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Pastor Warns Of “Tsunami” Of Gay People Unleashed By Anderson Cooper That Only Laura Ingalls Wilder Can Stop

Wait, they let the Irish in trains? Aren't they worried about them getting drunk and fighting with the customers who weren't too poor to buy tickets?

Nowadays we have to let the Irish ride inside the trains because the PC police are persecuting us and taking away our freedom! ;)
what an idiot, he thinks homosexual orientation can be taught.
what keeps him from learning to be gay?
I'm sure he can come up with the proper influence that would cause him to be gay, right?
I thought it was just bizarre that people think sexuality is so easily "transmitted" by suggestion alone. I know there are some who will explore and try whatever they see, but I don't believe that's anything but a small minority.

Then I realized that religious fundamentalists are so averse to exploring and appreciating their own sexuality, whatever that may be, that it's possible that they truly cannot grasp how NOT easy it would be to change that merely by suggestion or imagery or social acceptance of sexual attractions outside of heterosexual tendencies.

Maybe if they were allowed to accept their own humanness fully, they could not only be more open and humane toward others but so richly knowledgeable of themselves that nothing could possibly scare them into thinking they are puppets to Satan's whimsy.

What a prison-like mentality. ugh.
I thought it was just bizarre that people think sexuality is so easily "transmitted" by suggestion alone. I know there are some who will explore and try whatever they see, but I don't believe that's anything but a small minority.

Then I realized that religious fundamentalists are so averse to exploring and appreciating their own sexuality, whatever that may be, that it's possible that they truly cannot grasp how NOT easy it would be to change that merely by suggestion or imagery or social acceptance of sexual attractions outside of heterosexual tendencies.

Maybe if they were allowed to accept their own humanness fully, they could not only be more open and humane toward others but so richly knowledgeable of themselves that nothing could possibly scare them into thinking they are puppets to Satan's whimsy.

What a prison-like mentality. ugh.

They can't claim lust is a choice for everyone unless lust is a choice for them. Lust isn't a choice for them unless they feel lust for more than one gender. Ergo, anyone who believes lust is a choice must feel lust for more than one gender and is by definition bisexual.

If conservochristians are bisexual, then they can never fully understand how it is for homosexuals and heterosexuals who only feel lust for a single gender. Thus they can't possibly understand that for heterosexuals and homosexuals, sexuality is not a choice.
Tomczat then proceeds to detail every way in which gay Hollywood is “bombarding” the masses with homosexual propaganda, writing in list form:
It's as bad as when other minority groups asked not to be treated as second class citizens or embarrassing leeches.

Imagine if:

•Super hyped “Empire” series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a black mistress – and she’s bitchin'.
•“FAME” features over five black characters.
•Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature coloreds in partnerships exploring homes in the better neighborhoods
•“Mission Impossible” features a black technician who helped assassinate a white European leader recently.
•“Oprah” celebrates her blackism and “wealth” in between appearances of guests like Barbara Streisand to attract Jewish girls.
•“Dancing with the Stars” has token couples that 'dance like white people.'
•“Soul Train” had a black host, and black youths danding to black music. What is this if not a desperate attempt to get OUR youths to approve of blacks, to listen to blacks, to want to dance blackly??!?!?
Tomczat then proceeds to detail every way in which gay Hollywood is “bombarding” the masses with homosexual propaganda, writing in list form:
It's as bad as when other minority groups asked not to be treated as second class citizens or embarrassing leeches.

Imagine if:

•Super hyped “Empire” series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a black mistress – and she’s bitchin'.
•“FAME” features over five black characters.
•Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature coloreds in partnerships exploring homes in the better neighborhoods
•“Mission Impossible” features a black technician who helped assassinate a white European leader recently.
•“Oprah” celebrates her blackism and “wealth” in between appearances of guests like Barbara Streisand to attract Jewish girls.
•“Dancing with the Stars” has token couples that 'dance like white people.'
•“Soul Train” had a black host, and black youths danding to black music. What is this if not a desperate attempt to get OUR youths to approve of blacks, to listen to blacks, to want to dance blackly??!?!?

Conservochristians don't seem to understand how much damage they are doing to themselves with all this anti-GLBT talk.

Just a few years ago, saying these same things attracted moderates to their side, now it repulses them. Their own cluelessness about this is causing them to damage their own cause more thoroughly than they realize, which is a good thing.
It is very sad that these Pastors and other Christian leaders spend (waste) so much time and energy talking and complaining about homosexuality. Every so one wakes up and realises that perhaps there are other things much more worth talking about (eg, world poverty, trying to help with conflicts, etc). Then it's quickly back to normal. Oh dear, will they ever stop the nonsense and perhaps get normal people to take them seriously? I'm not hopeful.

(Well, perhaps it's better than the Muslim approach)
It is very sad that these Pastors and other Christian leaders spend (waste) so much time and energy talking and complaining about homosexuality. Every so one wakes up and realises that perhaps there are other things much more worth talking about (eg, world poverty, trying to help with conflicts, etc). Then it's quickly back to normal. Oh dear, will they ever stop the nonsense and perhaps get normal people to take them seriously? I'm not hopeful.

(Well, perhaps it's better than the Muslim approach)

We've slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq alone, and Christians led the charge during the debate about whether we should invade Iraq. If you think our way is better than the Muslims' way, you've got some kind of bias distorting your view of events. I'm not excusing what the Muslims do at all (it's clearly horrible and inhuman), but to suggest that our way is better when we have so much more blood on our hands? That's kind of hypocritical, don't you think?
It is very sad that these Pastors and other Christian leaders spend (waste) so much time and energy talking and complaining about homosexuality. Every so one wakes up and realises that perhaps there are other things much more worth talking about (eg, world poverty, trying to help with conflicts, etc). Then it's quickly back to normal. Oh dear, will they ever stop the nonsense and perhaps get normal people to take them seriously? I'm not hopeful.

(Well, perhaps it's better than the Muslim approach)

The problem is that their philosophy is not reality-based, and so they genuinely believe that poverty, war, natural disasters, disease, and even eternal punishment after death, are caused by homosexuality.

If they honestly think that homosexuality is the cause of all those more important issues, then asking them to switch to discussion of, or assistance with, other issues is futile.

It is an intractable problem. If someone has completely the wrong idea about the root cause of an issue, than asking them to tackle the real problems comes across as asking them to ignore the root cause, and only tackle the symptoms.

It's like sharing a leaky boat with someone who thinks that the reason you are awash is that there are not enough holes in the bottom of the boat to let out the water. They are not going to help you with the baling, because that would mean taking time out from drilling more holes.
With regard to what Muslims do about Homosexuals: it seems to me they deliberately target them, not with scorn or blame in mind, but with death. Perhaps the Christians might wish to do that too, but dare not say (?)
With regard to what Muslims do about Homosexuals: it seems to me they deliberately target them, not with scorn or blame in mind, but with death. Perhaps the Christians might wish to do that too, but dare not say (?)

Plenty of Christians most certainly do say. In Africa, many back that saying with doing.
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