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New report on climate change released today

CO2 is a harmless trace gas that may have at most 0.03% effect on climate. What about the main cause that makes up about 95% of the atmosphere: water vapour which is never mentioned by the activists/alarmists? Is it because fuck all can be done about it, or is it because it doesn't help the left's agenda of destroying the present world order and re-distribution of wealth re Karl Marx's manifesto?

Have you been replaced with a bot?

It's already been explained to you that water vapor is transitory and based on the temperature. While it is an amplifier it is not responsible for change.

And note that there are plenty of us who see the problem with climate without being green idiots.

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Regardless of what America or Australia does, the fact's are that at the present time, over 200 coal powered power generators are being built and another 200 are in the in the planning stage in the developing world as well as in India and China. What kind of gall would it take to tell these nations, that no, you cannot build these power stations to supply cheap reliable energy to the millions of people who are now without power of any kind! Especially here in Australia where the watermelons seem to be setting the agenda in the suicide of the nations economy and the millions of jobs that go with it when our total contribution to the world's CO2 emissions are a paltry 1.3% Like Iv'e said many times already. It's all pain for no gain whatsoever!

Which might be part of Fermi's Paradox.

If they're there, why aren't they here? Exactly! If the evidence is there, why resort to fake news and even more fake science and outright fraud [climategate] and useless predictions which not one has come to pass in the last couple of decades at a minimum. Where's the proof?
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Note the blue spot, just south of Greenland? And the corresponding red spot off the US east coast?

The gulf stream hasn't stopped, but it has slowed. Continuation of that trend could be disastrous for ice cream sales in London.

Note that Australia is basically pure white. He's not experiencing it, therefore it doesn't exist!

That would explain why Australia is such a desirable place to be in. Because we're immune from what's supposed to be a " WORLD WIDE " catastrophe phenomena. In fact, here in sunny Perth Western Australia, we've had a record mild Summer. There's only been two 40C + days this Summer. Way down on our usually 4-6 days of 40C + days.
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Note the blue spot, just south of Greenland? And the corresponding red spot off the US east coast?

The gulf stream hasn't stopped, but it has slowed. Continuation of that trend could be disastrous for ice cream sales in London.

Note that Australia is basically pure white. He's not experiencing it, therefore it doesn't exist!

And yet he's terrified of coloured immigrants. He's not experiencing them either.

Note that it didn't end until the 1970s.

Australia is to a great extent what apartheid South Africa would have been, if the blacks were only 3% of the population. We have a long and pernicious legacy of bigotry to deal with. Australia is basically pure white in many ways.

You're repeating the Greens Party Line. What a load of codswallop!!!
If you, like me, subscribe to the idea that you should defer to relevant expertise in areas which you are not an expert, the whole denialism show looks rather silly.

The “experts” are actually political activists. And the “experts” predictions of catastrophe are consistently and spectacularly wrong so I have no reason to defer to the “experts”.

It really a religion when you accuse people of denying the sanctity of AGW.


If they're there, why aren't they here? Exactly! If the evidence is there, why resort to fake news and even more fake science and outright fraud [climategate] and useless predictions which not one has come to pass in the last couple of decades at a minimum. Where's the proof?

Sticking your head in the sand about the evidence doesn't make it go away.

You're locking onto the sensational claims by idiot reporters, not what the scientists are saying. A reporter's stupidity being wrong isn't evidence of anything other than the reporter's stupidity.

A new report came out about the warming of the oceans. I'm not posting this for the denialist because such people are always going to believe what they want and all the evidence in the world will never convince them. They remind me of young earth creationists, but I digress.

The study, published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, looked at the impact of marine heat waves on the diversity of life in the ocean. From coral reefs to kelp forests to sea grass beds, researchers found that these heat waves were destroying the framework of many ocean ecosystems.

Marine heat waves are said to occur when sea temperatures are much warmer than normal for at least five consecutive days.

Scientists estimate that the oceans have absorbed more than 90 percent of the heat trapped by excess greenhouse gases since midcentury. Humans have added these gases to the atmosphere largely by burning fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas, for energy.

An earlier study by some of the same researchers found that, from 1925 to 2016, marine heat waves became, on average, 34 percent more frequent and 17 percent longer. Over all, there were 54 percent more days per year with marine heat waves globally.

The most severe years tended to be El Niño years. Warmer ocean temperatures are one of the characteristics of an El Niño pattern.

“There’s also some indication that El Niños have been getting more extreme with climate change,” said Eric C. J. Oliver, an assistant professor of physical oceanography at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, who was a co-author of the study. But regional marine heat waves can happen even without an El Niño, he said.

There's a link to the new study, but it's behind a paywall. The article ends by saying that some of these changes may not be reversible.

A new report came out about the warming of the oceans. I'm not posting this for the denialist because such people are always going to believe what they want and all the evidence in the world will never convince them. They remind me of young earth creationists, but I digress.

The study, published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, looked at the impact of marine heat waves on the diversity of life in the ocean. From coral reefs to kelp forests to sea grass beds, researchers found that these heat waves were destroying the framework of many ocean ecosystems.

Marine heat waves are said to occur when sea temperatures are much warmer than normal for at least five consecutive days.

Scientists estimate that the oceans have absorbed more than 90 percent of the heat trapped by excess greenhouse gases since midcentury. Humans have added these gases to the atmosphere largely by burning fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas, for energy.

An earlier study by some of the same researchers found that, from 1925 to 2016, marine heat waves became, on average, 34 percent more frequent and 17 percent longer. Over all, there were 54 percent more days per year with marine heat waves globally.

The most severe years tended to be El Niño years. Warmer ocean temperatures are one of the characteristics of an El Niño pattern.

“There’s also some indication that El Niños have been getting more extreme with climate change,” said Eric C. J. Oliver, an assistant professor of physical oceanography at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, who was a co-author of the study. But regional marine heat waves can happen even without an El Niño, he said.

There's a link to the new study, but it's behind a paywall. The article ends by saying that some of these changes may not be reversible.

Of course the changes are not reversible.

Strap in, the train has just left the station and the planet is in for tens of thousands of years of much warmer temperatures than now.
If they're there, why aren't they here? Exactly! If the evidence is there, why resort to fake news and even more fake science and outright fraud [climategate] and useless predictions which not one has come to pass in the last couple of decades at a minimum. Where's the proof?

Sticking your head in the sand about the evidence doesn't make it go away.

You're locking onto the sensational claims by idiot reporters, not what the scientists are saying. A reporter's stupidity being wrong isn't evidence of anything other than the reporter's stupidity.

And still not a single example of a predicted catastrophe made by any so-called climatologist n the last 2-3 decades that's occurred hey!
In about 800 million years when the sun's expansion and immense heat fries the planet to a crisp, it will still be blamed on CO2, should some climate activist homo sapien sapiens still be around.

The sun has been getting steadily hotter over an immense period of time with no let up. As the sun gets hotter, CO2 levels on Earth are bound to increase. It's the sun not CO2 that's responsible for the perhaps 0.03 C global rise in temperature over the last century or so.
If they're there, why aren't they here? Exactly! If the evidence is there, why resort to fake news and even more fake science and outright fraud [climategate] and useless predictions which not one has come to pass in the last couple of decades at a minimum. Where's the proof?

Sticking your head in the sand about the evidence doesn't make it go away.

You're locking onto the sensational claims by idiot reporters, not what the scientists are saying. A reporter's stupidity being wrong isn't evidence of anything other than the reporter's stupidity.
And don't forget the editors who are trying to generate sales.
Oh this is a belter. "Women too scared of climate change to have children". Some women that were never likely to have children anyway are going on "BirthStrike" to save the planet.


Truly a rapture like cult. But on the upside, these nitwits are not breeding.

And Jerry Brown's "new normal" is getting pissed all over with inches of rain.
If they're there, why aren't they here? Exactly! If the evidence is there, why resort to fake news and even more fake science and outright fraud [climategate] and useless predictions which not one has come to pass in the last couple of decades at a minimum. Where's the proof?

Sticking your head in the sand about the evidence doesn't make it go away.

You're locking onto the sensational claims by idiot reporters, not what the scientists are saying. A reporter's stupidity being wrong isn't evidence of anything other than the reporter's stupidity.

And still not a single example of a predicted catastrophe made by any so-called climatologist n the last 2-3 decades that's occurred hey!

What catastrophe has been predicted to happen by now? By a proper climatologist, not a reporter.

What we have seen is climate-based extinctions and more damaging weather.

And if what we are seeing is random variation, explain this:


article said:
With the five warmest years on record happening during the past five years — and the 20 warmest occurring over the past 22 — a consistent warming trend couldn’t be clearer.
In about 800 million years when the sun's expansion and immense heat fries the planet to a crisp, it will still be blamed on CO2, should some climate activist homo sapien sapiens still be around.

The sun has been getting steadily hotter over an immense period of time with no let up. As the sun gets hotter, CO2 levels on Earth are bound to increase. It's the sun not CO2 that's responsible for the perhaps 0.03 C global rise in temperature over the last century or so.

Quit gluing yourself to Faux Noise.

1) Where does that .03C come from? Way too small.

2) Lets suppose that was the sun. Lets wind things back a couple million years and see where we are--about 600C lower than today. Oops, that's below absolute zero. The solar warming is due to helium building up in the core, it's not going to have sudden glitches.
And still not a single example of a predicted catastrophe made by any so-called climatologist n the last 2-3 decades that's occurred hey!

What catastrophe has been predicted to happen by now? By a proper climatologist, not a reporter.

What we have seen is climate-based extinctions and more damaging weather.

And if what we are seeing is random variation, explain this:


article said:
With the five warmest years on record happening during the past five years — and the 20 warmest occurring over the past 22 — a consistent warming trend couldn’t be clearer.

A natural phenomena that's been happening since the planet was formed around 4.5 billion years ago for christ sake! We are in between a glaciation period at the present time. Temperatures have been steadily rising since the last glaciation. Humanity couldn't stop the natural evolution of the of planet even if it were King Canute!

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The third or fourth time Iv'e posted this.........................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_...th_the_scientific_consensus_on_global_warming
In about 800 million years when the sun's expansion and immense heat fries the planet to a crisp, it will still be blamed on CO2, should some climate activist homo sapien sapiens still be around.

The sun has been getting steadily hotter over an immense period of time with no let up. As the sun gets hotter, CO2 levels on Earth are bound to increase. It's the sun not CO2 that's responsible for the perhaps 0.03 C global rise in temperature over the last century or so.

Quit gluing yourself to Faux Noise.

1) Where does that .03C come from? Way too small.

2) Lets suppose that was the sun. Lets wind things back a couple million years and see where we are--about 600C lower than today. Oops, that's below absolute zero. The solar warming is due to helium building up in the core, it's not going to have sudden glitches.

Fuck me Loren. I really believed you to be a much more intelligent person than what you come across as in your post. Discarding the sun as irrelevant in Earth's global temperature is like believing in Adam & Eve as our first parents!
What catastrophe has been predicted to happen by now? By a proper climatologist, not a reporter.

What we have seen is climate-based extinctions and more damaging weather.

And if what we are seeing is random variation, explain this:


A natural phenomena that's been happening since the planet was formed around 4.5 billion years ago for christ sake! We are in between a glaciation period at the present time. Temperatures have been steadily rising since the last glaciation. Humanity couldn't stop the natural evolution of the of planet even if it were King Canute!

You're missing the speed with which this is happening. Far beyond anything we can find a natural explanation for.

The third or fourth time Iv'e posted this.........................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_...th_the_scientific_consensus_on_global_warming

Repeating shit doesn't make it not shit. You've been shown what's wrong with this.

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In about 800 million years when the sun's expansion and immense heat fries the planet to a crisp, it will still be blamed on CO2, should some climate activist homo sapien sapiens still be around.

The sun has been getting steadily hotter over an immense period of time with no let up. As the sun gets hotter, CO2 levels on Earth are bound to increase. It's the sun not CO2 that's responsible for the perhaps 0.03 C global rise in temperature over the last century or so.

Quit gluing yourself to Faux Noise.

1) Where does that .03C come from? Way too small.

2) Lets suppose that was the sun. Lets wind things back a couple million years and see where we are--about 600C lower than today. Oops, that's below absolute zero. The solar warming is due to helium building up in the core, it's not going to have sudden glitches.

Fuck me Loren. I really believed you to be a much more intelligent person than what you come across as in your post. Discarding the sun as irrelevant in Earth's global temperature is like believing in Adam & Eve as our first parents!

I was showing what was problem with ascribing the warming to the sun getting hotter. The effect is very slow!
You're missing the speed with which this is happening. Far beyond anything we can find a natural explanation for.

The third or fourth time Iv'e posted this.........................https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_...th_the_scientific_consensus_on_global_warming

Repeating shit doesn't make it not shit. You've been shown what's wrong with this.

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In about 800 million years when the sun's expansion and immense heat fries the planet to a crisp, it will still be blamed on CO2, should some climate activist homo sapien sapiens still be around.

The sun has been getting steadily hotter over an immense period of time with no let up. As the sun gets hotter, CO2 levels on Earth are bound to increase. It's the sun not CO2 that's responsible for the perhaps 0.03 C global rise in temperature over the last century or so.

Quit gluing yourself to Faux Noise.

1) Where does that .03C come from? Way too small.

2) Lets suppose that was the sun. Lets wind things back a couple million years and see where we are--about 600C lower than today. Oops, that's below absolute zero. The solar warming is due to helium building up in the core, it's not going to have sudden glitches.

Fuck me Loren. I really believed you to be a much more intelligent person than what you come across as in your post. Discarding the sun as irrelevant in Earth's global temperature is like believing in Adam & Eve as our first parents!

I was showing what was problem with ascribing the warming to the sun getting hotter. The effect is very slow!

According To NASA.................................According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880.

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Is that slow/fast enough for you!
You're missing the speed with which this is happening. Far beyond anything we can find a natural explanation for.

Repeating shit doesn't make it not shit. You've been shown what's wrong with this.

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In about 800 million years when the sun's expansion and immense heat fries the planet to a crisp, it will still be blamed on CO2, should some climate activist homo sapien sapiens still be around.

The sun has been getting steadily hotter over an immense period of time with no let up. As the sun gets hotter, CO2 levels on Earth are bound to increase. It's the sun not CO2 that's responsible for the perhaps 0.03 C global rise in temperature over the last century or so.

Quit gluing yourself to Faux Noise.

1) Where does that .03C come from? Way too small.

2) Lets suppose that was the sun. Lets wind things back a couple million years and see where we are--about 600C lower than today. Oops, that's below absolute zero. The solar warming is due to helium building up in the core, it's not going to have sudden glitches.

Fuck me Loren. I really believed you to be a much more intelligent person than what you come across as in your post. Discarding the sun as irrelevant in Earth's global temperature is like believing in Adam & Eve as our first parents!

I was showing what was problem with ascribing the warming to the sun getting hotter. The effect is very slow!

According To NASA.................................According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880.

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Is that slow/fast enough for you!

Also according to NASA, this is almost entirely due to human activity, and not to increasing solar heating of the Earth.

So are NASA only right when they agree with you?

Or are you just cherry picking, as usual?
You're missing the speed with which this is happening. Far beyond anything we can find a natural explanation for.

Repeating shit doesn't make it not shit. You've been shown what's wrong with this.

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In about 800 million years when the sun's expansion and immense heat fries the planet to a crisp, it will still be blamed on CO2, should some climate activist homo sapien sapiens still be around.

The sun has been getting steadily hotter over an immense period of time with no let up. As the sun gets hotter, CO2 levels on Earth are bound to increase. It's the sun not CO2 that's responsible for the perhaps 0.03 C global rise in temperature over the last century or so.

Quit gluing yourself to Faux Noise.

1) Where does that .03C come from? Way too small.

2) Lets suppose that was the sun. Lets wind things back a couple million years and see where we are--about 600C lower than today. Oops, that's below absolute zero. The solar warming is due to helium building up in the core, it's not going to have sudden glitches.

Fuck me Loren. I really believed you to be a much more intelligent person than what you come across as in your post. Discarding the sun as irrelevant in Earth's global temperature is like believing in Adam & Eve as our first parents!

I was showing what was problem with ascribing the warming to the sun getting hotter. The effect is very slow!

According To NASA.................................According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880.

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Is that slow/fast enough for you!

YES! That's the fucking point! That amount of change in that amount of time is not natural!
So, this is a pin that is STUCK Angelo.

No backsies.

Someone needs to make a chart of all the concessions that Angelo makes and then reneges on. Fucking hilarious.
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