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New report on climate change released today

So whether the earth warms up or cools, like it has done since 1998, it's all to do with climate change! You want the cake and eat it too! That's the genius of changing the moniker from global warming to climate change. Even excessive farting by someone who ate too many baked beans can blame it on climate!

Your talking point is invalid. We have had another warm cycle since then--2016 blew away 1998.

Yet still much cooler than the Medieval warming when industrialization was not even dreamed about.
You do realize that there have been multiple extinction events in that amount of time, right?

Thankfully the US has evolved from your POV, or we'd still have rivers burning in the US.

Extinction is the rule not the exception on this planet. In fact attempting to preserve species goes against the nature of a constantly evolving dynamic planet Earth! In fact, any high school student will tell you that more than 90% of all life that ever lived has become extinct throughout this planets history. Species become extinct so as to allow new species to evolve.

You first.
Some of you may not be able to access the complete article, but I imagine the information can be found elsewhere on the web.


Global emissions of carbon dioxide have reached the highest levels on record, scientists projected Wednesday, in the latest evidence of the chasm between international goals for combating climate change and what countries are actually doing.
Between 2014 and 2016, emissions remained largely flat, leading to hopes that the world was beginning to turn a corner. Those hopes have been dashed. In 2017, global emissions grew 1.6 percent. The rise in 2018 is projected to be 2.7 percent.

As nations are gathered for climate talks in Poland, the message of Wednesday’s report was unambiguous: When it comes to promises to begin cutting the greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change, the world remains well off target.
“We are in trouble. We are in deep trouble with climate change,” United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said this week at the opening of the 24th annual U.N. climate conference, where countries will wrestle with the ambitious goals they need to meet to sharply reduce carbon emissions in coming years.
“It is hard to overstate the urgency of our situation,” he added. “Even as we witness devastating climate impacts causing havoc across the world, we are still not doing enough, nor moving fast enough, to prevent irreversible and catastrophic climate disruption.”

As for China, coal accounts for about 60 percent of China’s total energy consumption, but the government hopes to bring it down to 10 percent by 2050.
Thanks to increased investment in green energy, China’s carbon intensity, or the amount of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP, declined by 46 percent by 2017 from 2005 levels, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment reported earlier this week. It had expected it would take until 2020 to reach the targeted 40 to 45 percent reduction.
You do realize that there have been multiple extinction events in that amount of time, right?

Thankfully the US has evolved from your POV, or we'd still have rivers burning in the US.

Extinction is the rule not the exception on this planet. In fact attempting to preserve species goes against the nature of a constantly evolving dynamic planet Earth! In fact, any high school student will tell you that more than 90% of all life that ever lived has become extinct throughout this planets history. Species become extinct so as to allow new species to evolve.

You first.

Well at least angelo believes in evolution. It's a start. :rolleyes2:
So whether the earth warms up or cools, like it has done since 1998, it's all to do with climate change! You want the cake and eat it too! That's the genius of changing the moniker from global warming to climate change. Even excessive farting by someone who ate too many baked beans can blame it on climate!

Your talking point is invalid. We have had another warm cycle since then--2016 blew away 1998.

Yet still much cooler than the Medieval warming when industrialization was not even dreamed about.

Gonna look later to see if that holds up. Maybe Potholer 54 has done this topic.

Ah he did.

Are you aware that other planets in our solar system and beyond have greenhouse effect? Is humanity the cause of that too?

And you think the greenhouse effect is somehow binary?

Earth has a large natural greenhouse effect, without it we would find it a pretty chilly place. Man's actions have turned it up, though, and that's a problem.

Verily i say. Nothing new has happened to our atmosphere that hasn't happened before. No so called climate " scientist " can point to a prediction made by anyone, including the infamous IPCC in the last few decades that have eventuated. Not even one prediction.

Arctic ice has not vanished, polar bears are increasing to such an extent that they're threatening the local people, and sea levels have not risen to inundate the low lying islands world wide. The IPCC computer modeling has been exposed for what it is. Just extremist ranting with a political agenda!

So Hiroshima shouldn't care about being atom-bombed because it's happened before?

Arctic ice hasn't vanished? Half of it has: http://psc.apl.uw.edu/research/projects/arctic-sea-ice-volume-anomaly/

Polar bears? Their numbers went up when most hunting of them was banned.

Sea levels are rising, not enough to take out anything yet.

The problem is you are showing we haven't reached the endpoint, not that we aren't heading in that direction.

- - - Updated - - -

So whether the earth warms up or cools, like it has done since 1998, it's all to do with climate change! You want the cake and eat it too! That's the genius of changing the moniker from global warming to climate change. Even excessive farting by someone who ate too many baked beans can blame it on climate!

Your talking point is invalid. We have had another warm cycle since then--2016 blew away 1998.

Yet still much cooler than the Medieval warming when industrialization was not even dreamed about.

I already exposed this farce. The Greenland ice sheets are far older than the time you claimed they were gone.
Some of you may not be able to access the complete article, but I imagine the information can be found elsewhere on the web.


As for China, coal accounts for about 60 percent of China’s total energy consumption, but the government hopes to bring it down to 10 percent by 2050.
Thanks to increased investment in green energy, China’s carbon intensity, or the amount of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP, declined by 46 percent by 2017 from 2005 levels, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment reported earlier this week. It had expected it would take until 2020 to reach the targeted 40 to 45 percent reduction.

60% dependency on coal? More like 85% until at least 2030...................................https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-25/china-pledges-to-drastically-cut-fossil-fuels/9500228
You do realize that there have been multiple extinction events in that amount of time, right?

Thankfully the US has evolved from your POV, or we'd still have rivers burning in the US.

Extinction is the rule not the exception on this planet. In fact attempting to preserve species goes against the nature of a constantly evolving dynamic planet Earth! In fact, any high school student will tell you that more than 90% of all life that ever lived has become extinct throughout this planets history. Species become extinct so as to allow new species to evolve.

You first.

What an idiotic and may i add a reportable post! But zealot religious fundamentalists do have their brains in their rectums so i'll ignore it!
Verily i say. Nothing new has happened to our atmosphere that hasn't happened before. No so called climate " scientist " can point to a prediction made by anyone, including the infamous IPCC in the last few decades that have eventuated. Not even one prediction.

Arctic ice has not vanished, polar bears are increasing to such an extent that they're threatening the local people, and sea levels have not risen to inundate the low lying islands world wide. The IPCC computer modeling has been exposed for what it is. Just extremist ranting with a political agenda!

So Hiroshima shouldn't care about being atom-bombed because it's happened before?

Arctic ice hasn't vanished? Half of it has: http://psc.apl.uw.edu/research/projects/arctic-sea-ice-volume-anomaly/

Polar bears? Their numbers went up when most hunting of them was banned.

Sea levels are rising, not enough to take out anything yet.

The problem is you are showing we haven't reached the endpoint, not that we aren't heading in that direction.

- - - Updated - - -

So whether the earth warms up or cools, like it has done since 1998, it's all to do with climate change! You want the cake and eat it too! That's the genius of changing the moniker from global warming to climate change. Even excessive farting by someone who ate too many baked beans can blame it on climate!

Your talking point is invalid. We have had another warm cycle since then--2016 blew away 1998.

Yet still much cooler than the Medieval warming when industrialization was not even dreamed about.

I already exposed this farce. The Greenland ice sheets are far older than the time you claimed they were gone.

Of course you ignore the fact that for 70% of the Earth's history it was ice free, and that sea levels were anything up to 400 meters higher than today's, millions of years ago. That the Earth is still to this day coming out of the last glaciation which last for hundreds of thousands of years.
The one irrefutable scientific fact about the climate is that for more than 95% of the last 1 million years, right up to the beginning of the present Pleistocene glaciation, mean global temperatures were persistently and consistently 2-3 C warmer than today's.

This data has been available but ignored by those who have an ulterior motive, for 40 years. The Earth is not warming, just returning to a warmer normal temperature requiring no intervention or action and completely independent of atmospheric CO2 or man made contribution.

The Sun is re-establishing normal very long term thermal equilibrium conditions for the Earth-Sun system.

Having ice at the poles is only an artifact of cooler glacial episodes and is not normal for the Earth. So called " Climate change scientists seem to be [deliberate or just naive] oblivious to the Earth's longer term climate history.

They have consequently adopted a fatally flawed model of climate which they and others, such as David Attenborough, to name just one, are blindly following. That model will have disastrous economic consequences and make absolutely not one iota of difference whatsoever to Earth's warming.

Source...........Dr Robert Fagan.
The one irrefutable scientific fact about the climate is that for more than 95% of the last 1 million years, right up to the beginning of the present Pleistocene glaciation, mean global temperatures were persistently and consistently 2-3 C warmer than today's.

This data has been available but ignored by those who have an ulterior motive, for 40 years. The Earth is not warming, just returning to a warmer normal temperature requiring no intervention or action and completely independent of atmospheric CO2 or man made contribution.

The Sun is re-establishing normal very long term thermal equilibrium conditions for the Earth-Sun system.

Having ice at the poles is only an artifact of cooler glacial episodes and is not normal for the Earth. So called " Climate change scientists seem to be [deliberate or just naive] oblivious to the Earth's longer term climate history.

They have consequently adopted a fatally flawed model of climate which they and others, such as David Attenborough, to name just one, are blindly following. That model will have disastrous economic consequences and make absolutely not one iota of difference whatsoever to Earth's warming.

Source...........Dr Robert Fagan.

So based on this - is your stance then do just nothing and allow the coal and oil companies to continue to mine a non-renewable resource and pollute the air at will?

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said:
“It is hard to overstate the urgency of our situation,” he said. “Even as we witness devastating climate impacts causing havoc across the world, we are still not doing enough, nor moving fast enough, to prevent irreversible and catastrophic climate disruption.”

It's not that hard to overstate the urgency, they (the UN) do it effortlessly. And what new "devastating climate impacts causing havoc across the world" is he witnessing ? What is he blathering on about ?

Climate Change really has become a Rapture like religion. :rolleyes:
Of course you ignore the fact that for 70% of the Earth's history it was ice free, and that sea levels were anything up to 400 meters higher than today's, millions of years ago. That the Earth is still to this day coming out of the last glaciation which last for hundreds of thousands of years.

And you fail to realize that that kind of change is extremely destructive.

400m rise and IIRC half the world's population is underwater.
The Earth is not warming, just returning to a warmer normal temperature requiring no intervention or action and completely independent of atmospheric CO2 or man made contribution.

Except scientists predicted years ago the temperatures would start rising greatly based on man-made activity.

I went to a lecture by Carl Sagan in the mid-80's and he talked about the coming warmer temperatures and the flooding and the increased severity of storms.

This is before it happened.

Are you saying that temperatures just by coincidence spiked up into record year after record year after it was predicted to happen?

Are you claiming it is happening NOW by coincidence, even though it was predicted over 30 years ago and record temperatures were not occurring yet?

You honestly think adults will buy your coincidence nonsense?
This data has been available but ignored by those who have an ulterior motive, for 40 years.

What exactly would that "ulterior motive" be for all of the world's scientists, NASA, the US Military and Exxon?

All aboard the gravy train. This climate change nonsense has become an industry worth trillions of taxpayers dollars and anyone mildly involved in it knows which side his toast is buttered on!
The Earth is not warming, just returning to a warmer normal temperature requiring no intervention or action and completely independent of atmospheric CO2 or man made contribution.

Except scientists predicted years ago the temperatures would start rising greatly based on man-made activity.

I went to a lecture by Carl Sagan in the mid-80's and he talked about the coming warmer temperatures and the flooding and the increased severity of storms.

This is before it happened.

Are you saying that temperatures just by coincidence spiked up into record year after record year after it was predicted to happen?

Are you claiming it is happening NOW by coincidence, even though it was predicted over 30 years ago and record temperatures were not occurring yet?

You honestly think adults will buy your coincidence nonsense?

Again you and others here are failing to point to any prediction ever made about some catastrophic event caused by globa........oops, sorry.........I mean " climate change " that's eventuated! Predictions of 1.5 -2 degree rise in the next 20 -30 years made decades ago were way off the mark. Who's responsible for publishing this rubbish but extremists and alarmists who have taken to this nonsense like evangelical fundamentalists take to religion!

Even the very left leaning ABC broadcasting network here in Australia acknowledges temperatures have only risen 0.8 of a degree in the last 130 years despite massive increases in carbon emissions during that period, and remember, the Earth is still coming out of the Little Ice Age.
The Earth is not warming, just returning to a warmer normal temperature requiring no intervention or action and completely independent of atmospheric CO2 or man made contribution.

Except scientists predicted years ago the temperatures would start rising greatly based on man-made activity.

I went to a lecture by Carl Sagan in the mid-80's and he talked about the coming warmer temperatures and the flooding and the increased severity of storms.

This is before it happened.

Are you saying that temperatures just by coincidence spiked up into record year after record year after it was predicted to happen?

Are you claiming it is happening NOW by coincidence, even though it was predicted over 30 years ago and record temperatures were not occurring yet?

You honestly think adults will buy your coincidence nonsense?

Again you and others here are failing to point to any prediction ever made about some catastrophic event caused by globa........oops, sorry.........I mean " climate change " that's eventuated! Predictions of 1.5 -2 degree rise in the next 20 -30 years made decades ago were way off the mark. Who's responsible for publishing this rubbish but extremists and alarmists who have taken to this nonsense like evangelical fundamentalists take to religion!

Even the very left leaning ABC broadcasting network here in Australia acknowledges temperatures have only risen 0.8 of a degree in the last 130 years despite massive increases in carbon emissions during that period, and remember, the Earth is still coming out of the Little Ice Age.


Sagan predicted temperatures would rise higher than normal in the near future.

In the near future temperatures were record highs year after year.

He predicted we would see more powerful storms and we see it.

Year after year.

To say what is starting to happen now was not predicted is just a lie.

What would support your side would be for average temperatures to drop to what they were in the 80's.

But average temperatures higher than the temperatures in the 80's year after year proves Sagan was right.


Sagan says in the early 80's that soon average temperatures will rise abnormally.

You say it is a coincidence they do.

Nobody but an idiot would buy your coincidence bullshit.
This data has been available but ignored by those who have an ulterior motive, for 40 years.

What exactly would that "ulterior motive" be for all of the world's scientists, NASA, the US Military and Exxon?

They believe that China is the entity responsible for spreading the climate change conspiracy in order to gain advantage over us in business and manufacturing.
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