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Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind


Sep 17, 2003
Right behind you so ... BOO!
Basic Beliefs
non-theist, anarcho-socialist
Mr Netanyahu insisted Adolf Hitler had only wanted to expel Jews from Europe, but that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told him: "Burn them."

However, the chief historian at Israel's memorial to the Holocaust said this account was factually incorrect.

Angela Merkel said Germany "abides by its responsibility for the Holocaust".

"We are very clear in our minds about the Nazis' responsibility for the break with civilisation that was the Shoah," the German chancellor said.
A senior Palestinian official meanwhile said it showed Mr Netanyahu hated Palestinians so much he was willing to absolve Hitler.

Speaking alongside Mrs Merkel in Berlin, Mr Netanyahu said "no one should deny that Hitler was responsible for the Holocaust".

But Mr Netanyahu insisted the Mufti of Jerusalem "told the Nazis to prevent Jews fleeing from Europe and supported the Final Solution"


"Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time - he wanted to expel the Jews," the Israeli prime minister said.

"And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said: 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.'

"'So what should I do with them?' he [Hitler] asked. He [Husseini] said: 'Burn them.'"

However, the chief historian of the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, Professor Dina Porat, said Mr Netanyahu's statement was factually incorrect.

"You cannot say that it was the mufti who gave Hitler the idea to kill or burn Jews," she told the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. "It's not true. Their meeting occurred after a series of events that point to this.


Alternate thread title: "Netanyahu finds a way to blame Palestinians for the holocaust."

Is it bad that this does not even SLIGHTLY surprise me? :shrug:
Alternate thread title: "Netanyahu finds a way to blame Palestinians for the holocaust."

Is it bad that this does not even SLIGHTLY surprise me? :shrug:


I mean, it's obviously terrible, but your ability to grok insanity does not demean yourself
The man is a fascist.

Even his mannerisms are more and more like Mussolini all the time.
Now where have I seen that mannerism...oh yes:






It looks like you have ONE second of Obama's life taken at several angles.

Here we have a little over a minute of this jingoistic psycho.

The origins of the Final Solution lay in the conquests of Poland and the USSR.

There were relatively few Jews in Germany. After the conquests in the east, the Nazis suddenly had millions and millions of Jews on their hands.
Now where have I seen that mannerism...oh yes:







Tell me Max

You wouldn't happen to have any context for those Obama shots, would ya?

I mean there are films of Mussolini striking those poses he was famous for. These pics of Obama could be just him looking up, or listening to music. I see they are all cut in such a way that you have no frame of reference to give them meaning.

Almost like they were cut to give a certain impression that if left in context, they would not give.

Like they were cut to be a lie.
I mean there are films of Mussolini striking those poses he was famous for. These pics of Obama could be just him looking up, or listening to music. I see they are all cut in such a way that you have no frame of reference to give them meaning.

Almost like they were cut to give a certain impression that if left in context, they would not give.

Like they were cut to be a lie.

Yeah but you gotta give Maxie credit for such an original idea. I mean, nobody in the past six and a half years has ever tried to compare Obama to a fascist dictator. Ever.

It's such a fresh take on our otherwise uncontroversial President.
Tell me Max

You wouldn't happen to have any context for those Obama shots, would ya?

I mean there are films of Mussolini striking those poses he was famous for. These pics of Obama could be just him looking up, or listening to music. I see they are all cut in such a way that you have no frame of reference to give them meaning.

Almost like they were cut to give a certain impression that if left in context, they would not give.

Like they were cut to be a lie.

Of course they were. It's no different than the photo where Obama was a half second slower to put his hand over his heart when the flag was being raised. That pic goes around with the claim he never raised his hand at all.

On the other hand, the pictures of George Bush walking hand in hand with a Saudi Prince were not cropped to give a false impression.

To keep things on topic,m, Netanyahu has never been of really sound mind. He is one of those politicians who stays in power by feeding fear and denying the truth.
There was the Haavara Agreement and Hitler was attempting to empty Germany of Jews by shipping them to Palestine starting in 1933 and continuing into 1941. There was complaints from some Arabs of the numbers of Jews being settled in the Middle East. The invasion of Poland in 1941 that added millions more Jews subject to the German government pretty much created the "Jewish Problem". It could be said that the Haavara Agreement between Hitler and German Zionists was the beginning of Israel.
There was the Haavara Agreement and Hitler was attempting to empty Germany of Jews by shipping them to Palestine starting in 1933 and continuing into 1941. There was complaints from some Arabs of the numbers of Jews being settled in the Middle East. The invasion of Poland in 1941 that added millions more Jews subject to the German government pretty much created the "Jewish Problem". It could be said that the Haavara Agreement between Hitler and German Zionists was the beginning of Israel.

I think the Zionist movement was mature by then. Kafka wanted to emigrate, and he died in 1924.
There was the Haavara Agreement and Hitler was attempting to empty Germany of Jews by shipping them to Palestine starting in 1933 and continuing into 1941. There was complaints from some Arabs of the numbers of Jews being settled in the Middle East. The invasion of Poland in 1941 that added millions more Jews subject to the German government pretty much created the "Jewish Problem". It could be said that the Haavara Agreement between Hitler and German Zionists was the beginning of Israel.

I think the Zionist movement was mature by then. Kafka wanted to emigrate, and he died in 1924.
That is true. However Hitler didn't became Chancellor of Germany until 1933, the same year that the Haavara Agreement was made that facilitated the Zionists to settle in Palestine starting the attempt to rid Germany of Jews through resettlement outside Germany.
Tell me Max

You wouldn't happen to have any context for those Obama shots, would ya?

I mean there are films of Mussolini striking those poses he was famous for. These pics of Obama could be just him looking up, or listening to music. I see they are all cut in such a way that you have no frame of reference to give them meaning.

Almost like they were cut to give a certain impression that if left in context, they would not give.

Like they were cut to be a lie.

I'm mildly surprised that you (and a few others) have not noticed Obama's smug body language. It's not common that you see executives tilt their head back, lower their lids, and look through the bottom eyelashes - but aside from Mussolini and Obama, I do recall an old City Manager boss who liked to do that to intimidate his directors, and show his "alpha male" dominance. On occasion he'd even whisper something contemptuous sarcasm about his subordinate management, but only to those closest enough to hear him.

Very creepy.

Anyway, its not news. As you can see in the photos they are of at least two different occasions (one with and without a tie). And if you can find a replay of his 2008 acceptance speech, he drinks in the adulation (and crying groupies) with the same deliberate pose.

Given the "Obama" the unique "Leader" Emblem behind him, this may have been the occasion he was "listening to the music" of adulation:


And on other occasions, "listening to music":



It is, who he is.
Tell me Max

You wouldn't happen to have any context for those Obama shots, would ya?

I mean there are films of Mussolini striking those poses he was famous for. These pics of Obama could be just him looking up, or listening to music. I see they are all cut in such a way that you have no frame of reference to give them meaning.

Almost like they were cut to give a certain impression that if left in context, they would not give.

Like they were cut to be a lie.

I'm mildly surprised that you (and a few others) have not noticed Obama's smug body language. It's not common that you see executives tilt their head back, lower their lids, and look through the bottom eyelashes - but aside from Mussolini and Obama, I do recall an old City Manager boss who liked to do that to intimidate his directors, and show his "alpha male" dominance. On occasion he'd even whisper something contemptuous sarcasm about his subordinate management, but only to those closest enough to hear him.

Very creepy.

Anyway, its not news. As you can see in the photos they are of at least two different occasions (one with and without a tie). And if you can find a replay of his 2008 acceptance speech, he drinks in the adulation (and crying groupies) with the same deliberate pose.

Given the "Obama" the unique "Leader" Emblem behind him, this may have been the occasion he was "listening to the music" of adulation:


And on other occasions, "listening to music":



It is, who he is.

Ah, you still don't get it, do you Max. It's okay. I'll type slow.

Mussolini can be seen POSING that way ON FILM

A screen shot that catches a person for a millisecond looking a certain way while changing position is NOT A POSE.

It is what paparazzi do when they want to say something negative about a celebrity. It is what you are doing here. And it is dishonest.
I'm mildly surprised that you (and a few others) have not noticed Obama's smug body language. It's not common that you see executives tilt their head back, lower their lids, and look through the bottom eyelashes - but aside from Mussolini and Obama, I do recall an old City Manager boss who liked to do that to intimidate his directors, and show his "alpha male" dominance. On occasion he'd even whisper something contemptuous sarcasm about his subordinate management, but only to those closest enough to hear him.

Very creepy.

Anyway, its not news. As you can see in the photos they are of at least two different occasions (one with and without a tie). And if you can find a replay of his 2008 acceptance speech, he drinks in the adulation (and crying groupies) with the same deliberate pose.

Given the "Obama" the unique "Leader" Emblem behind him, this may have been the occasion he was "listening to the music" of adulation:


And on other occasions, "listening to music":



It is, who he is.

Ah, you still don't get it, do you Max. It's okay. I'll type slow.

Mussolini can be seen POSING that way ON FILM

A screen shot that catches a person for a millisecond looking a certain way while changing position is NOT A POSE.

It is what paparazzi do when they want to say something negative about a celebrity. It is what you are doing here. And it is dishonest.

Did you forget to "slowly" tell us that he must have been listening to music?

I understand why you deny the photographic evidence and resort to desperate quibbling, lamely employing the red herring of "When is a pose a pose?" - their demigod cannot have the mannerism of Il Duce...except, as we have seen, he does.

So yes, in my reply to unter's accusation of Netanyahu having said mannerisms, I have seen it before...'the One' has it.

And what makes you knee jerk defense particularly ridiculous is your red herring is not even valid. By pose, I mean he used "a particular way of standing or sitting, usually adopted for effect". Unless you are in the habit of redlining dictionary entries you don't like - well nuff said.

Now, just why does Obama adopt those poses for effect? I think we know...right?

PS - And it is interesting that his campaign has often used the great authoritarian vibe in is graphics:

What mook in his campaign designed this for his BERLIN speech?


Or this for his Yard Sign:

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