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New report on climate change released today

I'll keep repeating, and no one here or elsewhere can prove me wrong. That it's far from been established that CO2 is causing warming. Climate science has completely ignored either unaware or deliberately that the normal global average temperature for nearl all of the last one billion years has been 2-3C warmer than today.

Not established?!?! What's causing the 14C of greenhouse effect the Earth currently experiences?? Unicorn farts?

Where the fuck did you get this 14C greenhouse effect from? A breakfast cereal box? Per favor, where's the source ? :/
I'll keep repeating, and no one here or elsewhere can prove me wrong. That it's far from been established that CO2 is causing warming. Climate science has completely ignored either unaware or deliberately that the normal global average temperature for nearl all of the last one billion years has been 2-3C warmer than today.

Not established?!?! What's causing the 14C of greenhouse effect the Earth currently experiences?? Unicorn farts?

even the discredited IPCC has established that temperature may have increased 1.5 F in 160 years.
I'll keep repeating, and no one here or elsewhere can prove me wrong. That it's far from been established that CO2 is causing warming. Climate science has completely ignored either unaware or deliberately that the normal global average temperature for nearl all of the last one billion years has been 2-3C warmer than today.

Not established?!?! What's causing the 14C of greenhouse effect the Earth currently experiences?? Unicorn farts?

Where the fuck did you get this 14C greenhouse effect from? A breakfast cereal box? Per favor, where's the source ? :/

I'll keep repeating, and no one here or elsewhere can prove me wrong. That it's far from been established that CO2 is causing warming. Climate science has completely ignored either unaware or deliberately that the normal global average temperature for nearl all of the last one billion years has been 2-3C warmer than today.

Not established?!?! What's causing the 14C of greenhouse effect the Earth currently experiences?? Unicorn farts?

even the discredited IPCC has established that temperature may have increased 1.5 F in 160 years.

I'm talking about the current greenhouse effect on Earth. Earth would be a pretty chilly place without it! Solar energy + albedo gives what our temperature should be without the atmosphere, we are 14C above that.

If all of the carbon dioxide and methane disappeared, what would happen in addition to losing that amount of radiation to space there would also be a loss of water's radiation blocking in just a few days. As it got cooler water would condense as rain or dew and that would be a very large effect.

Do you really not understand this simple chain of logic regarding the physics? This is really pathetic. Reevaluate your cognitive functions. Serious question, are you approaching the age or condition of senility?

A.) Carbon dioxide and methane trap heat pushing up surface (up to a few kilometers...) temperature.

B.) That heat pushes more water in the air

C.) That additional water also traps heat. (note, clouds can reflect visible light from sun so energy bookkeeping is needed)
Where the fuck did you get this 14C greenhouse effect from? A breakfast cereal box? Per favor, where's the source ? :/

I'll keep repeating, and no one here or elsewhere can prove me wrong. That it's far from been established that CO2 is causing warming. Climate science has completely ignored either unaware or deliberately that the normal global average temperature for nearl all of the last one billion years has been 2-3C warmer than today.

Not established?!?! What's causing the 14C of greenhouse effect the Earth currently experiences?? Unicorn farts?

even the discredited IPCC has established that temperature may have increased 1.5 F in 160 years.

I'm talking about the current greenhouse effect on Earth. Earth would be a pretty chilly place without it! Solar energy + albedo gives what our temperature should be without the atmosphere, we are 14C above that.

Is that so.......................

According to NASA, the gases in Earth's atmosphere include:
Nitrogen — 78 percent.
Oxygen — 21 percent.
Argon — 0.93 percent.
Carbon dioxide — 0.04 percent.
Trace amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton and hydrogen, as well as water vapor.
Is that so.......................

You ask that as if to state that the composition of the atmosphere has no impact on surface temperature. That is especially so since you follow with:

According to NASA, the gases in Earth's atmosphere include:
Nitrogen — 78 percent.
Oxygen — 21 percent.
Argon — 0.93 percent.
Carbon dioxide — 0.04 percent.
Trace amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton and hydrogen, as well as water vapor.

What are the characteristics of each of those various gases with respect to infrared radiation?
Is that so.......................

You ask that as if to state that the composition of the atmosphere has no impact on surface temperature. That is especially so since you follow with:

According to NASA, the gases in Earth's atmosphere include:
Nitrogen — 78 percent.
Oxygen — 21 percent.
Argon — 0.93 percent.
[Carbon dioxide — 0.04 percent]

Trace amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton and hydrogen, as well as water vapor.

What are the characteristics of each of those various gases with respect to infrared radiation?

Look at Carbon 0.04%? If you think that minute trace element would possibly make any difference to world climate, then you must also believe homeopathic remedies work as well!
A lot of things in the world affect things at a 0.04% level. None of them exist. Because. Homeopathy. Nannynannybooboo.
You ask that as if to state that the composition of the atmosphere has no impact on surface temperature. That is especially so since you follow with:

What are the characteristics of each of those various gases with respect to infrared radiation?

Look at Carbon 0.04%? If you think that minute trace element would possibly make any difference to world climate, then you must also believe homeopathic remedies work as well!
Percentage is irrelevant. You need to look at absolute amount of greenhouse gases.

If you take all 0.04% of CO2 and liquefy it, it would be roughly 4mm of liquid CO2 over the atmosphere which is a gigantic amount of matter capable to blank selected regions of spectrum

N2, O2, are two atom molecules and as far as infra-red concerned are 100% transparent.
H2O and CO2 are three atom molecules and because of that have additional degrees of freedom which are conveniently located in infra-red region corresponding to average surface temperature.

Astronomers have to launch their telescopes into space because of CO2 and H2O.
You and Angelo are the ones making the "yeah, but why are there still monkeys" equivalent arguments.

I don't believe in the coming climate rapture. You sound like a bunch of demented zombie apocalypse survivalists.

Out of curiosity, what would you expect us to sound like if we were actually right? Calm and collected?
You ask that as if to state that the composition of the atmosphere has no impact on surface temperature. That is especially so since you follow with:

What are the characteristics of each of those various gases with respect to infrared radiation?

Look at Carbon 0.04%? If you think that minute trace element would possibly make any difference to world climate, then you must also believe homeopathic remedies work as well!

What are the characteristics of each of the various gases that compose our atmosphere with respect to infrared radiation then?

What would be the temperature of the troposphere without methane and carbon dioxide given our current orbital mechanics?
You and Angelo are the ones making the "yeah, but why are there still monkeys" equivalent arguments.

I don't believe in the coming climate rapture. You sound like a bunch of demented zombie apocalypse survivalists.

I just discussed some regional data. Angelo said that we wouldn't notice a 1.5 degree change. Here in central FL the change in the annual average has been about 1.5 degrees in the last 100 or so years. But we have still seen a very tangible change in our wet season. The change has not been a uniform 1.5 degrees across all seasons. Blame it on a change in the composition of the atmosphere or fairies if you wish. Fact is, a 1.5 degree change in the annual average can manifest in very noticeable changes to weather.
You ask that as if to state that the composition of the atmosphere has no impact on surface temperature. That is especially so since you follow with:

What are the characteristics of each of those various gases with respect to infrared radiation?

Look at Carbon 0.04%? If you think that minute trace element would possibly make any difference to world climate, then you must also believe homeopathic remedies work as well!

absorption table.png

Read it and weep. Simple math will tell you that CO2 is not only the primary driver of the current global temperature increase, but has the most enduring effect.

Here's How
But wait. There's more bad news.


Scientists say the world’s oceans are warming far more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change because almost all the excess heat absorbed by the planet ends up stored in their waters.

A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years.

“2018 is going to be the warmest year on record for the Earth’s oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst at the independent climate research group Berkeley Earth and an author of the study. “As 2017 was the warmest year, and 2016 was the warmest year.”

As the planet has warmed, the oceans have provided a critical buffer. They have slowed the effects of climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the heat trapped by the greenhouse gases humans pump into the atmosphere.

With an optimistic ending....sort of...

“We are warming the planet but the ocean is not warming evenly, so different places warm more than others,” said Dr. Zanna. “And so the first consequence will be that sea level will be different in different places depending on the warming.”

Though the new findings provide a grim forecast for the future of the oceans, Mr. Hausfather said that efforts to mitigate global warming, including the 2015 Paris climate agreement, would help. “I think there’s some reason for confidence that we’ll avoid the worst-case outcomes,” he said, “even if we’re not on track for the outcomes we want.”
This is what is known as "junk science".

It really is a religion, a cult.

Are you under the illusion that your contentless sniping comments constitute a rebuttal?

We know that you don't think climate change is a real and serious issue. A shit ton of evidence has been presented that shows that it is; If all you have in rebuttal is these stupid reiterations of your unsupported personal belief, there is no reason whatsoever why anyone should start to agree with you, rather than with the scientific consensus.

Your belief has been noted and ignored as the valueless claim we can all see it to be. You can either start presenting some evidence for your position; Or STFU; Or continue to make a fool of yourself by coming up with variations on the theme of 'Nu-uh' like a stubborn three year old. It's your call.
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