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Oh My! Another Email Scandal

I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" juxtaposed with Ivanka and complete outrage from all sides... 24/7.

But, instead, the democrats are going to lose yet another opportunity at leveling the playing field.

LOL indeed.

So you're blaming the Democrats for not being as evil as the Republicans.

I suppose you also blame Christians for not following Satan?
Ivanka Trump’s email hypocrisy is especially grating — and reeks of sexism | Salon.com
Now his own beloved daughter is doing the same thing Clinton was accused of doing. What makes so many liberals furious is that this offers another reminder of how insignificant the Clinton email story was, and also that Trump and the media always knew it was insignificant, but blew it up into a massive scandal anyway.

But I think the Ivanka email story isn't just about that. There's a gender angle at work here as well. As Robert Reich pointed out on Twitter, there's a long list of male Trump officials — who hold their current positions only because of the nonsensical Clinton email story — doing exactly what Clinton was relentlessly hounded for doing, which is using a private email account for government business.
Author Amanda Marcotte continued with how pResident Trump has created a security risk even bigger than those private e-mail servers by continuing to use an unsecured cellphone. Yet that story has not gotten the publicity that one might expect it to deserve.

She suggests that Republicans' attacks on Hillary Clinton's e-mail server and the Benghazi scandal are ways of expressing their stereotypes of women as incompetent and untrustworthy.
But Ivanka Trump is willing to play to sexist stereotypes about women's incompetence in a way that Clinton wasn't, at least if it's advantageous to do so. When confronted about the email issue by Washington Post reporters, Trump's spokesperson portrayed her as an innocent child who simply didn't know better, even though she had witnessed her father opportunistically carrying on about Clinton and emails on the campaign trail.

This response "exemplifies the doe-in-the-headlights demeanor she often exhibits when the expectations of her political know-how and skill become too high," Emily Stewart at Vox argues, pointing out that Ivanka Trump will act naive every time she gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Ivanka Trump’s private email excuse: she didn’t know it was a bad idea - Vox by Emily Stewart: "She violated the rules by using personal email but wants you to believe she didn’t know better."
This is why there should be rules against nepotism in government positions ... or enforcement of existing rules against nepotism, whichever the case may be.

Ivanka is either a senior government adviser who deserves the respect due to her position or she's some dude's daughter whom they let hang out in the building, depending on what the situation requires. It's a very weird and nebulous state to have someone in.
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" juxtaposed with Ivanka and complete outrage from all sides... 24/7.

But, instead, the democrats are going to lose yet another opportunity at leveling the playing field.

LOL indeed.

You're like the guy who laughs at the lines that
aren't punchlines, or laughs too loudly to show you get the joke, when in fact, you don't even know why the joke is funny.
oh. :embarassed:
See, reasonable people would've looked at the Hillary thing and said that she should be more careful, and that more stringent and modern protocols should be adhered to, etc. It was barely newsworthy. We all make mistakes, overstep our bounds from time to time, etc. That should've been the beginning and end of it.
but it wasn't. It very well was the thing that we can all point to and say, "that's what blew the election for Hillary".. that and Benghazi.
But like with the Benghazi bullshit, fascist radio hosts, Fox News, and the GOP whipped conservative halfwits into a frenzy over a thing that just wasn't that important. Then, the hysteria built on stupid lies took on a life of its own.
Yes. Exactly. and it worked to put him in power. Take your stupid white cowboy hat off and realize that the results (getting in power so you can impose your high moral standards, etc..) are what matters in today's politics... which are like they are because of the internet and smartphones, not Trump. He's just the one that exploited the new Real better than anyone else... just like politics ALWAYS was... the best exploiter wins, regardless of 'the times'.
We're laughing not because we're outraged by Ivanka's ignorance, but because of the hypocrisy, and the manufactured outrage over Hillary's emails and Benghazi. See, 4 people died in the Benghazi thing, but some 66 embassy personnel were killed when Bush/Cheney was POTUS. Where was the outrage then? I'll tell you where it was: it was in its proper place because non-idiots understand that bad things happen and that those bad things are not always within our government's control. And where was the outrage over the literal millions of deleted emails from Bush/Cheney? Republicans did not give the most apathetic fuck on earth about it.
How so very mature and thoughtful. Tell me, how many people on the street do you run into over the course of your lifetime that you would attribute such high moral standards and maturity to? anyone? anyone? anyone at all? How many of those no one vote?
Conservatives are so utterly full of shit that we have no choice but to laugh. By feigning outrage, we point out how fucking absurd conservative "outrage" is. And maybe some day, when it hits home for you personally ('cause it's not going to happen any other way), you'll wake up and realize just how horribly you've been duped by the monsters you support.

Who do I support? please tell me, it's important that I know... otherwise I won't know what to say to who or when.... It's almost Thanksgiving so please tell me quickly so I know which family member to argue with.
"The man who laughs has simply not yet had the terrible news."
- B. Brecht

Poor GN has yet realized that the party supporting all those ridiculous ideals and shunning the dishonest strongman tactics of teh Donald, just ROUTED some 40-odd Republican weasels out of the House of Representatives, had a total vote margin of almost 9%, captured 7 previously Rethuglican Governorships, have won almost 400 state-level seats and are poised to call the corrupt administration to account.

It's almost Thanksgiving so please tell me quickly so I know which family member to argue with.

From all appearances you'll argue with all of them.
It's almost Thanksgiving so please tell me quickly so I know which family member to argue with.

You shouldn't argue with conservative relatives. Just get them drunk and then stay away from them. So when they start yapping about terrorist caravans or Ben Gozzy, just ask if you can get them a drink. Then get it for them and go somewhere else. They will be happy and you will remain sane. The only real danger is if they're armed.
"The man who laughs has simply not yet had the terrible news."
- B. Brecht

Poor GN has yet realized that the party supporting all those ridiculous ideals and shunning the dishonest strongman tactics of teh Donald, just ROUTED some 40-odd Republican weasels out of the House of Representatives, had a total vote margin of almost 9%, captured 7 previously Rethuglican Governorships, have won almost 400 state-level seats and are poised to call the corrupt administration to account.

Shun all you want... (I have this picture of someone standing there wagging their fingers at the mountains, yelling "I shun you!"
It's almost Thanksgiving so please tell me quickly so I know which family member to argue with.

From all appearances you'll argue with all of them.

You are probably right about that.
I should be hearing "lock her up" and clips of Trump speaking about "the emails" juxtaposed with Ivanka and complete outrage from all sides... 24/7.

But, instead, the democrats are going to lose yet another opportunity at leveling the playing field.

LOL indeed.

So you're blaming the Democrats for not being as evil as the Republicans.
yes... insofar as tactics used to gain power, the democrats can be blamed for failing to utilize (or seemingly even to understand) the tools proven effective.
I suppose you also blame Christians for not following Satan?

Not sure I understand.
It's almost Thanksgiving so please tell me quickly so I know which family member to argue with.

You shouldn't argue with conservative relatives. Just get them drunk and then stay away from them. So when they start yapping about terrorist caravans or Ben Gozzy, just ask if you can get them a drink. Then get it for them and go somewhere else. They will be happy and you will remain sane. The only real danger is if they're armed.

You shouldn't argue with anyone over politics on Thanksgiving... I was just kidding. Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday during the civil war to bring a literally divided nation together on the same day to give thanks for what we have in common and can share with each other.
This Thanksgiving it is particularly important to remember that. All of you.

Also, no responsible gun owner would touch a firearm while intoxicated. It's not safe, and it is also illegal.
aren't punchlines, or laughs too loudly to show you get the joke, when in fact, you don't even know why the joke is funny.
oh. :embarassed:
See, reasonable people would've looked at the Hillary thing and said that she should be more careful, and that more stringent and modern protocols should be adhered to, etc. It was barely newsworthy. We all make mistakes, overstep our bounds from time to time, etc. That should've been the beginning and end of it.
but it wasn't. It very well was the thing that we can all point to and say, "that's what blew the election for Hillary".. that and Benghazi.
But like with the Benghazi bullshit, fascist radio hosts, Fox News, and the GOP whipped conservative halfwits into a frenzy over a thing that just wasn't that important. Then, the hysteria built on stupid lies took on a life of its own.
Yes. Exactly. and it worked to put him in power. Take your stupid white cowboy hat off and realize that the results (getting in power so you can impose your high moral standards, etc..) are what matters in today's politics... which are like they are because of the internet and smartphones, not Trump. He's just the one that exploited the new Real better than anyone else... just like politics ALWAYS was... the best exploiter wins, regardless of 'the times'.
We're laughing not because we're outraged by Ivanka's ignorance, but because of the hypocrisy, and the manufactured outrage over Hillary's emails and Benghazi. See, 4 people died in the Benghazi thing, but some 66 embassy personnel were killed when Bush/Cheney was POTUS. Where was the outrage then? I'll tell you where it was: it was in its proper place because non-idiots understand that bad things happen and that those bad things are not always within our government's control. And where was the outrage over the literal millions of deleted emails from Bush/Cheney? Republicans did not give the most apathetic fuck on earth about it.
How so very mature and thoughtful. Tell me, how many people on the street do you run into over the course of your lifetime that you would attribute such high moral standards and maturity to? anyone? anyone? anyone at all? How many of those no one vote?
Conservatives are so utterly full of shit that we have no choice but to laugh. By feigning outrage, we point out how fucking absurd conservative "outrage" is. And maybe some day, when it hits home for you personally ('cause it's not going to happen any other way), you'll wake up and realize just how horribly you've been duped by the monsters you support.

Who do I support? please tell me, it's important that I know... otherwise I won't know what to say to who or when.... It's almost Thanksgiving so please tell me quickly so I know which family member to argue with.

Like I said, you don't get that you don't get it, even when you're told that you're not getting it.

And take your bullshit, "Who do I support?" and set that platter of idiotic bad faith in front of people stupid enough to swallow it.

You have nothing insightful to offer, nor a position from which you can make an argument. You've said you're not educated, and it shows. Badly. It doesn't take a college degree to be educated, but it does take effort.

As close as I can tell, you think that doing anything to get power, regardless of the methods, is what should be done. And that's like bragging that you knocked up some woman and fooled someone else into paying child support, and somehow thinking there's nothing wrong with that--hell, it even shows how clever you are.
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It's almost Thanksgiving so please tell me quickly so I know which family member to argue with.

You shouldn't argue with conservative relatives. Just get them drunk and then stay away from them. So when they start yapping about terrorist caravans or Ben Gozzy, just ask if you can get them a drink. Then get it for them and go somewhere else. They will be happy and you will remain sane. The only real danger is if they're armed.

Nah, just start their dinner with a nice romaine lettuce salad.

Two Republican members of Congress have begun questioning Ivanka Trump's use of private email for government business, in what is seen by people close to the White House as a sign of things to come for the president’s family.

... and then the rest of the article is about the imagined "things to come".

So, like I said, not much on emailgate II.

Two Republican members of Congress have begun questioning Ivanka Trump's use of private email for government business, in what is seen by people close to the White House as a sign of things to come for the president’s family.

... and then the rest of the article is about the imagined "things to come".

So, like I said, not much on emailgate II.

Keep chanting "not much... not much... not much", and click your heels together three times. Maybe come February it will be gone! Good luck!
You're like the guy who laughs at the lines that aren't punchlines, or laughs too loudly to show you get the joke, when in fact, you don't even know why the joke is funny.
I have agrowing suspicion that there is either a certain type of people that laugh, not at things that are funny, but serve to support their worldviews.

It's the opposite of humor where we hit a mental spped-bump, and our way of thinking is jostled out of the rut. This just smoothly progesses along, adding inertia.

It is by no means limited to consevatives. But good molly, miss Golly, they do tell a lot of them.
... and then the rest of the article is about the imagined "things to come".

So, like I said, not much on emailgate II.

Keep chanting "not much... not much... not much", and click your heels together three times. Maybe come February it will be gone! Good luck!

I welcome evidence of the claim that "much" is going on with this. You seem so excitable, Elixir... calm down, buddy. I like reading your point of view, but no one is falling for your projection here. I'm not chanting "lock her up", I am showing you why the Dems failed (as usual) to use this story effectively. That is and has always been my very transparent MO here.
In reading the article, I see two republican members of a committee are looking into it... that was the first two sentences. The remaining two pages of the article were about the "what else might happen in the future about other investigations into other people".

Hillary deleted emails that existed only on her personal server that were under subpoena. That is illegal... on top of the violations of the government records laws.
Ivanka deleted nothing (at least, no one is claiming she did). The emails in question remain on the government email server.. .the government security controls were not bypassed... but rules were likely violated by having a copy on a non-government controlled server.

This is just the Democrats failing to convince, as usual.

Both women violated a regulation. Hillary violated it far more profoundly in duration, breadth, and (allegedly) content.
Lets call them both equal in that area, even though it is not, not even by a little.
On top of Hillary's far more extensive violation of that regulation, she broke additional laws by attempting to cover up the violation though contempt of court, by violating the order to produce said emails. instead, she destroyed the evidence. People go to jail for that crime all the time... the contempt of court thing, not the violation of the records act.

You see, the line is "lock her up", and it works... if the Dems tried that routine, it would come out like "Remit Ivanka to corrections for infringing on the government's right to protect data from various unnamed threat actors" (and then wonder why everyone just blinks at them).
Both women violated a regulation. Hillary violated it far more profoundly in duration, breadth, and (allegedly) content.
Lets call them both equal in that area, even though it is not, not even by a little.
On top of Hillary's far more extensive violation of that regulation, she broke additional laws by attempting to cover up the violation though contempt of court, by violating the order to produce said emails. instead, she destroyed the evidence. People go to jail for that crime all the time... the contempt of court thing, not the violation of the records act.

Was there a regulation against using private email during Hillary's time of usage? I don't believe there was. It was made against the law after the Clinton scandal.
You see, the line is "lock her up", and it works... if the Dems tried that routine, it would come out like "Remit Ivanka to corrections for infringing on the government's right to protect data from various unnamed threat actors" (and then wonder why everyone just blinks at them).

Surely someone would be happy to come here and simply chant "FUCK TRUMP! FUCK TRUMP!" ad nauseum, as you seem to recommend. Someone else might be willing to spoon feed you more details about why the silly Trump bitch's transgression is greater than Hillary's than you can shake your denial stick at. I'm not one of either ilk, sorry. I'm happy to put in some more popcorn and watch would-be enablers of this administration finding new ways to apply egg to their faces. Thanks for participating!
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