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Mystery of Adam Schiff and whistleblower takes dangerous new turn

Anyone who is not alarmed and appalled at the blatant flaunting of laws is compliant. Call your congressman (woman) and rattle the rafters. I intent to.

The fascinating (and disturbing) part is that now Trump (and his attack dog Rudy) are pushing the narrative that what Biden did was not just shady, but criminal. In his unhinged CNN interview a couple days ago, Rudy went all in on this narrative.

Of course there's a few things to consider. First, we know that the GOP will seize on just about anything to derail the perceived Democratic front-runner and grip it tighter than a dog with a new chew toy. Second, the GOP and Trump administration have known about the Biden thing for years. Finally, there hasn't been a moment (yet) where Biden was not the Democratic front-runner in this race.

So by all accounts they should have been pushing the "Biden is the real criminal here" narrative from day one of the campaign. Yet they only hauled out this narrative the nanosecond that the whistle blower report on Trump's call surfaced and made it look very much like he was trying to extort Ukraine.

Coincidence? Not on your life. Projection? I'm gonna go with that. Are they scared? I'd bet on it.
Scared or are they taking over for good?

All this despicable behavior and the conservatives are splashing around in the wallow laughing at how the liberals are reacting.

The only one who gave a damn, died.
I wrote this elsewhere a couple days ago:

While I am in favor of impeachment. It's a crapshoot that it will be successful. And I don't mean removed from office, the senate will never do that. I mean getting or losing votes in the 2020 election. Right now, it's impeach or the status quo. And the status quo is looking pretty good right now.

Not to mention there are many Dems in the House that are still against impeachment. There's a chance it could lose in the House. That would be a HUGE disaster.
On Aug. 19, 2016, I convened a news conference in Kiev at which I revealed previously secret records of payments made by the former pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych to Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. (Yanukovych fled the country in February 2014 after he was toppled by our Revolution of Dignity, a popular uprising on the streets of Kiev.) The information came from the “black ledger of the Party of Regions,” which was obtained by an anonymous source in the burned-out ruins of the headquarters of Yanukoych’s party. Yanukovych had used the ledger to keep records of his illegal transactions. At that time, although I was a member of parliament, I continued to combine that position with my journalistic work, which is allowed by the laws of Ukraine.

I will always be angry at Manafort. His work contributed greatly to Yanukovych’s election victory in 2010; Yanukovych then used his position as president to enrich himself and his inner circle. I have no doubt that Yanukovych paid Manafort for his services out of the funds he robbed from Ukrainian taxpayers.

WaPo-Rudy Giuliani accused me of exposing Paul Manafort’s Ukraine deals to help U.S. Democrats. That’s a lie.
I wrote this elsewhere a couple days ago:

While I am in favor of impeachment. It's a crapshoot that it will be successful. And I don't mean removed from office, the senate will never do that. I mean getting or losing votes in the 2020 election. Right now, it's impeach or the status quo. And the status quo is looking pretty good right now.

Not to mention there are many Dems in the House that are still against impeachment. There's a chance it could lose in the House. That would be a HUGE disaster.

Can you imagine if this were any other crime? Well, the jury or judge might be corrupt or the accused might be acquitted, so we're just not going to prosecute any crimes.
I wrote this elsewhere a couple days ago:

While I am in favor of impeachment. It's a crapshoot that it will be successful. And I don't mean removed from office, the senate will never do that. I mean getting or losing votes in the 2020 election. Right now, it's impeach or the status quo. And the status quo is looking pretty good right now.

Not to mention there are many Dems in the House that are still against impeachment. There's a chance it could lose in the House. That would be a HUGE disaster.

Can you imagine if this were any other crime? Well, the jury or judge might be corrupt or the accused might be acquitted, so we're just not going to prosecute any crimes.

While I agree with the sentiment, this is still a political process.
I wrote this elsewhere a couple days ago:

While I am in favor of impeachment. It's a crapshoot that it will be successful. And I don't mean removed from office, the senate will never do that. I mean getting or losing votes in the 2020 election. Right now, it's impeach or the status quo. And the status quo is looking pretty good right now.

Not to mention there are many Dems in the House that are still against impeachment. There's a chance it could lose in the House. That would be a HUGE disaster.

Can you imagine if this were any other crime? Well, the jury or judge might be corrupt or the accused might be acquitted, so we're just not going to prosecute any crimes.
The minor difference is that the defendant is 100% unwilling to provide any evidence, documents, testimony. It is impossible to put together a case out of a stonewall.

Until the courts compel the Trump Admin to provide anything or the GOP rescinds their blank check, impeachment isn’t even a pipe dream, it is delusion.
Can you imagine if this were any other crime? Well, the jury or judge might be corrupt or the accused might be acquitted, so we're just not going to prosecute any crimes.
The minor difference is that the defendant is 100% unwilling to provide any evidence, documents, testimony. It is impossible to put together a case out of a stonewall.

Until the courts compel the Trump Admin to provide anything or the GOP rescinds their blank check, impeachment isn’t even a pipe dream, it is delusion.

Actually the key difference is that the one very special court who would convene to handle impeachment is run by Mitch McConnell.

The Constitution says:

The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.

Emphasis added. Remember, when Obama nominated Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court, Mitch simply refused to bring the issue to a vote. He stonewalled for the better part of a year. I'd be willing to bet that if the House voted to impeach, McConnell would simply delay the start of the trial until...whenever.
Actually the key difference is that the one very special court who would convene to handle impeachment is run by Mitch McConnell.

The Constitution says:

The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.

Emphasis added. Remember, when Obama nominated Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court, Mitch simply refused to bring the issue to a vote. He stonewalled for the better part of a year. I'd be willing to bet that if the House voted to impeach, McConnell would simply delay the start of the trial until...whenever.
Right after the Merrick Garland vote.

That said, the House still needs documents to build a case.
Nancy Pelosi warns of “new stage of investigation” if whistleblower info isn’t delivered to Congress

On Sunday afternoon Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) released an unequivocal ultimatum to the Trump Administration to turn over an explosive whistleblower complaint about presidential misconduct or face a “whole new stage of investigation” in an otherwise collegial “Dear Colleague” open letter.

Speaker Pelosi’s statement arrives less than forty-eight hours after the Wall Street Journal‘s bombshell report linking a July 25th phone call with the President of Ukraine to a complaint which the Trump-appointed Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IGIC) determined is of “urgent concern” about American national security. An Occupy Democrats source familiar with the Speaker’s thinking says that today’s letter from her is “unprecedented” throughout her two terms leading the House of Representatives and her time in Congress.
Nancy Pelosi warns of “new stage of investigation” if whistleblower info isn’t delivered to Congress

On Sunday afternoon Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) released an unequivocal ultimatum to the Trump Administration to turn over an explosive whistleblower complaint about presidential misconduct or face a “whole new stage of investigation” in an otherwise collegial “Dear Colleague” open letter.

Speaker Pelosi’s statement arrives less than forty-eight hours after the Wall Street Journal‘s bombshell report linking a July 25th phone call with the President of Ukraine to a complaint which the Trump-appointed Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IGIC) determined is of “urgent concern” about American national security. An Occupy Democrats source familiar with the Speaker’s thinking says that today’s letter from her is “unprecedented” throughout her two terms leading the House of Representatives and her time in Congress.
Interesting. Could be that Pelosi now thinks it's a best chance to get rid of Trump.
I like how the GOP is so comfortable with the lying from Trump.

Fake news!
The whistle blower stuff is fake news.
I didn't have any inappropriate discussions with the Ukrainian Leader.
I had a conversation with the Ukrainian leader about investigating my partisan opponent.

The GOP be like... 'this is so partisan'. Which is true. Trump's request to a foreign leader was bitterly partisan... but they didn't mean that.
I like how the GOP is so comfortable with the lying from Trump.

Fake news!
The whistle blower stuff is fake news.
I didn't have any inappropriate discussions with the Ukrainian Leader.
I had a conversation with the Ukrainian leader about investigating my partisan opponent.

The GOP be like... 'this is so partisan'. Which is true. Trump's request to a foreign leader was bitterly partisan... but they didn't mean that.

In. Fucking. Credible.
Here's how it should have gone:

"I had a conversation with the Ukrainian leader about investigating my partisan opponent."
"OK you are under arrest for Treason."

I like how the GOP is so comfortable with the lying from Trump.

Fake news!
The whistle blower stuff is fake news.
I didn't have any inappropriate discussions with the Ukrainian Leader.
I had a conversation with the Ukrainian leader about investigating my partisan opponent.

The GOP be like... 'this is so partisan'. Which is true. Trump's request to a foreign leader was bitterly partisan... but they didn't mean that.

In. Fucking. Credible.
Here's how it should have gone:

"I had a conversation with the Ukrainian leader about investigating my partisan opponent."
"OK you are under arrest for Treason."


I agree with this. It's incredible that congress isn't reacting. By law they are supposed to already have the information but Trump and his cronies simply refuse to provide it. If this isn't grounds for impeachment there are no grounds for impeachment.
And, of course, now yet another “hoax” turns out not to be a hoax. Which in turn means they knew this all along and Giulliani’s appearance was deliberately staged. It’s Scorsese shooting a reality TV show.
And, of course, now yet another “hoax” turns out not to be a hoax. Which in turn means they knew this all along and Giulliani’s appearance was deliberately staged. It’s Scorsese shooting a reality TV show.
And we await for the "no quid quo pro" part of the 'hoax' to be exposed as well.
article said:
"I'm not looking to hurt Biden or even hold him to it," Trump said on Sunday, adding, "Now me, on the other hand, my conversation with the new president of Ukraine was perfect."

Trump said that while he discussed the Bidens on the phone call, there was "absolutely nothing wrong" with the conversation.

"The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place and largely the fact that we don't want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating the corruption already in the Ukraine and Ukraine has got a lot of problems. The new president is saying that he's going to be able to rid the country of corruption, and I said that would be a great thing, we had a great conversation."
1) A 'great conversation'. Jebus... enough with everything being 'great'.
2) I'm not holding Biden to anything... I'm just saying that Ukraine doesn't need more Biden related corruption.

So is asking Ukraine to investigation Biden a big enough of an issue... or does there need to be the quid quo pro? Or is the GOP MIA and it just won't matter?

Video of Biden explaining to the Council of Foreign Relations of what he did in Ukraine. What Guiliani and Trump want to do is mischaracterize what happened. To manufacturer a false narrative. Biden was just the messenger. Obama decided that Ukraine had to fire a corrupt government prosecutor of not get $1 billion in loan guarantees. They fired him.

The GOP is going to try to "swift boat" Biden.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine

The gist of Trump’s theory: Biden played a role in the removal of Ukraine’s top prosecutor in 2016; Trump, repeating a conspiracy theory popularized by his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, maintains the former vice president did so to protect his son. Biden and the Ukrainian prosecutor, Trump claims, is the “real story” — not a whistleblower’s complaint that Trump improperly used his influence over foreign policy to damage a political rival.

The evidence suggests Biden actually may have placed his son in legal danger by advocating for the prosecutor’s removal because he was widely accused of stymying anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine — replacing him could have led to further investigations into a company Hunter Biden had ties to.
So now it appears Quid Quo Pro has serious legs under it, much like most accusations against Trump. This again, would require documentation to be produced for Congress, of which the Trump Admin has been very resistant to any documentation submissions.

Seriously, how can this not be instantly impeachable?
This is all so very familiar, isn't it? It's election season, and there's an establishment candidate with problematic policy ideas and the specter of declining health being saddled with accusations of corruption by Donald Trump, who is public and unapologetic about enlisting foreign aid to dig up the goods. It's almost like this isn't a brazen, unprecedented move by an unhinged madman, but rather a calculated strategy his administration is deploying because it worked phenomenally well last time.
This is all so very familiar, isn't it? It's election season, and there's an establishment candidate with problematic policy ideas and the specter of declining health being saddled with accusations of corruption by Donald Trump, who is public and unapologetic about enlisting foreign aid to dig up the goods.
There is a huge difference. There are transcripts that likely implicate Trump in this act. That didn't exist with Russia, to our knowledge... I mean other than the emails and the entire meeting with the Russians at the Trump Tower. That transcript is the same thing as the White House tapes during Nixon. That transcript could end this Presidency... or our Democracy.
It's almost like this isn't a brazen, unprecedented move by an unhinged madman, but rather a calculated strategy his administration is deploying because it worked phenomenally well last time.
The GOP is sold on him, or fear how bad things might get with turnout if Trump feels like the GOP failed / "betrayed" him.
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