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Movement for Black Lives releases its agenda

I think that is a good point, Asians have an income advantage over whites, but not a wealth advantage (wealth being amount of total holdings at a given time). I don't have a good answer to that,

Don't be too hard on yourself over this. You haven't had a good answer to anything raised in this thread so far.
I think that is a good point, Asians have an income advantage over whites, but not a wealth advantage (wealth being amount of total holdings at a given time). I don't have a good answer to that,

Don't be too hard on yourself over this. You haven't had a good answer to anything raised in this thread so far.
I think you see what you want to see.
Wiki said:
The Flynn effect is the substantial and long-sustained increase in both fluid and crystallized intelligence test scores measured in many parts of the world from roughly 1930 to the present day. When intelligence quotient (IQ) tests are initially standardized using a sample of test-takers, by convention the average of the test results is set to 100 and their standard deviation is set to 15 or 16 IQ points. When IQ tests are revised, they are again standardized using a new sample of test-takers, usually born more recently than the first. Again, the average result is set to 100. However, when the new test subjects take the older tests, in almost every case their average scores are significantly above 100.

Test score increases have been continuous and approximately linear from the earliest years of testing to the present. For the Raven's Progressive Matrices test, subjects born over a 100-year period were compared in Des Moines, Iowa, and separately in Dumfries, Scotland. Improvements were remarkably consistent across the whole period, in both countries.[1] This effect of an apparent increase in IQ has also been observed in various other parts of the world, though the rates of increase vary.[2]

There are numerous proposed explanations of the Flynn effect, as well as some skepticism about its implications. Similar improvements have been reported for other cognitions such as semantic and episodic memory.[3] Recent research suggests that the Flynn effect may have ended in at least a few developed nations, possibly allowing national differences in IQ scores[4] to determine if the Flynn effect continues in nations with lower average national IQs.

Also, here is Flynn's interesting Ted Talk on youtube:
The Flynn effect has only barely decreased the racial IQ gaps, as all races have seen the secular increase, but it still provides an indirect argument against hereditarianism, as a secular rise of three points every ten years is thought to be too quick to happen through genetics, so it must be environmental. That was the old way of thinking, and to this day nobody knows what causes the Flynn effect, but now I think there is now another possibility that needs to be put to the test: epigenetics. Epigenetics accelerates genetic adaptation through environmental triggers, and a highly literate mechanical society is expected to provide those triggers. There have been other highly heritable biological correlates that have also seen secular increases: head size at birth, myopia, and height.
Do you take the "brain drain" pattern to be just an ad hoc defense, then, like it is not an established global pattern?

We're talking about genes.

The genes that left Vietnam and ended in the US were randomly selected.

There was no IQ test administered at the border.

The reason that Vietnamese in the US do better than people with the same genes in Vietnam is entirely cultural.

I must disagree--the genes that leave and end up in another country are almost never truly random. This is because the decision to relocate is not random--people who are more confident of their abilities are more willing to take a chance on moving to another place where they have little (it's not uncommon for such relocations to involve a romantic partner) or no support system around them. Emigrants are on average superior to the population from which they come. (And note the corollary--populations which suffer heavy emigration tend to be left with the dregs.)

(Note that slavery is the opposite situation--those being transported as slaves were generally on the losing side of a conflict. Still not random but a smaller effect.)
I think that is a good point, Asians have an income advantage over whites, but not a wealth advantage (wealth being amount of total holdings at a given time). I don't have a good answer to that, but I suspect it may be because Asians are concentrated in technical fields, less in leadership fields. For example, Asians are 18% of American engineers (https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/wmpd/2013/digest/theme4.cfm), in spite of being only 6% of Americans.

I think you're right. The normal two routes to great wealth in the US are leadership and being a top performer in a popular form of the arts--and most of the rest of the ultra-rich are the first-generation heirs of such a person.
We're talking about genes.

The genes that left Vietnam and ended in the US were randomly selected.

There was no IQ test administered at the border.

The reason that Vietnamese in the US do better than people with the same genes in Vietnam is entirely cultural.

I must disagree--the genes that leave and end up in another country are almost never truly random. This is because the decision to relocate is not random--people who are more confident of their abilities are more willing to take a chance on moving to another place where they have little (it's not uncommon for such relocations to involve a romantic partner) or no support system around them. Emigrants are on average superior to the population from which they come. (And note the corollary--populations which suffer heavy emigration tend to be left with the dregs.)

(Note that slavery is the opposite situation--those being transported as slaves were generally on the losing side of a conflict. Still not random but a smaller effect.)

Decisions to leave are arrived at randomly.

They involve random circumstances. And those that actually make it to the US make it here due to random events.

It is absurd to claim that only high IQ people leave or only high IQ people arrive. It doesn't take a high IQ to know you are unhappy.
Feralphile Fairness Fairies

No. I'm not going to bother with Photoshop to fix it but the last frame should have labels

"Rich" and "Poor".

- - - Updated - - -

It's not true at all. Blacks in America have never been treated worse than they deserved. And it certainly does hurt, insult, humiliate, and demoralize Whites to put up with self-righteous race traitors telling us what we must think.

The Puritans were harshly and deservedly criticized by calling normal and healthy activity a "sin." It's the same with bossy snakes claiming that "racism" is wrong.

There's no question that blacks used to be treated very unfairly. You think slavery is fair?!?!

Slavery saved them from savagery. Unfairness has nothing to do with unequal treatment; it's all about equal people being treated unequally. So if superior players get paid more, there is nothing unfair about that.
This isn't Stormfront, we aren't going to buy this garbage.

It's no wonder these guys will show up when you and Derec post the kinds of things you do.

It's typical of simple-minded race traitors that they desperately need to think that anyone who opposes them is a neo-Nazi dupe of the ruling class. That goes for American Renaissance, too, without the anti-semitic scapegoat. Both groups seek to offer Whites racial supremacy if we submit to totalitarian Birth-Class Supremacy.
Looks like they let Trump have his phone back today.
A Normal Fate for Africans Was to Become a Lion's Lunch

Slavery saved them from savagery.

Exactly! Well...almost. It's true for all the slaves except the ones who were savagely killed, beaten, removed from their homes, or raped...which I guess is all of them.

That was their condition before they were saved from the jungle. And that was just from their own people. Their genetic incompetence in dealing with the natural world made things even worse for them.
Exactly! Well...almost. It's true for all the slaves except the ones who were savagely killed, beaten, removed from their homes, or raped...which I guess is all of them.

That was their condition before they were saved from the jungle. And that was just from their own people. Their genetic incompetence in dealing with the natural world made things even worse for them.

There is no such thing as "genetic incompetence".

In any group, it doesn't matter what the average is, there will be some with high "intelligence" and some, like you, with clearly inferior "intelligence".

What a group does has everything to do with random circumstance and environment and nothing to do with average "intelligence".
What a group does has everything to do with random circumstance and environment and nothing to do with average "intelligence".

Magic Dirt vs. Tragic Dirt.

What crops and other food sources are available has a lot to do with what directions any society can take.

Far more important that this imaginary construct called "IQ".

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies


Chapter 5: Geographical differences in the onset of food production.
Magic Dirt vs. Tragic Dirt.

What crops and other food sources are available has a lot to do with what directions any society can take.

Far more important that this imaginary construct called "IQ".

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies


Chapter 5: Geographical differences in the onset of food production.

Explain Iceland. Or Singapore. Or South Korea. Or Hong Kong.
What crops and other food sources are available has a lot to do with what directions any society can take.

Far more important that this imaginary construct called "IQ".

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies


Chapter 5: Geographical differences in the onset of food production.

Explain Iceland. Or Singapore. Or South Korea. Or Hong Kong.

In what year?

Have you read the book?

Have you ever read a book?
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