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Mike Pence's strong words against Presidential misbehavior

Angry Floof

Tricksy Leftits
Staff member
Jul 17, 2008
Sector 001
Basic Beliefs
Mike Pence's moral case for removing a president from office

It's really difficult to choose which paragraph is the most deeply, adamantly, and hilariously hypocritical.

He continued, "Leaders affect the lives of families far beyond their own 'private life'. In the Bible story of Esther we are told of a king who was charged to put right his own household because there would be 'no end of disrespect and discord' among the families of the kingdom if he failed to do so. In a day when reckless extramarital sexual activity is manifesting itself in our staggering rates of illegitimacy and divorce, now more than ever, America needs to be able to look to her First Family as role models of all that we have been and can be again."

Pence also wrote that Republicans needed to act to remove Clinton even if it meant losing the majority in Congress.

"If our leaders flinch at this responsibility, they would do well to heed the Proverb 'if a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked,'" he added. "Our leaders must either act to restore the luster and dignity of the institution of the Presidency or we can be certain that this is only the beginning of an even more difficult time for our land. For the nation to move on, the President must move out."

He is setting himself up to take over.

No, he was talking about Clinton. These quotes are from articles he wrote in the 90s.

He hasn't responded yet to questions about those articles, but if he does we can of course expect waffling and excuses, and not at all this confident certainty he had in the 90s. He'll probably say something like "it was 25 years ago" and so it doesn't apply or something.
Boy he talked a lot about that! -

"If you and I fall into bad moral habits, we can harm our families, our employers and our friends. The President of the United States can incinerate the planet. Seriously, the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. Throughout our history, we have seen the presidency as the repository of all of our highest hopes and ideals and values. To demand less is to do an injustice to the blood that bought our freedoms."

Blowhard Karma - the whole compendium of his self-righteous proclamations from the ivory tower he pretended to occupy during the Clinton administration, should serve to make sure that once he replaces Trump, he will himself be replaced shortly thereafter.
He is setting himself up to take over.

No, he was talking about Clinton. These quotes are from articles he wrote in the 90s.

He hasn't responded yet to questions about those articles, but if he does we can of course expect waffling and excuses, and not at all this confident certainty he had in the 90s. He'll probably say something like "it was 25 years ago" and so it doesn't apply or something.

It is probably possible to make anyone look like a hypocrite by juxtaposing things they have said in the past or in a different context with the situation today. However, I doubt that Pence would try to take back those words today, and so we see a clear case of hypocrisy today. In fact, this applies to all of those Trump-supporting religious conservatives who pass moral judgment on the personal behavior of others.

It is worth looking at how evangelicals attempt to rationalize and justify their support for a man who violates just about every moral principle that they stand for. In Islamic sharia law, there is the concept of  taqiyya--the right to lie under duress when there is a threat to life or property and one's sincere faith is not endangered. Christians have a concept of redemption that allows them to "cleanse" past sins. In the case of Donald Trump, one hears various excuses--Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality. I don't think that there is just one basic excuse. Sometimes it is a variant of "end justifies the means". Sometimes there are Biblical passages that can be dredged up to defend immorality. Sometimes it is just God using a sinner to create a perceived greater good. In today's case, it is Trump actively working to undermine secular principles in government.

If Trump manages to get himself removed from office, I expect evangelicals like Pence to point to his past moral behavior as God's reason for deciding it was time to replace him with a pious individual like Pence. That would have been God's plan all along, of course.
Boy he talked a lot about that! -

"If you and I fall into bad moral habits, we can harm our families, our employers and our friends. The President of the United States can incinerate the planet. Seriously, the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. Throughout our history, we have seen the presidency as the repository of all of our highest hopes and ideals and values. To demand less is to do an injustice to the blood that bought our freedoms."

I know, right! Every paragraph is golden.

Blowhard Karma - the whole compendium of his self-righteous proclamations from the ivory tower he pretended to occupy during the Clinton administration, should serve to make sure that once he replaces Trump, he will himself be replaced shortly thereafter.
He is setting himself up to take over.

No, he was talking about Clinton. These quotes are from articles he wrote in the 90s.

He hasn't responded yet to questions about those articles, but if he does we can of course expect waffling and excuses, and not at all this confident certainty he had in the 90s. He'll probably say something like "it was 25 years ago" and so it doesn't apply or something.

It is probably possible to make anyone look like a hypocrite by juxtaposing things they have said in the past or in a different context with the situation today. However, I doubt that Pence would try to take back those words today, and so we see a clear case of hypocrisy today. In fact, this applies to all of those Trump-supporting religious conservatives who pass moral judgment on the personal behavior of others.

It is worth looking at how evangelicals attempt to rationalize and justify their support for a man who violates just about every moral principle that they stand for. In Islamic sharia law, there is the concept of  taqiyya--the right to lie under duress when there is a threat to life or property and one's sincere faith is not endangered. Christians have a concept of redemption that allows them to "cleanse" past sins. In the case of Donald Trump, one hears various excuses--Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality. I don't think that there is just one basic excuse. Sometimes it is a variant of "end justifies the means". Sometimes there are Biblical passages that can be dredged up to defend immorality. Sometimes it is just God using a sinner to create a perceived greater good. In today's case, it is Trump actively working to undermine secular principles in government.

If Trump manages to get himself removed from office, I expect evangelicals like Pence to point to his past moral behavior as God's reason for deciding it was time to replace him with a pious individual like Pence. That would have been God's plan all along, of course.

It's obvious why they support him. He hates all the same people they hate.

They didn't actually give a shit about Clinton's infidelity, so it makes sense that they don't give a shit about Trump's infidelity. They only made big noises about Clinton's infidelity because it happened to be convenient to their quest for earthly political power.
It's obvious why they support him. He hates all the same people they hate.

They didn't actually give a shit about Clinton's infidelity, so it makes sense that they don't give a shit about Trump's infidelity. They only made big noises about Clinton's infidelity because it happened to be convenient to their quest for earthly political power.

I think that you have a tendency to overgeneralize and oversimplify. I know a lot of evangelicals, and not all of them are as clearly racist as you think. It is a very human trait to see the flaws in others more clearly than in oneself. People on all sides of the political spectrum are amazingly good at rationalizing their own biases. A lot of Trump supporters are well-aware of his infidelities, bullying, and lies. However, they believe that they like the results he is achieving--breaking down all of those policies that they see as "sacred cows" for liberals and progressives. So the challenge for them is to find ways to rationalize or overlook behavior that they know is wrong. Like religious faith, it is a challenge to observe the world as it is and not lose hope for an unrealistic outcome.
It's obvious why they support him. He hates all the same people they hate.

They didn't actually give a shit about Clinton's infidelity, so it makes sense that they don't give a shit about Trump's infidelity. They only made big noises about Clinton's infidelity because it happened to be convenient to their quest for earthly political power.

I think that you have a tendency to overgeneralize and oversimplify. I know a lot of evangelicals, and not all of them are as clearly racist as you think. It is a very human trait to see the flaws in others more clearly than in oneself. People on all sides of the political spectrum are amazingly good at rationalizing their own biases. A lot of Trump supporters are well-aware of his infidelities, bullying, and lies. However, they believe that they like the results he is achieving--breaking down all of those policies that they see as "sacred cows" for liberals and progressives. So the challenge for them is to find ways to rationalize or overlook behavior that they know is wrong. Like religious faith, it is a challenge to observe the world as it is and not lose hope for an unrealistic outcome.

What does racism have to do with anything I said?

And yes, I talk to fundies all the time. The one thing they are above all else is tribalist extremists. Anything is good as long as it comes from their team, anything is evil if it comes from anyone else. The topic of this thread is just one more example of that.
Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that Mike Pence is a hypocritical creep without an ounce of actual integrity?

THE Mike Pence? The VPOTUS Mike Pence? No fuckin' way! I refuse to believe it.
Yes. These politicians are almost universally huge liars and hypocrites.

Clinton too.

He destroyed the ability of the Democratic Party to be an alternative party in service to himself.

He abandoned working people for corporate money and the perks that come, for a tiny few, from the corporate world.
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