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Most recent common ancestor of all life may have come from hydrothermal vents


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

By analyzing DNA common to all the major branches of life, scientists have discovered that the most recent common ancestor of all life may have come from hydrothermal vents.

If true, then it's not much of a stretch to say that abiogenesis happened in a hydrothermal vent. We may be one step closer to finding the true origin of all life on Earth. How cool is that?

By analyzing DNA common to all the major branches of life, scientists have discovered that the most recent common ancestor of all life may have come from hydrothermal vents.

If true, then it's not much of a stretch to say that abiogenesis happened in a hydrothermal vent. We may be one step closer to finding the true origin of all life on Earth. How cool is that?

Eh. It'll probably be cool next year. Right now all i can think of is how they'll blame Hillary for this discovery....

By analyzing DNA common to all the major branches of life, scientists have discovered that the most recent common ancestor of all life may have come from hydrothermal vents.

If true, then it's not much of a stretch to say that abiogenesis happened in a hydrothermal vent. We may be one step closer to finding the true origin of all life on Earth. How cool is that?

Aha... that explains why I like taking long warm baths.

By analyzing DNA common to all the major branches of life, scientists have discovered that the most recent common ancestor of all life may have come from hydrothermal vents.

If true, then it's not much of a stretch to say that abiogenesis happened in a hydrothermal vent. We may be one step closer to finding the true origin of all life on Earth. How cool is that?

Very cool!

Aha... that explains why I like taking long warm baths.

Au contraire. It seems to support my preference for keeping the house at 55F during the winter months:
The study changes ideas of early life on Earth. "It is generally believed that LUCA was a heat-loving or hyperthermophilic organism. A bit like one of those weird organisms living in the hot vents along the continental ridges deep in the oceans today (above 90 degrees Celsius)," ... "However, our data suggests that LUCA was actually sensitive to warmer temperatures and lived in a climate below 50 degrees."

Very cool indeed! ;)
ETA: Oops. 50C = 122F.:tomato:
I'm not surprised--hydrothermal vents would be the likely place for life to survive during the snowball period.

By analyzing DNA common to all the major branches of life, scientists have discovered that the most recent common ancestor of all life may have come from hydrothermal vents.

If true, then it's not much of a stretch to say that abiogenesis happened in a hydrothermal vent. We may be one step closer to finding the true origin of all life on Earth. How cool is that?

Hydrothermal vents aren't cool. If they were, they would just be hydro vents. :D
The Last Universal Common Ancestor was a very well-developed organism:  Last universal ancestor, The physiology and habitat of the last universal common ancestor : Nature Microbiology.

It had a lot of biosynthesis pathways, meaning that it was likely autotrophic, being able to make all its biological molecules from inorganic precursors, as plants do. However, it did not practice any form of photosynthesis, and it got its energy from inorganic compounds; it was lithotrophic, not phototrophic. It likely lived off of H2 and CO2 and NOx and the like.

It had electron-transfer energy metabolism, and also chemiosmotic energy metabolism (pumping hydrogen ions across a membrane, then making ATP by their returning).

It had a DNA genome, though it may not have had well-developed DNA polymerases. It also had RNA and ribosomes, structures for translating RNA sequences into protein ones.

So it had an impressive amount of evolution behind it. But there has been a limited bit of success in reconstructing its predecessors, notably the RNA world.
I'm not surprised--hydrothermal vents would be the likely place for life to survive during the snowball period.
The timelines don't match though. The LUCA was some 4 billion years ago; bacteria and archaea and eukaryotes had all evolved long before Snowball Earth, which was about 650 million years ago, so they all had to make it through separately.
Hydrogen is the LUCA for all atom based life, unless you're defining life as only higher order cohesive interacting structures... which means spacetime is alive.
I'm not surprised--hydrothermal vents would be the likely place for life to survive during the snowball period.
The timelines don't match though. The LUCA was some 4 billion years ago; bacteria and archaea and eukaryotes had all evolved long before Snowball Earth, which was about 650 million years ago, so they all had to make it through separately.

And we know there wasn't a previous snowball??
I've found LUCApedia -- from its about page,
Thanks to the growth of genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, it is possible to investigate properties of the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) and its predecessors in detail. LUCApedia was established to aggregate and unify the results of studies aimed at describing early life through a variety of bioinformatics approaches and pair them with a number of enzymological characteristics predicted in previous studies to reflect catalysts important in the early evolution of life. Users may query the webserver for individual proteins to rapidly identify evidence of deep ancestry. Advanced users may download the database as a series of flat files and use it to discover trends in early enzymatic and metabolic evolution and to test hypotheses related to early life.
I'd like a nontechnical summary of what this database is for, and some discoveries made with its data. But that page does link to some interesting work.

In the middle of the page is a list of kinds of cofactors, small molecules and sometimes ions that work with the protein parts of enzymes, either free-floating or attached. The B vitamins are all cofactors. There are several types:
  • Derived from nucleotides -- likely a leftover from the RNA world
  • Derived from amino acids
  • Iron-sulfur
  • Zinc

The Genetic Core of the Universal Ancestor
Our analyses identified a small set of genes that can be traced back to the universal ancestor and have coevolved since that time. As indicated by earlier studies, almost all of these genes are involved with the transfer of genetic information, and most of them directly interact with the ribosome. Other universal genes have either undergone lateral transfer in the past, or have diverged so much in sequence that their distant past could not be resolved.
Their method: by looking for proteins whose phylogenies parallel the ribosomal-RNA phylogeny, as a way of excluding lateral gene transfer. That is very common in metabolism-related genes.

Here are the main groups of what they found:
Group 1: Ribosomal Proteins and Translation Initiation Factors
Group 2: Proteins Associated With the Ribosome or Protein Modification
Group 3: Proteins Associated With Transcription and Replication of DNA
Group 4: Uncharacterized Proteins

The Canonical Network of Autotrophic Intermediary Metabolism: Minimal Metabolome of a Reductive Chemoautotroph
and a successor paper,
Analysis of the Intermediary Metabolism of a Reductive Chemoautotroph

From the first one,

The reductive Krebs cycle is the starting point for both amino acids and nucleotides, and these are in turn a starting point for several cofactors.
Typical examples are CoA, that has an AMP handle bridged through pantothenic acid to a modified (decarboxylated) cysteine and S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) which is a direct chimera of ATP and methionine. In addition to CoA and SAM, many other cofactors like NAD, NADP, FAD, and ATP are all nucleotides or contain heterocyclic nitrogenous bases as seen in thiamin diphosphate (ThPP) and tetrahydrofolate (THF).

Many of the chemical mechanisms involved in biosynthesis fall into a few basic categories, each with its own sort of cofactors:
These reactions include (i) oxidation-reduction, (ii) carboxylation-decarboxylation, (iii) hydrolysis-dehydration, (iv) phosphorylation-dephosphorylation, (v) amination, and (vi) acylation; all these reactions are enabled by specific cofactors in enzyme-catalyzed transformations.

From the second one:

A diagram of amino-acid and nucleotide biosynthesis -- rather complicated, but it shows how few starting points it has.

The authors have several generalizations:

#1. C, H, N, O, P, S -- the universal components. The first four are the most widely-used of them. Their smallness enables forming stable chemical bonds. Si-Si isn't as good as C-C, something that counts against silicon-based biochemistry. Sulfur makes weaker bonds, something that is sometimes convenient. Phosphorus appears as phosphates, and they also make weaker bonds.

The authors didn't address the question of why halogens are rare in biological molecules. Chlorine ought to be a common one, but it's hardly ever used.

#2. All pathways are anabolic -- constructive rather than destructive (catabolic) -- that's because the authors were studying autotrophs.
It is striking that the types of organic reactions in core anabolism are limited to 11 chemical transformations: hydrolysis/dehydration, carboxylation/decarboxylation, oxidation/reduction, phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, transamination, group transfer, and isomerization.
This suggests a mechanism for their origin: reusing components developed for other reactions.

#3: No molecule left behind -- no biological molecules go to waste. Autotrophic metabolism uses *everything*.

#4: Five pillars of anabolism -- five methods of fixing carbon that organisms use.
At the present time five different autotrophic pathways have been described (Thauer, 2007; Nakagawa and Takai, 2008) and we chose these for comparison, all having been well established for carbon assimilation: (i) the reductive pentose phosphate pathway (Calvin and Bassham, 1962), (ii) the reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle (Buchanan and Arnon, 1990), (iii) the reductive acetyl-CoA pathway (Ljungdahl, 1986), and (iv) the 3-hydroxypropianate cycle (Ishii et al., 2004) and (v) its variant the 4-hydroxy butyrate cycle (Berg et al., 2007).
Cyanobacteria and chloroplasts and many other bacte use the reductive pentose phosphate cycle, a.k.a. the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle.

The reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle is the Krebs cycle run in reverse.

#5: All sugars are phosphorylated -- they all have phosphate groups on them.

#6: All core molecules contain either phosphoric or carboxylic acids or both -- phosphate groups are acidic, and the carboxyl group is -COOH.

The authors speculate as to why this might be.
From the viewpoint of biogenesis, it is possible that this attribute facilitated maximizing the concentration of the core metabolic components by preventing their diffusion through nonpolar, hydrophobic encapsulations or by stabilizing their adsorption on charged surfaces.

#7: The core anabolic network is both brittle and robust -- it does not have much redundancy, but it has lasted for just about all the history of life on our planet.

Then which chemical forms. Nitrogen appears mostly in the most reduced form, as amino groups and the like: -NH2 groups and ==NH groups. Sulfur is likewise most often reduced, as sulfides: -HS groups. Oxygen mainly comes from CO2, H2O, and phosphates.

However, carbon exists in a variety of states. From the most reduced to the most oxidized: CH4, -CH3, -CH2OH, -CHO, -COOH, CO2.

Adding to "monomer" and "polymer" is some words that the authors composed. A "chimeromer" is something assembled from different parts, like Coenzyme A. A "repeatomer" is something assembled from a few repeated parts, like the porphyrin ring.

More on cofactors:
There is a set of about 10 cofactors that seem to be universal across the taxa. An additional 9 cofactors are found in methanogens and acetogens (Ferry and Kastead, 2007).
These include most of the B vitamins and the likes of ATP.
The two prokaryotic domains of life, Bacteria and Archaea, have DNA, RNA, and proteins, but an interesting curiosity about their DNA replication systems:

Did DNA replication evolve twice independently? [Nucleic Acids Res. 1999] - PubMed - NCBI
Modern mRNA proofreading and repair: clues that the last universal common ancestor possessed an RNA genome? [Mol Biol Evol. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI
The details of the DNA-replication systems of Bacteria and Archaea do not have much in common. This implies that it was developed separately, in the ancestors of Bacteria, and in the ancestors of Archaea. The eukaryotic version is not a third version, but derived from Archaea.

Before that, the genome was likely a DNA-RNA heteroduplex one: one DNA strand and one RNA strand in a double helix. It would be replicated by copying the DNA strand onto an RNA one and vice versa.

However, DNA originated before the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA). Its building blocks are made from RNA ones in two steps. First, the ribose is turned into deoxyribose, and then the uracil into thymine.

Also before the LUCA was proteins. They are built with the help of ribosomes, big RNA-protein complexes. The most important parts are RNA, however. Some biologists have dared to try to reconstruct their evolution, and they were likely originally RNA, with proteins later added.

The other parts are messenger RNA, which contains the sequence to be translated into protein, and transfer RNA, which matches amino acids with messenger-RNA nucleotide triplets (codons). They are, of course, RNA.

So we end up at the RNA world, where RNA serves both as information storage and as enzyme. Several of the B vitamins likely date back to the RNA world (Coenzymes as coribozymes. [Biochimie. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI, Modern metabolism as a palimpsest of the RNA world. [Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989] - PubMed - NCBI). B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenate), B6 (pyridoxal).

The remaining ones are B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin).

Biotin likely emerged after proteins did, not in the RNA world.

B12 has a porphyrin ring, and porphyrins likely date back to the RNA world.

Of membrane lipids, terpenes likely date back to the RNA world, but fatty acids are only present in eubacteria and eukaryotes.

So going backward, we find:
  • Eukaryotes originate by cross-domain hybridization
  • Eubacteria and Archaea separately develop DNA-DNA genomes
  • LUCA
  • Origin of DNA
  • Origin of proteins and ribosomes
  • RNA world
Evolution of the first metabolic cycles by Günter Wächtershäuser (1990): He proposed that the reductive Krebs /citric-acid / tricarboxylic-acid cycle was prebiotic. It's the familiar oxidative version run backward; the oxidative version is for energy extraction.

The Krebs cycle is part of several biosynthesis and energy-metabolism pathways, so if it was prebiotic, then that makes its evolution a lot easier. Here's running it in the reductive direction:

<- CoA-SH
-> H2O + CH3-CO-S-CoA (acetyl coenzyme A)
Oxaloacetate: COOH-CH2-CO-COOH
<- H2
-> H2O
<- H2
Succinate: COOH-CH2-CH2-COOH
<- CoA-SH
-> H2O
Succinyl CoA: COOH-CH2-CH2-CO-S-CoA
<- CO2 + H2
-> H2O + CoA-SH
Alpha-ketoglutarate: COOH-CH2-CH2-CO-COOH
<- H2 + CO2

CoA: Coenzyme A, a coenzyme that contains vitamin B5 (pantothenate). CoA itself is likely not prebiotic, but it could easily have had simpler sulfur-containing predecessors.

The net effect of the reductive Krebs cycle is to do this:
2CO2 + 4H2 + CoA-SH -> 3H2O + CH3-CO-S-CoA

In effect, combining carbon dioxide and hydrogen to make acetic acid.

The hydrogen need not be hydrogen molecules but what may be called virtual hydrogen: electrons in molecules and hydrogen ions in the surrounding water. Electron-transfer reactions are an important part of many energy-metabolism and biosynthesis pathways.

Some electron-transfer coenzymes date back to the RNA world: vitamins B2 and B3, riboflavin and niacin. So we may conclude that the RNA world did electron-transfer metabolism, and likely also the Krebs cycle.

There are also some electron-transfer proteins. Ferredoxin contains iron-sulfur groups, and those groups are likely prebiotic even if the rest of the protein isn't. Their iron atoms transfer electrons by flipping between Fe++ and Fe+++ oxidation states. Cytochromes are more iron-containing ones, also doing Fe++ <-> Fe+++. Their iron atoms are inside of the porphyrin rings of heme molecules.

Porphyrins may also be prebiotic: Possible origin for porphin derivatives in prebiotic chemistry--a computational study. [Orig Life Evol Biosph. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI, Prebiotic Porphyrin Genesis: Porphyrins from Electric Discharge in Methane, Ammonia, and Water Vapor -- PNAS

Porphyrins show up in heme, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, etc. There are two main pathways for biosynthesis of them: C5 and Shemin. The Shemin one is only in alpha-proteobacteria and nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes; the C5 one is in everything else. So when some ancestral eukaryote "ate" the alpha-proteobacterium that became the mitochondrion, the genes for the Shemin pathway's enzymes also came along.

There is a similar sort of variation in the biosynthesis of the amino acid lysine. The most common pathway is the DAP (diaminopimelate) pathway, but fungi, euglenids, and some prokaryotes use an alternative, the alpha-aminoadipate pathway.

- - - Updated - - -

 Carbon fixation: getting carbon from carbon dioxide and incorporating it into the organism's molecules. Organisms use a variety of carbon-fixation pathways, and the reductive Krebs cycle is only one of them. Purple bacteria (in Proteobacteria), cyanobacteria, and chloroplasts use one called the Calvin cycle. Not surprising for the chloroplasts, since they are "eaten" cyanobacteria.

On the subject of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, methanogens have a special metabolic pathway with its own coenzymes that does this:
CO2 + 4H2 -> CH4 + 2H2O

They use it for both energy extraction and carbon fixation. In detail,

<- H-MF + XH2
-> X + H2O
<- H-,H-H4MPT
-> H-MF
-> H2O
<- H2
<- H2
<- HS-CoM
-> H-,H-H4MPT
<- HS-CoB
-> CoB-S-S-CoM

MF = methanofuran, H4MPT = tetrahydromethanopterin, coenzyme M = CoM, coenzyme B = CoB. Also involved is coenzyme F420.

Only methanogens have this cycle, meaning that it cannot be traced back further than the common ancestor of the methanogens.
The origin of life on earth and abiogenesis was the big bang and the inception of the universe... a bunch of stuff just happened before an inorganic molecule became an organic molecule.
Turning to photosynthesis, there are two types, which I like to call  bacteriorhodopsin and  chlorophyll photosynthesis.

The bacteriorhodopsin kind. It's only in some Archaea, like the Halobacteria. Eukaryote rhodopsin may be related, however. It works by an absorbed photon giving it enough energy to change its shape. This shape change makes it pump a hydrogen ion from the inside to the outside of its cell membrane.

The hydrogen ions then return inward through  ATP synthase complexes that assemble ATP molecules ( Chemiosmosis). The ATP molecules are then tapped for their energy. This mechanism is found in many prokaryotes, and it got into eukaryotedom by endosymbiosis.

The usable energy in ATP is in its phosphate-phosphate (pyrophosphate) bonds. ATP is adenosine triphosphate, the RNA nucleotide with extra phosphates. So ATP likely dates back to the RNA world, and likely also chemiosmotic energy extraction.

The chlorophyll kind. It is found in Eubacteria but not in Archaea, though it has gotten into Eukarya by endosymbiosis. It operates by electron transfer, the electrons getting energized by photons absorbed by chlorophyll molecules.

In cyanobacteria and chloroplasts, it is this sequence:

Manganese-oxide complex: H2O -> 2e + 2H+ + (1/2)O2
Photosystem II antenna complex
Plastoquinone: pumps hydrogen ions outward across the membrane for chemiosmotic energy extraction
Cytochrome b6/f
Photosystem I antenna complex
Niacin: NADP+ <-> NADPH -- to biosynthesis reactions

Photosystem I can send electrons back into plastocyanin for extracting energy from electrons, thus running the electrons in a closed loop.

How did this gruesomely complicated system evolve? We can get some hints from other photosynthetic bacteria. They have only Photosystem I or II, and they get their electrons from sources other than water, like hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, elemental sulfur, iron++, or various organic compounds.

Photosystem I antenna complex
(can be run in a cycle for energy extraction)
What has it: green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium, heliobacteria

Photosystem II antenna complex
Plastoquinone: hydrogen-ion pump
Cytochrome b6/f
(can be run in a cycle for energy extraction)
What has it: green nonsulfur bacterium Chloroflexus, purple bacteria (in Proteobacteria)

Are these organisms closely related? Surprisingly, they aren't.

The heliobacteria are in Firmicutes, which are Gram-positive and otherwise all nonphotosynthetic. The purple bacteria are mixed in with nonphotosynthetic ones in the alpha-proteobacteria and beta-proteobacteria (nonsulfur ones) and in the gamma-proteobacteria (sulfur ones). But Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Chlorobi, Chloroflexi, and Cyanobacteria are only distantly related, and are usually treated as the highest-level subtaxa of Eubacteria / Bacteria.

This suggests a history of photosynthesis loss and/or lateral gene transfer.

Looking further, Photosystems I and II are likely the result of duplication of genes for an ancestral system.

So we cannot reasonably extrapolate either type of photosynthesis back to the Last Universal Common Ancestor, let alone back to the RNA world.
Now for another ancient metabolic feature: the respiratory chain. What is it? It combines real or virtual hydrogens (electrons + hydrogen ions) with oxygen or other oxidizers, extracting energy as it goes.

Here's the respiratory chain in mitochondria, which are nearly universal among eukaryotes and which were present in the ancestral one. The membrane here is the inner one and not the outer one.

Niacin: NAD+ + 2H <-> NADH + H+
Dehydrogenase: flavin complex (the vitamin riboflavin): pumps hydrogen ions outward across the membrane
Ubiquinone: pumps hydrogen ions outward across the membrane
Cytochrome bc1
Cytochrome c
Cytochrome a, a.k.a. cytochrome c oxidase
4H+ + 4e + O2 -> 2H2O, removing hydrogen ions from the inside side of the membrane

As with photosynthesis, hydrogen ions accumulate on the outside, and are allowed back in by ATP-synthase complexes, which assemble ATP molecules -- chemiosmosis. Essentially

Adenosine-(P) + (P) + (P) -> Adenosine-(P)-(P)-(P)
Adenosine: a RNA nucleotide

The energy in the (P)-(P) bonds is then tapped by various metabolic processes.

Wikipedia has a big article on the  electron transport chain

Also note that a quinone is a cross-membrane hydrogen-ion pump in both mitochondria and cyanobacteria/chloroplasts. Also that cytochromes are next in line for quinones' electrons in both pathways.

Prokaryotes have a lot of variation in their respiratory chains, and it can be summarized as

Electron donor -> dehydrogenase -> quinone
Electron donor -> quinone
Quinone -> oxidase -> electron acceptor
Quinone -> cytochrome bc1 -> cytochrome
Electron donor -> cytochrome
Cytochrome -> oxidase -> electron acceptor

They also vary in how many hydrogen-ion-pump stages they have: 1, 2, or 3 (the mitochondrion number). Mitochondria clearly have a version of this system, and chlorophyll photosynthesis is built on it, with the addition of chlorophyll-containing antenna complexes.

Some prokaryotes are lithotrophic, able to subsist on chemical reactions involving inorganic compounds.

Inorganic electron donors: H2, CO, NH3, nitrite: NO2-, S, sulfide: S--, ferrous iron: Fe++

Inorganic electron acceptors: CO2, nitrate: NO3-, nitrite: NO2-, S, sulfate: SO4--, ferric iron: Fe+++

Some donor-acceptor combinations may not be thermodynamically possible, from their redox-potential change being the wrong sign.

Lithotrophic metabolism has two very nice features: it does not require photosynthesis, and it does not require organic molecules, let alone typical biological ones. Since photosynthesis is a relative latecomer, it means that the Earth's primary producers were once all lithotrophs. So was the Last Universal Common Ancestor a lithotroph?
Biologist Jose Castresana has proposed the "respiration early" hypothesis, that ability to use oxygen is ancestral, and that early organisms could use oxygen produced by breakdown of water by solar ultraviolet light. However, such concentrations of oxygen were likely very low.
Respiratory chains in the last common ancestor of living organisms. | Mendeley
Respiration in Archaea and Bacteria: . Diversity of prokaryotic electron ... - Davide Zannoni - Google Books
How did LUCA make a living? Chemiosmosis in the origin of life from Nick Lane homepage
Respiratory Chains in the Last Common Ancestor of Living Organisms from Castresana Lab
Evolution of energetic metabolism: the respiration-early hypothesis 10.1016/S0968-0004(00)89098-2 : Trends in Biochemical Sciences | ScienceDirect.com

A complication of this question is the possibility of lateral / horizontal gene transfer, which the earlier work did not seem to properly address.

Most recently, Evolution of the haem copper oxidases superfamily: a rooting tale 10.1016/j.tibs.2009.04.002 : Trends in Biochemical Sciences | ScienceDirect.com compares "respiration early" and "respiration late" hypothesis for this enzyme, the final enzyme in mitochondrial and several other respiratory chains. This enzyme started off using nitric oxide (NO), and changed to using molecular oxygen (O2) at least once and likely more than once.

Cytochrome a = cytochrome c oxidase: a heme-copper oxidase

Use of various alternatives to oxygen is also widespread, though that also could be due to lateral gene transfer. So we can't say for sure which ones are ancestral. Though many of the enzymes involved are known, I have not found much on attempts to determine their phylogenies.

But as Nick Lane has argued, chemiosmotic energy production is likely ancestral, and without photosynthesis, that requires some respiratory chain, though not necessarily an oxygen-using one. Chlorophyll photosynthesis itself was built on the respiratory chain, further supporting its ancestral existence. So an oxygenless respiratory chain was likely ancestral.

Here are some oxygen alternatives:

HNO3 + H2 -> HNO2 + H2O
HNO2 + (1/2)H2 -> NO + H2O
Nitric oxide
2NO + H2 -> N2O + H2O
Nitrous oxide
N2O + H2 -> N2 + H2O
Nitrogen molecules

H2SO4 + H2 -> H2SO3 + H2O
H2SO3 + 3H2 -> H2S + 3H2O
Hydrogen sulfide

S + H2 -> H2S
Hydrogen sulfide
The origin of life on earth and abiogenesis was the big bang and the inception of the universe... a bunch of stuff just happened before an inorganic molecule became an organic molecule.
I don't get what you have in mind.
BMC Evolutionary Biology | Full text | The primordial metabolism: an ancestral interconnection between leucine, arginine, and lysine biosynthesis -- the biosynthesis of these amino acids started out with the same metabolic pathway and enzymes. After gene duplications, its enzymes got specialized to produce each one of them.

Structure - Protein Domain Structure Uncovers the Origin of Aerobic Metabolism and the Rise of Planetary Oxygen
  • The first oxygen-using reaction, that of pyridoxal (vitamin B6) biosynthesis, used oxygen from a manganese-containing catalase, an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide.
  • Sulfate metabolism came after oxygen metabolism.
  • Amino-acid biosynthesis and codon assignment evolved in parallel.

The origin and evolution of modern metabolism 10.1016/j.biocel.2008.08.022 : The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology | ScienceDirect.com
From the abstract:
Cellular metabolism is probably one of the most ancient biological networks and constitutes a good model system for the study of network evolution.
It's also important for the origin-of-life question. How far back can we look without degenerating into hand-waving and "then a miracle occurs"?
While many evolutionary models have been proposed, a substantial body of work suggests metabolic pathways evolve fundamentally by recruitment, in which enzymes are drawn from close or distant regions of the network to perform novel chemistries or use different substrates.
So many new enzymes are essentially modified copies of existing ones.
Initial studies suggest modern metabolism originated in enzymes of nucleotide metabolism harboring the P-loop hydrolase fold, probably in pathways linked to the purine metabolic subnetwork. This gateway of recruitment gave rise to pathways related to the synthesis of nucleotides and cofactors for an ancient RNA world. Once the TIM β/α-barrel fold architecture was discovered, it appears metabolic activities were recruited explosively giving rise to subnetworks related to carbohydrate and then amino acid metabolism. Remarkably, recruitment occurred in a layered system reminiscent of Morowitz's prebiotic shells, supporting the notion that modern metabolism represents a palimpsest of ancient metabolic chemistries.
So biosynthesis likely goes back to the RNA world.

The origin of modern metabolic networks inferred from phylogenomic analysis of protein architecture
Metabolism represents a complex collection of enzymatic reactions and transport processes that convert metabolites into molecules capable of supporting cellular life. Here we explore the origins and evolution of modern metabolism. Using phylogenomic information linked to the structure of metabolic enzymes, we sort out recruitment processes and discover that most enzymatic activities were associated with the nine most ancient and widely distributed protein fold architectures. An analysis of newly discovered functions showed enzymatic diversification occurred early, during the onset of the modern protein world.
So a few early protein enzymes evolved, then their genes got duplicated and they then diverged, producing a large number of enzymes.
Most importantly, phylogenetic reconstruction exercises and other evidence suggest strongly that metabolism originated in enzymes with the P-loop hydrolase fold in nucleotide metabolism, probably in pathways linked to the purine metabolic subnetwork. Consequently, the first enzymatic takeover of an ancient biochemistry or prebiotic chemistry was related to the synthesis of nucleotides for the RNA world.
RNA-world biosynthesis of its RNA -- not surprising. The article has this reconstructed sequence:
  • Purines: two-ring RNA bases
  • Pyrimidines: one-ring RNA bases
  • Porphyrins: rings of 4 rings in heme, chlorophyll, B12, etc.
  • Amino acids, sugars, and the respiratory chain (oxidative phosphorylation)
Because of their greater complexity, purines are likely less common than pyrimidines in the prebiotic world, so an RNA organism would have to make first purines, then pyrimidines.

Biochem. J. (2009) 417, 621–637 - G. Caetano-Anolles and others - Evolution of the protein world -- more work on how it emerged. The Last Universal Common Ancestor had had a LOT of evolution behind it.

Origins and evolution of modern biochemistry: insights from genomes and molecular structure. [Front Biosci. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI -- still more work on that. Seems like I've linked to several papers with the same authors in them.
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