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Mystery of Adam Schiff and whistleblower takes dangerous new turn

This is all so very familiar, isn't it? It's election season, and there's an establishment candidate with problematic policy ideas and the specter of declining health being saddled with accusations of corruption by Donald Trump, who is public and unapologetic about enlisting foreign aid to dig up the goods.
There is a huge difference. There are transcripts that likely implicate Trump in this act. That didn't exist with Russia, to our knowledge... I mean other than the emails and the entire meeting with the Russians at the Trump Tower. That transcript is the same thing as the White House tapes during Nixon. That transcript could end this Presidency... or our Democracy.
Just wait, the Mueller report will tank him for sure! Wait... no, we need the UNREDACTED Mueller report! Oh... but wait, surely he won't last if MUELLER HIMSELF testifies again! Ah... well, nevertheless, surely THIS will be the thing that ends his Presidency
This is all so very familiar, isn't it? It's election season, and there's an establishment candidate with problematic policy ideas and the specter of declining health being saddled with accusations of corruption by Donald Trump, who is public and unapologetic about enlisting foreign aid to dig up the goods. It's almost like this isn't a brazen, unprecedented move by an unhinged madman, but rather a calculated strategy his administration is deploying because it worked phenomenally well last time.

Except this time it he isn't a private citizen as candidate. He's the President of the United States using the government's offices for corrupt purposes.
Just wait, the Mueller report will tank him for sure!

It did. Do you just not understand anything at all about how shit works in the world?

Ah... well, nevertheless, surely THIS will be the thing that ends his Presidency

Have you likewise never heard the phrase "smoking gun"?

The report you are ignorantly mocking very clearly and explicitly told Congress two very important things: (1) Mueller could not find a particular smoking gun in regard to conspiracy with Russia, because these fucks destroyed evidence and repeatedly lied under oath, for which he indicted them, but absent something like a transcript of a phone call where Trump is explicitly conspiring with a foreign leader, Mueller couldn't meet the high bar of evidence required and (2), Mueller knows there is a smoking gun--several in fact--certainly in regard to obstruction (and, likely, conspiracy, which is why Roger Stone is facing trial and we haven't heard a peep about Assange), but that's as far as he is allowed to go in regard to a sitting President, so Congress must take everything he's meticulously laid out for them to the next level.

He even made that point abundantly and painfully clear when he told Congress that calling him in to testify is unnecessary as everything he was allowed to do he already did, just read the fucking report.

Now, if there is a transcript of this alleged call then it would be exactly the kind of evidence Mueller was not able to uncover and/or not able to act upon. Not out of incompetence or any kind of failure on his part. He literally was not allowed to act, which is why he clearly stated if he could, he would.
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This is all so very familiar, isn't it? It's election season, and there's an establishment candidate with problematic policy ideas and the specter of declining health being saddled with accusations of corruption by Donald Trump, who is public and unapologetic about enlisting foreign aid to dig up the goods.
There is a huge difference. There are transcripts that likely implicate Trump in this act. That didn't exist with Russia, to our knowledge... I mean other than the emails and the entire meeting with the Russians at the Trump Tower. That transcript is the same thing as the White House tapes during Nixon. That transcript could end this Presidency... or our Democracy.
Just wait, the Mueller report will tank him for sure! Wait... no, we need the UNREDACTED Mueller report! Oh... but wait, surely he won't last if MUELLER HIMSELF testifies again! Ah... well, nevertheless, surely THIS will be the thing that ends his Presidency
This is black and white. This either ends his Presidency or it is what is the beginning of the end of our Democracy. The ball is in the GOP's court. Using taxpayer dollars to bribe the Ukrainian Government into investigating a political opponent? The transcript of that conversation (which did cause a whistleblower complaint) is what will determine if we continue as a democracy.
It seems there are institutionalists trying to hold rudder to a ship that is careening of course in a big way. (Mueller, etc...)

Hell, at this point I think I would abandon ship, recognize the constitution as the flawed idea that got you to this hellscape, scrap it and start again.

There are many Americans I respect, but personally I’ve lost respect for the country as a nation. Definitely a black mark against democracy as a whole- which is no help to the rest of the world. We can see the effects here in Canada.
Just wait, the Mueller report will tank him for sure! Wait... no, we need the UNREDACTED Mueller report! Oh... but wait, surely he won't last if MUELLER HIMSELF testifies again! Ah... well, nevertheless, surely THIS will be the thing that ends his Presidency
This is black and white. This either ends his Presidency or it is what is the beginning of the end of our Democracy. The ball is in the GOP's court. Using taxpayer dollars to bribe the Ukrainian Government into investigating a political opponent? The transcript of that conversation (which did cause a whistleblower complaint) is what will determine if we continue as a democracy.

Really, THIS is what will end our democracy? And this is only the BEGINNING of our democracy's end? Not putting Muslims into offshore prisons, torturing them for years without trial, and prohibiting them from suing the government because "oops, we thought you were terrorists?" Not the disenfranchisement and suppression of black votes that has been going on for decades under every administration? Not the CIA using mentally disabled people as test subjects for mind control drugs? Not literally every Presidential election hinging in large part on the candidate's support for (and funding from) the foreign government of Israel? This, a scandal involving the fucking true fact that Joe Biden's son was given a $15k/month job as a Ukraine energy official while Biden was VP, is gonna be the watershed moment where everything went south? I swear it's like Lucy and the football.
Definitely a black mark against democracy as a whole

Well, ironically, it was arguably our dedication to democracy that caused the problem in the first place. Obama evidently did not want to adversely effect an election by revealing too much too soon, but also did not know the extent of what was going on or its impact. That wasn't known for months after and still the full extent has not been measured, due primarily to sites like Facebook and Instagram and Twitter, etc., not providing the full extent of what happened and how many responses each post received and the like.

What we do know so far, however, is that it was a far more massive attack than anyone knew at the time. Literally unprecedented. An electronic coup by a foreign nation that had been planning it for several years, evidently. Even further back with Trump--to at least the 80s--in regard to grooming and laying the groundwork for an asset to one day be "activated" in this manner.

So, I'm not exactly sure how it's a black mark against democracy any more than an invasion of another country would signal that the invading country's method of ideology somehow failed to stop an invading force.

There seems to be an internet/technology-fueled, binary thinking/ADHD that has set in, where people think that some wrong must instantly be corrected or else all systems have failed. This is a massive and unprecedented cluster fuck, with brazen criminals acting on scales never before seen in our entire history. We literally have a foreign asset in the highest, most powerful position in our country--if not the world--and worse an entire substructure of entrenched power who know this and evidently don't care, because they are either equally corrupted or just generally corrupt and don't give a shit and are using him as their own useful idiot.

But exactly what can "democracy" do to change any of that? We had an election that was hijacked--and still in danger of being hijacked again (in fact, it's an absolute guarantee)--so again, what exactly can we do, because the next step (after another hijacked election and Dems in Congress fail to correct for) would be to take to the streets and exercise the 2nd Amendment.

Not sure if civil war constitutes a test of "democracy" or not, but if this can't be resolved peacefully and through the rule of law/due process that we already have in place, then armed militias are the only other option.
Just wait, the Mueller report will tank him for sure! Wait... no, we need the UNREDACTED Mueller report! Oh... but wait, surely he won't last if MUELLER HIMSELF testifies again! Ah... well, nevertheless, surely THIS will be the thing that ends his Presidency
This is black and white. This either ends his Presidency or it is what is the beginning of the end of our Democracy. The ball is in the GOP's court. Using taxpayer dollars to bribe the Ukrainian Government into investigating a political opponent? The transcript of that conversation (which did cause a whistleblower complaint) is what will determine if we continue as a democracy.

Really, THIS is what will end our democracy?
Yes, if the GOP doesn't act, it is an indication that they are continuing to consolidate their control of the US into a one party state.
And the walls of the Democracy in the US begin to crack.

Sen. Cornyn said:
Is it a whistleblower or is it a leaker, I don't know which
Redirection. Is this an illegal leak? Ass fucking the whistleblower (who went the legal route).

Sen. Burr said:
I don't even know if the complaint even deals with the Intelligence Community.
More redirection. Don't address the complaint, indicate that there is legal basis for stonewalling the concern.

Sen. Cramer said:
I think as is often the case, it's a lot of hysteria over very little.
Understatement. TDS, of course... because Trump said this was all a lie, but has conceded on everything except for the reason for the delay on the Ukrainian money.

Sen. Rubio said:
I don't think he should've done it but that's a far cry from what some people around here are claiming to know as fact that frankly we don't know as fact.
Redirection / strawman.

The GOP is digging in their heels. It is hell or high-water.
Well, if we’re waiting for a Republican sense of patriotism, decency, their better angels to emerge, they died at Sandy Hook. I think our biggest mistake is equating Republicans to human beings. By and large, they really really are the most vile of creatures.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that the whistleblower, who first reportedly raised alarm about President Trump’s conversations with the Ukraine’s leader, wants to speak to the panel, and that they are expecting the whistleblower’s testimony "as soon as this week."
“We have been informed by the whistleblower’s counsel that their client would like to speak to our committee and has requested guidance from the Acting DNI as to how to do so,” Schiff tweeted. “We‘re in touch with counsel and look forward to the whistleblower’s testimony as soon as this week.”

Looks like this guy will not be silenced, intimidated, smeared, or dismissed as fake news.

Rock on, rock on!
Good. I'm genuinely pleased! Now release all the other whistleblowers who are still in prison or exiled overseas.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that the whistleblower, who first reportedly raised alarm about President Trump’s conversations with the Ukraine’s leader, wants to speak to the panel, and that they are expecting the whistleblower’s testimony "as soon as this week."
“We have been informed by the whistleblower’s counsel that their client would like to speak to our committee and has requested guidance from the Acting DNI as to how to do so,” Schiff tweeted. “We‘re in touch with counsel and look forward to the whistleblower’s testimony as soon as this week.”

Looks like this guy will not be silenced, intimidated, smeared, or dismissed as fake news.

Rock on, rock on!
Yeah, the Trump Admin will take that to court... or at least try to. Can they?

Good. I'm genuinely pleased! Now release all the other whistleblowers who are still in prison or exiled overseas.
Please, let's keep this from another PH derail?
Definitely a black mark against democracy as a whole

So, I'm not exactly sure how it's a black mark against democracy any more than an invasion of another country would signal that the invading country's method of ideology somehow failed to stop an invading force.

Non democratic countries can invade another country. Democratic countries elect TV personalities.

I’m still for democracy, but Trump is a solid argument against it.

To your point Bush is too.
It's beyond super that the Senate unanimously agreed that the full transcript of the conversation be handed over to congress and Trump has agreed to do so. This is how government should work. Let's see what was said. It's that simple.
Senator Chuck Schumer has just announced that Trump's offer to release the transcript is not enough. He wants the complaint filed with the IG. There may well be more than just the President's calls to Ukraine. Schumer is also leery of what Trump means by "The full transcript".

This just keeps getting better and better. Rachel Maddow tonight should be intense. I caught a few minutes of Sean Insanity on the drive to Walmart. He is already spinning the Biden part in firing the corrupt do-nothing Ukrainian prosecutor as a cover up of his son's activities in Ukraine. The lying is already following a well developed script.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine

The gist of Trump’s theory: Biden played a role in the removal of Ukraine’s top prosecutor in 2016; Trump, repeating a conspiracy theory popularized by his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, maintains the former vice president did so to protect his son. Biden and the Ukrainian prosecutor, Trump claims, is the “real story” — not a whistleblower’s complaint that Trump improperly used his influence over foreign policy to damage a political rival.

The evidence suggests Biden actually may have placed his son in legal danger by advocating for the prosecutor’s removal because he was widely accused of stymying anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine — replacing him could have led to further investigations into a company Hunter Biden had ties to.

That is a really great article, and everyone ought to read it for background on the so-called Hunter Biden scandal. A much more condensed version of the real story can also be found on the Wikipedia page for  Viktor Shokin, the corrupt prosecutor that Biden and Obama wanted fired.
So Biden is so old and out of touch with reality that he was not aware that his son was on the Board of the company he was demanding to be investigated?
And his son is also out of touch with reality when he forgot that his father is VPOTUS and accepted position for which he was utterly unqualified.
Or was he well aware what is going on?
That will teach ukrainans a lesson :)
Biden knew. And Ukraine has already stated officially that Biden's son did nothing illegal or wrong. Nor did Biden. What we have here is the right wingers of the GOP manufacturing a scandal where none exists.

The investigation, as far as we know, was into the business activities of Mykola Zlochevsky, who owned a natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, for which Hunter Biden had sat on the board of directors since 2014. The United Kingdom had begun investigating Zlochevsky before Hunter Biden joined the board.
"Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws -- at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing," Shokin's successor as prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, told Bloomberg. Of a 2013 business transaction that was part of the investigation, Lutsenko said, "(Hunter) Biden was definitely not involved. We do not have any grounds to think that there was any wrongdoing starting from 2014."
Biden knew. And Ukraine has already stated officially that Biden's son did nothing illegal or wrong. Nor did Biden. What we have here is the right wingers of the GOP manufacturing a scandal where none exists.

The investigation, as far as we know, was into the business activities of Mykola Zlochevsky, who owned a natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, for which Hunter Biden had sat on the board of directors since 2014. The United Kingdom had begun investigating Zlochevsky before Hunter Biden joined the board.
"Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws -- at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing," Shokin's successor as prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, told Bloomberg. Of a 2013 business transaction that was part of the investigation, Lutsenko said, "(Hunter) Biden was definitely not involved. We do not have any grounds to think that there was any wrongdoing starting from 2014."

Illegal - No, Wrong - definitely Yes. Pundits like Cuomo agree it smells
Accepted form of corruption in US is hiring former government officials as a payback for the "job" well done while in the government. Hiring relatives of current government critters is not accepted in US yet. In Russia and Ukraine it is, of course, very widespread
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