I saw a few opinion pieces in the "main stream" expressing doubt that he'd invade, and constant reassurances from RW propaganda sources expressing certainty that Pootey was simply doing a little exercise and getting the lefties' panties in a wad. I suspect you are looking upon your extremist sources as "main stream".

If they can not do their jobs without corruption than they should be removed first for honest individuals who the public can trust.

Totally agreed. In fact, the fact that they couldn't do their job without corruption should have disqualified them at the outset. But they told enough people what they wanted to hear, that they got elected. That's how it works. Democracy truly is the worst form of government, except for all the other forms.
So, Nancy Pelosi is a profiteer? The one who worked to rig the dem nom to (s)Hillary against a populist rather than to make a big show of winning fairly ?

That Nancy Pelosi?

You don't get to be speaker unless you have a lot of power over others, and you don't usually get that ethically.

Still, I can't help but compare that to the folks investing in the Russian side of the war before it started...
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