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Mystery of Adam Schiff and whistleblower takes dangerous new turn

it was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver
What if the leader was Rouhani and Trump pledged he would not bomb them to kingdom come?
[leftists heads explode]

Starting a war near the straights through which a large percentage of the world's oil moves. Not smart. If we cannot beat Iraq, or Afghanistan, how much chance with a quick victory in Iran? This would be a war that could drag on for decades. If there is anybody who cannot adequately plan for action against Iran, it is Trump.
it was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver
What if the leader was Rouhani and Trump pledged he would not bomb them to kingdom come?
[leftists heads explode]

why would that trigger a whistleblower to report it?
If people don't start going to jail, we can pretty much resign ourselves to Trump re-electing himself and this Democracy being consigned to the dustbin of history.

Glad you are prepared for the inevitability. Did you not see the Dems get spanked by lewienoski?
It was like watching a 5th grader tell their school principal to go fuck herself, and the principal hopping up on the desk and fingering herself while simultaneously asking the 5th grader if she was doing it right.
Just watched Giuliani on Cuomo, That was fun :)
Looks like Trump called ukrainian president and told him "No $250mil unless you provide dirt on Biden"

A whistleblower complaint about President Trump made by an intelligence official centers on Ukraine, according to two people familiar with the matter, which has set off a struggle between Congress and the executive branch.

The complaint involved communications with a foreign leader and a “promise” that Trump made, which was so alarming that a U.S. intelligence official who had worked at the White House went to the inspector general of the intelligence community, two former U.S. officials said.

Two and a half weeks before the complaint was filed, Trump spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian and political newcomer who was elected in a landslide in May.

That call is already under investigation by House Democrats who are examining whether Trump and his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani sought to manipulate the Ukrainian government into helping Trump’s reelection campaign. Lawmakers have demanded a full transcript and a list of participants on the call.

Did anyone see the clips of crazy Giuliani, contradicting himself and acting totally nuts on CNN last night? MSNBC has been playing the clip all morning.

The assumption is that Trump wanted some dirt on Biden or Biden's son, and he threatened to cut off aide if the Ukrainian president didn't help him interfere in the 2020 election. We still don't know if that's what the whistleblower complaint was based on, but considering what happened on CNN last night, it sounds reasonable.

A whistleblower complaint about President Trump made by an intelligence official centers on Ukraine, according to two people familiar with the matter, which has set off a struggle between Congress and the executive branch.

The complaint involved communications with a foreign leader and a “promise” that Trump made, which was so alarming that a U.S. intelligence official who had worked at the White House went to the inspector general of the intelligence community, two former U.S. officials said.

Two and a half weeks before the complaint was filed, Trump spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian and political newcomer who was elected in a landslide in May.

That call is already under investigation by House Democrats who are examining whether Trump and his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani sought to manipulate the Ukrainian government into helping Trump’s reelection campaign. Lawmakers have demanded a full transcript and a list of participants on the call.
Did anyone see the clips of crazy Giuliani, contradicting himself and acting totally nuts on CNN last night? MSNBC has been playing the clip all morning.

The assumption is that Trump wanted some dirt on Biden or Biden's son, and he threatened to cut off aide if the Ukrainian president didn't help him interfere in the 2020 election. We still don't know if that's what the whistleblower complaint was based on, but considering what happened on CNN last night, it sounds reasonable.

Saw this this morning.

It's Dan Coates. It has to be. Two weeks after he resigned he walked into a meeting at the White House and told his deputy she needed to resign immediately and she did. Four days after that the Inspector General got the whistleblower report!

In addition to this we know the unnamed whistleblower has retained an attorney who was a career lawyer at the CIA and is now in private practice. This lends even more credence to it being Coates.

If he told the president of Ukraine that the $250 million in military aid is dependent on them investigating Biden, holy shit!

In an interesting turn of events, Rudy Giuliani said on CNN tonight that if Trump did do that, it wasn't illegal! Umm, yes it is Rudy. Offering a foreign nation money to do damage to your political enemies is downright corruption not seen since Sadaam and Idi Amin were around.

This is tin pot dictator politicking and if this is true, Trump will have to resign. Trump is easy to predict because he is a simpleton and he only operates transactionally. My learned guess here is that Trump promised to deliver the military goods if the President of Ukraine opened an investigation of Biden. I would bet a shiny new platinum dollar that this is what Trump did.

Watch Republicans the next few days. They are deathly quiet and today Mitch even approved $250 million in election security funds. That says that not only was he sick of being called Moscow Mitch, it also says he's nervous about something.

This is not going to end well for Trump. Make no mistake, the Inspector General is a Trump appointee and whoever the whistleblower is, worked inside this administration. This isn't the 'deep state.' This is one of Trump's own people and the IG agreed that this was a matter that needed to go to congress.

Bill Barr and Maguire are now breaking the law in full view of the people. The highest law enforcement official and the highest national security official in this country are crooks. They are felons thumbing their noses at the rule of law right now. Without the rule of law, we aren't a Republic, we are subjects of a dictator.


I am going to say something now that I hope everyone understands the gravitas of. *After* Adam Schiff sent his letter to the DNI to release the Whistleblower complaint, Trump released the $250 million to the Ukraine the next day.

The. Next. Day.

The *ONLY* thing that makes sense given this fact is that Trump withheld that money in order to make the Ukrainian president investigate Biden as Rudy Giuliani said tonight on CNN was the biggest scandal ever.

Once someone explained that this was illegal as fuck, Trump released the funds in order to make it look as though he did not cajole the president of the Ukraine into investigating Biden and his son.

Donald Trump was using the money of the American people to force a foreign government to start and investigation of his political opponent.

That is why they are so desperate to conceal that whistleblower report.

My god, this is unbelievable. He must be removed from office. If this is true, Trump will not be running for president. He will be running to Russia to avoid dying in prison.
Remember, in the Clinton years, how some hard right group put up billboards on Arkansas highways, inviting women with dirt on the prez to come forward? We need the equivalent now -- George Soros or Tom Steyer to make a public offer of employment to the whistle blower, should he or she be terminated by the govt. for coming forward to testify about the Orange Lard-Viper.
Yikes! This has got to be it. What are the dems waiting for? It’s like the impeachment is being handed to them on a golden platter.
Yikes! This has got to be it. What are the dems waiting for? It’s like the impeachment is being handed to them on a golden platter.

Well, it has been for months. They're just worried about the political implications of running an impeachment hearing, so are big scaredy cats over it.
Yikes! This has got to be it. What are the dems waiting for? It’s like the impeachment is being handed to them on a golden platter.

Well, it has been for months. They're just worried about the political implications of running an impeachment hearing, so are big scaredy cats over it.
Time for them to get some balls and ovaries.
Yikes! This has got to be it. What are the dems waiting for? It’s like the impeachment is being handed to them on a golden platter.

Well, it has been for months. They're just worried about the political implications of running an impeachment hearing, so are big scaredy cats over it.
Time for them to get some balls and ovaries.

I'm not sure if that is the problem. It's pretty hard to impeach someone when the other party and the A/G are doing everything they can think of to keep the investigation from moving forward. After watching that hearing the other day, and how the Republicans acted, I'm no longer sure that impeachment is the best way to go. If all that happens is endless hours of Republican obstruction, how in the world will the Democrats get anything done. I just don't know anymore.

I've never seen anything remotely like what's going on in the country now. I was in my 20s during the Nixon investigation. The difference between then and now is that Republicans actually listened to factual information and started turning on Nixon. Nixon had, dare I say, the decency to resign. That's not what's happening now. Sure, Trump has committed numerous impeachable offenses in my opinion. It's obvious, but if the Republicans refuse to testify etc., maybe it's best to vote him out of office. I'm not against impeachment. I'm all for it, but I can understand why some Democrats are against it. There is no easy solution to what we are dealing with as a country. I never thought our far from perfect country would ever become a fascist state, but......

I don't even trust the integrity of our elections. Do you?
You can't impeach, if you can't investigate and the Trump Admin is one of the most obstructive Admins in US history. And with the GOP giving Trump a blank check, there is nothing to stop them.
Anyone who is not alarmed and appalled at the blatant flaunting of laws is compliant. Call your congressman (woman) and rattle the rafters. I intent to.
why would that trigger a whistleblower to report it?
Maybe the whistleblower was pro-Iranian?

Moot now, since we know it's about Ukraine.
You can't impeach, if you can't investigate and the Trump Admin is one of the most obstructive Admins in US history. And with the GOP giving Trump a blank check, there is nothing to stop them.

Not even a "second amendment solution"?
That's what Cheato recommended when you have a criminal president.
Anyone who is not alarmed and appalled at the blatant flaunting of laws is compliant. Call your congressman (woman) and rattle the rafters. I intent to.

The fascinating (and disturbing) part is that now Trump (and his attack dog Rudy) are pushing the narrative that what Biden did was not just shady, but criminal. In his unhinged CNN interview a couple days ago, Rudy went all in on this narrative.

Of course there's a few things to consider. First, we know that the GOP will seize on just about anything to derail the perceived Democratic front-runner and grip it tighter than a dog with a new chew toy. Second, the GOP and Trump administration have known about the Biden thing for years. Finally, there hasn't been a moment (yet) where Biden was not the Democratic front-runner in this race.

So by all accounts they should have been pushing the "Biden is the real criminal here" narrative from day one of the campaign. Yet they only hauled out this narrative the nanosecond that the whistle blower report on Trump's call surfaced and made it look very much like he was trying to extort Ukraine.

Coincidence? Not on your life. Projection? I'm gonna go with that. Are they scared? I'd bet on it.
The problem here is if they damage Biden with this crap, they will elevate Warren. If it works, Trump will face a lot of angry Biden voters come election day going for Warren out of a sense of outrage and revenge. Trump's best friend in politics today seems to be Do-nothing Pelosi.
Anyone who is not alarmed and appalled at the blatant flaunting of laws is compliant. Call your congressman (woman) and rattle the rafters. I intent to.

The fascinating (and disturbing) part is that now Trump (and his attack dog Rudy) are pushing the narrative that what Biden did was not just shady, but criminal. In his unhinged CNN interview a couple days ago, Rudy went all in on this narrative.

Of course there's a few things to consider. First, we know that the GOP will seize on just about anything to derail the perceived Democratic front-runner and grip it tighter than a dog with a new chew toy. Second, the GOP and Trump administration have known about the Biden thing for years. Finally, there hasn't been a moment (yet) where Biden was not the Democratic front-runner in this race.

So by all accounts they should have been pushing the "Biden is the real criminal here" narrative from day one of the campaign. Yet they only hauled out this narrative the nanosecond that the whistle blower report on Trump's call surfaced and made it look very much like he was trying to extort Ukraine.

Coincidence? Not on your life. Projection? I'm gonna go with that. Are they scared? I'd bet on it.
Scared or are they taking over for good?

All this despicable behavior and the conservatives are splashing around in the wallow laughing at how the liberals are reacting.
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