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New report on climate change released today

Opinion | What Exxon Mobil Didn’t Say About Climate Change - The New York Times
Scrutiny is mounting on the world’s largest publicly traded oil and gas company. On multiple legal fronts the question is being asked: Did Exxon Mobil’s communications about climate change break the law?
By lying about what they expected to happen from CO2 emissions.

Prof. Katharine Hayhoe on Twitter: "@ptdnldsn Pat, the next glacial maximum had already been delayed by the development of agriculture and associated deforestation before the dawn of the industrial revolution. If you would like to learn more, I recommend: https://t.co/s76XHmQJPB" / Twitter
From the Amazon book description:
Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum: How Humans Took Control of Climate:
By William F. Ruddiman

The impact on climate from 200 years of industrial development is an everyday fact of life, but did humankind's active involvement in climate change really begin with the industrial revolution, as commonly believed? Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum has sparked lively scientific debate since it was first published--arguing that humans have actually been changing the climate for some 8,000 years--as a result of the earlier discovery of agriculture.

The "Ruddiman Hypothesis" will spark intense debate. We learn that the impact of farming on greenhouse-gas levels, thousands of years before the industrial revolution, kept our planet notably warmer than if natural climate cycles had prevailed--quite possibly forestalling a new ice age.

Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum is the first book to trace the full historical sweep of human interaction with Earth's climate. Ruddiman takes us through three broad stages of human history: when nature was in control; when humans began to take control, discovering agriculture and affecting climate through carbon dioxide and methane emissions; and, finally, the more recent human impact on climate change. Along the way he raises the fascinating possibility that plagues, by depleting human populations, also affected reforestation and thus climate--as suggested by dips in greenhouse gases when major pandemics have occurred. While our massive usage of fossil fuels has certainly contributed to modern climate change, Ruddiman shows that industrial growth is only part of the picture. The book concludes by looking to the future and critiquing the impact of special interest money on the global warming debate. In the afterword, Ruddiman explores the main challenges posed to his hypothesis, and shows how recent investigations and findings ultimately strengthen the book's original claims.
Is there anything that cannot be blamed on the climate emergency/crisis/catastrophe/apocalypse/rapture ?

Hot weather increases the risk of early childbirth, which in turn is linked to worse health and developmental outcomes for children, a major new study has found. The report could have fresh implications for the impact of global heating on human health. Unless action is taken to mitigate the risks, by the end of the century an additional 42,000 babies will be delivered early annually in the US. The study concludes: “Increased exposure to hot weather with climate change is likely to harm infant health.”

Teh Grauniad

But never fear, there is always a solution;

“Electrification and access to air conditioning should be a part of any effort to protect pregnant women and infants in developing countries,” said Allan Barreca, lead researcher with the University of California’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. “But developed countries, like the US or England, should be paying developing countries to electrify with renewable sources, like wind or solar, so we avoid producing more greenhouse gas emissions.”

It really is a religion.
If you check my posts here you will see that I am probably the most convinced and shrill about how fucked climate change will be. But this guy has some great points:

Consumers have to pay.

There's no solution to the problem unless we --

increase gasoline taxes and

increase electricity bills for energy produced by coal.

Someone has to tell the crybabies what they don't want to hear.
A better solution would be accept the inevitable and adapt or perish as humankind can't do a thing about it despite it's best efforts. Remember, extinction is the rule not an exception on planet Earth.
There's no solution to the problem unless we --

increase gasoline taxes and

increase electricity bills for energy produced by coal.

Someone has to tell the crybabies what they don't want to hear.
Cry babies? Is that the power producers or the coal mine owners?
A better solution would be accept the inevitable and adapt or perish as humankind can't do a thing about it despite it's best efforts. Remember, extinction is the rule not an exception on planet Earth.

Ok, so why not say the same thing for high rate of Islamic immigration. Just adapt.

But you are saying that human induced climate change iis not happening.
There's no solution to the problem unless we --

increase gasoline taxes and

increase electricity bills for energy produced by coal.

Someone has to tell the crybabies what they don't want to hear.

Actually, I object to this approach. Don't do it piecemeal, tax CO2 emissions.
There's no solution to the problem unless we --

increase gasoline taxes and

increase electricity bills for energy produced by coal.

Someone has to tell the crybabies what they don't want to hear.

Actually, I object to this approach. Don't do it piecemeal, tax CO2 emissions.

I agree. Tax Carbon Dioxide emissions, and if practical, Methane emissions too (particularly fugitive Methane from all elements of the natural gas industry).

No subsidies; No special treatment; No minimum wholesale prices; And all CO2 emissions taxed at the same rate across the board.

But it's not going to happen.
A better solution would be accept the inevitable and adapt or perish as humankind can't do a thing about it despite it's best efforts. Remember, extinction is the rule not an exception on planet Earth.

Ok, so why not say the same thing for high rate of Islamic immigration. Just adapt.

But you are saying that human induced climate change iis not happening.

I never said GW/CC/CD is not happening. I said that that's what Climate does, it changes, and has been doing so for over 4 billion years. It's a huge leap to associate muslim migration with adaption to GW/CC/CD. Muslim ideology is not compatible to the Western World, and without drastic reforms, [very unlikely] it will never be! And that's something the Western World can do something about before this death cult reaches such numbers as 20-50% of a Western World's population.
This, another James Randi type challenge, with not quite a million dollar prize, but nevertheless relevant. A group of REAL scientist have thrown out this challenge to anyone who can scientifically prove the minute amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is causing GW/CC/CD.

To emphasize its claim that there is no convincing evidence that carbon dioxide causes temperature warming beyond natural cyclical limits long observed and recorded, the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition has offered the Professor Augie Auer prize of $10,000, to be granted to the first applicant to present real-world evidence showing that the man-made fraction of airborne carbon dioxide causes dangerous global warming.

•In honor of the late AUGIE AUER, Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Wyoming, Chief Meteorologist for the MetService, co-founder of the NZ Climate Science Coalition and much-loved scientist of the highest integrity, members of the Coalition have established a fund now totaling $10,000 to be granted to the first applicant to present real-world evidence showing that the man-made fraction of airborne carbon dioxide causes dangerous global warming.
There's no solution to the problem unless we --

increase gasoline taxes and

increase electricity bills for energy produced by coal.

Someone has to tell the crybabies what they don't want to hear.

Actually, I object to this approach. Don't do it piecemeal, tax CO2 emissions.

I agree. Tax Carbon Dioxide emissions, and if practical, Methane emissions too (particularly fugitive Methane from all elements of the natural gas industry).

No subsidies; No special treatment; No minimum wholesale prices; And all CO2 emissions taxed at the same rate across the board.

But it's not going to happen.
Sure it will, once cold fusion becomes viable. :thinking:
Climate change/emergency/crisis/catastrophe/rapture etc, really is a religion;

The climate emergency is a “challenge of civilisation” requiring sweeping changes to economic systems, but political leaders have not done enough, the pope has said in a message to governments meeting at the annual climate summit in Madrid.

Kat Kramer, the global climate lead at Christian Aid, welcomed the message from the Holy See: “The pope’s intervention in 2015, Laudato si’, helped to secure the Paris agreement, and pushed the cause of global cooperation. It’s a sad reflection on the lack of progress since then that he feels the need to once again make the moral case for action.

Teh Grauniad

Nice to see the leader of one of the world's most prolific pedophile rings taking a moral stand on the important stuff.

Various faith groups prayed for action on the climate on Tuesday at the COP, and on Friday morning will bring a giant clock to the venue to “sound the alarm” on the climate crisis.

Climate change, a rapture like cult.
How can CO2 emissions be reduced WITHOUT a higher gas tax?

There's no solution to the problem unless we --

increase gasoline taxes and

increase electricity bills for energy produced by coal.

Someone has to tell the crybabies what they don't want to hear.

Actually, I object to this approach. Don't do it piecemeal, tax CO2 emissions.

How are the emissions to be taxed? "tax CO2 emissions" is just a meaningless slogan unless it translates into higher gas tax.

Any such CO2 tax has to include higher price for gas and for electricity generated by coal.

Whatever form it takes, it must force all consumers individually to pay a higher price for their fossil fuel consumption, which has to mean higher price at the pump and higher utility bills. I.e., it means the crybabies have to give up their entitlement to cheap gas.

That means all drivers, all consumers of energy would have an incentive to change to non-carbon alternatives. Those who don't change must pay higher prices.

What form of carbon emissions is greater than that of gasoline consumption and coal-produced electricity? Obviously taxing these directly, at higher than the current rate, will greatly reduce carbon emissions.

Of course there are other forms of carbon emissions which also should be taxed. And those costs would be passed on to consumers. Like the higher gas taxes paid by truckers would be passed on in the form of higher prices. Direct users would pay the tax, but this higher cost would be distributed around to everyone.

If individual consumers are not taxed directly, forcing them individually to pay higher prices, incentivizing them to change, how are the emissions to be reduced?
The worldwide surge in deadly measles outbreaks is showing no sign of abating, with nearly 10 million cases and 142,000 deaths last year, according to new estimates, and three times more cases reported so far this year than at the same stage in 2018. Most of those dying are small children, and thousands more suffer harm including pneumonia and brain damage. New scientific evidence shows survivors are at greater risk soon afterwards because their immune system is impaired.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where not enough children have been immunised because of conflict and low-quality health services, more than 4,500 people have died from measles this year – more than the death toll from Ebola.

Teh Grauniad

A bit of rain or cold weather gets the youth of today out on the streets in droves, playing truant and a Swedish kid's field trip to the USA gets wall to wall coverage.

Tens of thousands children dying due to a lack of health care, *crickets*. Too occupied with this irrational obsession with CO2 and the evils of "fossil fuels" and "big oil".
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