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New report on climate change released today

I suppose once the activists and bogus " climate scientists" have won their battle ...

What criteria do you use to separate "bogus" scientists from real ones, angelo?
If you go by peer-reviewed publications and citations, the bogus ones are your fossil fuel shills who try to sow doubt about well established facts of climate change.

No one here or elsewhere is disputing that climate changes. What is in dispute are the activists, alarmists who claim it's human caused without producing one inkling of proof that it is! For the umteeth time, Climate on planet Earth has been in constant change since the planet formed around 4.5 billion years ago. There have been times in the history of Earth when the CO2 concentrations were several times greater than today's, [ 1200 ppm] yet Earth was experiencing " Iceball Earth!
I suppose once the activists and bogus " climate scientists" have won their battle ...

What criteria do you use to separate "bogus" scientists from real ones, angelo?
If you go by peer-reviewed publications and citations, the bogus ones are your fossil fuel shills who try to sow doubt about well established facts of climate change.

No one here or elsewhere is disputing that climate changes. What is in dispute are the activists, alarmists who claim it's human caused without producing one inkling of proof that it is! For the umteeth time, Climate on planet Earth has been in constant change since the planet formed around 4.5 billion years ago. There have been times in the history of Earth when the CO2 concentrations were several times greater than today's, [ 1200 ppm] yet Earth was experiencing " Iceball Earth!
You keep repeating a dumb argument that's already been debunked.
AGW is a religion. Based on wonky models, hypocrite Al Gore's demagoguery and Mann's hockey schtick. A faith based construct with zero evidence. Why do the nutters promulgate the idea that the earth's climate should be static ? The earth has always warmed and cooled. Bonkers to think otherwise.

Name one nutter who does that.

All of them at The Guardian.

Getting closer, name one. And since you claim a newspaper a link to a quote should be really easy.
Note that the only people on your list with relevant credentials are retired.

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And I'm still waiting for you to address the current greenhouse effect on the Earth.

The more important question should be: what's to be done with the main greenhouse cause? Water vapour!


Nothing. It falls out of the air all by itself. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Is Western Australia one of those place that doesn't get much rain?
There have been times in the history of Earth when the CO2 concentrations were several times greater than today's, [ 1200 ppm] yet Earth was experiencing " Iceball Earth!

When was that and what other factors were at play?

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No one here or elsewhere is disputing that climate changes.
There have been plenty of posts here claiming that the contemporary warming data are faked and that sea level rise is bunk.
In the mean time there's a cross country ski race in Minnesota that ran on natural snow cover for decades that now always has to run on artificial snow. It gets cold up there but the frequency of mid-winter meltouts has increased bigly in the last decade and snow cover is unreliable. Mean winter temps there have increased 6 degrees in a few decades. Similar to down here in FL where our annual temp has gone up about 1.5 degrees in 100 years but our summer min temps and number of days above 90F has increased dramatically since the late 1990s when we experiences a regime shift that has not flipped back to pre-flip conditions. We are consistently 50% above the long term average cooling degree days and 50% below the average heating degree days. It has been consistent enough that we installed a straight cool heat pump 2 years ago and don't use central heat anymore because the straight cool heat pump had a 21 SEER rating and none of the dual systems could meet that. HVAC guys historically only recommended a set up like ours south of West Palm Beach but winters have been so warm for the last decade that we chanced it way up in central FL. We have not regretted it. I have the thermostat set on 78 and the AC kicked on yesterday and the unit ran at 20% for a few hours until the sea breeze kicked in. It is February and I'm harvesting our first blueberries and mulberries of the season with papayas and plantains coming right behind them. We are supposedly in USDA Zone 9B but haven't had a freeze since 2010. 9B should have a freeze every one to two years. We aren't going to get any plums. Our "Gulf Beauty" plum trees are bred to set fruit on as little as 150 chill hours. Not going to hit that number this year it doesn't seem. But our orchids and Bauhinia are putting on a mid winter show.
I suppose once the activists and bogus " climate scientists" have won their battle ...

What criteria do you use to separate "bogus" scientists from real ones, angelo?
If you go by peer-reviewed publications and citations, the bogus ones are your fossil fuel shills who try to sow doubt about well established facts of climate change.

No one here or elsewhere is disputing that climate changes. What is in dispute are the activists, alarmists who claim it's human caused without producing one inkling of proof that it is!
Umm... that is quite disputed/
For the umteeth time, Climate on planet Earth has been in constant change since the planet formed around 4.5 billion years ago.
The ocean tides have been coming in and out for billions of years... therefore we don't need to worry about storm surge.
There have been times in the history of Earth when the CO2 concentrations were...
...several times greater than today's, [ 1200 ppm] yet Earth was experiencing " Iceball Earth!
You mean that there was a good deal of ice coverage which inhibited absorbsion of CO2 into the oceans, leading to a building of CO2 in the air, which then led to warming and melting of the ice?
There have been times in the history of Earth when the CO2 concentrations were several times greater than today's, [ 1200 ppm] yet Earth was experiencing " Iceball Earth!

When was that and what other factors were at play?

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No one here or elsewhere is disputing that climate changes.
There have been plenty of posts here claiming that the contemporary warming data are faked and that sea level rise is bunk.


Solar output was about 4-5% less back then. That is huge.

Going back back much further than a few million years ago and the solar output will start to play a factor that is hard to tease apart.

So, if you agree to not use anything older than ~10-20 million years ago to argue about AGW, so will I.
All of them at The Guardian.

Getting closer, name one. And since you claim a newspaper a link to a quote should be really easy.

It's not hard to find The Guardian. They are all about "fighting climate change". By taxing it away with a carbon tax.

If it's not hard then why the extra post? Just post a link. And just a reminder I looking for someone who "promulgate the idea that the earth's climate should be static".
...looking for someone who "promulgate the idea that the earth's climate should be static".

You're not going to find one. That's just another straw talking point offered routinely by the anti-science cult of willful ignorance.
Angelo, what exact topics or positions have you been factually wrong about in the past?
Good news, the final "Green New Deal" document is available;


Comedy gold.


AOC is nuttier than squirrel poop.
All of them at The Guardian.

Getting closer, name one. And since you claim a newspaper a link to a quote should be really easy.

It's not hard to find The Guardian. They are all about "fighting climate change". By taxing it away with a carbon tax.

Sounds good to me. Pigouvian taxes are an excellent way to combat pollution - those who persist in polluting pay for cleaning up the mess, so none of their costs are externalised, and everyone competes on a level playing field, where mistreatment of the environment is no longer profitable.

Most left-wingers hate this idea, because they think it's 'immoral' to be allowed to simply pay for the right to pollute.

Most right-wingers hate it because they think all taxation is immoral.

Both groups are blithering idiots. The right-wing non-thinkers can be easily detected by their use of the word 'bonkers', which is a sure sign of a person whose opinions have been formed by exposure to the moronic tabloid press.
It's not hard to find The Guardian. They are all about "fighting climate change". By taxing it away with a carbon tax.

Sounds good to me. Pigouvian taxes are an excellent way to combat pollution - those who persist in polluting pay for cleaning up the mess, so none of their costs are externalised, and everyone competes on a level playing field, where mistreatment of the environment is no longer profitable.
Pigouvian taxes have no relation to cleaning up the costs of the externality. In theory, Pigouvian taxes minimize the costs of the externality. In this case, that means Pigouvian taxes minimize the costs of current emissions by reducing emissions to the "economically efficient" level. But emissions still occur.
No one here or elsewhere is disputing that climate changes. What is in dispute are the activists, alarmists who claim it's human caused without producing one inkling of proof that it is! For the umteeth time, Climate on planet Earth has been in constant change since the planet formed around 4.5 billion years ago. There have been times in the history of Earth when the CO2 concentrations were several times greater than today's, [ 1200 ppm] yet Earth was experiencing " Iceball Earth!
You keep repeating a dumb argument that's already been debunked.

Please debunk my claims that not one prediction of catastrophic consequences for planet Earth by the rising concentration of CO2 has happened! Not in the past 3-4 decades anyway! According to past and present prophets of doom, the Earth's continental coastal regions was supposed to be completely inundated by hundreds of meters of seawater. In fact the Arctic and Antarctic ice shelf should have vanished 20 years ago! Instead, nature, to put salt into the wound of these false prophets, the ice has never been higher in both locations.
Angelo, what exact topics or positions have you been factually wrong about in the past?

The better question would be...........How many climate catastrophes as espoused by the climate industry have been proven to be bunkum ? 100%?
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