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New report on climate change released today

The only thing that was missing in this latest doomsday cult was a Jim Jones figure which has now being filled by a teenager who has mental problems.
What kind of "mental problems"?

Isra Hirsi is a climate activist and Rep. Ilhan Omar's oldest daughter:
Teen activist Isra Hirsi on US Youth Climate Strikes w/ climate scientist Josh Willis & Andy Cobb - YouTube
Representative Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Takes On Climate Change | NBC News Now - YouTube
Imagine How Great America Could Be If We Listened To This Teen - YouTube

Climate Crisis Summit with Bernie and AOC - YouTube - I decided to watch the whole thing, because of hints of interesting things discussed there.

Francis Kickey started with how he is a dairy and crop-plant farmer, and he described regenerative agriculture, getting carbon back into the soil.

Then Molly Crabapple, the illustrator for AOC's GND video. We see in the background some of her work: some workers installing solar panels, some wind turbines, and some construction workers doing something.

Then Michelle Skywalker of the Omaha Tribe and in the Nebraska Democratic Party. She was a Standing Rock water protector, and she mentions how some floods in Nebraska got little publicity.

Then Zina Precht-Rodriguez of the Sunrise Movement. She talked about coming across a video of Sunrise Movement activists doing a sit-in in a Congressional office building and confronting Nancy Pelosi. She then joined that movement and other activist movements.

Then Charice Mortice, a retired schoolteacher, who has lived in Des Moines her entire life. She got involved with foreclosure activism.

Then Chris Petersen, a family farmer and family-farm activist. Notes that many pig farms are CAFO's - factory farms. Many family farmers have second jobs in nearby towns.

Then Ross Gruders(?), a railroad labor-union official. Proposes electric freight railroads.

A completely brain washed, empty, unstable mind is too close to a schizophrenic mind!
A completely brain washed, empty, unstable mind is too close to a schizophrenic mind!
Says a person who apparently knows nothing of schizophrenia...

...which I suppose goes in line with their knowledge on the climate and American politics.

So at least the baseline is stable.
A completely brain washed, empty, unstable mind is too close to a schizophrenic mind!
Says a person who apparently knows nothing of schizophrenia...

...which I suppose goes in line with their knowledge on the climate and American politics.

So at least the baseline is stable.

It's a well known fact the brat is autistic. And it showed. A brainwashed autistic is exactly what was allowed to rant and rave at the discredited UN. Lecturing adults how dare you. I'd say how dare someone gave this brat the right to speak and lecture in what's supposed to be a world body for peace and human rights!
Supreme Court allows climate change scientist's defamation suit against National Review

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court refused on Monday to shield two conservative writers from being sued for defamation by a climate-change expert whom they accused of having “molested and tortured data in the service of politicized science.”

Good stuff! Too little too late, however, I'm afraid. The irony is just too much these days. Thank-you SCOTUS for getting this one right.

It that was presented in a proper court room, then surely the defendants would bring up the Climategate emails!
A completely brain washed, empty, unstable mind is too close to a schizophrenic mind!
Says a person who apparently knows nothing of schizophrenia...

...which I suppose goes in line with their knowledge on the climate and American politics.

So at least the baseline is stable.

It's a well known fact the brat is autistic. And it showed. A brainwashed autistic is exactly what was allowed to rant and rave at the discredited UN. Lecturing adults how dare you. I'd say how dare someone gave this brat the right to speak and lecture in what's supposed to be a world body for peace and human rights!
Autism isn’t schizophrenia!

The rest of your post is just so inauthentic.
Teh Grauniad covers the angst of a hunger striker who is prepared to die as a martyr unless Nancy Pelosi agrees to meet with Extinction Rebellion;

I am willing to starve to death, if that would help initiate real climate action, because I refuse to stand by and allow my nieces and nephews to live through a dark age of starvation, disease, and war. My parents tearfully urged me to stop, but how can I, when Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models estimate temperatures that would make the planet unlivable? I certainly don’t want to die at the age of 27, but I am willing to do what is necessary to advance action against this climate emergency.

Teh Grauniad

Rather than indulge this idiot, Teh Grauniad should see to it that this individual get psychiatric help. Perhaps the lack of nourishment has made the person delirious already. Hard to tell.

Climate emergency/crisis, a rapture like cult.
AOC introduced "my brother, my tio", Bernie Sanders, using the Spanish word for uncle.

BS then talked about how he had been aware of upcoming climate problems for a long time. As to expense, he makes the point that AOC does, that not doing anything is also very expensive. The last five years are the warmest ones on record. Then he noted how much other nations spend on armed forces. Dangerously hot days in Iowa could jump from 5 days/year to 40 days/year by 2050. Floods could get worse.

But there's hope. Iowa now gets 30% of its electricity from wind power.

Building upgrades with energy efficiency and electric heating, smart grids. Safe water supplies, labor unions. "Not me, us." We need a big activist movement of all sorts of people. Mass movements of people demanding change - labor unions, civil-rights activists, feminist activists, gay-rights activists.

Then he invited AOC back to the stage, and the two answered questions. BS stated that he was forwarding the very hard questions to AOC.

Someone asked what being let down in politics is like, and AOC gave a very interesting answer. Politics at its best is like love, how much we love each other, and being disappointed in politics is like being disappointed in love. One might decide that one is never going to love again, but one will become very angry and anxious. When she went to Black Lives Matter rallies, she started feeling better about herself. She was helping others, and that helped her. Going to Standing Rock with two friends in a borrowed Subaru also helped her. Her anxiety lifted and she felt much better.

Then about those who say that socialism = totalitarianism, and what about guns. BS responded by saying that socialism means billionaires not buying elections, economic rights are human rights, and stuff like Canada's national health insurance. He has fought totalitarianism, whether Left and Right, and he believes in one person one vote. As to guns, he rejects the National Rifle Association. AOC adds that if one is concerned with authoritarianism, then one ought to be concerned with "the occupant of the White House right now." She considers democracy a very good thing, something to be expanded into our economy and our workplaces. She says that "you shouldn't check your rights at the door when you go to work." The Right believes in the absolute sovereignty of employers over workplaces, meaning that right-wingers ought to have defended President Clinton's firing of some White-House travel agencies and Google's firing James Damore, instead of screaming bloody murder about those actions.

Then what to do with increasing automation. BS: a Federal jobs guarantee. More people in education, and with better jobs there. Rebuild infrastructure. AOC seems to think that automation will make a lot of jobs more feasible, like caring for elders.

Someone asked a long question about Syria and Bashar Assad's regime and BS said that Assad was horrible though not much more.

Then someone on Puerto Rico as a microcosm of national problems. AOC spoke. Her father tried to run a business in the Bronx. She went to school in a nearby suburb. She was with her family in Puerto Rico in a lot of summers, because her parents couldn't afford childcare. She then noted the 3000 deaths there from Hurricane Maria and how they happened afterward, and called US policy there "colonialism". I myself noted that Trump seemed to have a grudge against Puerto Rico that he did not seem to have towards Texas and Florida. Not just PR, but also Guam and the US Virgin Islands. She proposed that the US government respect whichever vote PR takes on its status, and not attach conditions like making English the official language.

Then someone on what to tell one's kids and grandkids if they ask what one did about climate disasters. BS said that he did what he could. AOC described running for the primary and people asking what she intended to do if she lost. She had no plan, because she was concentrating on winning. The last question was on the Israel-Palestine issue, whether finding fault with some of Israel's activities makes one an anti-Semite or a self-hating Jew. BS responded that one can support both Israel and Palestinians.

A lot of this was about other things, but AOC mentioned that being an activist was very helpful for her personally - she felt much less anxious and much less despairing - not only being an activist, but being a campaigner and eventually running for Congress.

So if climate troubles are getting you down, then become a climate activist.
This Is What Climate Change Sounds Like - The New York Times
Lately, to convey the urgency of climate change at a personal level, scientists have begun translating its dry data points into heart-rending melodies.

“Music is really visceral,” said Stephan Crawford, founder of The ClimateMusic Project, a San Francisco-based group that creates music based on climate data. “Listening to a composition is an active experience, not just a passive one. It can make climate change feel more personal and inspire people to take action.”
I don't see how music would do it, but if these people want to do that, they can try.

‘Bleak’ U.N. Report on a Planet in Peril Looms Over New Climate Talks - The New York Times
In bleak report, U.N. says drastic action is only way to avoid worst effects of climate change - The Washington Post
From the NYT,
Global greenhouse gas emissions have grown by 1.5 percent every year over the last decade, according to the annual assessment. The opposite must happen if the world is to avoid the worst effects of climate change, including more intense droughts, stronger storms and widespread hunger by midcentury. To stay within relatively safe limits, emissions must decline sharply, by 7.6 percent every year, between 2020 and 2030, the report warned.

Separately, the World Meteorological Organization reported on Monday that emissions of three major greenhouse gases — carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide — have all swelled in the atmosphere since the mid-18th century.

Coal use is declining sharply, especially in the United States and Western Europe, according to an analysis by Carbon Brief. Renewable energy is expanding fast, though not nearly as fast as necessary. City and state governments around the world, including in the United States, are rolling out stricter rules on tailpipe pollution from cars.

Young people are protesting by the millions in rich and poor countries alike. Even in the United States, with its persistent denialist movement, how to deal with climate change is a resonant issue in the presidential campaign.
We have the tools, so it's necessary to have the political will to use them. Wind energy - there. Solar energy - there. Batteries - close to there. Synfuels - almost but not quite there.
Teh Grauniad covers the angst of a hunger striker who is prepared to die as a martyr unless Nancy Pelosi agrees to meet with Extinction Rebellion;

I am willing to starve to death, if that would help initiate real climate action, because I refuse to stand by and allow my nieces and nephews to live through a dark age of starvation, disease, and war. My parents tearfully urged me to stop, but how can I, when Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models estimate temperatures that would make the planet unlivable? I certainly don’t want to die at the age of 27, but I am willing to do what is necessary to advance action against this climate emergency.

Teh Grauniad

Rather than indulge this idiot, Teh Grauniad should see to it that this individual get psychiatric help. Perhaps the lack of nourishment has made the person delirious already. Hard to tell.

Climate emergency/crisis, a rapture like cult.

Just like the thousands who still await the rapture to happen when Jeezus will appear in the sky and call out to his followers, [ the long time dead will also all magically re-appear with Jeezus ]. This new religious cult differs somewhat by removing the deity. In line with the 21st century idea that perhaps there's no such thing as god/gods after all!
Teh Grauniad covers the angst of a hunger striker who is prepared to die as a martyr unless Nancy Pelosi agrees to meet with Extinction Rebellion;

I am willing to starve to death, if that would help initiate real climate action, because I refuse to stand by and allow my nieces and nephews to live through a dark age of starvation, disease, and war. My parents tearfully urged me to stop, but how can I, when Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models estimate temperatures that would make the planet unlivable? I certainly don’t want to die at the age of 27, but I am willing to do what is necessary to advance action against this climate emergency.

Teh Grauniad

Rather than indulge this idiot, Teh Grauniad should see to it that this individual get psychiatric help. Perhaps the lack of nourishment has made the person delirious already. Hard to tell.

Climate emergency/crisis, a rapture like cult.

Just like the thousands who still await the rapture to happen when Jeezus will appear in the sky and call out to his followers, [ the long time dead will also all magically re-appear with Jeezus ]. This new religious cult differs somewhat by removing the deity. In line with the 21st century idea that perhaps there's no such thing as god/gods after all!

I don't see it like that. To me it's more similar to how the British people wanted nothing to do with Churchill's dire warnings about Hitler and Nazism. Eventually, but only after many years of burying their heads in the sand, did they come around and reluctantly embrace his words.

It's natural for people to be lazy and not want to fight, to pretend that everything is rosy scenario. This is how climate change will play out.
Just like the thousands who still await the rapture to happen when Jeezus will appear in the sky and call out to his followers, [ the long time dead will also all magically re-appear with Jeezus ]. This new religious cult differs somewhat by removing the deity. In line with the 21st century idea that perhaps there's no such thing as god/gods after all!

I don't see it like that. To me it's more similar to how the British people wanted nothing to do with Churchill's dire warnings about Hitler and Nazism. Eventually, but only after many years of burying their heads in the sand, did they come around and reluctantly embrace his words.

It's natural for people to be lazy and not want to fight, to pretend that everything is rosy scenario. This is how climate change will play out.

Exactly. When faced with a problem that has only ugly answers an awful lot of people react by denying the problem. Having a bunch of vested interests encouraging them to deny it makes it much worse.
New Paper Reveals Rail Industry Was Leader in Climate Denial Efforts | DeSmog
A recent paper analyzing the major players in the organized efforts to attack climate change science and delay action had a surprising revelation — the biggest contributing industry/sector was not oil and gas but rail/steel/coal with the most active organization in the climate denial movement being the Association of American Railroads (AAR).
That's because a big part of US railroad companies' business is coal.
Coal has historically been the biggest business for U.S. rail, and still generates over 16% of Class 1 rail revenue in 2018, according to the AAR. Without coal the U.S. rail industry has a major revenue problem — which explains the decades of climate denial activity documented in this new paper.
Much like how Exxon knew the science of climate change long before it started spending big money to mislead the public about that reality, the rail industry and the AAR have done the same with safety measures like modern electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brakes.
Heatwaves are also a problem for railroads:
In March, the journal Transport Policy published the paper Impacts of Climate change on Operation of US Rail Networks that estimated the costs of temperature increases due to climate change could reach $45 to $60 billion by 2100.

Temperatures extremes — both hot and cold — cause big problems for railroads because metal rails don’t react well to extreme temperatures. The industry has known for years about “sun kinks” which is the term for when metal rails buckle in extreme heat which can cause train derailments.
It's not just heat.
Extreme temperatures are not the only climate related problem facing the railroads. Due to the favorable topography, rail lines tend to follow bodies of water and often travel along lakes, rivers and the ocean putting much of the rail infrastructure at risk of extreme weather causing flooding and sea level rise flooding tracks.

One well known risk is the Northeast Corridor of Amtrak — the busiest stretch of track in the country that runs from Boston to Washington, D.C. — which is at risk of chronic flooding due to sea level rise.
Much of it is very close to sea level, much like most of the cities along its route.
Like this man says. If one wishes to find out the truth re the bogus Apocalypse, follow the money!


Ignoring the conservative money that flows to the few who are for sale.

Pales to insignificance as compared to the climate industry!

Irrelevant--the question is how many dollars per scientist. If they're being bought it's by the side that pays the most--and that's the conservatives.
AOC retweeted this:
Molly Jong-Fast on Twitter: "Exxon knew they were killing the planet in 1977, And they kept going. https://t.co/wmStHWsI2N" / Twitter

The linked tweet contains a graph with annotations in German. Translations:

Tausende von Jahren
Letzte Eiszeit
Beginn der Landwirtschaft
Aktuelles Interglazial
Erwartete naturliche Abkühlung
Durch CO2-Emissionen hervogeufenes Interglazial

Thousands of years
Last ice age
Beginning of agriculture
News Interglacial
Expected natural cooling
CO2-induced interglacial

That graph contains predicted (black) vs. actual (dark red) temperature for the last 150,000 years. The prediction was made with Milankovitch astronomical cycles of summer solar influx at high northern latitudes - that controls how the glaciers there come and go.

James Black sagte 1977 die Klimakrise voraus - leider arbeitete er bei Exxon - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ein Forscher sagte schon 1977 den Klimawandel voraus - leider arbeitete er bei Exxon
Fossile Großkonzerne wie Exxon wussten früh über den Klimawandel Bescheid - doch die Öffentlichkeit führten sie jahrzehntelang in die Irre. Ein Fall reicht sogar bis in die Siebzigerjahre zurück.

Google Translate:
James Black predicted the climate crisis in 1977 - unfortunately he worked for Exxon
One researcher predicted climate change as early as 1977 - unfortunately he worked for Exxon
Fossil corporations like Exxon knew about climate change at an early stage - but the public was misleading it for decades. One case even goes back to the seventies.
Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "In 1977, Exxon scientist James Black warned executives of the "effect of CO2 on an interglacial scale." His knowledge of historical global temps & prediction of a "carbon dioxide induced 'super-interglacial'" (in black) was remarkably consistent w/ today's best models (red). 1/n https://t.co/YQpLELfDCV" / Twitter

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "2/n: In @SPIEGELONLINE today, @rahmstorf discusses Exxon's early understanding of paleoclimate and its significance to ongoing climate litigation: [url]https://t.co/1n4JuWWaes #ExxonKnew" / Twitter[/url]

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "3/n: Exxon's original 1977 graph is here: [url]https://t.co/lCjMSc9mk4 https://t.co/GfRpIx0wSi" / Twitter[/url]

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "4/n: Compare Exxon's early, detailed knowledge of climate science above against this pamphlet they published *21 years* later, which conveniently omits their projected CO2-induced "super-interglacial" and instead promotes "debate about climate change" by arguing "it isn't new". https://t.co/NJpSnEG0hA" / Twitter

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "5/n: Or take this ExxonMobil ad in @nytimes, *23 years* after Black's internal warning, which argues: "Against this backdrop of large, poorly understood natural variability, it is *impossible*...to attribute the recent small surface temperature increase to human causes." https://t.co/IBsMi91PtR" / Twitter

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "6/n: It is dichotomies like these, & ExxonMobil's weaponization of its early climate knowledge to promote doubt, that led me & @NaomiOreskes to conclude that ExxonMobil knowingly & systematically misled the public about climate change and its implications: https://t.co/JfzGR9Sy2d" / Twitter

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "7/n: Ref: Exxon's 1998 pamphlet is here: [url]https://t.co/CWBugAJjfY
Ref: ExxonMobil's 2000 NYT advertorial is here: https://t.co/GlLE7BrIQV
Ref: My & @NaomiOreskes peer-reviewed analysis of ExxonMobil's climate communications: https://t.co/o4ddD6ALX2" / Twitter[/url]

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "8/n: P.S. An interesting addendum is that, as @rahmstorf notes in his article (according to Google Translate), "Black underestimated the duration of the warming..."" / Twitter

Geoffrey Supran on Twitter: "9/n: "What he did not know at the time, since this detail was only understood since the beginning of the 2000s: the increased levels of CO2 in the air will continue for tens of thousands of years, and not decline within a few millennia of the end of emissions."" / Twitter
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