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New report on climate change released today

Ever wonder why activist-alarmists, warmists will never engage a skeptic in a debate ? Perhaps it's because a skeptic may point out that the average global temperature has increased by about a hardly noticeable 1.5 F in 150 years.
150 years, not thousands of years, you seem to miss the significants of the time scale.

Do you notice a say, 35 C peak daily temperature to a 35.5 C peak daily temperature? The answer would have to be no if you're honest with yourself. Were global temperatures to rise say, 0.5 F per year for the next few hundred centuries, it would not make one iota of difference to planet Earth
Are you sure about that? I think I would notice 5000F increase, I mean molten lava is hard not to notice.
Do you notice a say, 35 C peak daily temperature to a 35.5 C peak daily temperature? The answer would have to be no if you're honest with yourself. Were global temperatures to rise say, 0.5 F per year for the next few hundred centuries, it would not make one iota of difference to planet Earth and most of the present life forms. Over longer periods, animals who fail to adapt to warming [or cooling for that matter] conditions will become extinct, just like it has always done over the enormous time span of Earth's history.

Here on the east coast of Florida our night time temperature from May 15 to October 15 (our wet season) has increased from 72 F to 77 F in about 15 years due amplification of the Atlantic subtropical ridge that has been quite persistent. The number of nights during which the temperature does not go below 80 F has increased about 10X in that period. That increase in temperature has been coincident with a sharp rise in surface dewpoint. I exercise outside for 45 to 90 minutes every morning at about 0530. I notice that change in the temperature a lot. A temperature of 80 F with a dewpoint of 78 F is actually very stressful for high intensity exercise.

Beyond having to modify my workout duration and intensity to accommodate the new normal the change is having a very noticeable impact on plants and animals. Our rainfall pattern has shifted. We are going through increasingly long stretches of rain free days with excessive sun and humidity. It is causing a lot of plant damage in a region where the 150 year average t-shower frequency is 2.5 days. We have had several stretches of 30 or more days with no rain during what should be the peak of our wet season. Right now the entire eastern 2/3rds of the US is under record rain totals for the last 6 months while Brevard and Indian River counties are bone dry. Why? the Atlantic ridge has been parked and pumping moisture up onto the continent (and stalling hurricane Florence) while suppressing out normal diurnal convection here on the east coast of central-south FL.

Sure, extinctions have always happened. Yeah, something will be living here 100,000 years from now. Rapid changes, shifts in distributions of plants, animals, pathogens, etc... are generally bad for people though.

Oh well, my blueberry plants are freaked out but I'm harvesting Papayas and Pineapples in January in what is supposedly USDA Zone 9B. But I haven't noticed any changes.
It's weather.

Meanwhile it is a catastrophic 60f on the Westside. Almost had to put the top up on the car this morning but decided to put on a sweater.
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It's weather.

The increase of carbon dioxide has trapped a lot more heat. That heat has to go somewhere. Roughly 90 perecent into the oceans and a the rest into the air, land and melting ice.

This is a fact.

Now you tell us what this increase in energy will do.
It's weather.

Meanwhile it is a catastrophic 60f on the Westside. Almost had to put the top up on the car this morning but decided to put on a sweater.

Climate is the average of weather.

When the weather pattern changes in a consistent way for better than decade then you can safely say that the climate has changed.

When I replaced my air conditioner two years ago I put in a 21 SEER straight cool heat pump. I have not regretted that. So far we have been running at 50% of normal heating degree days and 150% of cooling degree days for about a decade and especially the last 2 years. The decision to put in the most efficient cooling system I could find, which required a one-way heat pump, was the right decision. Our monthly electric bill for a 2000 square foot ranch built in 1954 has been under $100 since we scrapped the old 4 ton clunker. It is a little rough when we do get cool weather since we no longer have central heat but those episodes are few and far between. Our weather has been typical of USDA zone 10B for 14 out of the last 15 years. Cocoa is having Miami weather. I am skinning it during my surf sessions at Cocoa Beach this week, normally I'd need a 3/2 full.
Ever wonder why...

Only Big Oil has any incentive whatsoever to spend billions of dollars on denying global warming facts? No, everyone but the clinically stupid know why they are doing that.

Governments throughout the world have up to now thrown trillions of dollars on renewables such as wind and solar, yet CO2 is still rising and will do so for the foreseeable future. Why? Because all renewable power generation needs reliable fossil fueled back up when the wind doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow. CO2 is a [plant food] trace gas that's essential for life to flourish on earth. A rise of a predicted 1.5 F by the IPCC by 2100 won't even be noticeable. This is a case of all pain for the present generation for absolutely no gain at all for future generations.

Once again, denier propaganda.

Plant growth normally isn't CO2-limited, increasing it has little effect.
Ever wonder why activist-alarmists, warmists will never engage a skeptic in a debate ? Perhaps it's because a skeptic may point out that the average global temperature has increased by about a hardly noticeable 1.5 F in 150 years.
150 years, not thousands of years, you seem to miss the significants of the time scale.

Do you notice a say, 35 C peak daily temperature to a 35.5 C peak daily temperature? The answer would have to be no if you're honest with yourself. Were global temperatures to rise say, 0.5 F per year for the next few hundred centuries, it would not make one iota of difference to planet Earth and most of the present life forms. Over longer periods, animals who fail to adapt to warming [or cooling for that matter] conditions will become extinct, just like it has always done over the enormous time span of Earth's history.

What are you smoking?

1) 0.5F per year for a couple of centuries would almost certainly trigger a Venus-level runaway.

2) Note that the stuff that adapts well is the small stuff. Not our livestock, not our trees, probably not even our annual crops.
Please provide a link or I call BS.

Someone doesn't know what he word "may" means.

Oh yes, and what an authority he is. A crooked politician who's made millions from the GW/CC hoax! Could you please name just one prophecy of doom this fraudster and others of his ilk made that has come to pass? Just one scientifically proven catastrophe will do!!

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Do you notice a say, 35 C peak daily temperature to a 35.5 C peak daily temperature? The answer would have to be no if you're honest with yourself. Were global temperatures to rise say, 0.5 F per year for the next few hundred centuries, it would not make one iota of difference to planet Earth and most of the present life forms. Over longer periods, animals who fail to adapt to warming [or cooling for that matter] conditions will become extinct, just like it has always done over the enormous time span of Earth's history.

What are you smoking?

1) 0.5F per year for a couple of centuries would almost certainly trigger a Venus-level runaway.

2) Note that the stuff that adapts well is the small stuff. Not our livestock, not our trees, probably not even our annual crops.

I presume you are aware that CO2 is a plant food right? The more CO2 in the atmosphere the better for forestation, the crops to feed a hungry world etc.

An increase in temperature in the order of 1.5 F yearly is unlikely to cause any problems. But a cooling temperature leading to another ice age would cause the end of much of life on this planet.

Senior NASA research scientist Martin Mlynczak as well as others are reporting sunspot activity and thermosphere measurements that sho an alarming trend in global cooling.

much like that in the 17th century mauder minimum, 1645-1715. It's all about the Sun and solar cycles and their effect on the atmosphere and weather.

Many NASA and other scientists are now admitting that data such as CO2 levels, ice melts and sea levels, to quote a few favourites from the alarmists agenda in contemporary Western politics -data relating to an incredibly complex global climate system that we do not really understand -is irrelevant to this trend.

Global cooling is dangerous historically, crops have failed and people die from the cold, especially today since power prices have in some cases quadrupled because of subsidies to solar/wind generation and closure of fossil fueled generation.

It's happening now, with record cold weather in the northern hemisphere where temperatures historically have been much warmer than now.
Do you notice a say, 35 C peak daily temperature to a 35.5 C peak daily temperature? The answer would have to be no if you're honest with yourself. Were global temperatures to rise say, 0.5 F per year for the next few hundred centuries, it would not make one iota of difference to planet Earth and most of the present life forms. Over longer periods, animals who fail to adapt to warming [or cooling for that matter] conditions will become extinct, just like it has always done over the enormous time span of Earth's history.

What are you smoking?

1) 0.5F per year for a couple of centuries would almost certainly trigger a Venus-level runaway.

2) Note that the stuff that adapts well is the small stuff. Not our livestock, not our trees, probably not even our annual crops.

I presume you are aware that CO2 is a plant food right? The more CO2 in the atmosphere the better for forestation, the crops to feed a hungry world etc.

An increase in temperature in the order of 1.5 F yearly is unlikely to cause any problems. But a cooling temperature leading to another ice age would cause the end of much of life on this planet.

Senior NASA research scientist Martin Mlynczak as well as others are reporting sunspot activity and thermosphere measurements that sho an alarming trend in global cooling.

much like that in the 17th century mauder minimum, 1645-1715. It's all about the Sun and solar cycles and their effect on the atmosphere and weather.

Many NASA and other scientists are now admitting that data such as CO2 levels, ice melts and sea levels, to quote a few favourites from the alarmists agenda in contemporary Western politics -data relating to an incredibly complex global climate system that we do not really understand -is irrelevant to this trend.

Global cooling is dangerous historically, crops have failed and people die from the cold, especially today since power prices have in some cases quadrupled because of subsidies to solar/wind generation and closure of fossil fueled generation.

It's happening now, with record cold weather in the northern hemisphere where temperatures historically have been much warmer than now.
Again. Weather is not climate!
Did you notice where I live?

So you're looking forward to the death of polar bears and the increase in neighborhood beachfront property. :)
I am confused.May be I was not clear. I live a bit closer to the Arctic than Anglo.Alaska has seen more climate change than the rest of the US.

As any ignorant person must know. The Berian Straits was once upon a time non existent! Alaska was joined to Siberia! Long, long before the invention of the internal combustion engine!
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I am confused.May be I was not clear. I live a bit closer to the Arctic than Anglo.Alaska has seen more climate change than the rest of the US.

As any ignorant person must know. The Berian Straits was once upon a time non existent! Alaska was joined to Siberia! Long, long before the invention of the internal combustion engine!

Yeah! And Pangea too!
What idiocy, what ignorance!
Someone doesn't know what he word "may" means.

Oh yes, and what an authority he is. A crooked politician who's made millions from the GW/CC hoax! Could you please name just one prophecy of doom this fraudster and others of his ilk made that has come to pass? Just one scientifically proven catastrophe will do!!


Someone doesn't understand how science works.
Climate is the average of weather.

When the weather pattern changes in a consistent way for better than decade then you can safely say that the climate has changed.

Climate has cycles and natural variability.

And in the recent centuries, man has added an unnatural variability. Otherwise known as climate change.
TSwizzle said:
Climate has cycles and natural variability.


Does this look like "natural variability" to you? Or anyone with a brain?
I presume you are aware that CO2 is a plant food right? The more CO2 in the atmosphere the better for forestation, the crops to feed a hungry world etc.

Not necessarily. CO2 is not always limiting for plant growth. Given certain amounts of light, water, and other nutrients CO2 at present atmospheric concentrations can be saturated with respect to plant capacity to up take. That depends on the species of plant too. Some plants that we do not like, invasive noxious weeds, are better at using extra CO2 than a lot of our preferred plants. Oh, and pumping C02 into the water can change the composition and abundance of plankton in undesirable ways too. Extra CO2 is probably a contributor to harmful algal blooms.

Nitrogen is plant food. So is phosphorus. We still consider those to be pollution when we are putting a bunch of extra in the water.

An increase in temperature in the order of 1.5 F yearly is unlikely to cause any problems.

That is just an average in a non-uniform system. That represents a lot of extra joules which makes the swings in the system more dramatic. That does cause problems.

Senior NASA research scientist Martin Mlynczak as well as others are reporting sunspot activity and thermosphere measurements that sho an alarming trend in global cooling.

much like that in the 17th century mauder minimum, 1645-1715. It's all about the Sun and solar cycles and their effect on the atmosphere and weather.

Sun spots say we should be cooling. But we aren't. hmmmm.

Global cooling is dangerous historically, crops have failed and people die from the cold, especially today since power prices have in some cases quadrupled because of subsidies to solar/wind generation and closure of fossil fueled generation.

It's happening now, with record cold weather in the northern hemisphere where temperatures historically have been much warmer than now.

Global cooling is happening now?

Historically cold in the northern hemisphere? Where?

Power prices have quadrupled?

My bill last month was $66 for a 2000 square foot house. Dinner for two at a mediocre restaurant costs as much around here.
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