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Merkel says Germany and Europe must find their own path.

Nazi German?

You guys are so subtle. Wow. I've never seen such skillful insinuations before.

D00D, u r supper KO0L!!11!!! Awe-sum!!!111! Why are theer two 0s on my kyboard!!!11122@@!!!

I wasn't trying to insinuate anything - I genuinely think Derec's connection to Europe is through Germany.

But if the cap fits...
Non-ISIS opposition means al-Qaeda. And the reason why it appears that ISIS is bombed less is becasue al-Qaeda associated terrorists are/were immediately engaged with Syrian government forces. Having said that, Russia does some ISIS bombing. So NY times is full of shit here.
And funny how the people who don't like being called Putinista are somehow usually only seen defending Putin.
Funny how US supported al-Qaeda.

Kurdish Al-Qaeda? That's a fantastic discovery - I thought the two groups were completely antithetical. Surely this will be one of those exceedingly rare cases where you'll actually provide some evidence to buttress your claims that all non-ISIS opposition to Assad is Al-Qaeda, right?
Al-Nusra, US had been supporting them for while calling them opposition.

I suppose when the world is black and white everything in between is a pigment of our imaginations.
So Al-Qaeda is grey now?

Maybe an easier question would be 'can you point to Syria on the map'?

I'm just wondering if this an actual failure of logic, or if you're so calcified in thinking and your sources of information so poor that you think, much like gays in Iran, that there exist no Kurds in Syria. The reason the YPG joined the war was in response to al-Nusra, and they've also participated in military engagements to fight ISIL, and as well they oppose the Assad regime.

It's not that al-Qaeda is grey - it's that you're engaging in black and white thinking.
I don't follow you here, sorry. I will just repeat that US early on at least were supporting Al-Nusra. That's a fact. They did so becasue these fuckers were fighting Assad.
I don't follow you here, sorry.

Non-ISIS opposition means al-Qaeda.

Deepak said:
The reason the YPG joined the war was in response to al-Nusra, and they've also participated in military engagements to fight ISIL, and as well they oppose the Assad regime.

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