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New report on climate change released today

Models don't work well on chaotic systems (like weather).

WUT? "All models are wrong. Some are useful" If you work in or study modeling, you've surely heard that.

I look at regional and local radar-based models every morning because, although we all make fun of frequent predictions gone wrong, those models are useful. Virtually everyone uses them.

Both climate and weather are chaotic, but neither is stochastic.
Oh ffs, is there no end to this silliness?

University of Derby are running art therapy sessions for those suffering 'eco-anxiety' -an issue brought to the forefront of public attention by 17-year-old activist Greta Thunberg. Participants are encouraged to express their feelings about climate change through 'poetry and movement'. One student attending the therapy sessions, Claire Prowse, said climate change makes her feel like she is 'not going to have a future'. She told the BBC: 'It makes me very anxious because every time I look at the news I rarely see any good news about the environment. It just makes me think I'm not going to have a future.'


Instead of indulging these idiots they should be told to get a fucking grip and stop reading the claptrap pushed by the MSM, Teh Gruaniad in particular.

A Rapture cult.
Oh ffs, is there no end to this silliness?

University of Derby are running art therapy sessions for those suffering 'eco-anxiety' -an issue brought to the forefront of public attention by 17-year-old activist Greta Thunberg. Participants are encouraged to express their feelings about climate change through 'poetry and movement'. One student attending the therapy sessions, Claire Prowse, said climate change makes her feel like she is 'not going to have a future'. She told the BBC: 'It makes me very anxious because every time I look at the news I rarely see any good news about the environment. It just makes me think I'm not going to have a future.'


Instead of indulging these idiots they should be told to get a fucking grip and stop reading the claptrap pushed by the MSM, Teh Gruaniad in particular.

A Rapture cult.

You see what conservatives are doing to these children. They have no hope for the future and a feeling they cannot control anything. We're going to die soon so we don't have to worry, but they do.
Listen to these idiots who don't have a clue!.
On even days, Al Gore is lying and making a fortune off this fraud. On odd days, he is an idiot who actually believes these things.

Of course no one actually knows what goes in Gore's mind but Gore. I dunno. No one knows but Gore. But, given that he's a politician, I will indulge in stereotyping: Politicians are known to customarily shade the truth for appearance sake. They lie. Gore is probably no exception so anything he says it to be taken with a mountain of salt. And, fraud or not, he has made a fortune off of carbon credits.

All of this should be subject to unbelief. Doubt. Doubt religions which rest on belief. Doubt fringe theories that rest on belief. Doubt even common sense -- collected wisdom.
When the debate is between believers and deniers I see a religious squabble. If it is 97% then the 3% should be heard and debunked with experimental science. Computer models are not experimental science. I can make a computer model any flavor you name, any tune you call. A piece of cake or chopsticks -- your choice.

I continue with my in-any-case solution. Whether the mainstream or the fringe is right there is at least one common solution. Nuclear generation immune from meltdown by design. Some can use spent waste from existing nuclear technology as fuel.
If CO2 is a pollutant causing significant global warming you may note that no CO2 is emitted.
If CO2 has little effect and the warming of the 1940s-1970s repeated anyway we can use the power for air conditioning.
If CO2 has little effect and there comes global cooling we can use the power for heat.

In what universe is this not a solution to electric generation? We could even, over time, become smaller and smaller grids until each is neighborhood sized; immune from wide scale outages.

Hold on. You're making too much sense for these cultists. You either agree with them or be damned!
Those are the same people who think PhDs are useless. Hypocrites one and all.

Meanwhile, capitalism evangelists are bitching about how we can't afford to deal with it... while saying Al Gore and the Deep State of Climate Change are making a fortune off of it.

How? Have any of them explained HOW to make a fortune off it, other than to work for fossil fuel companies?

There's gold in them thar hills of green/renewables. Taxpayer subsidies to wind/solar are in the trillions. Would be even more had Killery won [ in the US at least] in 2016 instead of the Trump.
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all....

If I'd only read the IPCC publications, Broecker, Hansen, Ramanathan, and Mann I would be convinced of CAGW.
If I had only seen presentations by Watt, Soon, and Lord Monckton I would be convinced.that CAGW is not just wrong, but knowingly wrong -- a fraud.
Should I have only viewed potholer54 and not tony heller I would be persuaded that CAGW is a concern. (I subscribe to both.)
Had I viewed stuff by the global cooling fringe (Ice Age Farmer, GSM, Adapt2030,) you get the pattern.
I even view the catastrophe predicting fringe Suspicious Observers (the CIA is hiding that the Sun is gonna fry us and there are underground bunkers already stocked for the rich.)) Mars-sized grain of salt?

Given the fact that progress in science is made by disagreeing with the current consensus, painting all deniers with the same broad brush (you can't be right, I won't listen) is a religious position.

I've looked at climate from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's climate's illusions I recall
I really don't know climate at all....
Those are the same people who think PhDs are useless. Hypocrites one and all.

Meanwhile, capitalism evangelists are bitching about how we can't afford to deal with it... while saying Al Gore and the Deep State of Climate Change are making a fortune off of it.

How? Have any of them explained HOW to make a fortune off it, other than to work for fossil fuel companies?

There's gold in them thar hills of green/renewables. Taxpayer subsidies to wind/solar are in the trillions. Would be even more had Killery won [ in the US at least] in 2016 instead of the Trump.
I think Trump is a disease and people lie like him more these days. Subsides in the trillions?!
There's gold in them thar hills of green/renewables. Taxpayer subsidies to wind/solar are in the trillions. Would be even more had Killery won [ in the US at least] in 2016 instead of the Trump.
I think Trump is a disease and people lie like him more these days. Subsides in the trillions?!

The Trump ain't the disease. The left and the Dems are much more deadly to the well being of America and the Western world in particular. Most if not all " quite Americans " have had a gut full of GND and do gooder like politicians. The proof is before you in the UK, Australia and the US [2016] where the left was soundly defeated, and is looking likely it will defeated by an even larger margin come November.
There's gold in them thar hills of green/renewables. Taxpayer subsidies to wind/solar are in the trillions. Would be even more had Killery won [ in the US at least] in 2016 instead of the Trump.
I think Trump is a disease and people lie like him more these days. Subsides in the trillions?!

The Trump ain't the disease. The left and the Dems are much more deadly to the well being of America and the Western world in particular. Most if not all " quite Americans " have had a gut full of GND and do gooder like politicians. The proof is before you in the UK, Australia and the US [2016] where the left was soundly defeated, and is looking likely it will defeated by an even larger margin come November.
IS there anything, anything at all that cannot be blamed on the "climate crisis/emergency" ?

Climate breakdown and the global crisis of environmental degradation are increasing violence against women and girls, while gender-based exploitation is in turn hampering our ability to tackle the crises, a major report has concluded.

Teh Gruaniad

It really is a religion.
IS there anything, anything at all that cannot be blamed on the "climate crisis/emergency" ?

Climate breakdown and the global crisis of environmental degradation are increasing violence against women and girls, while gender-based exploitation is in turn hampering our ability to tackle the crises, a major report has concluded.

Teh Gruaniad

It really is a religion.
It is like arguments against impeachment. Fishing in the fringed edges of the argument, ignoring the basis of the actual argument. The Earth continues to warm. The impacts are being seen.
IS there anything, anything at all that cannot be blamed on the "climate crisis/emergency" ?

Climate breakdown and the global crisis of environmental degradation are increasing violence against women and girls, while gender-based exploitation is in turn hampering our ability to tackle the crises, a major report has concluded.

Teh Gruaniad

It really is a religion.

The existence of idiots who misunderstand an issue is not evidence that that issue doesn't exist.

Your continued inability to grasp this simple fact leads me to worry about your psychiatric health - have you recently suffered a head trauma or other injury that could be affecting your cognitive and reasoning functions?
IS there anything, anything at all that cannot be blamed on the "climate crisis/emergency" ?

Climate breakdown and the global crisis of environmental degradation are increasing violence against women and girls, while gender-based exploitation is in turn hampering our ability to tackle the crises, a major report has concluded.

Teh Gruaniad

It really is a religion.

The existence of idiots who misunderstand an issue is not evidence that that issue doesn't exist.

Your continued inability to grasp this simple fact leads me to worry about your psychiatric health - have you recently suffered a head trauma or other injury that could be affecting your cognitive and reasoning functions?

It's just a head ache.
Those greedy capitalists don't care about people's health risks as long as fracking makes them barrels of moola in profits. [sar]
Those greedy capitalists don't care about people's health risks as long as fracking makes them barrels of moola in profits. [sar]
You misspelled, "I don't like to read."

While the article has a few issues I'd take up with it, it does raise some legitimate concerns.

Yeah. Heavy metals are a real issue. Radioactivity almost never is.
Climate change? What's that?


Climate scientists on Friday revealed the latest troubling new observation in Antarctica, illustrating the consequences of the rapid warming of the area brought on by the manmade climate crisis.

As The Guardian reported Friday, researchers stationed at the Esperanza research station at the northern tip of the Antarctic peninsula found that temperatures reached 64.9º Fahrenheit (18.3º Celsius)—the highest temperature logged since scientists began recording the continent’s temperature in 1961.

It's much colder here in Georgia today! Tom Friedman once said that climate change should be called, "global weirding". I think. he was right. The earth is getting warmed but not in all places at the same time. That seems to confuse some people, who don't seem to understand the difference between climate and weather.
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