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N.Y. Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation After 2-Year Investigation


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
The New York State attorney general’s office filed a scathingly worded lawsuit on Thursday taking aim at the Donald J. Trump Foundation, accusing the charity and the Trump family of sweeping violations of campaign finance laws, self-dealing and illegal coordination with the presidential campaign.

The lawsuit, which seeks to dissolve the foundation and bar President Trump and three of his children from serving on nonprofit organizations, was an extraordinary rebuke of a sitting president. The attorney general also sent referral letters to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission for possible further action, adding to Mr. Trump’s extensive legal challenges.

Dayum! No pardons possible here.

In his own now well known handwriting.
Most interesting part is the referral letters to the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Election Commission. Good chance that criminal proceedings might emerge from this.
One of these days, Cheato is going to be dragged kicking and screaming into a deposition about something. Forum should start a pool to guess which case will find him before the court first.
The interest regarding the State and Federal is access to his state and federal tax records.
Ah yes. Spiro Agnew. Maryland investigates state corruption. Agnew it seems was receiving kickbacks and not reporting his illicit gain on his taxes. The investigation did not start with Agnew but ended up implicating him. So the prosecutors cut a deal. If Spiro resigned, and just went away, he'd receive unsupervised probation for 3 years. And he was gone.

Could something along this line happen to el Trumpo? Lay out the damning evidence and ask him if he would like to just go away and avoid prison? Stay tuned.
Trump Charity Fraud Case

I was listening to Rachel Maddow, and she ran us all through the newest Trump Charity Fraud case in New York. It was set up as a charity, but was used as a slush fund by the Trump clan, and little went to any real charity. A case has been brought against this in New York. But as they dig into it, investigators are sending information to the IRS, Justice Department and elsewhere over possible felony charges. Sounds serious. Keep an eye out for this one. It may very well be something that quickly spins out of control and threatens to send people to prison. They can't just derail Mueller to get off the hook.


The New York attorney general filed a lawsuit against President Trump on Thursday, charging that he misused his charitable foundation for personal and political gains over more than a decade.

In the scathing complaint filed in New York State Supreme Court, the attorney general used adjectives such as “illegal,’’ “persistent” and “willful” to characterize the violations of the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

The president “used charitable assets to pay off the legal obligations of entities he controlled to promote Trump hotels, to purchase personal items and to support his presidential election campaign,’’ the lawsuit charged.
“Mr. Trump’s wrongful use of the Foundation to benefit his campaign was willful and knowing. Mr. Trump was aware of the prohibition on political activities and the requirement of restrictions on related party transactions. Among other things, he repeatedly signed, under penalties of perjury, IRS Forms 990 in which he attested that the Foundation did not engage in transactions with interested parties, and that the Foundation did not carry out political activity,’’ the lawsuit stated.


If Trump used money to pay off obligations he owed and did not report that to the IRS as income, he could be charged with tax evasion.

Pop some more popcorn and watch this space.
Yes, this is pretty serious. The thing is, Trump has several lawsuits coming after him for various things, both related to his businesses as well as political. Remember when his schtick was we would have a President in the White House that was being investigated, and how that is such an awful thing?

There were SO MANY warning signs that Trump was a crook in almost any direction one cared to look when one was observing his activities.

I heard Dave Rubin (Super Liberal) tell Sam Harris that Trump was good for us, because he's like a wrecking ball, destroying all the old institutions. What a dumb ass argument, as if those institutions were being replaced by something better, they most certainly are not. Harris set him straight with regards t Trump, and Rubin didn't seem too pleased about it.
This is actually a civil suit, but there are criminal referrals for matters such as tax evasion and fraud. Standard things that Trump has gotten away with for years or, at worst, had his wrist slapped for a few times. During the campaign, he hypocritically hammered away at Hillary Clinton for the appearance of "pay to play" behavior, but that was already a Republican trope that he just picked up on. If the criminal referrals go anywhere, he and his children could be looking at some jail time, although I have a feeling that they will never see the inside of a jail cell. Trump himself is above the law while he remains in office. Congress won't impeach him, so he can get away with pretty much anything he wants.
Again, fodder for shelf after shelf of horrified histories in future decades. Horrible to live through it. Sad to see the demented people who fall for this transparently awful man because he humors their prejudices. Such a low-class con artist. Fun that his press secretary is now quoting the Bible at us.
Standard things that Trump has gotten away with for years or, at worst, had his wrist slapped for a few times.

Exactly what I was thinking. Not too sure about how well the "that's what everybody does, I've been doing it for years" defense will hold up in court though.

Congress won't impeach him, so he can get away with pretty much anything he wants.

The civil case alone adds a significant drop to the bucket of civil and criminal infractions under the public spotlight, in the lead-up to midterms... that may be all the good that comes out this whole thing. I don't expect the Donny-Javanka set to come under intense legal fire until after the elections. And even if a dozen of their associates end up in jail, I don't think they will, nor will they stop conducting themselves in the manner to which they have become accustomed.
This is actually a civil suit, but there are criminal referrals for matters such as tax evasion and fraud. Standard things that Trump has gotten away with for years or, at worst, had his wrist slapped for a few times. During the campaign, he hypocritically hammered away at Hillary Clinton for the appearance of "pay to play" behavior, but that was already a Republican trope that he just picked up on. If the criminal referrals go anywhere, he and his children could be looking at some jail time, although I have a feeling that they will never see the inside of a jail cell. Trump himself is above the law while he remains in office. Congress won't impeach him, so he can get away with pretty much anything he wants.

Sure, Republican politicians have made it clear that they will not impeach Trump for treason, using the office of the president to enrich himself, etc.,

But what if Donald Trump gets a blowjob?

Isn't it possible he could be impeached then?
This is actually a civil suit, but there are criminal referrals for matters such as tax evasion and fraud. Standard things that Trump has gotten away with for years or, at worst, had his wrist slapped for a few times. During the campaign, he hypocritically hammered away at Hillary Clinton for the appearance of "pay to play" behavior, but that was already a Republican trope that he just picked up on. If the criminal referrals go anywhere, he and his children could be looking at some jail time, although I have a feeling that they will never see the inside of a jail cell. Trump himself is above the law while he remains in office. Congress won't impeach him, so he can get away with pretty much anything he wants.

Sure, Republican politicians have made it clear that they will not impeach Trump for treason, using the office of the president to enrich himself, etc.,

But what if Donald Trump gets a blowjob?

Isn't it possible he could be impeached then?

Are you volunteering?
Standard things that Trump has gotten away with for years or, at worst, had his wrist slapped for a few times.

Exactly what I was thinking. Not too sure about how well the "that's what everybody does, I've been doing it for years" defense will hold up in court though.

Congress won't impeach him, so he can get away with pretty much anything he wants.

The civil case alone adds a significant drop to the bucket of civil and criminal infractions under the public spotlight, in the lead-up to midterms... that may be all the good that comes out this whole thing. I don't expect the Donny-Javanka set to come under intense legal fire until after the elections. And even if a dozen of their associates end up in jail, I don't think they will, nor will they stop conducting themselves in the manner to which they have become accustomed.

The problem is that Republican voters live in backwards world. If Trump is under criminal investigation in the lead up to the midterms, that will make them MORE likely to support their GOP candidates, because it's proof that the liberals are persecuting them.

Persecution is a vital tool in right wing politics; To the point where Trump really could gun someone down on a public street and his supporters would see his trial for that murder as 'persecution'.

Remember, many of these guys are evangelicals. They like being persecuted so much that they will invent it if it's not actually happening. The worse things get for their hero, the more convinced they become that he is noble, pure, and under unjust and unfair attack by the forces of evil.
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