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Okay, now is a good time to start panicking

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
President Donald Trump signed a presidential memorandum Saturday that removed the nation's top military and intelligence advisers as regular attendees of the National Security Council's Principals Committee, the interagency forum that deals with policy issues affecting national security.

The executive measure established Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon as a regular attendee, whereas the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence will be allowed to participate only "where issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed."

Alright, this doesn't seem like that big of a deal on the surface. But it is truly something worth panicking about. Removed from the Principles group are the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Director National Intelligence. Replaced with, Steven Bannon, who apparently served in the Navy for 7 years, so that apparently makes him qualified for being on one of the most important sets of meetings in DC.

This is a consolidation of power, but more importantly influence, and Bannon is the focus. This is very bad shit.
Steve Bannon said:
“I’m a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
Yep. :rolleyes:
A sane man would want to read up on what happened to that state Lenin crashed.
"Aw, give him a chance! He hasn't destroyed our way of governance yet. Give him a chance!"
Is that a legit quote?
Maybe. It's from a secondary source.
The Daily Beast article by Ronald Radosh said:
I met Steve Bannon—the executive director of Breitbart.com who’s now become the chief executive of the Trump campaign, replacing the newly resigned Paul Manafort—at a book party held in his Capitol Hill townhouse on Nov. 12, 2013. We were standing next to a picture of his daughter, a West Point graduate, who at the time was a lieutenant in the 101 Airborne Division serving in Iraq. The picture was notable because she was sitting on what was once Saddam Hussein’s gold throne with a machine gun on her lap. “I’m very proud of her,” Bannon said.

Then we had a long talk about his approach to politics. He never called himself a “populist” or an “American nationalist,” as so many think of him today. “I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.

Shocked, I asked him what he meant.

“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon was employing Lenin’s strategy for Tea Party populist goals. He included in that group the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as the traditional conservative press.

I emailed Bannon last week recalling our conversation, telling him that I planned to write about it and asking him if he wanted to comment on or correct my account of it. He responded:

“I don’t remember meeting you and don’t remember the conversation. And as u can tell from the past few days I am not doing media.”
I'm waiting for Il Douchebag to have the officers in the military sign "personal loyalty oaths" to it, just like Hitler did with the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe.

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I'm waiting for Il Doughebag to have the officers in the military to sign "personal loyalty oaths" to it, just like Hitler did with the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe.

You think, we've got the Constitution, we are insulated. We shouldn't have a problem. George W. Bush stepped down and there was never any fear at all he wouldn't. It was just 8 bad years. With Trump, however, there are very troubling indicators. Removing the DNI from the Principles, which a group that discusses National Security, is a big fucking red flag that can't be ignored.
President Bannon should be able to sit wherever he wants.
Bannon's ideology is going to play an important role in setting policy. Scary shit and it's coming fast and hard. Another thing I think many are not considering is, we look at all the bad actors Trump is surrounding himself with and we weigh them individually. We need to consider them from the team aspect, the collective evil.
I'm tellin' ya. We're at the mercy of the GOP. Lindsey Graham is looking like a friend these days.
And god, I hope I'm wrong but I'll bet dollars to doughnuts, Trump tries to fill the Supreme Court vacancy with that asshole from Alabama.
I'm waiting for Il Douchebag to have the officers in the military sign "personal loyalty oaths" to it, just like Hitler did with the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe.


Yeah. It's an interesting comparison. But I don't think it would work out for Trump like it did for good old Adolf. This isn't the Weimar Republic. The problem with Germany in the late 20's and 30's was that it's military never really supported the Government. The senior military officers had not grown up in democracy and freedom, but under monarchy and autocracy. They had no love for the Weimar Constitution. Our military and history are profoundly different. Trump can't really count on them to simplistically carry out his every order without question. The JCS wouldn't be afraid to tell him to fuck off if they had to. They would know that any such call by Trump would mean the end of our government. Even if some did, far, far too many wouldn't. It would indeed lead to blood shed within the military. There are far too many officers and enlisted who already don't support Trump. The military is full of minorities. Hispanics and African Americans won't follow those orders most likely and there are many other liberal types throughout the armed forces. I just don't see many, if any, willing to take such an oath.

I am confused, it looks like Trump does not want anybody to attend these meetings, literally nobody, just an empty room
I am confused, it looks like Trump does not want anybody to attend these meetings, literally nobody, just an empty room

Why is that confusing? The presence of anyone else in the room engenders the possibility that they might call bullshit on him. And that is something that the pussy grabber simply cannot handle.
I am confused, it looks like Trump does not want anybody to attend these meetings, literally nobody, just an empty room
You don't seem to understand the term "consolidation" as it relates to power and influence.
President Bannon should be able to sit wherever he wants.

Trump Removes Stephen Bannon From National Security Council Post - NY Times

Moreover, Mr. Bannon’s Svengali-style reputation has chafed on a president who sees himself as the West Wing’s only leading man. Several associates said the president had quietly expressed annoyance over the credit Mr. Bannon had received for setting the agenda — and Mr. Trump was not pleased by the “President Bannon” puppet-master theme promoted by magazines, late-night talk shows and Twitter.

With all this "consolidation" and gutting agencies of talented and experienced personnel, Trump will own all the failures sure to follow. And failures there will be as Trump is utterly incompetent. As is our GOP mismanaged Congress. So, yes, he will be a one term president, if in fact he doesn't get his sorry ass impeached.

Any historian collecting material for a post mortem on the Trump presidency is going to have their work cut out for them. On the positive side, Trump will save G.W. Bush the ignominy of being labelled the worst president in US history.
The Marxist idea is that the State only exists to preserve capitalism (schools and religion to brainwash, police to bully, army to fight for markets and kill workers etcetera), whereas mugs like this man seriously suppose you can rob the majority without making them pay for their oppression.
With all this "consolidation" and gutting agencies of talented and experienced personnel, Trump will own all the failures sure to follow. And failures there will be as Trump is utterly incompetent. As is our GOP mismanaged Congress. So, yes, he will be a one term president, if in fact he doesn't get his sorry ass impeached.

I'm holding out for a military coup d'etat...:cool::D

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