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New report on climate change released today

Another article proclaiming the demise of humans from Teh Gruaniad. And it's all linked to the weather/climate emergency/crisis/collapse/breakdown etc.;

The world is facing a series of interlinked emergencies that are threatening the existence of humans, because the sum of the effects of the crises is much greater than their individual impacts, according to a new global study. Climate breakdown and extreme weather, species loss, water scarcity and a food production crisis are all serious in themselves, but the combination of all five together is amplifying the risks of each, creating a perfect storm that threatens to engulf humanity unless swift action is taken.

Teh Gruaniad

A Rapture like cult.
Of course the coronavirus is caused by GW/CC/CD. Just about every single event, including volcanic eruptions all over the planet are blamed on it, why not this virus?
Good point. I think GW can go away if we merely mock it.

Not mocking GW/CC/CD. I'm mocking the cultists and doomsayers who like religious worshipers take it as fact.
Yeah, that is pretty much mocking it.
Man, can you imagine, not if GW is like religion, but if religion was like GW?

If 99.99% of all the theologians in the world agreed on one religious ideology?
If they could chart religious trends and participation going back thousands upon thousands of years?
Imagine if they could drill ice cores that supported the Sermon on the Mount?
Or found The Ark and fossilized tracks of Penguins, Tapirs, Kangaroos, Auks, and Grizzlies in Ararat?
Yeah, that is pretty much mocking it.
Man, can you imagine, not if GW is like religion, but if religion was like GW?

If 99.99% of all the theologians in the world agreed on one religious ideology?
If they could chart religious trends and participation going back thousands upon thousands of years?
Imagine if they could drill ice cores that supported the Sermon on the Mount?
Or found The Ark and fossilized tracks of Penguins, Tapirs, Kangaroos, Auks, and Grizzlies in Ararat?

The similarity is belief with no admitted possibility of being wrong.
The fact is that with real science it does not take a consensus but consilience. As I have said many times before, models aren't science unless the model is programmed according to a theory and other models of the exact same theory produce the exact same results. A model that predicts dates and locations of eclipses works because the underlying physics is correct. Evolution is considered a fact by educated people due, not to modeling, but consilience.
It is never right to silence dissenters without listening carefully. It is never right to discount any report due to source.
Don't silence Flat-Earthers -- just debunk their arguments with facts.
Don't silence Climate Change Skeptics -- debunk with real science -- not consensus.
Don't silence Dark Matter Skeptics -- find DM and prove them wrong (unsuccessfully so far).
Don't silence Ark believers -- just prove them wrong.
This "cancel culture" of politics (No, I won't listen to opposing views and I won't let anyone else either.) does not belong in science. If, on the other hand the Climate Scare _is_ political (It was introduced by a politician after all) then the non-doomsayers (Catastrophe Deniers) will be silenced as a political move.

Scary GW theory -- we must act today or die in 12 years -- CO2 is poison -- mankind is a hazard to life on the planet, so much so that we will kill everything else. That theory is the one I object to even though it is popular among non-scientists who cannot investigate themselves but _must_ believe authority. Most of the folks here on this site can investigate and see what those persistent "deniers" are saying.

SO FAR the models based on CAGW theory have all predicted more warming than has happened. (Well, the Russian model is not all that high, but the other dozens all are.) This does not give me any confidence in their next prediction.
Yeah, that is pretty much mocking it.
Man, can you imagine, not if GW is like religion, but if religion was like GW?

If 99.99% of all the theologians in the world agreed on one religious ideology?
If they could chart religious trends and participation going back thousands upon thousands of years?
Imagine if they could drill ice cores that supported the Sermon on the Mount?
Or found The Ark and fossilized tracks of Penguins, Tapirs, Kangaroos, Auks, and Grizzlies in Ararat?

The similarity is belief with no admitted possibility of being wrong.
Yeah, that isn't what is happening. That'd be a strawman.

The fact is that with real science it does not take a consensus but consilience.
I'll take splitting hairs for $1600 Alex.
A model that predicts dates and locations of eclipses works because the underlying physics is correct. Evolution is considered a fact by educated people due, not to modeling, but consilience.
When do we get to the point where the earth has been monitored to have (past tense) warmed notably over the the last couple of decades. Because you keep ripping on the models, but we have observations indicating the temperature is rising. Coral is bleaching globally, the tundras are thawing.

You keep mentioning models, but keep forgetting we have observations... lots of them. This isn't some sort of thing where a guy was typing data into a model and then scientists starting lighting their heads on fire. We are witnessing the very fact that the Earth is warming. And you want to discuss models.
It is never right to silence dissenters without listening carefully.
No, can't agree.
I mean, freedom of speech suggests not silencing someone in any case, but if the dissent appeals to a PRATT, I certainly stop listening. They've flogged their emotional bitching and lost all credibility.
It is never right to discount any report due to source.
Can't agree there, either. If they're bringing up a known fraud as their dissent, such as Dr. Dino, they've sacrified all credibility.
If they bring up a fraud as PART of their dissent, that's probably worse, because even if they have some credible report, they cannot distinguish between fraud and fact. They're just throwing everything they can find (that agrees with their desired conclusion) at the problem.
Don't silence Flat-Earthers -- just debunk their arguments with facts.
But why grant an idiot the pretense of credibility by engaging?
If they're a Flat Earther, they did not get to that position by logic, but by emotions. Debunking their argument just gets ME labeled as part of the conspiracy.
Good grief, Teh Gruaniad just gets more and more unhinged;

"It makes sense” is the first thing to say about the phenomenon being described by psychologists as climate anxiety. Wherever in the world you live, there are very good reasons to feel anxious about the rate of global heating and the lack of adequate action to tackle it by governments, businesses and organisations of all sorts. The predicted consequences are frightening: hotter weather in already inhospitable places, sea-level rises caused by melting ice sheets, and increased disruption of weather systems leading to floods, fires, hurricanes, food and water shortages – with the linked biodiversity crisis another cause for grave concern.

Teh Gruaniad

It really has all the trappings of a religion, right down to it's vegan dietary requirements.

A Rapture like cult.
Good grief, Teh Gruaniad just gets more and more unhinged;

"It makes sense” is the first thing to say about the phenomenon being described by psychologists as climate anxiety. Wherever in the world you live, there are very good reasons to feel anxious about the rate of global heating and the lack of adequate action to tackle it by governments, businesses and organisations of all sorts. The predicted consequences are frightening: hotter weather in already inhospitable places, sea-level rises caused by melting ice sheets, and increased disruption of weather systems leading to floods, fires, hurricanes, food and water shortages – with the linked biodiversity crisis another cause for grave concern.

Teh Gruaniad

It really has all the trappings of a religion, right down to it's vegan dietary requirements.

A Rapture like cult.

You keep forgetting the hyphen in your last phrase and it is setting off my OCD. If you're going to be the "this is fine" dog sitting in the burning house, at least use proper punctuation.
So much for keeping religion of of school;

in England, climate change barely figures on the national curriculum, and campaigners complain that schools are not required to teach it directly. Properly taught, climate change could fit into subject areas across the curriculum...... etc
Teh Gruaniad

This will give the creationists hope they can shoe in their agenda into the curriculum. I mean, if they teach it properly, why not ?

A-Rapture like cult.
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Then close the thread or move to elsewhere.

Why? To satisfy your science denialism?

I much prefer keeping it open for the world to see a prime example of willful ignorance every time you post.

To stop you whining about the same shit being posted on the thread. We all know it's the same shit and has been for months. I wasn't the one that bumped it up after it fell off page one, I never do.

I much prefer keeping it open for the world to see a prime example of willful ignorance every time you post.

The world ?!! LOL, giving your mind a treat there fella. It's the same handful of posters that looks at this shit thread. But as I said, it's fine by me.

To stop you whining about the same shit being posted on the thread. We all know it's the same shit and has been for months. I wasn't the one that bumped it up after it fell off page one, I never do.

I much prefer keeping it open for the world to see a prime example of willful ignorance every time you post.

The world ?!! LOL, giving your mind a treat there fella. It's the same handful of posters that looks at this shit thread. But as I said, it's fine by me.

LOL right back atcha. You bumped this thread twice just in the last six posts.

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:
Iv'e already posted this elsewhere, but for those who may have missed it.........................................School-Skipping Brat To Get BBC TV Series.

BBC to produce TV series about Greta Thunberg's life
© getty
The BBC will produce a series about 17-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, the studio’s pseudoscience unit announced Monday at its BBC Showcase trade show.

“The series will follow Greta’s international crusade, which takes her to the front line of climate change in some of the most extraordinary places on earth, as she explores what actions could be taken to limit climate change and the damage it causes,” the BBC said in a statement, as reported by The Wrap.
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