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New report on climate change released today

22,000 years of records aren't evidence???
You must be blind.

22.000 years is less than the blink of an eye in the history of planet Earth. Besides, what happened to the much more recent medieval warming period and or the vast rise in sea levels thousands of years before homo sapiens started using fossil fuels?

Yes, but the current climate change we see happened in less than a blink of an eye in the history of planet Earth. That's the fucking problem. Our current in a blink of an eye situation is unprecedented in the history of planet Earth. That's the fucking problem!

Says who. the con artists and clowns and downright fraudsters in the climate industry? The same clowns who gave you climategate and removed the Medieval warming record from the data so as to present the hockeystick, or Hockeystitch as I call it! Not an ounce of credibility in any of it!
In short. The question that neither politicians or climate scientists can answer is, if 400 PPM of CO2 is too much, how much is just right? Remember that in the past, CO2 in the atmosphere was at times around 1200 parts per million.
And remember that the sun has been getting slowly brighter over the eons--inevitable as helium builds up in the core. That 1200 ppm was when the sun wasn't as bright.

Address this, Angelo, or get out of the thread...

So how does one stop the sun from getting brighter and hotter? I know, shift the Earth out to a new orbit further out from the inevitable sun's expansion? King Canute/Repoman is going to stop it happening by holding up his hands and say: stop
Only if big carbon gets its way. We could go a long way towards cutting fossil fuel use with nuclear plants.

While there is a point where it will be catastrophic (and that point will come in some hundreds of millions of years) 200 ppm won't do it.

It is no accident that the planet is greening in recent years. The plants/crops are thriving because of CO2 increase, enabling us to feed an otherwise hungry world.

Except for the most part this isn't the way it works--increasing CO2 only helps if CO2 is a limiting factor and generally it isn't.

In short. The question that neither politicians or climate scientists can answer is, if 400 PPM of CO2 is too much, how much is just right? Remember that in the past, CO2 in the atmosphere was at times around 1200 parts per million.

And remember that the sun has been getting slowly brighter over the eons--inevitable as helium builds up in the core. That 1200 ppm was when the sun wasn't as bright.

Methinks that the activist/alarmists, and if the sheeple remain in their apathetic state, they will cook the hen that lays the golden egg.

There are some green nuts that would but plenty of us don't want that.

CO2 is a harmless trace gas that may have at most 0.03% effect on climate. What about the main cause that makes up about 95% of the atmosphere: water vapour which is never mentioned by the activists/alarmists? Is it because fuck all can be done about it, or is it because it doesn't help the left's agenda of destroying the present world order and re-distribution of wealth re Karl Marx's manifesto?
Regardless of what America or Australia does, the fact's are that at the present time, over 200 coal powered power generators are being built and another 200 are in the in the planning stage in the developing world as well as in India and China. What kind of gall would it take to tell these nations, that no, you cannot build these power stations to supply cheap reliable energy to the millions of people who are now without power of any kind! Especially here in Australia where the watermelons seem to be setting the agenda in the suicide of the nations economy and the millions of jobs that go with it when our total contribution to the world's CO2 emissions are a paltry 1.3% Like Iv'e said many times already. It's all pain for no gain whatsoever!
Yes, but the current climate change we see happened in less than a blink of an eye in the history of planet Earth. That's the fucking problem. Our current in a blink of an eye situation is unprecedented in the history of planet Earth. That's the fucking problem!

Says who. the con artists and clowns and downright fraudsters in the climate industry? The same clowns who gave you climategate and removed the Medieval warming record from the data so as to present the hockeystick, or Hockeystitch as I call it! Not an ounce of credibility in any of it!

Everyone who has a brain and a clue.

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In short. The question that neither politicians or climate scientists can answer is, if 400 PPM of CO2 is too much, how much is just right? Remember that in the past, CO2 in the atmosphere was at times around 1200 parts per million.
And remember that the sun has been getting slowly brighter over the eons--inevitable as helium builds up in the core. That 1200 ppm was when the sun wasn't as bright.

Address this, Angelo, or get out of the thread...

So how does one stop the sun from getting brighter and hotter? I know, shift the Earth out to a new orbit further out from the inevitable sun's expansion? King Canute/Repoman is going to stop it happening by holding up his hands and say: stop

One doesn't. One would have to be an idiot to even think that is an option.
Teh Gruaniad is quite a laugh;

From Feb 2004 said:
Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters. A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

Teh Gruaniad

From Feb 2019 said:
They were everywhere in London on the weekend. The people in short sleeves or sandals. The ones with sunglasses ostentatiously hanging from the front of their shirts or balanced on top of their heads. The beer gardens and riverside pubs of the capital were heaving; corner shops ran out of ice-cream. Outside it was 17C (62F).

Teh Gruaniad

"corner shops ran out of ice-cream" :hysterical:

A Rapture like cult, certainly at Teh Gruaniad.
CO2 is a harmless trace gas that may have at most 0.03% effect on climate. What about the main cause that makes up about 95% of the atmosphere: water vapour which is never mentioned by the activists/alarmists? Is it because fuck all can be done about it, or is it because it doesn't help the left's agenda of destroying the present world order and re-distribution of wealth re Karl Marx's manifesto?
You have been given an answer to that question few times already. Why are you repeating it?
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In short. The question that neither politicians or climate scientists can answer is, if 400 PPM of CO2 is too much, how much is just right? Remember that in the past, CO2 in the atmosphere was at times around 1200 parts per million.
And remember that the sun has been getting slowly brighter over the eons--inevitable as helium builds up in the core. That 1200 ppm was when the sun wasn't as bright.

Address this, Angelo, or get out of the thread...

So how does one stop the sun from getting brighter and hotter? I know, shift the Earth out to a new orbit further out from the inevitable sun's expansion? King Canute/Repoman is going to stop it happening by holding up his hands and say: stop
I have a harder question: How does one stop Angelo from asking stupid and irrelevant questions.
Teh Gruaniad is quite a laugh;

From Feb 2004 said:
Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters. A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

Teh Gruaniad

From Feb 2019 said:
They were everywhere in London on the weekend. The people in short sleeves or sandals. The ones with sunglasses ostentatiously hanging from the front of their shirts or balanced on top of their heads. The beer gardens and riverside pubs of the capital were heaving; corner shops ran out of ice-cream. Outside it was 17C (62F).

Teh Gruaniad

"corner shops ran out of ice-cream" :hysterical:

A Rapture like cult, certainly at Teh Gruaniad.

If you actually read that first article to which you linked, you will see that the cult in question is the 'overpopulation' cult, who have tried to rejuvenate their busted doomsday prophecy by glomming onto climate change.

The overpopulation cult has been predicting the collapse of civilisation in twenty year's time, ever since the early 1960s.

They specifically warn of wars over limited supplies of water and energy; Neither of which are necessary outcomes of climate change (although energy shortages could be engineered if these idiots are allowed to attempt to replace coal and oil with windmills, solar panels, and unicorn farts).

The prediction of severely cold 'siberian' conditions in the UK are based in the possibility that the thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic could shut down due to an injection of cold fresh water from the melting Greenland icecap. That hasn't yet happened; But it still could - we just don't know if it will be in two decades, or ten, or a hundred. Those are long timespans for humans, but very short on geological scales.


Note the blue spot, just south of Greenland? And the corresponding red spot off the US east coast?

The gulf stream hasn't stopped, but it has slowed. Continuation of that trend could be disastrous for ice cream sales in London.
Teh Gruaniad is quite a laugh;

Teh Gruaniad

Teh Gruaniad

"corner shops ran out of ice-cream" :hysterical:

A Rapture like cult, certainly at Teh Gruaniad.

If you actually read that first article to which you linked, you will see that the cult in question is the 'overpopulation' cult, who have tried to rejuvenate their busted doomsday prophecy by glomming onto climate change.

The overpopulation cult has been predicting the collapse of civilisation in twenty year's time, ever since the early 1960s.

They specifically warn of wars over limited supplies of water and energy; Neither of which are necessary outcomes of climate change (although energy shortages could be engineered if these idiots are allowed to attempt to replace coal and oil with windmills, solar panels, and unicorn farts).

The prediction of severely cold 'siberian' conditions in the UK are based in the possibility that the thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic could shut down due to an injection of cold fresh water from the melting Greenland icecap. That hasn't yet happened; But it still could - we just don't know if it will be in two decades, or ten, or a hundred. Those are long timespans for humans, but very short on geological scales.

View attachment 20357

Note the blue spot, just south of Greenland? And the corresponding red spot off the US east coast?

The gulf stream hasn't stopped, but it has slowed. Continuation of that trend could be disastrous for ice cream sales in London.

Well, one can always swap the ice cream for Kool Aid and elect an Al Gore, or a Flannery in place of Jim Jones!
Well, one can always swap the ice cream for Kool Aid and elect an Al Gore, or a Flannery in place of Jim Jones!

Thank you for sharing the full extent of your knowledge of climate science.
CO2 is a harmless trace gas that may have at most 0.03% effect on climate. What about the main cause that makes up about 95% of the atmosphere: water vapour which is never mentioned by the activists/alarmists? Is it because fuck all can be done about it, or is it because it doesn't help the left's agenda of destroying the present world order and re-distribution of wealth re Karl Marx's manifesto?

Have you been replaced with a bot?

It's already been explained to you that water vapor is transitory and based on the temperature. While it is an amplifier it is not responsible for change.

And note that there are plenty of us who see the problem with climate without being green idiots.

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Regardless of what America or Australia does, the fact's are that at the present time, over 200 coal powered power generators are being built and another 200 are in the in the planning stage in the developing world as well as in India and China. What kind of gall would it take to tell these nations, that no, you cannot build these power stations to supply cheap reliable energy to the millions of people who are now without power of any kind! Especially here in Australia where the watermelons seem to be setting the agenda in the suicide of the nations economy and the millions of jobs that go with it when our total contribution to the world's CO2 emissions are a paltry 1.3% Like Iv'e said many times already. It's all pain for no gain whatsoever!

Which might be part of Fermi's Paradox.
View attachment 20357

Note the blue spot, just south of Greenland? And the corresponding red spot off the US east coast?

The gulf stream hasn't stopped, but it has slowed. Continuation of that trend could be disastrous for ice cream sales in London.

Note that Australia is basically pure white. He's not experiencing it, therefore it doesn't exist!
View attachment 20357

Note the blue spot, just south of Greenland? And the corresponding red spot off the US east coast?

The gulf stream hasn't stopped, but it has slowed. Continuation of that trend could be disastrous for ice cream sales in London.

Note that Australia is basically pure white. He's not experiencing it, therefore it doesn't exist!

And yet he's terrified of coloured immigrants. He's not experiencing them either.

Note that it didn't end until the 1970s.

Australia is to a great extent what apartheid South Africa would have been, if the blacks were only 3% of the population. We have a long and pernicious legacy of bigotry to deal with. Australia is basically pure white in many ways.
View attachment 20357

Note the blue spot, just south of Greenland? And the corresponding red spot off the US east coast?

The gulf stream hasn't stopped, but it has slowed. Continuation of that trend could be disastrous for ice cream sales in London.

Note that Australia is basically pure white. He's not experiencing it, therefore it doesn't exist!

And yet he's terrified of coloured immigrants. He's not experiencing them either.

Note that it didn't end until the 1970s.

Australia is to a great extent what apartheid South Africa would have been, if the blacks were only 3% of the population. We have a long and pernicious legacy of bigotry to deal with. Australia is basically pure white in many ways.
LOL, you didn't look at the temperature map, did you? :)
And yet he's terrified of coloured immigrants. He's not experiencing them either.

Note that it didn't end until the 1970s.

Australia is to a great extent what apartheid South Africa would have been, if the blacks were only 3% of the population. We have a long and pernicious legacy of bigotry to deal with. Australia is basically pure white in many ways.
LOL, you didn't look at the temperature map, did you? :)

Well that went right over your head.
Well that went right over your head.
Yes it did. I should have read more than the first sentence.
But to be fair, your post is, in fact, disconnected, and therefore it is your fault.
here, let me correct your post:
And he is also terrified of coloured immigrants. He's not experiencing them either.
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If you, like me, subscribe to the idea that you should defer to relevant expertise in areas which you are not an expert, the whole denialism show looks rather silly.
If you, like me, subscribe to the idea that you should defer to relevant expertise in areas which you are not an expert, the whole denialism show looks rather silly.

I am partially sympathetic to a healthy mistrust of "experts" (think Iraq War lead up) at certain times, but for AGC this is just dumb. From the top to bottom this theory of ACG is extremely sound. You can also go and make your own instruments and get the same facts as these experts.

This is not a case of like the Iraq war where we had to rely ONLY on US/UK intelligence. The evidence is everywhere.

It is not a fear issue with angelo and Tswizzle, it is a power issue that is feeding into this lack of processing. The power of thinking that they alone are smart enough to see through the brainwashing. They have been tricked by Exxon and Koch somehow, some NLP voodoo worked on them somehow.

This topic of AGC has FUCK ALL to do other types of propaganda - either war mongering like Iraq, Gulf of Tonkin on one hand or thinking trannies boxing women is a good idea on the other. This shit is cut and fucking dry.
If you, like me, subscribe to the idea that you should defer to relevant expertise in areas which you are not an expert, the whole denialism show looks rather silly.

The “experts” are actually political activists. And the “experts” predictions of catastrophe are consistently and spectacularly wrong so I have no reason to defer to the “experts”.

It really a religion when you accuse people of denying the sanctity of AGW.
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