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Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind

And now back to Bibi, the batshit crazy

Actually the "batshit crazy" gave a response is more precise as to his intentions and therefore, spot on:

I had absolutely no intention of absolving Hitler of his diabolical responsibility for the extermination of Europe’s Jews. Hitler was responsible for the Final Solution to murder six million, it was his decision.

At the same time it is absurd to ignore the role played by the Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a war criminal, in encouraging and goading Hitler, Ribbentrop, Himmler and others to exterminate European Jewry.

There are many testimonies to this, including the testimony of Eichmann’s deputy at Nuremberg – not now, but after the Second World War. He said:

The Mufti played a role in the decision of the German government to exterminate the European Jews, the importance of which must not be disregarded. He has repeatedly suggested to the various authorities with whom he has been in contact, above all before Hitler, Ribbentrop and Himmler, the extermination of European Jewry. He considered this as a comfortable solution for the Palestine problem.

Eichmann’s deputy added: “The Mufti was one of the initiators of the diabolical extermination of European Jewry and was a partner and advisor to Eichman and Hitler in the carrying-out of this plan.”

This attempt by certain researchers and certain people to give an apologetic to the central and important role Hajj Amin al-Husseini had is obvious. Many other scholars quote this testimony and other testimonies as to Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s role.

My goal was not to absolve Hitler from the responsibility that he bears, but rather to show that the father of the Palestinian nation at that time, without a state and without what they call “the occupation”, without Palestinian territories and without settlements, already aspired to destroy the Jews through systematic incitement. Unfortunately, Hajj Amin al-Husseini is still a revered figure in Palestinian society. He appears in textbooks and is elevated as the father of the nation, and the incitement that began with him, incitement to kill Jews, continues. It’s not the same format, but in another format, and it’s the root of the problem. In order to stop the murder, we must stop the incitement.

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Any connection to Mussolini from this picture is pure prejudice.

Sorry, I did not mean to insult Mussolini.
Alternate thread title: "Netanyahu finds a way to blame Palestinians for the holocaust."
No, a particular Palestinian who was a rabid anti-semite, was working with the Nazis and who was the mentor to the terrorist leader Yassir Arafat.
Is it bad that this does not even SLIGHTLY surprise me? :shrug:
It should not surprise you.

Hitler and the Grand Mufti met in 1942. Is it so outlandish to suggest the two could have been discussing the Endlösung?
Here is Al-Husseini inspecting Bosnian Muslim SS troops of the "Hanjar" division.
Netanyahu Denounced for Saying Palestinian Inspired Holocaust

Prof. Meir Litvak, a historian at Tel Aviv University, called the speech “a lie” and “a disgrace.” Prof. Moshe Zimmermann, a specialist of German history at Hebrew University, said, “With this, Netanyahu joins a long line of people that we would call Holocaust deniers.”


And it is also a total lie that Haj Amin al-Husseini was a "mentor to the terrorist leader Yassir Arafat"

...He refused requests to lend his support to the emergent PLO after the Six Day War of 1967, was opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state on the west Bank after 1967...

I'm mildly surprised that you (and a few others) have not noticed Obama's smug body language. It's not common that you see executives tilt their head back, lower their lids, and look through the bottom eyelashes - but aside from Mussolini and Obama, I do recall an old City Manager boss who liked to do that to intimidate his directors, and show his "alpha male" dominance. On occasion he'd even whisper something contemptuous sarcasm about his subordinate management, but only to those closest enough to hear him.

Very creepy.

Anyway, its not news. As you can see in the photos they are of at least two different occasions (one with and without a tie). And if you can find a replay of his 2008 acceptance speech, he drinks in the adulation (and crying groupies) with the same deliberate pose.

Given the "Obama" the unique "Leader" Emblem behind him, this may have been the occasion he was "listening to the music" of adulation:


And on other occasions, "listening to music":



It is, who he is.

Ah, you still don't get it, do you Max. It's okay. I'll type slow.

Mussolini can be seen POSING that way ON FILM

A screen shot that catches a person for a millisecond looking a certain way while changing position is NOT A POSE.

It is what paparazzi do when they want to say something negative about a celebrity. It is what you are doing here. And it is dishonest.

Geezus fuck already...in virtually all of those photos, Obama is looking up at a fucking crowd he's speaking to. One with thousands and thousands of people. The guy was using his body language to address everyone in the crowd.

Max has lost his marbles.
No, a particular Palestinian who was a rabid anti-semite, was working with the Nazis and who was the mentor to the terrorist leader Yassir Arafat...
So your response is basically:

"That's because the Palestinians ARE to blame for the holocaust!"


Well played, Sir
No, a particular Palestinian who was a rabid anti-semite, was working with the Nazis and who was the mentor to the terrorist leader Yassir Arafat...
So your response is basically:

"That's because the Palestinians ARE to blame for the holocaust!"


Well played, Sir

Was this person the one and only Palestinian on the entire Earth at the time of the alleged event?
So your response is basically:

"That's because the Palestinians ARE to blame for the holocaust!"


Well played, Sir

Was this person the one and only Palestinian on the entire Earth at the time of the alleged event?

No, the grand mufti was NOT the only Palestinian on the entire Earth. Nor were the majority of Palestinians consulted or even INVOLVED with his cooperation with the Nazis. Neither does his "mentorship" of Yasser Arafat bear close scrutiny, nor is the Grand Mufti's actual political influence over the Palestinians' daily lives at the local or general level estimated to be particularly large. Nor does his influence extended to the successor organizations that eventually formed the PLO, which in turn leaves out the question of whether or not his antisemitism would even be part of that legacy. And finally, Grand Mufti is unlikely to have even originated the idea as opposed to, say, Eichmann or Himler or their underlings; it's possible, and even likely, that the Mufti was alluding to more riots and pogroms rather than the organized and brutal extermination program that the Holocaust soon became.

I mean, OF COURSE the Palestinians aren't responsible for the holocaust. Nobody's saying that at all. In fact it would be ludicrous to even imply that the current generation of Palestinians or their government are in any way culpable for the holocaust.

So why did Netanyahu even bring it up? And why did Derec hunt down and post pictures of the Grand Muffti cavorting around with Nazis?
Oh, no reason, really, it's just, ya know, interesting...

Oops, oh my, look what just happened to fall out of my pocket!

Was this person the one and only Palestinian on the entire Earth at the time of the alleged event?

No, the grand mufti was NOT the only Palestinian on the entire Earth. Nor were the majority of Palestinians consulted or even INVOLVED with his cooperation with the Nazis. Neither does his "mentorship" of Yasser Arafat bear close scrutiny, nor is the Grand Mufti's actual political influence over the Palestinians' daily lives at the local or general level estimated to be particularly large. Nor does his influence extended to the successor organizations that eventually formed the PLO, which in turn leaves out the question of whether or not his antisemitism would even be part of that legacy. And finally, Grand Mufti is unlikely to have even originated the idea as opposed to, say, Eichmann or Himler or their underlings; it's possible, and even likely, that the Mufti was alluding to more riots and pogroms rather than the organized and brutal extermination program that the Holocaust soon became.

I mean, OF COURSE the Palestinians aren't responsible for the holocaust. Nobody's saying that at all. In fact it would be ludicrous to even imply that the current generation of Palestinians or their government are in any way culpable for the holocaust.

So why did Netanyahu even bring it up? And why did Derec hunt down and post pictures of the Grand Muffti cavorting around with Nazis?
Oh, no reason, really, it's just, ya know, interesting...

Oops, oh my, look what just happened to fall out of my pocket!


So then how can one say the Palestinians are responsible for anything? This guy in particular was clearly a Holocaust supporter, even if he didn't play any role as an architect of the Holocaust. Why does it matter?
You can't.


Why indeed!

You accused Derec of saying the Palestanians were responsible even though he said this one guy may be responsible. Why did you do that?

...Is the wrong question.

The question is, why does Netanyahu say that the Grand Muftii had a "central role in fomenting the final solution?"


The more interesting question is, why does Derec think that assertion is worth defending?

Do I REALLY have to spell it out for you? Bibi is attempting the mother of all Godwin Fallacies, effectively claiming that the Grand Mufti hated Jews more than Hitler did. He then follows up by associating this hatred with the "Al Aqsa Mosque" to complete his guilt-by-association tripple-decker bullshit sandwich.

You are perfectly welcome to go on pretending not to understand how that argument works, thereby removing yourself from the discussion altogether.
You accused Derec of saying the Palestanians were responsible even though he said this one guy may be responsible. Why did you do that?

...Is the wrong question.

The question is, why does Netanyahu say that the Grand Muftii had a "central role in fomenting the final solution?"


The more interesting question is, why does Derec think that assertion is worth defending?

Derec seems to have a habit of defending anyone who is accused of something. It seems to be an extreme version of "giving someone the benefit of the doubt."
So then how can one say the Palestinians are responsible for anything? This guy in particular was clearly a Holocaust supporter, even if he didn't play any role as an architect of the Holocaust. Why does it matter?
Good question. Ask Bibi.
So then how can one say the Palestinians are responsible for anything? This guy in particular was clearly a Holocaust supporter, even if he didn't play any role as an architect of the Holocaust. Why does it matter?

The Palestinians are victims.

The victims of decades of continual abuse and violence and oppression and theft.

Perhaps that might explain why many hate their oppressor.

Why this one Mufti hated Israel is because he saw it for what it was. A violent intruder that pushed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians off their land.
The Palestinians are victims.

Why this one Mufti hated Israel is because he saw it for what it was. A violent intruder that pushed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians off their land.
First of all, there was no modern state of Israel when he collaborated with the Nazis. Second, he was an anti-Semite who hated Jews and wanted them exterminated and who worked very closely with the Nazis. But, no, to untermensche he is a "victim". :rolleyes::banghead:
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